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1、浙江省华维外国语学校高三英语上学期期中试题新人教版浙江省华维外国语学校2015届高三英语上学期期中试题新人教版(考试时间:120分钟 考试分值:120分)第I卷 选择题(共计80分)一单项选择(共20小题,每小题0.5分,共计10分)1. -Excuse me! - _? - Are you Mr Smith? A. Who B. What C. Yes D. Me2. The Harry Porter books are quite popular; they are in great _ in this city. A. quantity B. progress C. production

2、 D. demand3. _ they become dirty, the lakes are not able to clean themselves. A. Once B. Since C. As D. Because4. Have you decided _ for your holiday?A. where to go B. when to go C. how to go D who to go 5. You are working too hard. Youd better keep a _ between work and relaxation. A. promise B. bal

3、ance C. lead D. diary6. Beijing, as well as Hangzhou, _ so many places of interest. A. is famous as B.are famous as C is famous for D. are famous for 7. _ is known to us all is that Huangshan mountain is so beautiful. A. What B.As C. It D. That 8. While _ to foreigners ,you must raise your voice to

4、make yourself _ . A. spoken , understand B.spoken, understood C. speaking, understand D. speaking , understood9. Not until they had walked eastward for some miles _ the water. A. they found B. did they find C. had they found D. do they find10. I met the teacher in the street yesterday _ taught me En

5、glish three years ago.A. which B. when C. where D. who11. -Didnt you go to the cinema last night? -_. I stayed at home. A. Yes, I do B. No , I dont C. Yes, I did D. No, I didnt 12. -Is _ here today? -No, Jack has asked a leave today. A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody13. The book is well

6、worth _ and it is really worthy _ for you. A.reading, of buying B. reading, to be bought C. to read, of being bought D. to read, to buy14 The _ look on her face suggeste that she was _ at the news.A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazed D. amazing, amazing15. To make a living, the fa

7、rmers move from city to city _ work. A. in search of B. in return for C. in honor of D. in praise of 16. The students asked _ going to be held. A. when is the sports meeting B. when the sports meeting was C. if was the sports meeting D. whether the sports meeting is17. The little girl _ the forest.

8、A. didnt dare go to B. dared not to go to C. dared not going to D. did dare not go to18. Im busy now. Please dont stand _. A. on the way B. by my way C. in a way D. in my way19. Dont you think _ wrong _ in exam? A. that , to cheat B. it , cheating C. it , to cheat D. that , cheated20 -Ive got an off

9、er in New York. -Oh, _! But Im going to miss you. A. thats too bad B. Im sorry C. I beg your pardon D. thats great二完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共计20分)Mrs. Green, including her husband and three children, lived in a city, 21 was very near the countryside. She worked 22 a teacher and gave music lessons at a schoo

10、l. Of course she was fond of 23 . Mrs. Green had a good voice and she 24 her classes exciting. But she had a 25 point. Some of her notes (音调) were so high that they sounded like a door which needed 26 . In order to improve her notes, she took 27 chance that she could find to practise.As her house wa

11、s not big, she couldnt practise 28 in it. So she usually left home, walking and singing 29 the country road. She practised her high notes 30 walking. However, each time she heard a person or a car 31 along the road, she 32 singing. She did not want her high notes to be 33 , for she was shy.One after

12、noon a fast open car came up to her so 34 and so fast that she didnt 35 it until the car was only a few meters. She was practising some of her 36 and most difficult notes at that time. As the car passed by, she saw a 37 expression come over the drivers face. He stopped suddenly to 38 all the tires (

13、轮胎) carefully.Mrs. Green felt it shy to tell the driver what the 39 he had heard really was. The driver found _40 wrong, got back into the car and drove off.21.A.that B.which C.where C.with D.on23.A.books C.sports B.supported C.made D.forced25.A.weak

14、B.strong C.good D.special26.A.painting B.locking D.oiling27.A.some B.each C.a D.other28.A.operating B.listening C.singing D.other29.A.across B.beside C.close to soon as B.while C.after D.before31.A.coming B.disappearing C.leaving D.driving32.A.kept B.went on C.stopped D.beg

15、an33.A.found B.made C.seen D.heard34.A.quietly B.quickly C.carefully D.slowly35.A.recognize B.catch C.realize D.provide36.A.biggest B.highest C.nice D.largest37.A.puzzled B.sad C.serious B.examine C.control D.notice39.A.fact B.note C.noise D.music40.A.the tires B.everything C.somet

