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1、细胞生物学习题第四章:细胞与细胞表面1、名词解释:1、糖萼(glycocalyx)2、磷脂转换蛋白(phospholipid exchange proteins)2、选择题:1、 ABO血型抗原的决定簇是(a) 糖脂类(b) 糖类(c) 脂类(d) 血型糖蛋白2、 膜蛋白高度糖基化的是(a) 内质网膜(b) 质膜(c) 高尔基体膜(d) 溶酶体膜3、 参与纤毛运动的纤维蛋白是(a) 驱动蛋白(kinesin)(b) 动力蛋白(dyneir)(c) tau蛋白(d) 微管结合蛋白2(MAP2)3、问答题:1、物膜的基本结构特征是什么?这些特征与它的生理功能有什么联系?2、何谓膜内在蛋白?膜内在蛋


3、要成分;(2)脂质维持生物膜的流动性,以使其行使复杂的生物功能;(3)生物膜的胆固醇(类固醇)对膜的流动性有很明显的影响;(4)生物膜中的某些脂质在信号传递过程中有重要意义,比如糖脂在免疫应答中,DG/IP3作为第二信使也产生了膜脂质。14、 构的流动镶嵌模型的要点是什么? 15、细胞的吞排作用和细胞内的膜泡运输的基本过程如何?16、说明笼形蛋白(clathrin)在膜泡运输的基本过程如何?17、物质穿膜运输有哪些方式?比较其异同点。18、解释运输蛋白、隧道蛋白、载体蛋白、透性酶、受体、配体、穿胞运输的含意。19、以Na+-K+泵为例,说明“泵”在物质穿膜运输中的作用原理及其在细胞代谢中的意义

4、。20、细胞表面包括哪几种结构?动物细胞外被有哪些功能?21、细胞连接有哪些类型?各有何功能?22、比较动物、植物和细菌的细胞质膜外结构的异同点。23、liuguangming主题:跨膜区域发表于:2002年11月10日10:45某跨膜蛋白的氨基酸序列已被测定,发现它除具有N-端信号肽之外,还存在14个疏水性肽段,其中7段各含25个氨基酸残基,3段各含16个氨基酸残基,4段各含10个氨基酸残基.经过上述分析可知,此肽链将来能形成_跨膜区域. 我认为是四段因为(跨膜区域a螺旋20个氨基酸,B折叠10-12个氨基酸),这地方符合的只有10个氨基酸的肽段,但其余一些肽段又形成什么结构呢RE: 14个

5、疏水性肽段中:跨膜区域a螺旋20-30个氨基酸,B折叠10-14个氨基酸,数拒来自:赵南明,周海梦 主编 生物物理学 高教出版社 2000,因此可能形成7段a-Helix,四段B-sheet strand.3段各含16个氨基酸残基可能形成3段B-sheet strand剩下的2个AA REDUES可留在膜外,这样也可保持E-MIN,不过是诸害取其轻.实际情况可能更为复杂一些比如暴露在亲水环境下的AA REDUES可能接上了其他的侧链,也可能成为外周PROTEIN的锚定位点-疏水相互作用.我顺便回答另外三个问题(我找不到原贴了):1.用PCR是否可对DNA测序?当然可以,原理与SANGER加减法

6、一样,不过是酶SYSTEM有区别.2.分子病是不是包括构象病?分子病从其原始定义来看,是指由于GENES 突变引起的可遗传的病征,但是由于构象病的发现使这一概念发生动摇,比如克-雅氏综合征疯牛病以及羊骚痒征等,皆是由于PROTEINS发生翻译后加工而后形成了新的构象,并导致淀粉样沉淀,引发病理后果.我请教了北大生科院的三位教授,其中两位是博导,两位博导皆认为分子病包括构象病并不限于遗传病,另一位教授认为分子病可能还是特指遗传病,而构象病应单归为一类.我个人同意两位博导的意见.3.Eastern Blotting是什么技术?学术界有人把Dot blot称为Eastern blot,这样东南西北四

7、种杂交类型就成了一个完整的体系,也可能是因为有了南西北而不能没有东的缘故吧,如此说来,将Dot blot称为Eastern blot就有牵强之嫌。鉴定DNA的另一种杂交Dot blot。这是与Southern blot完全不同的一种杂交方法,杂交的受体是完整的Genome DNA,Probe可以是用DNA或RNA。DNA不经消化和电泳直接点样在硝酸纤维膜上与探针进行杂交。24、liulang1979主题:请教陈斑竹. 生物膜在特殊的生理条件下,可能出现什么结构?RE: 六角相和立方相结构.参见:赵南明 周海梦 主编 生物物理学 高教出版社 2000.25、ebblood主题:请教斑竹几个问题1

