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Crazy English 900疯狂英语900句 中英对照视频配套版.docx

1、Crazy English 900疯狂英语900句 中英对照视频配套版李阳Crazy English 900疯狂英语900句中英文视频配套版 My Oath (我的誓言) 额外奉献:超级卖弄100大形容词 额外奉献:疯狂实战50句(来自疯狂英语学习者的评论)One My Oath第一部分 我的誓言Today I truly believe 今天我坚信This unique journey will completely change my life!这段特殊的旅程将彻底改变我的一生!Today I truly believe 今天我坚信That all my efforts will prod

2、uce generous returns!我所有的付出终将得到丰厚的回报!Today I truly believe 今天我坚信English will be a powerful weapon in my life!英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器!Today I truly believe 今天我坚信My dream of speaking beautiful English will come alive!讲一口漂亮英语的理想一定会美梦成真!Therefore,所以,I must devote all my energy and time to learning English

3、with courage,我一定要精神饱满、passion, enthusiasm and Vigor!热情高涨、I must enjoy losing face!热爱丢脸I must pour all my efforts into learning English!疯狂投入!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!我必须对自己百分之百地负责任!I must be 100 percent dedicated to my goal!我必须对我的目标百分之百地专注!I must be totally crazy about speaking Eng

4、lish!我必须百分之百地疯狂说英语!I must not waste one minute, or even one second!在今天的每一分每一秒,I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!挑战极限, 超越自我!I must conquer English and charge toward Success!征服英文, 迈向成功!I will speak good English!我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文!I will because I think I will!我一定行, 因为我认为我行!Right here! Right

5、 NOW! Action!就在这里! 就在此刻! 马上行动!Two Crazy Showoff 100第二部分 疯狂炫耀100句Unit 1 Great Beginning开门红 1 Great!好极了! 棒极了!2. You look great today.你今天看上去很棒.3. Today is a great day. 4. Thats great.今天天气很好. 非常棒.5. Thats a great idea! 6. Youre a great girl.那个主意不错! 你是个好女孩.7. I had a great time. 8. You did a great job.我玩

6、得非常开心. 你干得不错.9. You have a great family. 10. Your English is great.你有一个幸福的家庭. 你的英语很棒Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: Id like to invite you to dinner tonight.A 我今晚想邀请你吃 晚餐.B:Great! That sounds like a great idea.B 太好了!这个主意不错!2.A: You look great today. B: Thank you. You look great, too.A 你今天看上去很棒. B 谢谢.你也是.3.

7、A: Today is a great day. B: It sure is. Today is a great day to be outside.A 今天天气很好. B 的确. 今天是出门的好日子.4.A: How was your trip to America? B: I had a great time.A 你去美国玩得怎么样? B 开心极了.5 A: You did a great job. B: Thank you for saying that.A 你干得不错. B 谢谢你这么说.6.A: Lets go to a movie tonight. B: Thats a great

8、 idea.A 我们今晚去看电影吧? B 好主意.7.A: You have a great family. B: Thanks, Im very lucky.A 你有一个幸福的家庭. B 谢谢, 我很幸运.8 A: Your English is great. B: Im still working on it.A 你的英语棒极了. B 我还在努力当中.Unit 2 Crazy Apology疯狂道歉1.Sorry. 2.So sorry.对不起. 真对不起.3.Im very sorry. 4.Im really sorry. 5.Im terrible sorry.我很抱歉. 我真的很抱

9、歉. 我非常抱歉.6.Im incredibly sorry. 7.Im extremely sorry.我非常抱歉. 我非常抱歉.8.I apologize. 9.Please accept my apology.我道歉. 请接受我的道歉.10.My sincere apologies.我真诚道歉.Special Tribute特别奉献1 A: Ive been here for an hour.1 A: 我到这里已经一个1小时了!B: Im extremely sorry. I didnt know you were waiting. 非常抱歉, 我不知道你在等我.2 A: Im real

10、ly sorry for calling so late. B: Its 0K.I wasnt sleeping. 抱歉这么晚给你打 电话. B: 没关系, 我还没睡 呢.3 A: I made a stupid mistake. Please accept my apology. 我犯了个愚蠢的 错误,请接受我的道歉.B: Forget it we all make mistakes. 算了吧, 我们每个 人都会犯错.Unit 3 Crazy Gratitude疯狂感谢1. Thanks. 2. Thanks a lot. 3. Thank you.1 谢谢你. 2.多谢. 3. 谢谢你.4