16、hing D.nothing三阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,共计50分) 第一节 阅读下列材料,从四个选项中挑出最佳选项。 AI had passed the roughly painted sign often on my way to and from work. In bold red letters, it read “Peaches-U-Pick 3 miles”. Finally, driving with my husband one day, I decided to check it out. Less than a mile down the road, we came

17、 upon another peaches sign with a red arrow pointing right. Then, we came to a path leading away from the main road. Once on the path, we saw a smaller sign with only a red arrow directing us into a field of all grass. We walked through and found a red-tailed hawk (鹰) sitting on the fence. When we g

18、ot closer, it flew off screaming loudly. He must be the lookout, I joked. We came out on the other side of the field to find another red arrow guiding us deeper into the woods. At exactly the three-mile point, we were greeted by a yellow dog, who looked as if he had been standing there waiting. We p

19、arked the car in the shade of trees, and found two more dogs, several cats, and peach trees as far as the eye could see. No one seemed to be home. Nearby, a wooden table was topped with baskets, a map of the orchards (果园) and a message which read: Welcome, friends. Peaches are $5 per basket. Pick al

20、l you want. Then put the money in the box below. Have fun. Well, I said loudly, looking at the dogs, “do you guys want to pick peaches?” They started barking and jumping around, then raced off ahead. We followed the dogs to the woods where the trees were loaded with beautiful ripe fruit. I ran to on

21、e tree, my husband to another, each of us followed by a dog. When our baskets were full, we turned back, our new friends heading the way. The biggest tiger cat I had ever seen was asleep next to the money box. “Do you think he can count? I asked.” After what weve seen today, my husband replied, “he

22、probably can make change.” We were patting the dogs goodbye when a car pulled in. “ Do you live here?” the driver asked. “No, but theyll show you what to do.” I said, nodding at our furry hosts. As we drove off slowly, we looked back on - a simple place of pure enjoyment. 41. The sign “Peaches-U-Pic

23、k” means _. A. peach pickers wanted B. peach picking games C. picking peaches yourself D. peach-picking training courses42. From the text we can learn that the orchard _. A. is a training base for farmers B. lies less than three miles from the main road C. serves as a summer camp for tourists D. is

24、run by some well trained animals 43. The underlined words “furry hosts” in the last paragraph refer to_. A. the newly arrived guests B. the animals on the orchard C. the owners of the orchard D. the peach trees44. The familys attitude to the animals in the woods is _. A. central B. positive C. criti

25、cal D. negativeBWithout superstars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, who was Team USAs star player in the FIBA World Championship (锦标赛)? The answer, says USA Today, is Kevin Durant. Although he turns just 22 on September 29, the newspaper says “he is in position to be the face of USA basketball in the f

26、uture, too”. Why him, you may wonder?The numbers say it all. Durant averaged(平均得分) a team-high of 17.7 points in 23.3 minutes. He helped Americans win their first world championship in 16 years and was also named MVP (most valuable player) in the competition. Durant has enjoyed rapid career developm

27、ent since he joined the NBA in 2007. He has won many awards- rookie (新人) of the year and youngest scoring champion. However, the world championship was his first major international action. Why was that? The Washington Post reports that Durant was cut in the last minute from a team that went on to p

28、lay in the 2008 Olympics. He was part of a team asked to practice with the Olympic squad (队伍) as it prepared for Beijing.“Leaning (靠着) back in a chair, arms folded after his task was complete, Durant looked around a gym as Bryant, James, Dwyane Wade and the other stars filled up bags with sweats (球衣

29、) and shoes, getting ready for the long flight to China,” writes Michael Lee, reporter with the Washington Post. “I wanted to be a part of it badly. I prayed (祈祷) every night that they would pick me,” Durant told Lee. “Only the best guys (人员)get picked, so I got to work to be one of them. Hopefully

30、before Im done, I can be on an Olympic team.” Now Durant is in a different position: He may well be the most important player on the team which will play at the 2012 London Olympics.In August, Durant was surprised when he didnt get an invitation to President Obamas White House game. Other stars, inc

31、luding Bryant, James and Wade did go. But Durant was invited to meet with Obama at the White House after the world championships.45. Which basketball star is the passage mainly about?A. Kobe Bryant B. LeBron James C. Dwyane Wade D. Kevin Durant46. According to the passage which of the following is True?A. Durant didnt attend this years World Championship.B. Durant didnt practise for the 2008 Olympic Games.C. Durant didnt attend the Beijing Olympic Games.D. Durant wasnt invited to meet with Obama after the world championship.47. How did Durant pro

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