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1、在职人员申请硕士研究生学位英语模拟试题在职人员申请硕士研究生学位英语模拟试题(5)Part I Structure and VocabularySection A Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (5 points)1. If ever again _ happens

2、an accident like this,we will have only ourselves to blameAit Bso Cthere Dthat2. A light with no more power than _ by an ordinary electrict light bulb becomes intensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpointsized beam.Aas is produced Bthat produced Cwhich is producedDproduced3. The play is said

3、to be worth seeing.You must have seen it yesterday evening, _ you? Adidnt Bmustnt Cdid Dcant4. It is difficult for us to explain phenomena of which we have little or _ direct knowledge.Anot any Bno Cnone Dnothing5. A certain scientist had discovered that a metal called uranium gave off a kind of rad

4、iations,which Madame Curie was later _ radioactivity.Acalling BcalledCto call Dto be called6. Finally they set off again and cycled slowly along the road.“We are not as good at this as we _ ”,complained Mary.Ashould be Bwould be Cwill be Dhave been7. They explained the situation to the steward,who b

5、rought over some water.He told them that he _ on the route for twentyfive years.Aworks Bworked Chas been working Dhad been working8. Many ways have been found _ small and simple machine to process large and complicated machine parts.Aby using Bto use Cusing Dused9. Some people may have been daunted

6、by the task because of the difficulties it brings,but I do not know of _ .Athem doing so Bany having done so Ctheir doing like thatD.any doing that way10. It is illegal to use this equipment for _ firefighting purposes.Unauthorized use is malicious destruction of property and is punishable by a 50 0

7、00 fine.Aother than Bnone but Cotherwise Drather thanSection BDirections:Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A,B,C and D.Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(5 points)1. The town borrowed (A) money to build the (B)

8、 school house, on the supposition (C) that population and property will (D) increase.2. A mother will arrive at (A) the discovery, either instinctively or by (B) an unconscious series of trials and errors,that her baby is more at peace (C) if holding (D) on the left against her heart than on the rig

9、ht.3. When there is a (A) langnage barrier,communication is accomplished (B) through sign (C) language whose (D) motions stand for letters,words and ideas.4. He tried (A) not to smoke for sometime (B) during (C) the summer vacation,but as soon as (D) he came back to work,he was a smoker again.5. Nor

10、wegians see in (A) farmers and fishermen many of the qualities (B) that they regard with (C) pride as essential (D) Norwegian.6. The value of radar lies in not (A) being a substitute for (B) the eye, but in doing (C) what the eye (D) can not do.7. The greater part of (A) the lower grade students was

11、 (B) unable to achieve the (C) norm on (D) the reading tests.8. He would (A) always ignore the fact (B) of there to be (C) such a contradiction in his inner (D) thought.9. Dr. Norman Bethune was prepared (A) to leave with (B) the last wounded (C) being operated on (D) 10. In some countries,the paper

12、s and television feed (A) the young with (B) fantastic tales of the poors (C) becoming (D) rich.Section CDirections:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)1. Hi

13、storians use the _ on the walls of ancient temples to guide them in their studies.Adescription Binscription Cprescription Dsubscription2. With some effective measures adopted in the workshop, the workers are safe _ getting injured.Ain Bfrom Cagainst Dwithout3. Only Type 22 of bicycle is _ ,but the t

14、ype you want has been all out.Aon sale Bin fashion Cin stock Din bad need4. Having got everything ready,they _ mapping out a plan for the construction of a new express way.Agot down to Bgot round to Cset about Dcame to5. He was brought to consciousness when the doctor had _ artificial respiration.Ae

15、mployed Bexploited Cutilized Dapplied6. They always lay in a large _ of tinned food in winter in case they are snowed up.Aprovision Bsupply Cproportion Dstorage7. You have the _ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.Aselection Bchoice Calternative Doption8. Many _ becoming rich have found _ wealth not an escape from evil,but a new and worse form of it.Ain?out Bon?in Cafter?out Dwith

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