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3a 教案.docx

1、3a 教案2006学年度第1学期小学三年级英语进度表周次日期内容备注19/1-9/1M1U129/4-9/8M1U139/11-9/15M1U249/18-9/22M1U359/25-9/29M1U3-M1U4610/2-10/6M1U4国庆710/9-10/13M2U1810/16-10/20M2U2910/23-10/27M2U2-M2U31010/30-11/3M2U31111/6-11/10M3U1-中复 中考1211/13-11/17M3U11311/20-11/24M3U21411/27-12/1M3U2-M3U31512/4-12/8M3U31612/11-12/15M4U117

2、12/18-12/22M4U1-M4U21812/25-12/29M4U2191/1-1/5M4U3元旦201/8-1/12M4U3-Project1211/15-1/19Project1-Project2221/22-1/26终复 终考Introduction With trends in teaching and learning changing fast in Chinas primary education, the teachers book aims to provide teachers with full support to use this material succes

3、sfully. Easy-to-use and comprehensive, teachers will find:1. Full, easily accessed language targets and objectives for each level.2. An introduction that describes: a. the organization and rationale of the learning package. B. its general objectives3. The organization of a unit plus full language pr

4、eparation and task procedure notes on a page-by-page basis, providing an easily accessible resource for teaching which links the oxford English and supplementary support materials into a comprehensive English teaching package.4. Suggestions for classroom management; ways of organizing tasks and acti

5、vities and facilitating language learning and use in typical teaching environments in primary schools.5. Additional resources; photocopiable pages of survey sheets, poems, songs and illustrations will help teachers address the area of student differentiation within the language class. Templates and

6、cut-outs for practical tasks and activities are included.6. Suggested allocation of time to help teachers to plan effectively.Allocation of timeYear level: Grade 3 Term: First TermModuleUnitSuggested time1. Getting to know you1. Here I am?32. Greetings33. In the classroom34. Saying and doing42, Me,

7、my family and friends1. My friends32. Feelings33. Families6Revision (1)2-33. Places and activities1. My school32. Shopping33. Parks and playgrounds44. The natural world1. Animals32. Insects and plants33. The park4Project 12Project 22Revision (2)4-5Total602003学年度第一学期小学三年级牛津英语学科教学计划一、 指导思想外语是学习文化科学知识,

8、获取国外信息,进行国际交往的重要工具。外语学科是我国中小学的一门基础工具学科。英语在世界上使用范围广泛,是义务教育阶段开设外语学科的主要语种。“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。”通过英语教学,培养不同层次使用英语的人才,对于实习改革开放,加速我国社会主义现代化建设,提高民族素质,具有重要意义。二、 教材分析1 教学内容Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 3A2 教学目标a 使学生受到听说读写的训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能,具有初步运用英语进行交际的基本能力。养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法,为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基础。b 激

9、发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强学习英语的自信心,对学生进行爱国主义和社会主义教育,使他们明确学习英语的目的与意义。c 在培养初步运用英语交际的能力和自学能力的同时,提高学生的记忆,观察,思维,想象等能力。3 教学重点、难点、关键M1U1 pronoun: I verb to be: ImM1U2 greetingsM1U3 pronoun: you possessive aduective: your verb to be: Youre indefinite article: a numbers: one, two, threeM1U4 numbers: one-ten imperatives,

10、e.g. Close the door. definite article: theM2U1 Wh-question: Who are you? pronouns: he, she verbto be: Hes /Shes M2U2 pronoun: it Yes/No questions, e.g. Is Sam happy? Is it a book? Wh-questions: What is it? indefinite articles: a and anM2U3 pronoun: me possessive adjective: my verb to be: am, is, are

11、 Wh-questions: Whos he/she?Yes/No questions: Are you ?M3U1 demonstrative: this Wh-question: Whats this? Yes/No question: Is this ? articles: a and the countable nouns (plural)M3U2 indefinite articles: a and an Wh-question: What shape is this? countable nouns (plural)M3U3 Wh-question: What colour is

12、it? Yes/No question: Is it ? imperatives: Look at /Point to demonstrative: that M4U1 Wh-questions: What are they? How many ? imperatives, e.g. Look at /Put on countable nouns (plural)M4U2 demonstratives: this and that Wh-questions: Whats this? Whats that? What are they? verb to have: has M4U3 conjun

13、ction: and Heres /Here are 三、 班级情况分析三(1)班共有学生23名,男生12名,女生11名,本地学生12名,外地学生11名;三(2)班共有学生23名,男生12名,女生11名,外地学生23人。两个班都是男生占多数,所以较为调皮。两个班中没有随班就读生。三(1)班的课堂气氛都较为活跃,孩子们都愿意积极举手发言,看得出他们都很喜欢英语,都愿意学好英语。但是作业情况、考试情况不容乐观。三(1)班的基础较差,特别是黄炎雯、顾家文、淤浩等后进生情况很不好,作业上课反应都不好。三(2)班虽然上课气氛不活跃,但学生愿意学,学习习惯非常好,作业、考试都很出色。只有栗东辉市新进来的学

14、生,情况不太好。基础差。但是他愿意学,态度较好。四、 采取措施1 给学生起英语名。2 充分发挥学生的主体作用,采用多种形式操练,课堂教学生动活泼,激发学生的学习兴趣。3 教学生运用规律、对立、分类、趣味区别记忆法。4 遵循听说领先,读写跟上原则。5 多辅导学困生,多与家长沟通、联系。6 要求学生及时完成作业、及时订正、及时背单词及课文,养成良好的学习习惯。7 从严要求书写,养成良好的书写习惯。8 鼓励举手发言,多予表扬。9 与学生多沟通,了解学习方法,学习上的困惑,共同进步。10 尽心挑选课外作业。11 合理利用有意注意和无意注意。12 采用谈话教学模式。13 多教学一些儿歌、歌曲等,培养学生

