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1、归纳:(1) have take a holiday 度假 spend (2) summer holidays / vacation 暑假 winter holidays / vacation 寒假 (3) go on vacation 度假 2. go to the mountains 去爬山 beach 去海滩 go to the doctor 去看病 movies 去看电影 church 去教堂 go to the work 去上班 school 去上学 bed 上床睡觉 town 去镇上3. quite a few 相当多的,许多,其后按可数名词复数 同义:many quite a l

2、ittle she went shopping and bought quite a few things .a few . few . a little 与 little 肯定 可数 不可数 a few (有几个) a little (有一点)否定 few (几乎没有) little (几乎没有)巩固: 1. -Why does Tom never go out to eat ?-Because he has _ money . A: few B: little C: a little D:a few 2. Dave has _ friends here ,so he often stays

3、 at home by himself and feels lonely . many B: a few C: few D: several 4. for myself 为自己反身代词:表示强调“某人自己” “亲自” 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数 myself yourself himself herself itself复数 ourselves yourselves themselvesdress oneself 自己穿衣 feel oneself 觉得正常help oneself to : come to oneself 恢复知觉forget onself 忘我 ,失态 say to

4、oneself 自言自语enjoy oneself 玩得开心 learn by oneself 自学5. but: 介词 “除了 ,除.以外 ”1) Everyone was there but him .除他之外,大家都在2) He has no choice but to study hard .除了努力外,他别无选择。3) He has nothing to do but wait .他只好等了。have no choice but to do sth 除了做别无选择have nothing to do but do sth 除了做没事可做说明: but 前面有do 时,后面动词不定式的

5、 to 可省略,反之不能省略。6. seem 系动词 ,“似乎,好像”常用: seem ( to be )+ 形 / 名 / 介 / 过去分词 / 动名词结构 to do sth : 似乎要,好像要做等等seem like : 看就像 It seems that / as if + 从句 似乎 ,看起来1) He seems like a doctor .2) He seems to think so . 他认为如此。3) He seems that he is sad. = He seems to be sad .7. bore bored 感到厌烦的:一般用来说明人的感受 厌烦,烦困 bo

6、ring 令人厌烦的:一般用来说明事物特征同理: exciting : 令人兴奋的 interesting : 令人有兴趣的 excited : 兴奋的 interested :感兴趣的 moving : 令人感动的 tiring : 令人厌倦的,累人的 moved : 感动的 tired : 感到疲倦的/厌烦的 surprising: 令人吃惊的 pleasing :令人愉快的 surprised: 感到吃惊的 pleased :感到满意的8. keep a diary =write a diary 记日记.写日记 9.decide(动词) decision(名词) 决定,决心,短语:dec

7、ide to do sth make a decision to do sth归纳:decide to do sth :决定做 decide on(doing) sth 决定什么 decide wh疑问词 + to doe.g. 1) He cant decide where to do. 2) We decided on going swimming . 3) We decided to go to New York the next month .10. try : v. 试图;设法;尝试 try ones best 尽最大的努力=do ones best =do what sb can

8、to do sthtry to do sth: 尽力,设法去做某事(强调努力做)try doing sth :尝试做某事(不一定付出很大努力)manage to do sth :(成功)设法做某事 try on 试穿 11. feel like (介词) 感觉像.,想要1)When i come back to wuhan ,I felt like a stranger .感到非常陌生。A:feel like+名词:觉得想要I feel like a drink.我想要喝一盅。B:feel like + doing sth :想做某事I feel like eating out tonight

9、 .我今晚想到外面吃。 12.wonder 及物 “想知道,琢磨,对感到奇怪(疑惑)=want to know用法归纳:wonder 1) if I whether 想知道是否 2)who / what / why+从句或to do 想知道 3)at sth :惊讶,惊奇于某事1)I wonder at his doing that .我对他那样干感到惊讶。2)I wonder if you can help me . 3) I wonder why Jim is always late for school.13: make a / the difference :要紧、起作用、有所不同 m

