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高中英语Book5 单元过关实战检测含答案.docx

1、高中英语Book5 单元过关实战检测含答案 Book5 Unit1 单元过关实战检测 2019.10一、词形变化背诵:1.character n. 角色,性格,文字 characteristic n. 特征,特性 n.科学; scientific adj.科学的; scientist n.科学家3.conclude v.推断出,结束; conclusion n.结论,结束4.infect v.传染,感染; infection n. 感染; infectious adj.传染的5.dead adj. 死的; dying adj.快死的; deadly adj.致命的 die v

2、.死亡 death n.死亡6.certainty n.确信; certain adj.确信的; certainly adv.确信地7.responsible adj. 有责任的,负责任的 responsibility n. 责任,责任心8.contribute v.贡献,捐助; contribution n. 贡献,捐助9.creative adj. 有创造力的 create vt. 创造 creation n. 创造10.cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的; caution n.小心,谨慎; cautiously adv.小心地11.reject vt. 拒绝 rejection n

3、. 拒绝12.universe n. 宇宙,世界 universal adj. 普遍的,宇宙的13.pollute vt. 污染,弄脏 pollution n. 污染 polluted adj. 被污染的二、重点短语背诵:1. put forward 提出(建议等)2 .draw a conclusion 得出结论3. exposeto 暴露于 4. be absorbed in 专心于 absorb into.把吸收进入5. be to blame 该受责备 blame sb. for sth. 因责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把归咎于某人6. look into调查= in

4、vestigate= make an investigation7. slow down 减慢8. be linked to 与有关10. with certainty 肯定地11. preventfrom (doing) sth. 防止/阻止.做12. instruct sb. to do sth. 指导某人做某事13. be strict with sb. 对严格要求 be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求14. lead to 导致,通向15. make sense 有意义,有道理16. for that reason 因为那个原因17. at times 有时候18. be

5、 cautious about 对谨慎19. contribute sth. to sb./sth 为捐助. contribute to 有助于,导致20. apart from 此外,除之外21. cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人三、 不规则动词:1.know _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)2.spread _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)3.give _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)4.foresee _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)5.tell _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分) _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)7.find _ _ _ (过去式、过分、

6、现分)8.drink _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)四、语法填空1.I came to the _ that he was lying. (conclude)2.Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of _ universe. 3.These days flu hit this area, so many people got _ (infect).4.It is bad for our health to expose our skin _ the sun too long.5.The doctor wante

7、d to cure him _ his illness.6.We should prevent the water from _ (pollute).7.He is a man having a sense of _ (responsible).8.He told me a secret _ (private).9.The _ (confuse) expression on his face suggests he hasnt understood you.10.He rushed into the_ (burn) house to save the _ (trap) people.五、改错(

8、每个句子最多不超过2处错误)1. The people that are exposed to cholera will die.2. The polluting water is the source of cholera.3. Only after he was inspired by his teacher he become interested in physics.4. He believed in the second theory what suggested people absorbed the disease with their meals.5. As a result

9、, he found out that the polluted water was the cause of cholera when suggested that the source of all water supplies were examined immediately.六、词形变化默写:1. science n.科学; _ adj.科学的;2. conclude v.推断出,结束; _ n.结论,结束3. infect v.传染,感染; _ n. 感染; _ adj.传染的4. dead adj. 死的; _adj.快死的; _ adj.致命的 _ n.死亡5. respons

10、ible adj. 有责任的,负责任的 _ n. 责任,责任心6. contribute v.贡献,捐助; _ n. 贡献,捐助7.create vt. 创造 _ adj. 有创造力的 creation n. 创造8. _ adj.小心的,谨慎的; caution n.小心,谨慎; cautiously adv.小心地9. pollute vt. 污染,弄脏 _ n. 污染七、重点短语默写:1. 提出(建议等)_2. 得出结论 _3. 暴露于 _4. 该受责备 _5. 调查 _ 6. 减慢 _7. 防止/阻止.做_8. 对严格要求 _9. 导致,通向 _10.为捐助. _11. 此外,除之外_

11、12. 与有关 _八、重点句型翻译:1. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。 _2、John 建议所有的水源设施都要检查。_3、只有用这种方法才能解决问题。Book5 Unit2 单元过关实战检测 2019.10一、词形变化背诵:1. unwilling adj不愿意的-willing adj愿意的;乐意的 unwillingness n -willingness n 2. educate vt. education n. educational 教育的adj .educated受过教育的 3. rough adj 粗糙的;粗暴的;艰苦的 roughly adv粗略地,大体上,大致上

12、;粗糙地4. attraction n. 吸引; 吸引力 吸引人的事物attract v. 吸引 诱惑attractive adj. unattractive 5. legal adj. 合法的 ;法律的-illegal 不合法的6. convenience n. 便利;inconvenience不方便 convenient adj - inconvenient adj7. collect vt collection n收集;珍藏,聚集;收藏品;募捐8. discribe vt描写;描述 description n9. possible adj可能的 possibility可能;可能性 n p

13、ossibly adv impossible adj impossibility n impossibly adv10. arrange vt. 准备, 安排, 筹备 arrangement n. make an arrangement11. delight n高兴;快乐;喜悦/vt使高兴 delighted adj 高兴的 delightful adj令人高兴的 12. available adj. 可得到的;可利用的 unavailable adj. availably adv.13. thrill v. 使激动;使胆战心惊thrilling adj. 令人激动的 thrilled 感到胆

