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1、英语专业四级单项选择真题及答案详解There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence the re are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completesthe sentence. Mark your answers onAnswer SheetTwo.51.Facing theboard ofdirectors,he didn ?tdeny breakingtheagreement.

2、A.himB.itC.hisD.its52. Xinchunreturned from aboarda differentman. Theitalicizedpartfunctions as a (n)A.appositive( 同位语 )B.objectC.adverbialD.complement.53.Which ofthe followingis acompound word ( 复合词 )A.Nonsmoker.B.Deadline.C.Meanness.D.Misfit.54.Which ofthe followingsentences containssubjunctivemoo

3、dA.Lucy insistedthat herson gethome before 5 oclockB.She used to drive towork, but now shetakes thecity metro.C.Walk straightahead, and dontturn tillthe secondtrafficlights.D.Paul willcancel hisflight ifhe cannotget hisvisa byFriday55. The following determiners( 限 定 词 ) can be used with both plural

4、and uncountable nounsEXCEPT .A.moreB.enough.C.many.D.such.56.Which of theitalicizedpartsindicatesCONTRASTA.She opened thedoorandquietlywent in.B.Victoria likesmusicandSam isfond ofsports.C.Think it overagainandyou ?llget ananswer.D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I dont like this.57. Which of the foll

5、owing CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute( 名 词替代词 ) .A.Much.B.Neither.C.One.D.Quarter.58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCE PT .A.Mother is to have teawithAunt Bettyat four.B.The President iscomingtothe UN nextweek.C.The school pupilswillbehome by now.D.He is going

6、toemailme the necessaryinformation.59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT A.Politics are the art or science of government.B.Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C.Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.D.All the furniture has arrived undamaged.60.Which of in the following p

7、hrases indicates a subject-predicate r elationship .A.The arrival of the touristsB.The law of NewtonC.The occupation of the islandD.The plays of Oscar Wilde61.Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositiveA.He is not the man to draw back.B.Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.C.Larr

8、y has a large family to support.D.There is really nothing to fear.62.Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence A.Let me drive you home, shall IB.You will mind your own business!C.Come and have dinner with us.D.I wish you could stay behind. 63.If it tomorrow, the match would be put off.A.w

9、ere to rainB.was to rainC.was rainingD.had rained64.Which of the following sentences expresses a fact .A.Mary and her son must be home by now.reading must give poor results.C.It ?s gettinglate,andI must leave now.D.He must beworkinglateat theoffice.65.The followingarealldynamicverbs( 动态动词)EXCEPT _A.

10、remain.B.turn.C.write.D.knock.66. to school lifewas lessdifficult than thepupil had expected.A.AdheringB.AdoptingC.AdjustingD.Acquainting67.Heis fedup with thesame old dreary routine,and wants to quithisjob.Theunderlinedpartmeans .A.dullB.boringC.longD.hard68. At last night ? s party Larry said some

11、thing that I though was beyond me. The under linedpartmeans A. Iwas unableto doC. Iwas unableto stopB. Icouldn tunderstandD. Icouldn ttolerate69. The couple their old house and sold it for a vast profit.A.did forB.did inC.did withD.did up70. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once

12、 acce pted all the for herself.means A.asfarasonehaslearntB.asfarasoneisconcernedC.asfarasonecanseeD.asfarasoneistold72.The _ that sportbuildscharacter iswellacceptedby peoplenowadays.A.issueB.argumentC.pointD.sentence73.Everyonein the officeknowsthatMelindatakesinfinitecareoverher work.Theunderline

13、d partmeans A.limitedB.unnecessaryC.overdueD.much74.The newmeasure willreducethechance ofserious injuryintheevent of anaccident.Theunderlinedpart meansA.if an accident happensB.if an accident can bepreventedC.before anaccidentD.during anaccident75.Traditionally,local midwiveswouldallthe babiesinthA.

14、creditB.attentionC.focusD.award71.The childnodded, apparentlyspromise. Theunderlined partcontentwith his mothere 76. No food or drink is allowed on the premises. The underlined par t meansA.propositionB.advertisementC.buildingD.street77. The court would not acce

15、pt his appeal unless evidence is provided.A.conclusiveB.definiteC.eventualD.concluding78.As soon ashe openedthe door, a of coldairswept through the house.A.flowB.movementC.rushD.blast79.She reallywanted tosay somethingat the meeting,buteventually fromit.A.preventedB.refrainedC.limitedD.restricted80.