11、. Thank you very much. 5. Thanks very much.4 非常感谢你. 5. 非常感谢你.6. Thanks for all your hard work. 7. Thank you so much.6 谢谢你们的辛勤 劳动. 7. 太感谢你们了.8. Thanks for your help. 9. Thank you for everything.8 谢谢你的帮助. 9. 谢谢你做的一切.10. Thanks for everything.10 谢谢你做的一切.Special Tribute特别奉献1. A: Thank you very much. B:

12、Its nothing.1.A: 非常感谢你. B: 没什么.2. A: Thanks for all your hard work. B: Dont mention it. It was my pleasure.2 A: 谢谢你的努力 工作. B: 不用谢, 这是我的 荣幸.3. A: Thanks for everything. B: Youre very welcome.3 A: 谢谢你所做的 一切. B: 千万别客气.Unit 4 Meeting New People第四单元 结识新朋友1. Nice to meet you. 2. Very nice to meet you.1 认识

13、你很高兴. 2. 认识你非常高兴.3. Its nice to meet you. 4. its really nice to meet you.3. 认识你很高兴. 4. 认识你真高兴.5. How nice to meet you. 6. Im happy to meet you.5. 认识你真高兴. 6. 认识你我很高兴.7. Im glad to meet you. 8. its a pleasure to meet you.7. 认识你我很高兴. 8. 认识你很荣幸.9. What a pleasure to meet you! 10. Ive heard so much about

14、 you.9. 今日相见,不胜荣幸 10. 久仰大名.Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: Very nice to meet you. B: Its very nice meeting you, too A: 认识你很高. B: 认识你我也非常 高兴.2 A: How nice to meet you! B: Its really nice to meet you, too.A 认识你真高兴! B: 认识你我也真的 非常高兴.3. A: What a pleasure to meet you! B: Im glad to meet you, too. A 今日相见不胜 荣幸!

15、B: 认识你我也很高兴.Ive been looking forward to meeting you for a long time.很久以来我一直盼望着 和你相见.Special Tribute 超级奉献1: A Ive heard so much about you. B: Really? Thanks Im so flattered.A 久仰大名! B:真的吗?谢谢, 过奖了.2 A: Ive been looking forward to meeting you for a long time我一直想与您见面,I am so happy to finally meet you.最终能

16、见到您我真的很 高兴.B: Well I hope you havent heard anything bad about me!希望你听到的不是 我的坏话才好!3 A: No! Of course not! Ive only heard terrific things.不!当然不是!我听 到的都是赞美您的话.I really admire you so much.我真的很仰慕您!B: Wow! Im glad to hear that. Im very happy to meet you, too.哇! 很高兴听你那 么说, 我也很高兴见到 你!Unit 5 Meeting friends第

17、五单元 会友1. How are you? 2. How are you doing? 3. How are you doing today?1 你好吗? 2. 你好吗? 3. 你今天过得怎么样?4. How are you doing this morning? 4. 你今天上午过得好 吗? 5. Hows everything? 6. Hows it going?5. 一切都好吗? 6. 你过得怎么样?7. Hows your family? 8. Hows business?7. 你的家人怎么样? 8. 你的生意怎么样?9. Howre things with you? 10. How

18、have you been?9. 你过得怎么样? 10. 你最近怎么样?Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: How are you doing today? B: Im doing OK. A: 你今天过得怎么 样? B: 还可以.2. A: Hows it going? A: 你过得怎么样?B1: Everything is all right. B2: Everything is great.B1 一切都很好. B2: 一切都很棒.B3: Things are really bad. B4: Things couldnt be worse.B3 事情真的很糟糕. B4: 事

19、情糟糕透顶.3. A: Hows your family? B: They are all doing great.3.A: 你的家人怎么样? B: 他们都很好.Special Tribute 超级奉献1 A: How is school going? B: Very well, thanks. Thanks for asking.A:你在学校里过得 怎么样? B:过得很好, 谢谢. 谢谢你的关心.2 A: Im glad to hear that. The first year of college can be pretty tough.A:听你这么说我很 高兴. 大一的生活可能 比较艰难

20、.B: Actually I got used to it pretty fast and I have always enjoyed studying.B:事实上, 我很快就 适应了, 我一直都喜欢 学习.3 A: Good for you. Youre lucky.A:那真好.你很幸运.Unit 6 Crazy OK第六单元 疯狂OK1. Are you OK? 2. Are you feeling OK? 1. 你好吗? 2. 你还好吧? 3. Are you doing OK? 4. Is everything OK?3. 你好吗? 4. 一切都好吗?5. Is it OK with

21、you? 6. Do I look OK? 5. 你觉得这样行吗? 6. 我看上去行吗? 7. Lets go there, OK? 8. Is your family OK?7. 我们去那里, 好吗? 8. 你的家人好吗?9. Is Kim OK? 10. Is it OK to smoke here?9. Kim她好吗? 10. 可以在这里抽烟 吗?Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: Are you OK? B: Im OK. Dont worry about me.1. A: 你好吗? B: 我很好, 别担心我.2. A: Are you feeling OK? B: N