10、ake a / no / little / much / some difference 对.有/没有/几乎没有/有很大/有些影响e.g. What you have told me many make a difference to my own opinion .你告诉我的一切 ,可 能影响我的看法。wait for sb /sth 等候,等待(某人,某事)Im sorry to keep you waiting .14. because of : 由于 介词短语 后接名词,代词,动名词 The meeting was put off because of the bad weather

11、.because ,because ofbecause 连词 后跟句子 (表主句的直接原因)because of 介词 后接名、代、动名词、不接句子e.g. 1)Because he is ill, he isnt here today .2)Because of his illness ,he isnt here today .15. below 介或副 在下面 在下面 below the sea level 低于海平面区分;below 与 under below :位置低于某物或某物下方,不一定正下方 反义:aboveunder : 某物的正下方,含有垂直在下的意思,反义:over16en

12、ough :adj 充足的,充分的,足够的,做定语修饰名词时置于名词前后都可以。enough time 或 time enough adv “足够地“则放在所修饰的形或副词后面 strong enough 足够强壮C:adj/adv +enough to do sth 足够地而能做某事He is old enough to go to school. 他到了上学的年龄。D: enough to do 可用 tooto 或 sothat互换He isnt old enough to go to school.He is too young to go to school.He is so you

13、ng that he cant go to school.E: enough for 对于来说足够The room is big enough for us two .这个房间够大,我们俩可以住得下。 Unit 2 How often do you exercise ?一 、重点短语: hardly ever 几乎不 swing dance 摇摆舞 at least 至少,不少于 junk food 垃圾食品 go online 上网 such as 例如,像.这样 more then 多于 less then 少于 be full of 满足 be good for 对有益 how ofte

14、n 多久一次 on weekends 在周末二、重点句型:1、 How about 认为怎么样?2、 How come 为什么/怎么会?3、How about Tuesday? I what about 4、the best way to do sth 最好的做的办法三、用法: 1、频度副词 always usually often sometimes hardly never 的用法 2、look see watch read 3、drink eat have 4、掌握 however although 的用法四、语法:一般现在时五、课堂知识:1、on weekends :在周末(周六、周日

15、) (美国人) at weekends :在周末(周六、周日) (英国人)2、go to the movie 去看电影 go to the cinema 看电影 watch a movie see a film 3、housework 不可数名词 “家务事” do housework = do chores 做家务 do homework 做家庭作业4、alwals 总是,一直 usually:通常 often :经常、常常 sometimes :有时,不时 hardly ever :几乎从不 never :从不,绝不,永不1) 对这些词提问,用 how often 2) 位置置于“行”前“助

16、”(系)后e.g. 1. Peter is always late for school. 2.I usually do my homework in the evening . hardly : adv. 几乎不 状语 hard : adj. / adv . 困难的、硬的、勤奋的、严厉的adj. 努力地、猛烈地(rain) adv.5、sometimes sometime ,some time 与 some times 词语 词义 用法sometimes 有时 用于一般现在时或一般过去时sometime 某时、有朝一日 用于将来时或一般过去时some time 一段时间 用于多种时态 som

17、etimes 几次、几倍 表示次数或倍数 e.g. 1) He came home some times . 他回家几次了。 2)He will stay there for some time . 3) He came here sometime .他某个时候来过这儿。 4)He was sometimes late for school .6、once a week 每周一次 twice a week 每周二次once 一次 twice 二次 三次或三次以上, 基数次+times six times ten times once upon a time 从前 at once 立即,马上 注

18、: once :一旦(用于状语从句中)Once the sun had set ,the air turned cold. 太阳一旦落下,空气就变冷了。B:次数 / 倍数 提问:how many times 7. look see watch read look : “看”不及物 有意识的看,强调动作,常用“look at”see :“看见”强调“看”的结果 see the doctor see a filmwatch : 多指仔细地、欣赏性地观看或有目的地查看 watch play/TV/match/showread : 看书,读报,读钟表 read book /newspaper/maga