15、学习英语的兴趣。14 多采用直观教具和肢体语言。15 对单词进行发音归类,方便学生记忆,找到发音规律。16 实施英语小老师制度。多督促、鼓励学生,利用课余时间补缺补差,树立学生的自信心。Module one Getting to know youUnit 1 Here I amThe first periodLanguage focus: Language skills: Speaking.Using formulaic expressions to greet people. Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself.StageAimT

16、eacher activityLearner activityTeacher explanationTeaching rethicking1. PreparationTo motivate students To introduce the main ideas of lesson1. Have a daily talk about greeting.2. Make a short dialogue about greeting.1. Answer teachers questions2. Practice in pairs to make a short dialogue我首先以培养学生对我

17、的情感为主,以学生的兴趣入手,养成良好的学习习惯。2. Pre-task preparationTo pre-teach and think about ideas related to various items of key vocabulary.To get ready for students to speaking.1. Put the picture of Dotty on the board . Introduce Dotty.2. Encourage the class to say: Hello Dotty.1. Look at the picture and listen

18、to the teachers introduction.2. Tell the teacher your English name。To follow the teacher3. Say hello to Dotty.Picture, cassette3. While-task procedureUse modelled phrases to communicate with teachers and other learnersOpen an interaction by greeting someone politelyOpen an interaction by introducing

19、 oneself1. Teacher says hello to the students 2. Divide the class into pairs, the individual students introduce themselves to one another.3. To teach the new song4. Invite individuals to sing the song, substituting Dotty with their own name.1. Say hello to the teacher2. Greeting each other with hell

20、o3. To learn the new song4. Sing the song use own name Pictures, CassetteBoard 4. Post-task activitiesTo consolidate the new language. To develop ability to speaking.1. play a relay race (optional, but an enjoyable way of feeding back to students)2. Play a game3. Do exercises: workbook page 11. The

21、students at the back of each row or in a group starts2. Groups of students form circles. Hold a beanbag and say hello3. Work book page1Cassette Tape wordbookThe second periodLanguage focus:Learning the capital letters: A-Z. Learning the small letters: a-zStageAimTeacher activityLearner activityTeach

22、er explanationTeaching rethicking1. Warm upTo motivate students To review the language1. Daily talk (greeting)2. Sing a song.1. Answer the questions2. Sing a song Pictures and tape问候的句子是学生在日常生活中最常用的,引导学生正确的使用,我在教学时补充了一些内容,引起学生的兴趣,如:没关系,非常好,今天我不好3. 3. 2. While-task procedureLearning the capital lette

23、rs: A-ZLearning the small letters: a-z1. Show the alphabet cards one by one while playing the tape.2. Show the alphabet cards randomly3. Show the alphabet cards one by on while playing the cassette.4. Show the alphabet cards randomly 1. Students listen to the names of the 26 letters and learn to rec

24、ognize the capital letter. Students to say in chorus, groups or individually2. Students listen again to the names of the 26 letters and learn to recognize the small letters3. Students to say in chorus, groups or individuallyLetter cards tape 3. Post-task activityTo consolidate the 26 letters ( writi

25、ng, reading)Show the alphabet cards A Z and a-z randomlyStudents to say in chorus, then individuallyLetter cards tapeThe third periodLanguage focus:Learning the capital letters: A-Z. Learning the small letters: a-z.StageAimTeacher activityLearner activityTeacher explanationTeaching rethicking1. Pre-

26、task preparationTo motivate studentsTo review the letters1. Put up the alphabet cards on the board randomly2. Read the letters and correct the pronunciation1. The students revise the letters2. Individual students to pick out pairs of capital and small letter cards and say the letters 3. Read out the

27、 letters in consecutive order and ask studentsLetter cards 由于现在上课的时间缩短了5分钟,总觉的时间来不及,学生操练的时间一长,练习的时间就不够了,我在课前尽量精心设计好操练的内容,让学生说的面广,并能突出重点。2. While-task procedureTo teach an English song1. The teacher plays the tape for the song.2. To teach the new song3. Invite individual students to come out and sing

28、.1. Students listen to the tape2. Sing after the tape an sing along3. Some individual students to come out and singTape3. Post-task activityTo consolidate the language1. In groups, refer the students to the self-assessment sheet on page 57 and have them discuss their opinion about each task in this

29、unit and what they think they have learned. 2. Have each amount of support from you, depending on individual students abilityStudents do their exercises(Students self-assessment)Pictures, cards, music第一单元,看起来很容易,但是要掌握好很难,学生总会将句型搞混。比如,否定句,一般疑问句的含义。我只将I am的句型给了他们。学生在变一般疑问句时很难理解变are you的需要。字母比较容易记住,只是当

30、中抽出一段找邻居就变得困难了。总之,一定要抓紧最初,提高他们学习兴趣。Unit 2The first periodLanguage focus: Language skills: Listening, speakingUsing formulaic expressions to greet peopleStageAimTeacher activityLearner activityTeacher explanationTeaching rethicking1. PreparationTo introduce the main idea of lessonTo motivate students1. Take out some soft toys2. Introduce them to the students1. To meet

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