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1、新目标人教版家教九年级unit4习题版Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSection A1.1)( )Studying English is_(use).2)( )We use Internet _(find) information.3)( )My mother used_(tell)us story when we were young.4)( )He used to _short and _ short hair when he was young. A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; have5

2、)( )【2014山东】Liu Huan, a famous male singer, has long hair, because he _long hair. A. used to have B. is used to having C. is used for having D. is used to have6)( )【黄冈】- Grandpa has changed a lot.- So he has. He spends more time than he used to _ games with the children. A. play B. playing C. played

3、 D. plays3.1)( )I _ my mother and I _ her. A. am like; like B. am like; am like C. like; like D. like; am likes2)( )How do you _ China? Very much. A. like B. likes C. liked D. look like4. 1)( ) 【2014山东威海】To my surprise , my brother can speak English_. A. lively B. perfectly C. badly D. friendly2)( )

4、【2014十堰】Its very friendly _ him to help me when Im in trouble. A. of B. with C. to D. in 5. 1)( )【山东烟台】When he heard the bad news, Robert walked home together with his friends _.(沉默地)2)( )We should keep _ in the library. A. silence B. silently C. Silences D. Silent3)( )They stood _ as a mark of hono

5、r to her. A. in silent B. in silence C. silence6. 1)( )【湖北岳阳】I knew it was impossible for me _(按时上班) when I missed the last bus.2)( )【山东东营】Tom didnt go to school _ this morning because he overslept. A. at once B. on time C. by accident D. at present3)( )As students, we should study hard, _ its impor

6、tant for us to get on well with others. (同时) 7. 1)( )We have enough time _(finish) the work.2)( )【2013贺州】This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it. A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested3)( )【2013绥化】 How do you like the talk show? I think i

7、ts _, but some people think its so_. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring4)( )His sister is old enough _ (go) to school. 5)( )【2013杭州】Shes not strong enough _ walking up mountains. A .to go B. going C. go D. went8. 1)( )【2013日照】Mary is so _ she comes to

8、you whenever youre in trouble. A. useful B. careful C. thankful D. Helpful2)( )【2014云南】After the rain , the village looks _ from the top of the hill.(wonder)3)( )【2014江苏无锡】A little wine will not be _ to your health. Just dont drink too much. A. helpful B. helpless C. harmful D. harmless4)( )【2013北京】

9、I cant find my pen. Could you help_ find it?A. me B. her C. him D. them5)( )【2014德州】I cant find my English book. Could you help _ find it? A. her B. him C. me D. them6)( )【2012福州】Bill has made great progress _the help of his teachers.A. for B. with C. Under7)( )With his father help , Bob is beginnin

10、g to write his stories. A. Bobs father agrees with help B. Bob does well in writing C. Thanks to his fathers help D. Because of his stories8)( )She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake.A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned9)( )【2013聊城】- Jim, please help _ to some bread

11、 . - Thank you. A. himself . B. yourself . C. herself D. myself.10)( ) What would you like , tea or coffee? _. A. A cup of tea, please B. Its so delicious . Thank you C. Help yourself to some fish D. Yes, please . Thank you11)( )-What about having a drink? -_. A. Help yourself B. Never mind C.Youre

12、right D. Good idea.12)( )Many social workers went to Ya an to help_ clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake. A. put out B. come out C. work out D. give out13)( )【2013青岛】He _ plenty of money to the people in the earthquake area _. A. put out, to work out well B.

13、handed out, help them out C gave out, work out well D. gave away; to help them out14)( )Excuse me , could you give me a hand? A.借我一点钱 B.照顾我 C.帮我一把 D.给我一只手Computer will be more and more _(help) in the new century.Mrs. Smith is very _ (help) .She often helps others.9. 1)( )【2012连云港】The First Huaguosha

14、n International Golf Open was_ success that we enjoyed ourselves very much. A. such a great B. a such great C. so a great D. a so great2)( )【2013常州】He offered _ valuable advice that _ people disagreed. A. such; a few B. such; few C. so; a few D. so ; few3)( )【2011雅安】The girl is _ a nice girl _ we al

15、l want to help her. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. very; that4)( )【2012镇江】Some word puzzles in this book are _ difficult that _ students can solve them.A. such; few B. such; little C. so; few D. so; littleso many sick children_so little time_10. 1)( )【湖北咸宁】 I think drinking milk every morni

16、ng is good _ our health. Yes, I agree _ you. A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with2)( )【2014天津】- Can I have a look at your photos, please? -_. A. Sure, here you are B. Dont mention it C. I cant agree with you D. Im sorry to hear that3)( )【2014丹东】I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed t

17、o drive. _. They arent serious enough at that age. A.I agree B. I disagree C.I think so D. Thats right 4)( )【2014龙岩】I think there is too much rain this spring._. It causes many floods. A. I agree with you B. Im not sure C. Im all right 5)( )I think English is more useful than Chinese. I dont _ you.