14、战心惊二、重点短语背诵:1. consist of 由.组成(不用进行时和被动式)=be made up of2. divideinto 把.分成 be divided into被划分成4. break away from 挣脱(束搏),脱离5. to ones credit 值得赞扬;在.名下6. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑7. break down vi(机器)损坏,破坏8. to ones delight使某人高兴的是 9. attract ones attention吸引某人注意力have an attraction for对.有吸引力10. have (an) influ

15、ence on sb/sth. =have an effect on sb./sth 对有影响力11. at your convenience 在某人方便的时候 for convenience为了方便12. What interests/interested sb (most) is /was最令某人感兴趣的是13. on special occasions在特殊场合14. make a list of列的清单15. refer to谈到,提到,查阅,涉及 16. fall asleep 入睡;睡着(强调动作) be asleep 睡着(表状态)三、 不规则动词:1. clarify _ _

16、_ 2. become _ _ 3. build _ _ _ 4. find _ _ _ 5. refer _ _ _ 6. worry _ _ _7. stand _ _ _8. read _ _ _9. ring _ _ _10. leave _ _ _四、语法填空1. _ (rough) speaking, we may need three more weeks to finish the task, which will take up some of our holidays. 2. It is _ pity that the industrial cities in the 19

17、th century dont attract visitors.3. Much to my amazement, I found the work _ (accomplish) when I came back.4. While _ (arrange) the table, we heard the door bell ring and then came a loud noise.5. The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _ (save) for other purposes. 6. The

18、 citys bright lights, broad roads, and fancy shops are _ (attract) to those who lives in the countryside. 7. Anyone who sees someone fitting Mr. McLeans _ (describe) is asked to contact police immediately. 8. If you study British history, the puzzles in geography can _ (clarify).9. With so much home

19、work _ (do), Im afraid I cannot hang out with you tonight.10. Lu Xun, _ real name is Zhou Shuren, wrote lots of great novels.五、改错(每个句子最多不超过2处错误)1. Look at your dirty clothes. Youd better get them washing. 2. Everyone on this tour have a possibility of playing in the first Test match. 3. My car broke

20、 out on the way last night, so I needed to ask for help.4. After the earthquake happened, all the medical teams consisted of great experts and doctors set off at once to devote themselves to save lives.5. The teacher suggested that the new words read three times a day.6. To my credit, Tom gave back

21、the money he found under his seat.7. That makes the old man proud is that his sons are educated.六、词形变化默写:1. attract n. _ adj. _ 2. convenient n. _ 不方便的adj. _ adv._3. arrange n. _4. delight adj 高兴的 _ adj. 令人高兴的_5. educate n. _ adj.受过教育的 _adj. 教育的_6. will adj 愿意的_ adj.不愿意的_ n. 愿意_7. possible adv._ n.

22、可能性_ adj. 不可能的_8. thrill adj. 令人激动的 _ adj. 感到胆战心惊 _七、重点短语默写 1. 由.组成_ =_2. 把.分成 _; 被划分成 _3. 挣脱(束搏),脱离 _4.省去,遗漏,不考虑_5.使某人高兴的是 _6. 对有影响力_7.在某人方便的时候 _8. 在特殊场合 _9. 谈到,提到,查阅,涉及 _八、重点句型翻译:1. 中国有56个民族。_2. 我们为祖国的进步和发展感到骄傲。_3. 由于担心时间不够,我把想在伦敦参观的景点列了一张单子。Book5 Unit3 单元过关实战检测 2019.10一、词形变化背诵:1. impress v. 给以深刻印

23、象; 使铭记 impression n印象;感想;印记. 2. constant adj. 时常发生的;连续不断的; 永恒的,忠实的; constantly adv. 不断地3. surround v. 包围 surroundings n.环境,周围的事物; surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的4. adjust vt.& vi.(改变以) 适应,调整,校正; adjustment n.调整;调节 adjustable adj.5. instant n. 瞬间; 速食食品,即溶饮料; adj.立即的;即食的; instantly adv.立即地6. receive v. 接收; r

24、eceiver n. (人/接收器) reception n. 接受 receptionist n. (接待员)7. greed n . 贪心、贪婪 greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的 greedily adv.贪婪地;贪心地8. settle vt. 解决;使定居; vi.定居settlement n. 解决; 定居 settler n. 殖民者; 移民9. motivate v. 刺激; 使有动机; motivation n. 动机二、 重点短语背诵:1.给留下印象 leave/make/have aimpression on sb. = impress sth on/ upon sbS

25、th give sb a good impression给某人留下印象 impress sb with/at/by sth2. 拿起,接受,占据, 开始从事 take up3. 使某人想起remind sb. that+从句;remind sb of sth; 提醒某人去做某事remind sb to do 4. 与相似be similar to 6. 作的调整make an adjustment to 7. 完全恢复be back on ones feet9. 看不见lose sight of , out of sight; 看见catch sight of; 第一眼 at first si

26、ght; 失明lose ones sight10.向四面八方in all directions 11. 横扫,打扫sweep up12. 溜进,悄悄地移动 slide into13. 加速speed up14. 缺少be lacking in sth=lack sth.= lack for sth.15. 对贪婪 be greedy for 16. 去除,处理,舍弃 dispose of17. 对乐观/悲观 be optimistic /pessimistic about 18. 打开/关掉 switch on/off 三、 不规则动词:1. take _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)2. lose _ _ _ (过去式、过分、现分)3. s

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