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1、答案是 B。1.Where will the man probably go?A.To the shop B.To his home2.What does the man think of the bird?A.They are clever. B.They are beautiful.3.How will the man probably go to the Art Museum?A.He will drive there. B.Linda will drive him there. C.The woman will drive him there.4.What are the speake

2、rs talking about?A.A new film. B.A football game.5.What is probably the woman?A.A post office clerk. B.A hotel clerk第二节 (共 1 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅览室读各个小题,每小题 完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-7 题。6.What are the speakers t

3、alk about?A.The newspaper. B. More jobs.7.Why do people feel happy about the building?A.More people will find jobs there.C.It s new office buildin. g 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 10 题。8.What did the man do during these weeks?A.He rode to the country. B.He spent his holidays.9.Except what did the man do he wanted

4、to do?A.Climbing mountains. B.Going to the beach.10.How does the man feel about what he s done?A.He feels satisfied. B.He feels regretful.听第 8段材料,回答第 1113题。11.Who is probably the woman?A. A footballer. B.A football coach.12.How many hours does the man spend on training every week?13.What are the qua

5、lificati ons to be a football player?A.Still and tale nt. B.Tale nt and determi natio n. C.Skill and determ in ati on.听第9段材料,回答第14-16题。14.What are the speakers talk ing about?A.Google the fastest and smartest on the intern et.B.How to find in formatio n on the in ternet.C.How to use search engines l

6、ike Google.15.What is the most importa nt whe n using the search engine Google?A.To find the exact idea you want to research.B.To type in the correct n ames and years.C.To use the very specific key words.16.What in formatio n does the man want to know toni ght?A.This year s Oscar winners.B.The Oscar

7、 winners of last year.C.The nomin ated foreig n Ian guage films.听第10段材料,回答第1720题。17.What is the mono logue mainly about?A.SARS. B.Avia n flu. C.HlNl.18.How many cases of this virus in the Chinese mainland has reported?A.3,577 B.4,415 C.10,00019.How many people died of this flu accord ing to the mono

8、 logue?A.No ne. B.20. C.100 2O.Where is the first flu patient at the Huizhou Agricultural School being quarantined?A.At school s clinic. B.At home. C.In hospital.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.1 m surhe beauty of nature there will make excellent impression upon you.A.the;a n B.

9、/;the C.the;/ D./;a n22. Excuse me. did you say you like do do,Miss Kilp?I said I d better go back to the office .I m going to meet some one this after noon.A.Why B.When C.What D.Where23.The old lady was the only person that died in the fire. else was rescued by the firemen.A.Every one B.Anyone C.So

10、me one D.No one24.Not until then did I find it to do the job that easier B.easier C.was more easily D.more easily25. Have you known each other for long? Not very, we started to work in the ABC Motor Company.A.before nee C.whe n D.after26. Is Miss Wang in the office today? No, she s gon

11、e to her hometown the SpringFestival and she ll be back in a B.duri ng C.for D.o n27. Are you wait ing for a bus from the office of the City Gover nment? Yes.I arrived here at the bus stop ten minutes ago,but the bus .A.hadn t come B.won t come C.didn t come D.hasn t come28.The village we

12、see today is no Ion ger it was a decade ago.A.that;that B.which;how C./;what D.what;which29. The winner of the race is a tall and thi n boy with thick glasses.Then it be my friend,Mike,who looks like a “ meat ball ”.A.mustn t B.can t C.might D.should30. Why n ot take my car to the museum in stead of

13、 walki ng? No,thanks. .A.I m used to B.I m able to C.I m about to D.I ve got to31.The thing that is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not.A.cares B.mi nds C.matters D.depe nds32. Why weren t you at school yesterday morning,Li Le? ,sir.A.Yes,l was B.No,I was C.Neither was I D.But I w

14、as33.lf the launch is successful this year,Ch ina will be the third country its astr on auts into space.A.will send B.havi ng sent nding send34.ln this uni versity a medal with ten thousa nd dollars gains success in scie nee and tech no logyevery two give n to whoever B.are give

15、 n to anyone to whomever D.give to every one35. Thank you for your CD- ROM ll return it as soon as I can. 一ve got another one tospare.A.No problem B.No hurry C.With pleasure D.Nothi ng much第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 55各题所给的四个选项(A B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A pers on ma