8、. 鞘磷脂和酸性磷酸酶的合成部位是细胞质基质中还在在内质网中?2. abo血型到底由什么决定。,同一本书上一会写糖脂一会写糖蛋白3. 真核细胞中3大活性物质是什么4、greenmoon主题:想问一下关于桥粒的问题桥粒是不是就是“跨膜连接蛋白”?和中间纤维连接的粘着斑(是这么叫的吧)是不是就是:附着蛋白“?26、What key molecular characteristic of phospholipids makes them the basic components of cell membranes?The formation of stable membranes depends o

9、n the amphipathic character of phospholipids27、What would be the consequences of incorporating porins into the plasma membrane instead of into the outer membrane of bacteria?The presence of porins in the plasma membrane would allow the free diffusion of ions and small molecules between the cytosol a

10、nd extracellular fluidsa disaster for the cell.28、The concentration of K+ is about 20 times higher inside squid axons than in extracellular fluids, generating an equilibrium membrane potential of -75 mV. What would be the expected equilibrium membrane potential if the K+ concentration were only 10 t

11、imes higher inside than outside the cell? Why does the actual resting membrane potential (-60 mV) differ from the K+ equilibrium potential of -75 mV?Given Co/Ci = 10, the K+ equilibrium potential calculated from the Nernst equation is 58 mV. The actual resting membrane potential differs from the K+

12、equilibrium potential because the plasma membrane is not completely impermeable to other ions.29、 An important function of the Na+-K+ pump in animal cells is the maintenance of osmotic equilibrium. Why is this unnecessary for plant cells?The plant cell wall prevents cell swelling and allows the buil

13、dup of turgor pressure.30、An anticipated problem in gene therapy for cystic fibrosis is that normal CFTR genes would probably be successfully transferred to only a fraction of the cells in the patients respiratory epithelium. How is this potential pitfall affected by the presence of gap junctions?Be

14、cause gap junctions allow ions to diffuse freely between adjacent cells, expression of normal CFTR in one epithelial cell would provide a functional Cl channel to its neighbors.31、What is the importance of selectively targeting different glucose transporters to the apical and basolateral domains of

15、the plasma membrane of intestinal epithelial cells? What is the role of tight junctions in this process?The correct localization of transporters mediating active transport and facilitated diffusion is necessary for the polarized function of epithelial cells in transferring glucose from the intestina

16、l lumen to the blood supply. Tight junctions prevent the diffusion of these transporters between domains of the plasma membrane, as well as sealing the spaces between cells of the epithelium.32、The proliferation of thyroid cells is stimulated by hormones that activate a receptor coupled to Gs. How w

17、ould inhibitors of cAMP phosphodiesterase affect the proliferation of these cells?Inhibition of cAMP phosphodiesterase would result in elevated levels of cAMP, which would stimulate cell proliferation.33、The epinephrine receptor is coupled to Gs, whereas the acetylcholine receptor (on heart muscle c

18、ells) is coupled to Gi. Suppose you were to construct a recombinant molecule containing the extracellular sequences of the epinephrine receptor joined to the cytosolic sequences of the acetylcholine receptor. What effect would epinephrine have on cAMP levels in cells expressing such a recombinant re

19、ceptor? What would be the effect of acetylcholine?The recombinant molecule would function as an epinephrine receptor coupled to Gi. Epinephrine would therefore inhibit adenylyl cyclase, lowering intracellular cAMP levels. Acetylcholine would have no effect, since it would not bind to the recombinant

20、 receptor.34、Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a dimer of two polypeptide chains. What would be the predicted effect of PDGF monomers on signaling from the PDGF receptor?PDGF monomers would not induce receptor dimerization. Since this is the first critical step in signaling from receptor prot

21、ein-tyrosine kinases, they would be unable to stimulate the PDGF receptor.35、How would overexpression of protein phosphatase 1 affect the induction of cAMP-inducible genes in response to hormone stimulation of appropriate target cells? Would protein phosphatase 1 affect the function of cAMP-gated io

22、n channels involved in odorant reception?Protein phosphatase 1 dephosphorylates serine residues that are phosphorylated by protein kinase A. Cyclic AMP-inducible genes are activated by CREB, which is phosphorylated by protein kinase A, so overexpression of protein phosphatase 1 would inhibit their i

23、nduction. However, protein phosphatase 1 would not affect the activity of cAMP-gated ligand channels, since these channels are opened directly by cAMP binding rather than by protein phosphorylation.36、Protein kinase C- (PKC-) and protein kinase C- (PKC-) are two different members of the protein kina

