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高中英语第四单元 同步练习三人教版必修一.docx

1、高中英语第四单元 同步练习三人教版必修一第四单元 同步练习(三)单元测试卷(B)一、听力(每小题1分,共15分)第一节请听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标出试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。( ) 1. What does the man have to do?A. Take water. B. Take medicine. C. Take a rest.( ) 2. How does the man really feel?A. Surprised. B. Light-hearted. C. Worried.( ) 3. How mu

2、ch does the woman want to borrow? C$25.A. $15. B. $50. B. Use a washing machine.( ) 4.What is the man trying to do?A. Buy a washing machine.C. Examine a washing machine. ( ) 5. Whats the mans job?A. He is a lawyer. B. He is a shop assistant. C He works for lawyers.第二节请听下面4段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C

3、、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标出试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。( ) 6. What does Susan think of Henry? A . He has put on weight B. He looks younger C. He looks tired.( )7. what is Susans advice?Starting today B. Keeping young. C. Taking exercises听第7段材料,回答第8-10 题。 ( ) 8. What does the man want?A. A holiday. B. More

4、fun. C. Less work. ( ) 9. How does the man feel?A. Tired. B. Unwell. C. Discontent. ( ) 10. What does the man show towards his older generations?A. Love. B. Envy. C. Hate.听第8段材料,回答第11-12题。 ( ) 11. What might the man intend to do?A. Have fun. B. Do shopping. C. Visit a friend ( ) 12. Why doesnt the w

5、oman tell him the way?A. She doesnt like to talk to stranger.B. She doesnt know the place well. C. She doesnt want to be disturbed.听第9段材料,回答第13-15题。( ) 13. Who else came into the coffee shop?A. Mrs Martin. B. Two men.C. A young man and a young woman. ( ) 14. Why did the young man say it wasnt necess

6、ary for him to sit beside the woman?A. Because he didnt know the woman.B. Because he didnt like sitting beside a woman.C. Because he wanted to sit beside Martin.( ) 15. What did Martin think when they came in?A. He thought they had already known each other.B. Hed like to introduce them to each other

7、.C. He thought it was polite to change seats with them.A. to get burnt B. getting burnt C. get to burnt D. getting to burn( ) 11. To have the wonderful cloth new clothes, they had the machine allday long.A. made of; running B. made of; runC. made into; working D. made into; work( ) 12. As we know, c

8、orn was first found in America, and other plants were alsofound in America.A. the number of B. a great deal of C. a number of D. much ( ) 13. Sorry to have troubled you!A. Not a bit B. Not a little C. No way D. No more( ) 14. He was so surprised at all she had done he had nothing to say.A. which; th

9、at B. that; that C. what; that D. that; which( ) 15.1 first met Mr Zhao nine years ago. He at a chemical college at that time.A. had worked B. has workedC. was working D. had been working( ) 16. To some life is pleasure, but to it is suffering.A. the others B. others C. other ones D. those( ) 17. Wh

10、en the old man was alive, he sit for hours at the door.A. would B. could C. must D. might( ) 18. received law degrees as today.A. Never so women have B. The women arent everC. Women who have never D. Never have so many women( ) 19. China has hundreds of islands, is Taiwan.A. the largest of which B.

11、of which largestC. which the largest D. in which the largest( ) 20. He suddenly fell ill, prevented him from going to school.A. that B. which C. what D. it二、单项选择(每小题0.5分,共10分)( ) 1. I enjoyed the food very much. Im glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like.A. Is it all right? B. Im afraid I

12、 wont be free.C. Yes, I will. D. Thats great.( ) 2. The cloth they made clothes is very beautiful.A. from which B. by which C. of which D. into which( ) 3. He has a strange character, makes him difficult to get along with.A. who B. which C. that D. where( ) 4. This is the very room I slept in that e

13、vening.A. that B. which C. where D. at which( ) 5. The first place we visited in that city was a big factory.A. Where B. in which C. that D. which( ) 6. of the forest is covered with trees of broad leaves, while the rest pinetrees.A. Three quarters; is B. Three quarters; areC. Three fourths; are D.