22、o, I have a stomachache.2. A: 你感觉舒服吗? B: 不我胃痛.3. A: Do I look OK? B: You look fantastic.3. A: 我看上去好吗? B: 你看上去棒极了.Special Tribute 超级奉献A: Is it OK to smoke here?A: 能在这儿抽烟吗?B: Im sorry. Smoking is not permitted here.B: 对不起. 这里禁止 吸烟Its OK to smoke outside though.不过在外面可以吸.Unit 7 Crazy Agreement 第七单元 疯狂同意

23、1. Yes. Yeah. 2. Sure.1. 是的. 2. 当然.3. Right. Youre right. Thats right.对.你说的对. 没错.4. Absolutely. 5. Of course. 6. Thats fine with me.4. 正是如此. 5. 当然. 6. 我觉得那样很好.7. I agree with you 100. 8. I couldnt agree with you more.7. 我百分之百地同意. 8. 我完全同意.9. I like it. I love it. I think its great 9. 我喜欢它. 我爱它. 我觉得它

24、非常棒. 10. We see eye to eye on this.10. 我们在这个问题上 看法完全一致.Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: I think its very important. B: I agree with you 100%.A 我认为这很重要 B: 我百分之百同意.2. A: English is very difficult to master. 英语很难掌握.B: I couldnt agree with you more. 我完全同意.3. A: I dont think this project will work. A: 我觉得这个计划 行

25、不通.B: I dont think so, either. We see eye to eye on this.我也觉得行不通. 我们在这个问题上看法 完全一致.Unit 8 Crazy Disagreement第八单元 疯狂不同意1. No. /No way. 2. I dont think so. 3. I disagree.1. 不.没门儿. 2. 我不这样认为. 3. 我不同意.4. I disagree completely. 5. Im afraid I dont agree with you.4. 我完全不同意. 5. 恐怕我不同意你的 看法.6. I dont like it

26、. 7. Absolutely not! 6. 我不喜欢这个. 7. 绝对不行! 8. Forget it. 9. Thats a bad idea.8. 算了吧. 9. 那是个馊主意.10. Thats out of the question, =Impossible.10. 那根本不可能.Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: I think we should buy a new car.1. A: 我想我们应该买 一部新车.B: I dont think so. Our car is still running OK. 我不这样认为, 我们的车还可以用.2. A: We s

27、hould shut down our American office. Its been losing lots of money. A: 我们应该关闭 我们在美国的公司, 亏损太严重了.B: Im afraid I dont agree with you.B 恐怕我不同意你的 看法.3. A: Mom, can I use the car?A: 妈妈, 我可以用 一下车吗?B: Thats out of the question. You wrecked it last time.B 根本不可能. 上一次你把车给弄坏 了.Unit 9 Delights and Surprises第九单元

28、高兴与惊奇1. 0h, thats wonderful! 2. Really? Thats super! 1. 哦, 太好了! 2. 真的吗?太棒了!3. This is such a surprise! 4. Wow, Im so happy for you!3. 这真让人吃惊! 4. 哇, 我真为你高兴!5. This is incredible! 6. This is terrific!5. 这简直让人难以置 信! 6. 这太棒了.7. Thats totally fantastic! 8. Its fabulous. Its awesome!7. 那太棒了! 8. 太精彩了.太棒了!9

29、. Thats really amazing! 9 真不可思议!10. I cant believe it! Thats simply unbelievable!10. 我真不敢相信! 那真令人难以置信!Special Tribute 特别奉献1. A: I passed the interview and got a scholarship to Harvard University. A: 我通过了面试, 并获得了哈佛大学的 奖学金.B: Thats fantastic! Im so happy for you! Thats really amazing!B: 太棒了!我真为你 高兴!这太

30、令人惊讶了!2. A: How do you like my new hairstyle? A: 你喜欢我的新 发型吗?B: Its fabulous! I really like it.B: 太棒了!我真的很 喜欢.3. A: Stone was promoted to CEO of the company.3. A: 斯通被提拔为 公司的首席执行官.B: Are you joking! I cant believe it. Thats simply unbelievable.B: 你在开玩笑吧? 我真不敢相信, 这太令人难以置信了.Unit 10 Good Manners and Hospitality第十单元 礼貌和盛情1. Welcome to China. Enjoy your stay here.1. 欢迎到中国来. 祝你在这里玩得愉快.2. Is this your first visit to our city?2. 这是你第一次来 我们城市吗?3. China is full of interesting places. Chinese people are also v

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