19、zinee.g. 1) Please look at the blackboard carefully. 2) I saw the doctor yesterday. 昨天我去看病了。8how often : 多久次 常用于对时间频率提问how long , how often , how soon , how far ,how many ,how much词语 词义 用法 答语特征how many 多久/多长 询问时间长短 for / about + 一般时间 或物体长度 metres longhow often 多久一次 询问动作的频率 often, twice a week, every

20、 dayhow soon 多快,过多久 询问过多少天后 in + 一般时间how far 多远 询问距离多远 ten minutes walkhow many 多少 询问可数名词数量 数词+可数名词复数how much 多少 询问不可数名词数量 数词+表量的词+of+不可数名词 多少钱 询问价格 数词+钱9. full 满的 fill 填满,装满 empty 空的be full of 充满的 (表状态)be filled with (表动作)fulltime / part timeThe bus is full of students.The cup is filled with water

21、.10. esercise 锻炼A:不及物动词:运动 、锻炼 e.g. My father exercises three time a week .可数名词 : 练习、操A lot of exercises to do. do morning exercises 做早操 do eye exercises 做眼保健操不可数名词 :运动、锻炼 与 take 连用take exercise = do sporttsYou should take exercise if you want to be healthy.11. be good for 对有益,对有好处 反义:be bad for 对有害

22、e.g. 1)Junk food is not good for our health . 2) Smoking is bad for you .be good for 对有益 be bad for 对有害 be good to (sb)对好 be bad to 对不好 be good at 擅长 be good with 和相处得好12. health 不可数名词 “健康”in good health 身体健康=keep fit health(n.) healthy (adj.)短语:keep in good health 保持良好的健康状态 (be)in good health 处于健康状

23、态 keep healthy / stay healthy / keep fit 保持健康13. drink eat have 词语 含义 特点 搭配 drink 喝 后接液体 tea/water/milk/beer/cola/wine eat 吃 后多接固体或三餐 fruits/vegetables/rice/fish/meat have 吃 三餐也可指“喝” milk , breakfast 14. not at all 一点儿不,根本不,完全不 (用于强调否定的陈述句)e.g. My parents were not at all pleased with my exam results

24、.拓展:1) not at all 表“不客气,不用谢” Thank you for all your help .Not at all. 2) sound good 听起来好极了 well done 做得好 never mind 别介意(选择中常出现 )15. although 连“尽管,虽然”引导让步状语从句 相当于 though, 不与 but 连用 , 两者只用其一,但可与:still、yet连用e.g. Although he is old .he is still healthy. =He is old , but he is still healthy. 16. the best

25、 way to do sth :做某事的最佳方法 也可以 :the best way of doing sthe.g. The best way to learn is to learn by experiences. 从经验中学习17. through :介词“凭借,通过”E.g. You can only get good grades through hard work.你得努力才能取得好成绩。 by : 用,靠,凭借 用于表示“手段”“方式” by doing sth through : 通过某种方法或经验 穿过,贯穿 表示“穿过”强调主体的空间 across : 通过,横过 强调平面

26、地穿过,通过18. such as 例如,比如 相当于 like 或for example such as suchas e.g. I enjoy songs such as this one .= I enjoy such songs as this one. 说明:n + such as +例子 也可以 such + n +as + 例子19. die - dead(adj)- death(n)- dying die 为瞬间动词,不与表一段时间的状语连用 My grandfather died at the egg of 88.die 的进行时表将来 She is dying. 她快要死了

27、。die of 死于 后接疾病 die of cancer 死于癌症 die from 死于(外伤、事故、劳累过度)20. however adv 然而,可是,后用逗号,句首或句末 I d like to go with you ; however, my hands are full. 、,然而我忙不过来。but , however but : 有明显的对比,转折性强,并列连词,but后不用逗号 I tried to do but I couldnt .我尽力做了,可是未做到。however : 给出意料之外的信息或转换话题,副词,置于句首,句中,句末,however在 句首或句末用一个逗号,句中时,后用逗号隔开 It was the fact ;however, he was wrong .事实如此,不过,他错了。Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister一、 重点短语care about 关心,在意 be like 象一样 asas 与一样bring out 使显现,使表现 as lo

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