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1、人教版八年级英语下册期末复习词汇专项训练doc八年级英语下册期末复习考试专项训练Unit 1-5一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It is time you stand on your own two _(foot) 2. You have worked hours. Youd better relax yourself by _(rest)as much as possible.3. Animals with long _(neck) live on the leaves of tall trees.4. Lets go somewhere and feed our _(stomach)

2、first.5. She _ (lie) on the grass, looking up at the high, blue sky. Soon she closed her eyes and fell asleep.6. The train carries over three thousand _ (passenger) every day.7. That man has a law to himself. He never asks advice from _(other).8. The book is nothing like as difficult as I _ (expect)

3、.9. We were _(surprise) to see how welcome they were in the countryside .10. As it _(happen)so many years ago , I cant remember it clearly.11. Jason cut _ (him)with a knife.I must take him to the doctors.12. I am going to show it to Michael and ask him his _(advise).13. Plenty of e_ will help you ke

4、ep healthy.14. He h_ his left hand when he played volleyball.15. I can give you some _( medicine)to cure your stomach.16. Can you tell those _(story)?17. It is a very _(interest) hobby!18. He used a lot of _(bandage) to stop the bleeding.19. Paul lost both legs ,under the _(knee) ,during the war.20.

5、 I am sorry for _(hurt) your feelings.21. We certainly cant do this work all by _(we).22. Who will be the next _(climb) to go up the mountain?23. you _(can) see from his face that he was lying.24. .What do you always do _(one)?25. She let the dogs into the house and fed _(they).26. These articles ha

6、ve a good _(sell).27. At that time he had two _(help)28. Go and see your doctor as soon as _(possible).29. She makes no _(different) between her two sons.30. Thank you for _(look) after us so well.31.Thanks again. It is really very kind of you to _(invitation) us.32. The strong drink didnt make him

7、_(feel) happier.33. How much time do you spend _(practice) English every day?34. Most of my _(grade) were OK, but I only got a C in history.35. They left without _(say) goodbye.36.First and last , it is important _(know) oneself.37. Do you remember how _(spell) the word?38. Maybe you can _(teacher )

8、 me how to work on a computer someday.39. When did India get her _(independent) from Britain?40.The _(much) you exercise , the_(strong) youll become41.Everybody was _(excite) by the good news.42. He is famous not only for his talent but also for his _(kind).43. These _(able) children need special ca

9、re.44. Playing chess is a wonderful _(train) for our head.45. Do you still remember the girl _(call) Kate?46._(communicate) between old and young people is not so difficult as you think.47. There was not a _(cloudy) in the sky.48. Firstly , its too expensive ; and _(second) , its very ugly.49. Mike

10、is my _(old) brother ; he is two years older than me.50. Mike is _(crazy) about football than Tom.51. He bought the land for _(development).52. As _(usually), he got to school on time.53. You can never be _ (success) , unless you work hard.54. The whole team cheered for winning the _(compete).55.The

11、re was a strong _ (windy) blowing.56. She came back to give us a _(reporter) on how the project is going.57. She took away the box of _(match) from the baby.58. He hit his arm _(heavy) against the wall.59. My four year old daughter was _(sleep) on the sofa.60.I have a lot to say in _(relate) to that

12、 thing .二、将括号中的汉语译成英语,注意使用适当形式。1Youd better take an _(X光)and find out whats wrong.2If the child has a fever ,take his _(体温) every hour.3He even more like to _(喝) wine .4Although I got up with a _(头痛), I went to work as usual.5She is old enough to look after _(她自己).6They work for _(几个) hours every da

13、y.7How are you _(感觉)? -Fine , thanks.8He complains that his job gives him no _(满足)9Im sure they ll find the _(物主)10After one hour ,we continued our _(旅行).11The road is still under _(修理).12. Theyre sending an engineer to _(安装)13. Do you carry another _(车轮) in your car ?14. He sent his greetings to yo

14、u in the _(信).15. A _(小组)of children are playing games on the playground.16. He ate a _(小吃) before work.17. The daily _(精神压力) of her work is killing her.18. Dont _(浪费) too much money on the car.19. None can _(提供) a right answer to the question .20. _(而且), he must have eaten a lot because now he is f