16、y have an idea about himself that will preve nt him from doing good work.He may have the belief that he is not capable of it.A child may think he is 36 because he doesn t understand how to make the 37 of his mental faculties (才能) .Older people may be mistaken that they are in capable of lear ning th

17、ings new because of their 38 _.A pers on who believe that he is in capable will n ot make a real 39 because he feels that it would be useless.He won t go at a job with con fide nee n ecessary for 40 ,and he won t work hisiardest way,eve n though he may think he is dong so.He is 一41 . likely to fail,

18、and the failure will 一42_ his belief in hiscompete nce(才能).Alfred Alder,a famous doctor,had _43 _ like this.When he was a small boy,he had a poor _44in maths.His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not _45_ too much of him.In this way,they two _46 _ the idea.

19、He accepted _47_ mistaken thinking of his ability,felt that it wasuseless to _48 _ and was very poor at maths,_49_ as they expected.One day he worked at a problem which _50_ of the other students had been able to solve.Alder 51 in solvi ng the problem.This gave him con fide nce.He now 52 withinteres

20、t,determination and purpose,and he soon became especially good at _53_ .He not only proved that hecould lear n maths well,but luckily he lear ned _54_in his life from his own experie nee that if a pers on goes at a job with determ in ati on and purpose,he may_55_himself as well as others by his abil

21、ity.36.A. cleverB.shyC.uselessD.stupid37.A.biggestB.mostC.highestD.deepest38.A. abilityB.ageC.brainD.kno wledge39.A.decisi onB.successC.effortD.trouble40.A.workB.studyC.improveme ntD.success41.A.trulyB.reallyC.howeverD.therefore42.A.lead toB.stre ngthe nC.i ncreaseD.add to43.A.a n experie ex

22、ampleC.a thoughtD.a story44.A.stateB.mi ndC.startD.e ndi ng45.A.blameB.expectC.getD.win46. A.developedB.orga ni zedC.discoveredD.fou nageBsucceedC.tryD.act49.A.o nlyB.almostC.justD.then50.A.noneB. oneD.nobody51.A. gaveB.succeededC.failedD.believed52.A. lived

23、B.workedC.playedD.graduated53.A .l ess onsB.medici neC.subjectsD.maths54.A. earlyB.deeplyC.lateD.simply55.A.e ncourageB.loveC.ast onishD.disappo intWhile atte nding a conferen ce,I retur ned to my hotel room late one evenin g.The overhead light out- side my door was burned out and I had 36 finding t

24、he keyhole.Whe n I 37 to ope n the door,I38 around the wall for a light switch .1 found a plate where a switch was 39 in stalled butsnoitch!Not discouraged easily,I remembered 40 a lamp by the bed whe n I deposited my luggage41 in the dayfound the bed in the 42 and the n the lamp,but whe n I switche

25、d it on nothing 43 ! I thought that perhaps if I ope ned the curta ins I might be able to use whatever light comes in fromthe 44 to find another lamp.So I 45 my way slowly across the room to the curtains and no drawstri ng! I fin ally stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走)arou nd 46 I found a desk lamp which actually 47

26、 !That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world 48 be and how-n ecessary light is! But even more necessary than 49 light is the light that shines from peoplethe light of 50 and faith.Because,for many people,the world is a dark and 51 place.For some one today just may be stumbl

27、i ng indiscourageme nt or sad ness or fear and in 52 of some light.So let your light shin e.Whatever light you _53may be a beacon of hope and encouragement.And if you feel that your light is 54 a candle in a forest remember there isn t eno ugh dark ness in all the world t(55 the light of one small c

28、an dle.36.A.c on fide nee B.respect C.adimirati on naged B.failed C.wished D.mea nt38.A.touched B.felt nsed D.looked39.A.already B.n ever C.still D.o nee40.A.equipingB.producingC.spottingD.removing41.A.laterB.earlierC.lowerD.upper42.A.lightB.darkC.roomD.corner43.A.happenedB.

29、operatedC.firedD.developed44.A.machineB.streetD.car45.A.woundB.forcedC.madeD.lost46.A.afterB.untilC.whileD.since47.A.helpedB.affectedC.workedD.inspired48.A.canB.shallC.willD.must49.A.mentalB.psychologicalC.electricalD.physical50.A.existenceC.truthD.wisdom51.A.lonelyB.colourfulC.friendlyD.complex52.A.shortB.favourC.faceD.need53.A.makeB.offerC.takeD.contribute54.A.not more thanB.other thanC.n

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