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1、Oddly enough, the U.S. Congress rejected a Mothers Day resolution at first. Today, though, Mothers Day is a highly popular holiday. Its also very successful commercially. Along with giving cards, candy and flowers, _7_ (take) moms out for brunch is a very popular gesture. Americas National Restauran

2、t Association says Mothers Day is the years most popular day for eating out.But why do we honor our mothers? Many moms lovingly dedicate their lives to their children. Moms sacrifice time, sleep and often their own dreams. Moms try to provide a strong foundation _8_ children can build their lives. W

3、ith _9_ (love) care, mothers guide their children toward adulthood.When we consider everything our mothers have done for us, how can we not honor them? Theres no need to wait for a national holiday, though. Every day is a great opportunity to tell our mothers _10_ they mean to us.【答案】1. when 2. earl

4、ier 3. would be dedicated 4. to display 5. began 6. one 7. taking 8. on which/ so that 9. loving 10. what【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在美国家庭甚至是墨西哥、澳大利亚等其他国家建立了母亲节用来感谢全国的母亲们,简述了母亲节的时间、庆祝方式、意义等。【1题详解】考查时间状语从句。句意:这一节日可以追溯到1914年5月9日,当时美国总统威尔逊设立了这一法定假日。根据时间May 9, 1914可知此处是时间状语从句。故填when。【2题详解】考查形容词的比较级。一些人早在几年前就开始

5、为这个节日造势。根据a few years可知此处表示“几年前”,应该用形容词比较级。故填earlier。【3题详解】考查时态和语态。他宣布,5月份的每个第二个星期天都将用来感谢全国的母亲们。根据He declared that可知that引导了一个宾语从句,从句主语为each second Sunday in May,宾语为the nations mothers,此处缺少谓语动词,be dedicated to意为“奉献;从事于;献身于”,根据句意可知表示过去将来时,且用被动语态。故填would be dedicated。【4题详解】考查非谓语动词。他还命令所有的政府大楼在那天悬挂国旗。分析

6、句子成分可知,主语为He,谓语为ordered,宾语为 all government buildings,故此处用非谓语形式to do表示将来的动作。故填to display。【5题详解】考查时态。不久,其他国家的人也开始要求为他们的母亲设立一个类似的节日。根据时态为一般过去时,主语为people in other countries。故填began。【6题详解】考查代词。5月10日成为他们的年假,因为国家更喜欢一个固定的日期而不是一个改变的日期。此处用one指代日期date。故填one。【7题详解】考查动名词。除了送卡片、糖果和鲜花外,带妈妈出去吃早午餐也是一种非常受欢迎的行为。根据谓语动词

7、is可知此处要动名词做主语。故填taking。【8题详解】考查定语从句关系词/原因状语从句连词。妈妈们努力为孩子们的生活打下坚实的基础。根据此句原句为children can build their lives on the foundation,可知此处是介词+which引导的定语从句,先行词为foundation,关系词为on which;又根据妈妈们打下坚实基础的可知结果是孩子们能建立自己的生活,表示原因状语从句可以用so that。故填on which/ so that。【9题详解】考查形容词作定语。在关爱下,母亲引导孩子走向成年。根据名词care可知此处要用形容词,loving意为“

8、充满爱意的,忠诚的”。故填loving。【10题详解】考查疑问词作宾语。每一天都是一个很好的机会,告诉我们的母亲,她们对我们意味着什么。分析句子成分可知,此处缺少动词mean的宾语,应该用what做宾语。故填what。【点睛】第7小题考查了动名词做主语的用法。动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,在口语中也可以表示具体的动作。如:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。Helping her is my duty. 帮助她是我的责任。Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。Working with you is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一种乐

9、趣。动名词做主语和不定式做主语一样,也可以用it作形式主语。Its rather tiring walking around in a city.Section B After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.Simba, everyones favorite baby lion, returns to

10、movie theatres July 19th (in the U.S.).This time around, though, he will be much more _11_ through the magic of CGL (电脑合成影像).The much-loved classic, The Lion King, will open for the 25th anniversary of the _12_ movie.The 1994 film proved to be one of Hollywoods best-loved vivid movies! It made almos

11、t US$ 970 million worldwide. The film went on to win numerous awards for its music and its later stage shows. Simbas story opened on Broadway in 1997, followed by theatrical _13_ around the world. Today, audiences on six continents have seen The Lion King _14_ on stage. Now, more than 20 years later

12、, it is still one of Broadways most popular shows.Great_15_ is building for the new movie. Disney released its first official video clip during Thanksgiving Day football games last year. The trailer (预告片)was viewed more than 224 million times in the first 24 hours!The trailer was received very posit

13、ively, especially because of its realism. Some fans, though, noticed that the clip of the new film was _16_ the same as in the 1994 opening scene. One Disney executive quickly gave some _17_.He said the movie kept the best of the original, while adding the some new elements.One thing that excited ma

14、ny viewers was the_18_ of a very familiar voice. James Earl Jones, with his famous low but strong voice, has returned as Simbas father Mufasa. Jones is the only one of the original voice actors to return in the new film.Many well-known people provide character voices, including popstar Beyonce and a