15、at.21.Dont _(争吵) with me . My decision is final .22. Keep calm, _(任何) happens .23. He was not at all _(焦虑的) , for he knew what to do.24. Can you _(自愿给予) a solution?25. He could not come up with a _(正确的) answer.26. She was the last _(成员) of the family.27. Dont give him so much _(压力).28. My _(意见) is t

16、he same as yours.29. He has _(技术) in painting.30. It is a _(典型的) Chinese restaurant.31. As soon as he leaves this house , the _(暴风雨) comes.32. _(突然), she looked ten years older.33. The other man rang the _(闹钟) bell.34. I cant easily give an _(回答) to your question.35. He had a _(奇怪的) way of making hi

17、s classes lively and interesting.36. He reads a _(章节) from the geography book.37. Every _(学生) must be in the classroom at 9 a.m.38. He often reads in the _(明亮的) sunlight.59. Look at the children playing in the _(操场)40. The huge _(钟) is ringing.3、根据字母提示完成句子 1. Beijing is a big c _of China . 2. C_ up!

18、 The news isnt too bad . 3. She often does v_ work during holidays. 4. The results will be put on a n_ board . 5. They live a l_ life in the hills. 6. A red light is a s_ of danger. 7. His s_ father is in hospital. 8. Can anybody think of a way to r_ money? 9. Are you living a_ or with someone else?

19、10. Dont come if youre b_.11. How would you explain color to a b_ person?12. Its no use shouting at him , he is d_.13. You cant i_ how I missed you all.14. The boy is very c_, but he doesnt study hard .15. Could you please help me c_ my bag .It is too heavy.16. Our job is to clear away the r_.17. Le

20、t me f_ up my skirt and put it away.18. There are so many leaves on the ground . Youd better s_ them away.19. His office is on the second f_ of the building .20. Your desk looks in a terrible m_.21. Please p_ him that pair of shoes.22. Do you often go to the library to b_ books?23. Could you l_ me y

21、our bike?24. She pointed to the mountains with a f_.25 I h_ that kind of music . Its too noisy.26. Fresh air and exercise can d_ healthy bodies.27. Weve missed you badly s_ you left.28. My next-door n_ lives in the house next to mine.29. They were disappointed at the r_ of the game .30. Dont d_ the

22、“g” in “dancing” and “walking”.31. A_ me to ask several questions.32. After the f_ he was black and blue all over.33. Whats w_ with your hands?34. I g_ you can not change the idea.35. He got 500dollars by this d_. 36. Can you get someone to c_ this letter of thanks?37. I will wait for you until you

23、r_.38. The park is a p_ meeting place for students.39. Please dont be a_ with me. It wasnt my mistake .40. He is a warm and f_ person. 41. I broke my leg playing f_.42. We can c_ with the best teams.42. He is tired because he doesnt get e_ sleep.43. A_ hes 80 , he is still very active.44. I usually

24、walk to school , but s_ I go there by car.45. It is very late but we still c_ our work .46. How does your new house c_ with your old one .47. If you always p_ him too hard , he may make mistakes.48. Do they know what can c_ the fire?49. P_ I can say something.50. To build a road in this a_ is a real

25、 challenge.51. Shine your f_ over here .52. You cant see in this l_.53. Their dishes were made of w_.54. The rain is beating a_ the window.55. Ive c_ forgotten her name .56. Our teacher gave us a lot of u_ books in math.57. Her son is the most i_ person in her life .58. She is an A_ movie star.59. T

26、he TV r_ wrote the story.60. I heard a lot about your r_.61. Write todays d_ at the top of the page.62. She can see the whole city from the top of the huge t_.63. We did not r_ the importance of the problem.64. I must tell you the t_ about this matter.Unit 6-10一、.用所给词的适当形式填空27. It is time you stand

27、on your own two _(foot) 28. You have worked hours. Youd better relax yourself by _(rest)as much as possible.29. Animals with long _(neck) live on the leaves of tall trees.30. Lets go somewhere and feed our _(stomach) first.31. She _ (lie) on the grass, looking up at the high, blue sky. Soon she clos

28、ed her eyes and fell asleep.32. The train carries over three thousand _ (passenger) every day.33. That man has a law to himself. He never asks advice from _(other).34. The book is nothing like as difficult as I _ (expect).35. We were _(surprise) to see how welcome they were in the countryside .36. As it _(happen)so many years ago , I cant remember it clearly.37. Jason cut _ (him)with a knife.I mu

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