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1、英语词汇温习 英语词汇温习1、 Seek fame追求名声,追求声誉try hard to do sth努力的做某事2、Quit doing sth 停止做某事 gain fame 获得荣誉,得到荣誉 3、*Remain true to=be loyal to 忠于.忠诚于.accused sb of sth 指控某人 eg:one drop of fame will likely contaminate(污染,弄脏)the entire(全部的) well of mans ,and(艺术家)who remains true to himself is particularly amazing

2、.4、*should have done 应该做某事eg:he should have hired (雇佣,聘请)a better attorney(l律师).5、*tropical jungle热带雨林61、as far concerned 就.来说62、confine to/with 限制63、conflict with 冲突,抵触64、congratulate on 祝贺,向.致祝词65、consent to 同意,赞成66、consist of 由.组成67、consist in 在于;存在于68、consult with 商量,商议69、contrast with 对比,

3、和.形成对照70、contribute to 捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿71、control over 控制,支配72、convert to 变化,变换,转换73、convice of 使确信,使信74、cope with 对付,应付75、correspond to 相当,相类似76、correspond with 相符合,成一致77、count on 倚靠,指望78、count up 算出.的总数,共计79、cover up 掩饰,掩盖80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正81、deal in 经82、deal with 处理,论述,涉及83、dedicat

4、e to 奉献,把.用在84、deduce from 演绎,推断85、 把.定义为86、depend on/upon 依靠,信赖,取决于87、derive from 起源,衍生88、despair of 对.绝望89、deviate from 背离,偏90、devote to 致力于,把.奉献给91、at best 充其量,至多92、run a/the risk 冒险,有.风险93、object to 反对,不赞成94、accuse sb of sth 指控,控告95、throw out 开除,解雇96、 pen up 把.关起来97、aim at 旨在,目的,瞄准98、co

5、ol of 使变凉快,使变凉99、enquire into调查,查问100、on credit 赊欠,欠账101、open a/the door to 使.可能,给.机会102、keep oneword 履行诺言,说话算数103、melt away 逐渐消失104、fall apart ( 组织,机构,制度等)的瓦解,崩溃105、hold up 支撑106、shrug off 对.不予理会,对.不屑一顾107、pave the way for 为.铺平道路,为.创造条件108、wipe away 擦掉,抹去109、cut down 改小,缩短200、for good 永久的201、tip up

6、 拌,绊倒202、make up 虚构,捏造,编造203、come down in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势204、to a degree 有些,在某种程度上205、go along 进行,前进206、find ones way into 到达,进入*as soon as 一就(1)一到家我就给你打电话。I will call you as soon as I get back home.(2)一见到她我就会告诉她。I will tell her about it as soon as I see her.(3)我一进家门,Peter就高兴地喊起来。As soon as I wen

7、t in, Peter cried out with pleasure.(4)我一到那里就给你写信。I will write to you as soon as I get there.(5)Peter一听到消息就兴奋地喊起来。As soon as Peter heard it,he cried out excitedly.*asas 和一样 & (not) as/ soas 不如(1)这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film is as interesting as that movie.(2)Peter和Tom一样高。 Peter is as tall as Tom.(3)这本书不如

8、那本书有趣。This book is not so interesting as that book.(4)第二课不如第三课难。Lesson 2 is not so difficult as Lesson 3.(5)听磁带和看英语电影一样重要。Listening to tapes is as important as watching English-language movies.&as as possible 尽可能地(1)我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。We should speak English as much as possible in English classes.(2)

9、你能不能尽可能慢一些读这个句子?Could you please read the sentence as slowly as possible?(3)请尽可能快地发邮件给我。Please send me the e-mail as soon as possible.(4)这项工作必须尽快完成。The work must be finished as soon as possible.(5)当你感冒的时候,你应该喝尽可能多的水。When you have a cold,you should drink as much water as possible.ask sb for sth 向某人要(

10、1)当你迷路时,你可以向警察需求帮助。When you get lost, you can ask the police for help.(2)一些学生经常向父母要钱去买零食。Some students often ask their parents for money to buy snacks.(3)他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。He asked his parents for a bike as his birthday gift.(4)我们向成人寻求帮助是明智的做法。Its wise for us to ask adults for help.(5)当你不知道问题的答案时,你可以

11、向你的老师寻求帮助。When you dont know the answer to any questions, you can ask your teacher for help.*as soon as 一就(1)一到家我就给你打电话。I will call you as soon as I get back home.(2)一见到她我就会告诉她。I will tell her about it as soon as I see her.(3)我一进家门,Peter就高兴地喊起来。As soon as I went in, Peter cried out with pleasure.(4)

12、我一到那里就给你写信。I will write to you as soon as I get there.(5)Peter一听到消息就兴奋地喊起来。As soon as Peter heard it,he cried out excitedly.*asas 和一样 & (not) as/ soas 不如(1)这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film is as interesting as that movie.(2)Peter和Tom一样高。 Peter is as tall as Tom.(3)这本书不如那本书有趣。This book is not so interesting a

13、s that book.(4)第二课不如第三课难。Lesson 2 is not so difficult as Lesson 3.(5)听磁带和看英语电影一样重要。Listening to tapes is as important as watching English-language as possible 尽可能地(1)我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。We should speak English as much as possible in English classes.(2)你能不能尽可能慢一些读这个句子?Could you please read th

