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本文(网络经济的边际收益递增问题研究.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、网络经济的边际收益递增问题研究网络经济的边际收益递增问题研究 摘 要 当今世界,网络成为人们生活的主导,它与经济紧密的联系在一起,促成了网络经济的飞速发展。边际收益递减一直是传统经济学的基本规律,但是随着对网络经济的研究的深入,许多学者发现传统经济学中的边际收益递减规律已经不能完全切合网络经济的一些现 .摘  要当今世界,网络成为人们生活的主导,它与经济紧密的联系在一起,促成了网络经济的飞速发展。边际收益递减一直是传统经济学的基本规律,但是随着对网络经济的研究的深入,许多学者发现传统经济学中的边际收益递减规律已经不能完全切合网络经济的一些现象,边际收益递增在解释很多现象时往往更加得精

2、准。目前,对于边际收益递增问题也仅仅是运用传统经济学的理论框架进行研究,人们对于网络经济边际收益递增还有一定的争议,一些经济学学者呼吁要全面的看待网络的边际收益递增,强调网络经济边际收益递增的不确定性。本文通过讨论网络经济的概念和对传统经济边际收益递减规律的讨论,具体分析了网络经济的边际收益递增问题和原因以及对经济发展的积极和消极影响;论述了网络经济下边际收益递增的不确定性。在较为全面的分析了网络经济边际收益递增现象的同时,也对我国网络经济的发展给予了关注。关键词:边际收益递减规律;外部性;正反馈 Discussion on the problem of Increasing Marginal

3、Revenue of Networks Economy AbstractNowadays, the network becomes the predominance of people’ life; it is relative closely to economy, which helps the fast development of networks economy. Decreasing marginal revenue has been the basic regulation of the traditional economics, but along with th

4、e deeper research of network economy, many scholars finds that the traditional decreasing marginal revenue already cant completely suit some phenomenon of networks economy, Increasing marginal revenue explains much more precisely. Currently, the research of increasing marginal revenue is based in th

5、eories frame of the traditional economics, people also have certain controversies for increasing marginal revenue of networks economy, and some economic scholars appeal to an overall treat to the increasing marginal revenue and emphasize indetermination of the increasing marginal revenue of networks

6、 economy.By discussion about the concept of networks economy and traditional decreasing marginal revenue, this text analyses concretely the reason of the increasing marginal revenue of networks economy and the positive and negative influence to development of economy; along with an overall research

7、of the increasing marginal revenue, the text also focuses on the development of our countrys networks economy. Keywords: Increasing Marginal Revenue of Networks Economy; Exterior; Positive feedback     论查尔斯•狄更斯双城记中的人道主义思想(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查,毕业论文6500字,成绩评定册)摘  要:首先,本文根据&ld

8、quo;以人为本”的理论阐述了查尔斯•狄更斯关于人道主义的个人观点;其次,探究双城记写作背景的同时引出狄更斯写作本小说的重要目的,即用人道主义思想唤醒世界;最后,具体分析小说中体现人道主义的人事物。本研究对于进一步了解作为一位批判现实主义小说家的狄更斯具有重要意义。关键词:双城记;查尔斯•狄更斯;人道主义思想  On the Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities of Charles DickensAbstract: This paper first describes the personal view on

9、 humanitarianism of Charles Dickens according to the theory of “people-oriented”. Second, it reveals that the writing purpose of this novel is to wake up the world with the humanitarianism along with the study of the writing background of A Tale of Two Cities. Finally, the leading charac

10、ters and significant things in the novel get meticulous analysis from the angle of humanitarianism. This study is of great significance to get a further understanding of Dickens who appeared as a critical realist novelist. Key words: A Tale of Two Cities;Charles Dickens;Humanitarianism ContentsAbstr

11、act.1Key Words.1Introduction.11 The Main View of Dickens’s Humanitarianism.3 3.3.3 Sydney Carlton.113.3.4 Lucy Manette.123.4 The Special Character: Madame Defarge.12Conclusion.13Notes.14 Bibliography14Acknowledgements.15  摘要在中国从农业社会向工业社会、从传统社会向现代社会转变的现在,中国的大批农民工从农业和农村向非农业和城市流动已经成为一种必然现象。农

12、民工在城市中不仅要面对社会保障、劳动权益等等问题,还要很直观的面对他们子女的教育问题。在子女的教育中,学校教育无疑占据着非常重要的地位。农民工子弟学校在承担人口输入地义务教育责任的同时,也受到各种不公平的待遇。完善农民工子弟学校,是解决农民工子女教育问题的途径之一。本论文以贵阳市永恒小学为基本调查对象,深入了解该农民工子弟学校的现状,得知其在学校的硬件、学校的财政、学校的师资等方面都存在着很大的问题,进而分析研究导致这些问题的原因,并针对问题提出实际的建议和意见方案。关键词:农民工 农民工子弟学校 现状 AbstractAs the society improves from the