24、se C family, which differ in their regulation. PKC- requires both Ca2+ and diacylglycerol for activation, whereas PKC- requires only diacylglycerol. How would hydrolysis of the phospholipids PIP2 and phosphatidylcholine by phospholipase C affect the activities of these different PKC family members?H

25、ydrolysis of PIP2 by phospholipase C yields both diacylglycerol and IP3, which signals the release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum. PIP2 hydrolysis can therefore activate both PKC- and PKC-. Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine yields diacylglycerol but not IP3; consequently, phosphatidylcholine

26、 hydrolysis is sufficient to activate PKC- but not PKC-.37、Dominant negative mutants of both Ras and Raf block growth factor-stimulated cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects of dominant negative Ras are overcome by expression of activated Raf. Would you expect activated Ras similarly to overcom

27、e the inhibitory effects of dominant negative Raf? How about activated MEK?Raf acts downstream of Ras in the MAP kinase pathway. Activated Raf can therefore bypass the effects of dominant negative Ras, but activated Ras cannot overcome the inhibitory effects of dominant negative Raf. MEK acts downst

28、ream of Raf, so activated MEK can overcome the effects of dominant negative Ras or Raf.第五章:物质的跨膜运输与信号传递1、填空题:1、 大分子的内吞往往是首先同质膜上的受体相结合,然后质膜内陷成 ,继之形成 ,这种内吞方式称为受体介导内吞。2、 细胞通讯信号有四种,内分泌信号、旁分泌信号、 和 。2、名词解释:1、受体介导内吞(receptr-mediated endocytosis)2、信号对答(crosstalking)3、受体(receptor)4、信号传导(signal transduction)3

29、、选择题:1、 植物细胞间有独特的连接结构,称为胞间连丝,其结构(a) 类似动物细胞的桥粒(b) 类似间隙连接(c) 类似紧密连接(d) 不是膜结构2、 所谓被动运输是通过(a) 内吞或外排(b) 受介导体的内吞作用(c) 自由扩散或异化扩散(d) 泵,例如钙泵3、 cAMP在细胞信号通路中是(a) 信号分子(b) 第一信使(c) 第二信使(d) 第三信使4、 与视觉有关的第二信使分子是(a) 花生四烯酸(b) cAMP(c) Ca2+(d) cGMP5、 颉氨酶素是一种可动离子载体,运输(a) Na+(b) K+(c) Ca+(d) Mg+6、 佛波酯的受体分子是(a) PTK(b) PKC

30、(c) PLC(d) PKA7、 在下列细胞物质运输方式中,不需能量而属于被动运输的是(a) 内吞(b) 外排(c) 载体蛋白运输(d) 钠钾泵8、 下列分子中不能通过无蛋白脂双层膜的是(a) 二氧化碳(b) 乙醇(c) 尿素(d) 葡萄糖9、 在胞吞(endocytosis)时(a) 细胞膜不被吞入,只有外界物质被吞入(b) 细胞膜随之一起吞入,由于胞吐作用吞入的膜和吞出的膜平衡,细胞面积不缩小(c) 细胞膜随之一起吞入,细胞面积缩小(d) 细胞膜随之一起吞入,但很快回到细胞表面,供下次胞吞时再利用10、 细胞间通讯是通过(a) 分泌化学物质(b) 与质膜相结合的信号分子(c) 间隙连接(d

31、) 三种都包括在内11、 小肠上皮吸收葡萄糖以及各种氨基酸时,通过( )达到逆浓度梯度运输(a) 与Na+相伴运输(b) 与K+相伴运输(c) 与Ca+相伴运输(d) 载体蛋白利用ATP能量12、 成分最复杂的中间纤维蛋白质是(a) 角蛋白(b) 波形纤维蛋白(c) 结蛋白(d) 胶质纤维酸性蛋白4、是非题:1. 通道蛋白(channel protein)仅在对特定刺激发生反应时打开,其他时间是关闭的。( )2. EGF受体分子具丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶活性位点。( )3. 在肌醇磷脂的信号通路中,DAG(二乙酰甘油)的下游PKC。( )4. 不同类型的特化细胞对同样的细胞外信号往往采纳了不同的信号转道通路作出反应。( )5. 黏附分子的作用就是介导细胞与细胞之间的结合。( )6. SH2结构域能识别磷酸化的酪氨基残基。( )7. 细胞外基质的作用是为细胞提供支持的框架。( )8. 细胞与细胞间的粘连是由粘连蛋白介导的。粘连蛋白有的依赖Ca+,有的不依赖Ca+。( )9. 粘连分子的受体是整和素(integrin)。(

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