18、They are both useful. A. get on with B. catch up with C. talk with D. agree with11. 1)( )【2013内江】You have been in Neijiang very long? Yeah. _my parents came here. A. For B. As C. When D. Since2)( )【2012永州】I have been collecting stamps _ I was nine years old. A. before B. if C. since 3)( )【黄冈】 - I ca

19、n hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy?- Yes. It has been almost 20 years_ we were together. A. since B. before C. after D. Until12. 1)( )【2011湘西】You are ill. You had better _ the doctor right now. A. look at B. see C. watch2)( )【2012成都】Where did you go yesterday, Rick? I went to see a _ becaus

20、e I had a cold. A. teacher B. doctor C. reporter 3)( )【2012雅安】Andy prefers _ books to _ TV. A. reading; watching B. read; watch C. looking; seeing D. look; see4)( )【2013黄石】Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _at once. A. walk; telling B. entering; to speak C. enter; to tell D. wa

21、lking; talking5)( )【2013莱芜】When I walked past the park, I saw some old people_ Chinese Taiji. A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing6)( )Its bad for your eyes to read in the sun. _. A. Im OK B. I dont know C. Im sorry D. I see7)( )【2012南州】When I passed the classroom, I heard a girl _ in it. A. sing B. l

22、osing C. sang D. singing 13.1)( ) Lucy is a _ girl, but shes very smart. A. ten years old B. ten- year old C. ten-years-old D. ten year old2)( ) 【2011四川】Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly_ history. Yes, it was founded _ July 23rd, 1921. A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; in C. 90-years;

23、 of D. 90-year; on3)( ) 【2014丽水】Mr. Smith has _ 8-year-old daughter who has won two national painting prizes. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填14. 1)( )【临沂】When you are swimming, _ your ears. You can use earplugs (耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears. A. take after B. take part in C. take off D. take care

24、 of2)( )【2014贵阳】The little kid is just two years old. Hes too young to take care of_. A. his B. him C. himself3)( )【2014滨州】 It will be my turn, I feel a little nervous._. You can make it! A. Congratulations ! B. Take it easy C. Look out D. Have a good time4)( )【2014广州】 - Do you want to eat here?- No

25、. Just fish and chips to _, please. A. get away B. take away C. send away D. throw away5)( )【2011玉溪】We cant decide what will happen in our life, but we can decide how we will _it. A. agree with B. begin with C. deal with D. come up with6)( )Many student dont know how to _ stress and become worried.

26、I think theyd better ask their teachers for help. A. argue B. deal with C. quarrel with D. come up with7)( )【2014荆州】weve been trying hard, but cant solve the problem I think you can _it in another way A. share with B. deal with C. keep up with D. point out with 15. 1)( )At last the taxi stopped _ a

27、tall building ,and we all got off.A. in front B. in the front C. in front of D. in the front of2)( )【广西柳州】 A dog is sitting in front _ the house. A. on B. of C. to 3)( )【2014云南】I hope Ill travel all over the world one day. A .the next day B. in the future C. at that time D. the whole day4)( )I had t

28、o look after my little brother _.A. the whole morning B. whole the morning C. the all morning D the morning all5)( )The driver sat _ the car. 6)( )The policeman stood _ the car.16. 1)( )Mans understanding of nature is developing _ . It never stays at the same level .A. at the right time B. for the f

29、irst time C. from time to time D. all the time2)( )【2014贵州】Nancy was angry and she sat there with no word.A. all the time B. in silence C. in danger D. over and over17. 1)( )【2013玉林】The meat is _ delicious.Yes, but dont eat _.A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D. much

30、too; much too18. 1)( )Dont be _(worry). Youll catch up with others.2)( )Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.A. afraid B. worry C. worried D. terrified19. 1)( )【2013杭州】There has never been such a beautiful village _ in the world. A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere2)( )【2013无锡】We arrived at the station too early and had_ to go, so we sat

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