13、 traditional agricultural one to the modern industrial one, it has already been an inevitable phenomenon that a great deal of migrant workers move from rural communities or agriculture to city or non-agriculture. Not only the problems such as social security and laborers rights in city, but also wou

14、ld they face the children’s education directly. Among all kinds of education, it’s no doubt that school education is of the most importance. Schools for children of migrant workers from agricultural districts take responsibility of a compulsory education, and at the same time, various un

15、fair treatments are also received. Improving the facilities of those schools is one of the ways to settle down the children’s education of migrant workers. Taking Yong Heng school in Guiyang city as the basic subject of investigation, this thesis, by studying the current state of this school d

16、eeply, elicits a fact that there are so many insufficiencies in hardware, finance and teacher etc in this school and a plan of practical proposition is taken out according to analyzing the cause of these problems.Keywords:  Peasant laborer; Peasant laborer dependents school;Present situation 目&

17、nbsp;       录      字摘  要 ABSTRACT前  言1一、研究方法与调查对象的基本情况3(一)研究方法3(二)调查对象基本情况4二、贵阳市农民工子弟学校现状,以永恒小学为例5 (一)师资力量不足且流动性大5(二)生源不稳定且学生流动性大,学生难管6(三)学校办学条件较差81.学校建设差82.学校管理不到位10(四)面临不公正待遇11 三、导致以上现状和问题的原因12(一)城乡二元结构体制造成农民工子女就学机会不公平12(二)财政困难导致农民工子

18、弟学校办学困难13(三)农民工的流动性导致农民工子弟学校的学生流动性大13(四)工资待遇低和工作环境差导致其师资力量不足且流动性大14(五)办学条件差、师资弱、管理混乱导致教学质量问题14结  语15参考文献18 致  谢19  榆树下的欲望中艾比•普特曼悲剧的根源(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,毕业论文5500字)摘  要:尤金•奥尼尔被称为“美国戏剧之父”,他曾四次获得普利策奖,并于一九三六年荣膺诺贝尔文学奖。榆树下的欲望是他中期的名剧之一,女主人公艾比•普特曼是一位悲剧性的人物。本文将从艾比

19、对财富物质的占有欲、情欲、妇女在男权社会下所受的压迫三个方面来分析榆树下的欲望中艾比悲剧产生的根源,揭示作品所蕴藏的深刻内涵,进而诠释榆树下的欲望长久而独特的艺术魅力。关键词:榆树下的欲望; 尤金•奥尼尔; 艾比•普特曼; 悲剧;根源On the Roots of the Tragedy of Abbie Putman in Desire Under the ElmsAbstract: Eugene ONeill, "the father of American drama", who won Nobel Prize for literature in

20、1936 and four Pulitzer Prizes. Desire Under the Elms is one of the representative works in his second writing period. The heroine Abbie Putman is an image of tragedy. This paper intends to explore the roots of the tragedy of Abbie in Desire Under the Elms from three aspects: Abbies desire for wealth

21、, her desire for sex, and oppression of the patriarchal society to reveal the profound connotation in the drama and to interpret the everlasting charm of Desire Under the Elms. Key words: Desire Under the Elms; Eugene ONeill; Abbie Putman; Tragedy; RootsContentsAbstract.1 Key words.1 Introduction.2

22、1 Eugene ONeill and his Desire Under the Elms.31.1 About Eugene ONeill.31.2 Desire Under the Elms.32 Roots of the tragedy of Abbie Putman.42.1 Abbies desire for wealth.4 2.2 Abbies desire for sex.62.3 Oppression of the patriarchal society.6Conclusion.11Notes.11 Bibliography.12Acknowledgements.13 摘&n

23、bsp; 要:针对陈村花卉苗木的出口情况进行全面的调查,并对个别出口花卉苗木的检疫要求进行了研究。通过对花卉世界中的皿井、良种等花卉苗木出口企业的出口花卉苗木进行数量检查和现场检疫,并对其出口的种类、数量、批次等资料进行整理和分析,发现从09年5月11日至9月11这四个月中,输往日本、韩国等国家的富贵竹和输往荷兰的介质盆景的数量较大。其中输往韩国、日本、美国这三个国家的富贵竹占总批次的45.6%以上,而输往荷兰的介质盆景就占到了总数的15.9%。由此可见富贵竹和介质盆景对陈村花卉苗木出口的影响关系重大。关键词:花卉出口;检疫;富贵竹;介质盆景;陈村Investigation of Flower

24、s & Plant for Exports and its Quarantine Requirement in ChencunAbstract: The basal data of flowers and plant for exporting in Chencun were conducted and the quarantine requirement for some flowers were studied from May to September in 2009. Though quantity inspected and quarantine to exports of plant and flowers that planted in Minjing, Liangzhong and others companies, them located in Chencun flowerworld, after analysis them variety, number and batch, find the number of lucky bamboo and the bonsai are the largest. From May 11 to September 11

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