14、Three fourth; is( ) 7. One out of every twenty students tired of the course.A. is B. are C. was D. has been( ) 8.1 carry only enough money to make change for a bill.A. ten-dollar B. ten-dollars C. tens-dollar D. tens-dollars( ) 9. dollars will go into the building of the museum.A. Four millions B. F

15、our millions of C. Four million of D. Millions of( ) 10. Water the little plants as often as you can to stop them by the sun.A. to get burnt B. getting burnt C. get to burnt D. getting to burn( ) 11. To have the wonderful cloth _ new clothes, they had the machine allday long.A. made of; running B. m

16、ade of; runC. made into; working D. made into; work( ) 12. As we know, corn was first found in America, and other plants were alsofound in America.A. the number of B. a great deal of C. a number of D. much ( ) 13. Sorry to have troubled you!A. Not a bit B. Not a little C. No way D. No more( ) 14. He

17、 was so surprised at all she had done he had nothing to say.A. which; that B. that; that C. what; that D. that; which( ) 15.1 first met Mr. Zhao nine years ago. He at a chemical college at that time.A. had worked B. has workedC. was working D. had been working( ) 16. To some life is pleasure, but to

18、 it is suffering.A. the others B. others C. other ones D. those( ) 17. When the old man was alive, he sit for hours at the door.A. would B. could C. must D. might( ) 18. received law degrees as today.A. Never so women have B. The women arent everC. Women who have never D. Never have so many women( )

19、 19. China has hundreds of islands, is Taiwan.A. the largest of which B. of which largestC. which the largest D. in which the largest( ) 20. He suddenly fell ill, prevented him from going to school.A. that B. which C. what D. it三、完成句子(每小题1分,共10分)最好不要让他抽烟Its _ _ keep him _ _.地震以后,30%的人被埋在废墟中。After th

20、e earthquake _ _ _ the people _ _ _ _ .昨天我买的肉坏了,发出一种难闻的气味。The meat _ _ yesterday _ _. It _ _ a bad smell.在河边玩耍的小女孩跌入水中,那路人立刻去救她。 When the little girl _ _ _ by the river fell into the river, the passer-by _ _ _ _ right away.小地毯对我来说太贵了,我买不起。These rugs are _ _ for me, I _ _ them.四、完形填空 (每小题1分,共15分)Many

21、 people go to school for an education. They 1 languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. 2 go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn 3 from school. A teacher, no matter how much he 4 can n

22、ot teach his students everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students 5 to learn. He teaches 6 how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned 7 school by the students themselves.It is always more 8 to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula. It i

23、s actually quite 9 to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to 10 a formula in working out a maths problem. Great 11 such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo dont get everything from school. But they were 12 successful. They knew 13 to study, they read boo

24、ks that were not taught at school. They worked hard all their lives 14 not a single moment. They 15 ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.Above all, they knew how to use their brains.1.A.learnB. readC. doD. discuss2. A. WeB. OthersC. StudentsD.You3. A. nothingB. somet

25、hingC. anythingD. everything4. A. understandsB.learnsC. knowsD. shows5. A. howB. whatC. whenD. where6. A. the teachersB. themC. studentsD. the learners7. A. inB. insideC. outsideD. out8. A. possibleB. importantC. naturalD. strange9. A. easyB. uneasyC. difficultD. hard10. A. learnB. studyC. useD. wor

26、k11. A. peopleB.teachersC. studentsD. scientists12. A. eitherB. bothCallD. neither13. A. whatB. whichC. thisD. why14. A. usingB. savingC. wastingD. sparing15. A. couldB. shouldC. mightD. would五、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)AHave you ever noticed advertisements which say Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or y

27、our money back! From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send.? and so on? Of course, it never happens, quite like that. The only language that is easy to learn is ones mother tongue. And think how much practice that gets! Before the Second World War peopleusually learnt a forei

28、gn language in order to read the literature of the country. Now speaking a foreign language is what most people want. Every year many millions of people start learning one. How do they do it?Some people try at home, with books and records or tapes; some use radio or television programmes; some use c

29、omputers and network; others go to evening classes. If they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will take a long time, like learning a foreign language at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to learn the lan

30、guage in the country where it is spoken. However, mostpeople cannot afford this, and for many it is not necessary. They need the language in order to do their work better. For example, scientists and doctors chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in foreign language. Whether the language

31、is learnt quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and good books will help, but they cannot do the students work for him.( ) 1. According to some advertisements, you .A. have to pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeksB. neednt pay your money if you cannot learn a foreign language in 6 weeksC. must pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeksD. will be paid much money if

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