16、The coupletold the decorator thatthey wanted theirbedroom gailypainted. Theunderlinedpart meansA.brightlyB.light-heartedlyC.cheerfullyD.lightly附:【答案详解】PART 4 GRAMMAR& VOCABULARY51. Facing the board of directors,he didnt deny breakingthe agreement.A. him B. it C. his D. its 解析:本题考查动名词的逻辑主语。动名词可以有自己的逻

17、辑(意义)主语,一般可以用名 词所有格Toms,代词宾格如him (口语),书面语情况下一般用物主代词 his , their。本题 选 C, 但 我 还 是 要 吐 槽 , 因 为 根 本 就 不 需 要 多 此 一 举 添 加his, he didnt deny breaking theagreement 完全正确,比原题要精简地道许多,从写作角度来看, his 根本是多余的,当然 纯粹考察语法的话选 C。52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicizedpartfunctionsas a(n) _ . A. a

18、ppositive(同位语)B. objectC. adverbial D. complement.解析:此题恐怕是最受争议的题目了,有人认为选 A,有人认为选D。据目前来看,选 D,具体讲解有待更新53.Which ofthe followingis a compound word( 复合词 )A.NonsmokerB. DeadlineD. Misfit解析:首先要知道什么是复合词。A compound isa word thatconsists of morethanone freemorpheme 所谓 morpheme词素是最小的音义结合体,其最大的特点是不能再被分割为更小的音义结合

19、体。而 freemorpheme是指能独立存在使用的词素, bou nd morpheme则是必须依附于其他单位的词素,比如前缀后缀属于 bound morpheme,女口 pre-, -ment,在单词 shipment 里,ship 就是freemorpheme, ment贝U是 bound。因此四个选项里只有 deadline 是由两个 free morpheme构成(dead+line ),其他三个都有 BoundC. Walk straightahead, and dont turn tillthesecond traffic ligmorpheme比女口 non,ness,mis-

20、等。54.Which of the followingsentencescontainssubjunctivemoodA.Lucy insisted thathersongethomebefore5oclockB.She used to drivetowork,butnowshetakesthecity metroD. Paul will cancel his flightif he cannot gethis visa by Friday. 解析 :subjunctivemood是指虚拟语气,四个选项里只有A的insist属于虚拟语气用法,其中 that从句里省略了 should 。dete

21、rminers can be usedwithbothplural and uncountablenouns EXCEPT A. more B. enoughD.suchhts.解析:限定词的用法是近几年专四的热门考点,诸如some,many,both ,all ,each 等用法究竟如何还是希望大家多翻阅语法书和词典。这道题看似有点难度, 也许你从来不知道哪个限定词可以接名词复数和不可数名词, 但好在备选项里每个单词你都可以去接名词试试就知 道了,比如 moremoney,more trees; enough money, enough trees; many money, many tre

22、es; such big trees, such behavior. 所以选 C。56.Whichof theitalicizedpartsindicatesCONTRASTA.She opened thedoorandquietlywentin.B.VictorialikesmusicandSam isfondofsports.C.Thinkit overagainandyoullgetan answer.D.He issomewhatarrogant,and Idontlikethis.解析:首先要明白and不一定表示并列。A, C里的and表示先后;D里的and表示递进;只a nomin

23、al substitute( Quarter 因为压根没听说过, 所谓名词替代词顾名思义就是指能代替名词或名词短语,有 B 里的 and 表示对比。57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as不过 避免重复名词替代词 ) A. Much B. Neither C. One D. 解析: 估计不少学生看到名词替代词这个术语,一开始都吓着了, 对做这道题目倒无大碍, 的词,英语里 one,解析:这道题目有点意思,既考查时态,又考查 will 的用法, A/B/D 都是将来时的各种表 达,唯独C的will ,看似是将来时标志,其实不然,因为和 bynow矛

24、盾,这里will的用法是指you think something is true,表说话人自己的看法, 比Thatwill beyou59.the sameWhich ofTim coming thing. 本题选 the following thehome now;C。sentencesofAsk anyone and they will tellis grammatically INCORRECT government.A.B.Tenmilesseemslikea longwalk to meC.Mumps isa kindofinfectiousdisease.D.Allthefurni

25、turehasarrivedundamaged.scienceagreement )。 tenart or解析:本题考查主谓一致( miles 看作整体单数, 英语里是不可数名词; science) ,是不可数名词,但这个用法主要是英式英语。此外,Politics aremumps!思腺炎这个单词就是以 s结尾的,不可数名词;furnitureA 里的 politics 并不是指政治,而是指政治学 (political politics 表示政治可以看作不可数名词,也可以看作复数,比如 always interested me. 本题选 A。60. Which of in the followingA. The arrivalPoliticsphrasesof thehaveindicatesrelationship on occupation of the island 解析:传统语法和现代句法学关于什么是 predicate 指谓语,是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”touristsa subject-predicate B. The law of Newtof Oscar WildeD. The playspred

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