14、e sentence as slowly as possible?(3)请尽可能快地发邮件给我。Please send me the e-mail as soon as possible.(4)这项工作必须尽快完成。The work must be finished as soon as possible.(5)当你感冒的时候,你应该喝尽可能多的水。When you have a cold,you should drink as much water as possible.ask sb for sth 向某人要(1)当你迷路时,你可以向警察需求帮助。When you get lost, yo

15、u can ask the police for help.(2)一些学生经常向父母要钱去买零食。Some students often ask their parents for money to buy snacks.(3)他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。He asked his parents for a bike as his birthday gift.(4)我们向成人寻求帮助是明智的做法。Its wise for us to ask adults for help.(5)当你不知道问题的答案时,你可以向你的老师寻求帮助。When you dont know the answer

16、to any questions, you can ask your teacher for help.*hundreds of works sat idle (闲散的,)on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line (生产线)to start again.*to some of our problems there was more than (超过,不仅仅)one right answer ,so we were looking at the studentreasoning(推理) as to(至于,关于,就什么而论) how th

17、ey got it and if they could justify (证明.有道理,为.辩护)the answer they had.*consumers(消费者,用户,顾客)expect to find the brand (商标,牌子)available(有效的,可得的,可以利用的) at a(an)discount (打折,折扣)and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price.* the intended(想要,打算,意指) meaning of the photo above is pressing and farreac

18、hing.上面图片/画面要表达的意义迫切而深远. *chase vt 追逐,追赶 *cruelty n 残酷,残忍*pessimistic adj 悲观的 *conquest n 征服,控制,攻占 *bankrupt adj 破产的 *motive n 动机 *worship vt 崇拜,敬重,仰慕 *spur vt 鼓励,刺激 *lure n 诱惑 *drown v 沉浸于 * imperial adj 壮丽的,宏大的帝国的,皇帝的 *agent n 经纪人,代理人,代理商 *hasten vt 加快,快速 *elevator n电梯 *blur n 模糊的记忆,模糊不清的事物 *idle

19、adj 闲散的,不工作的*bore vt 使厌烦 *bored adj 厌烦的 *continuity n连续性,连贯性 *sustain vt 维持,使.继续 *minute adj 极小的 *discount vt 打折,降低价格,忽视,低估,折扣 *plot n (小说,电影。故事)的情节,阴谋,密谋 *moviemaker n 电影制作人 *distinct adj 明显不同的,独特的,清晰地,清楚的 *spotlight n 聚光灯 *junngle n 热带丛林 *fraud n欺诈,诈骗 *contaminate vt 污染,弄脏 *underline n vt 在.下划线 强调

20、,使突出 *uncompromising adj 不妥协的,不让步的 *object vi 反对,不赞成 *accuse vt 指控,控告 *banquet n 宴会 * sue vt 诱惑 *attorney n 律师 *second vt 支持,附议 *fine vt 罚.的款 *expel vt 开除,驱逐 *justify vt 证明.有道理 ,为.辩护 *single-minded adj 一心一意的,专一的 *novelist n小说家 *musician n 音乐家,乐手 *desperate adj 急需要的,极向往的,绝望的,拼命的 *desperately adv 非常,绝

21、望的,拼命地 *alas adv 不幸的是,遗憾的是 *cautious adj 小心的,谨慎的 *luxury lk()r n. 奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受 adj. 奢侈的 *barn n 谷仓,牲口棚 *bull n 公牛 *mill n 磨坊 *spray v 喷洒,喷 *sunshine n 阳光 * canal n 运河 *bathe vi 游泳 ,给.洗澡 *air conditioning n 空调设备 *towel n 毛巾 * clay n 黏土 * ditch n 水沟,渠 *seashell n 贝壳 *seaweed n 海藻,海草 *crane n 起重机,吊车 *r

22、acism n 种族主义, *inquire v 打听,询问 * deposit n 存款,定金 *container n 容器,集装箱 *coil n 卷,盘 *tray n 托盘 * brow n 额,前额 *moist adj 湿润的 *amuse vt 使开心,使发笑 *amused adj 被逗乐的,愉快的 *booklet n 小册子 *sign n 叹气,叹息 *relief n 安慰,如释重负 *heave vi 用力举,拉,推 *freight n 货物 *furnish vt 供应,提供,为.配别 * auction n 拍卖 * behave vi 举动,表现 *lest

23、 conj 以免,唯恐 *glue n 胶水 * porter n 行李工 *initiative n 主动性,自主决断能力 *restore vt 使恢复,修复,使复原 *liquor n 烈性酒 *intent n 目的,意图 *induce vt 引起,导致 *obligation n 责任,义务 *melt vi 逐渐消失, 使融化,使熔化 *exceedingly adj 非常,及其 * meanwhile adj 与此同时,在此期间 *civility n 礼貌,谦恭 * yawn n 哈欠 *shrug v 耸肩 *barber n 男士的理发师 * barbershop n 男

24、士的理发店 *pave vt 铺设,铺砌 1、come on to sb向某人搭讪 2、Come Over To Play来家里玩3、come up to him走向他;来到他面前;向他走来;朝他走去4、Come Back to Sorrento重归苏莲托;归来吧苏莲多come round to dinner过来吃饭Come down to Earth面对现实;回到现实;回到现实中来;实际起来come up to him走向他;来到他面前;向他走来;朝他走去COME BACE TO ME到我这里来优化;来BACE给我;巴采来向我Come here to browse来这儿浏览come on to sb向某人搭讪Come back to write回来要写感受Come Over To Play来家里玩

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