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1、英文劳务合同范本英文劳务合同范本 篇一:劳 务 合 同 劳 务 合 同 (中英文) Labor Service Contract 甲方: (以下简称“甲方”) Party A: Shanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd 乙方: (以下简称“乙方”) Party B:_ 根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国劳动法和中华人民共和国劳动合同法等有关法律、法规的规定,本着平等互利的原则,甲、乙双方经友好协商,就乙方使用甲方员工等事宜,达成本劳务合同(以下简称“本合同”)。 According to the Contract Law of the Peoples Repub

2、lic of China, Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefits, the two parties enter into this Labor Service Contract through friendly consultation

3、with regard to Party As labor service for Party B. 第一章 总则Chapter 1 General Provisions 第一条 适用Article 1 Application 甲、乙双方有关乙方使用甲方员工等事宜,适用本合同。 This Contract applies to the related issues regarding Party Bs using Party As labor service. 第二条 适用法律Article 2 Applicable Laws 本合同,以及与本合同有关的一切事宜,一律适用中华人民共和国的法律、

4、法规。因任何原因,包括但不限于因法律法规变化,致使本合同条款与中华人民共和国法律、法规不一致时,均应以中华人民共和国法律、法规为准。 This Contract and related matters shall be subject to laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of any discrepancy between the articles of this Contract and the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of Chi

5、na for any reasons, including but not limited to the change of laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail. 第三条 定义Article 3 Definitions 甲方员工:指乙方需要使用的,由甲方依法办理相关手续,派遣到乙方的中国公民。 Party As Staff: Party As Staff refer to any Chinese citizens needed by Party B and dispatched by Party A to Party B after P

6、arty A has handled relevant proceduresin accordance with law. 附件:指甲、乙双方另行签订的所有关于本合同的补充协议或相关约定等;附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 Attachments: Attachments refer to all supplementary or related agreements signed by the two parties; the Attachments are integral parts of this Contract and have the same effe

7、ct as this Contract. 管理费:指乙方使用甲方员工而应支付给甲方的各种费用的总和。一般包括: Management Fee: The total sum of all charges and expenses that Party B should pay to Party A for the use of Party As Staff. It generally covers: 乙方为承担甲方员工的社会保险和住房公积金而支付的费用; Social insurances and accumulated housing fund borne by Party B for Par

8、ty As Staff; 乙方为要求甲方向甲方员工提供福利保障、档案保管而支付的费用; Expenses of benefits and personnel file preservation that Party B requests Party A to provide for Party As Staff; 乙方为甲方提供本合同下所列服务而支付给甲方的服务费和约定的相关税收。 Service fee charged by Party A for service provided under this Contract and taxes levied by the state agree

9、d upon by the two parties. 工资:指乙方使用甲方员工而应支付给甲方员工的劳动报酬,具体数额应以附件所载为准。 Pay: Labor remuneration paid by Party B to Party As Staff for labor use, in the amount subject to the attachments hereto. 法律:指中华人民共和国法律、法规、规章、制度、规范性文件等。 Law: Any and all laws, rules, regulations, institutions, statutes and the like,

10、 of the Peoples Republic of China. 第二章 权利和义务Chapter 2 Rights and Obligations 第四条 甲方享有的权利Article 4 Rights Enjoyed by Party A 甲方有权要求乙方为甲方的服务配合甲方拟定的流程。 Party A is entitled to request Party B to cooperate with regard to the procedures set by Party A for its service. 甲方有权对乙方与甲方员工之间因实际使用关系所发生的争议进行调解。 Part

11、y A is entitled to conciliate between Party B and the Party As Staff with regard to the disputes arising from labor service. 甲方有权对乙方侵害甲方员工合法权益的行为进行交涉并提出整改意见和要求。篇二:劳动合同范本_中英文 工 号: work number: *有限公司 * Co.,Ltd. 劳 动 合 同 LABOR CONTRACT 甲方 : PartyA : 法定代表人 : Legal Representative: 法 定 地 址: Registered Addr

12、ess: 乙 方: Party B: 身份证号码 : ID Number: 户 口 性 质: Domicile Nature: 家 庭 地 址: Home Address: 根据中华人民共和国劳动合同法及有关法律和法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本合同。 According to the Labor Contract Law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutua

13、l consultation. 一、 工作内容 Article One Working Contents 甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司员工,职位为 。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产(工作)任务。 To meet the production demand, Party A agrees to employ Party B as. Party B agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry o

14、ut rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks. 甲方可根据生产经营需要依法调整乙方的工作岗位或职位。 Party A may legitimately adjust Party Bs post according to business 二、 合同期限 Article Two Term of Contract 本合同自年 月 日至年月 日,其中试用期为 个月(自年 月日至年月日)。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以

15、解除或续订劳动合同。 This contract will be effect from to, during which the probation period is months to ). The contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. Both partiesmay rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation. 三、 工作时间 Article Three Working Hours 甲方实行每周工作小时和天休息日的标准工时制度。 Party A carries out standard working hours system of 40 hou

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