15、ctor Seth Rogan. Director Jon Favreau expressed his excitement over _19_ his all-star cast to such a great story. “Its a directors dream to_20_ a talented teamto bring this classic story to life.”【答案】11. E 12. K 13. A 14. I 15. B 16. C 17. H 18. D 19. J 20. F深受喜爱的经典之作狮子王将于7月19日(在美国)重返电影院,通过CGL的魔力它会变

16、得更加逼真,这部新电影引起了极大的轰动。文章还介绍了新狮子王的配音阵容等相关情况。【11题详解】考查形容词。然而这一次,通过电影合成影像的魔力,他将变得更加逼真。根据句中much more可知此处用形容词,且through the magic of CGL可知此处用形容词realistic “逼真的”符合题意。故选E。【12题详解】深受喜爱的经典之作狮子王将在第一部电影上映25周年之际上映。根据名词movie可知此处要用形容词修饰,形容词original “首创的,原始的”符合题意。故选K。【13题详解】考查名词。巴的故事于1997年在百老汇上演,随后世界各地都上演了戏剧作品。根据形容词the

17、atrical修饰名词可知此处要用名词,Simbas story可知把故事制作成了作品,名词productions “产品”符合题意。故选A。【14题详解】今天,六大洲的观众都看过狮子王在舞台上的表演。分析句子成分可知,主语为audiences on six continents,谓语为have seen,宾语为The Lion King,此处要用非谓语动词,perform“完成,表演”符合题意,且其逻辑主语The Lion King与perform是被动关系,应该用其过去分词形形式。故选I。【15题详解】这部新电影引起了人们极大的兴奋。根据形容词Great可知此处要用名词,且下文The tr

18、ailer was viewed more than 224 million times in the first 24 hours!可知这部电影引起了人们的兴奋。名词excitement意为“激动,兴奋”符合题意。故选B。【16题详解】考查副词。然而,一些影迷注意到,这部新电影的剪辑与1994年首映时的一模一样。根据谓语动词was exactly the same可知此处要用副词修饰。副词exactly“正是,恰好地”符合题意。故选C。【17题详解】一位迪士尼高管很快给出了一些保证。根据形容词some可知此处要用名词。名词assurance“保证,保险”,为可数名词,故用其复数形式。故选H。

19、【18题详解】令许多观众兴奋的是一个非常熟悉的声音。根据the_of 可知此处要用名词,a very familiar voice可知此处名词sound“声音”符合题意。故选D。【19题详解】导演乔恩费儒(Jon Favreau)表达了他的兴奋之情,他的全明星阵容与这样一个伟大的故事相匹配。根据介词over可知此处要用doing的形式,且his all-star cast to such a great story可知match“相配,匹配”符合题意。故选J。【20题详解】考查动词。“组建一支有才华的团队把这个经典故事拍成电影,是导演的梦想。”根据Its a directors dream t

20、o 可知此处要用动词原形,与to 构成真正的主语,it是形式主语,且a talented team可知动词assemble“聚集,集合”符合题意。故选F。III. Reading Comprehension. For each bank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Monaco Grand PrixThe air is fres

21、h with the heat of early summer as you arrive in the beautiful country of Monaco on the day of the race. Your_21_ to the Monte-Carlo neighborhood is bursting with color as classic styles of European architecture catch your eye. When you reach the race course area, you are led to the harbor where you

22、 will watch the race from the _22_ of a friends yacht (游艇).Soon, the Formula One cars will pull onto the starting point and the race will begin.Each of the cars in the Monaco Grand Prix is _23_, but all of them are fast and modern. The race course also _24_ as being complex and difficult, with a fri

23、ghtening hairpin (发夹)turn along a very narrow street. _25_ these streets at speeds over 150 kilometers per hour, drivers must take over. Even the slightest _26_ could turn a multi- million dollar car into a pile of waste. The driver who claims first place receives an award and will go down _27_ as o

24、ne of the worlds finest drivers.Indianapolis 500On race day the grandstands (大看台)are filled with excitement as you enter the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. You find your seat, _28_ yourself against the harsh heat and marvel at the huge black oval (椭圆形的)track below. Moments later, a fleet of Indy Cars

25、rolls onto the track, _29_ themselves in 11 neat rows of three. The sound of 33 turning engines rings in your ears, and you cheer with the crowd as the powerful cars take off from the starting line.Unlike Monaco Formula One cars, Indy cars are more uniform in their _30_. They tend to be much longer,

26、 and reach 260 kilometers per hour. Since the drivers must race for 500 miles, the race is quite long, _31_ three to five hours. The resulting wear and tear on each car is managed with short stop. The drivers excellent team performs _32_ at amazing speeds. The dangerous nature of this race requires _33_ communication between the drivers and their teams. They must plan short stops _34_ or the driver loses precious time and it could _35_ them the race.21. A. memory B. aim C. anxiety D. ride22. A. comfort B. position C. bottom D. direction

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