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1、高中英语外刊完形填空9篇学生版尖子生必备完形填空体裁说明文词数331限时12分钟I had a weeks holiday to use and I wanted to spend it in the best hotel I could find. That was why I chose The Haven. Set in a country park, I thought I would be able to escape the problems and pressures of (1) life. But, just twenty-four hours after arriving

2、there, my wife and I experienced problems with the restaurant, the service and the (2) . We should have left and returned to our (3) when we saw two policemen walking outside the hotel, (4) the building. One of them showed us how our room could be (5) in through the windows. It seems that the hotel

3、has no (6) on the windows. Although we were a little worried, our concerns were (7) when we believed a good-sized bed, a flat-screen TV, a spa bath and more suggested a comfortable stay. Things started to go from bad to worse the following morning when I found the restaurant only served (8) meals. I

4、 was disappointed and upset: six days of rabbit food and no steak and chips? What had I let myself in for? We should have been told about the food before we (9). I ordered breakfast against my will (10) , but I had to wait forty-five minutes for it to arrive. This was not the (11) I expected. That a

5、fternoon, when we returned from a tour around a village nearby, we found that nearly 200 had been stolen from our room. The Haven (12) to refund us the money. They claimed that they could not be responsible for any loss if our (13)was not locked. My holiday was then a total (14) ; I thought a “haven

6、” was supposed to be a quiet, peaceful place. (15) , I have experienced more stress and worry in that one day than I usually do working in the office for a week. 1. A. real B. daily C. whole D. holiday2. A. price B. staff C. luxury D. security3. A. home B. hotel C. room D. country4. A. admiring B. s

7、earching C. restoring D. inspecting5. A. viewed B. flown C. slipped D. crawled6. A. locks B. glass C. frame D. curtains7. A. shown B. concealed C. forgotten D. overemphasized8. A. low-fat B. high-nutrient C. home-made D. ready-cooked9. A. started B. ordered C. planned D. booked10. A. somehow B. inst

8、ead C. anyway D. otherwise11. A. food B. service C. holiday D. entertainment12. A. promised B. refused C. pretended D. desired13. A. safe B. room C. door D. window14. A. risk B. comedy C. failure D. conflict15. A. In fact B. Despite that C. For contrast D. At last体裁说明文词数422限时11分钟Think of hree histor

9、ical figures. What do you know about them? Where did you get your information from? The chances are that you either read it somewhere or someone who read it somewhere told you about it. Did you ever (1) who wrote down these facts? How can you be sure that they are (2) ? The thing is, many historical

10、 “facts” are not like what you know about them. Lets think about the (3) of America. Whats the first name that comes to mind? More than likely its Christopher Columbus. But is it the case? He had (4) to reach Asia and thats where he thought he was when he came to America. But there were many people

11、there before him. The first ones were (5) the Native Americans, thousands of years before 1492. Even the Vikings had made a number of expeditions, with Leif Eriksson landing there in around 1000 A.D. Perhaps Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer, was the discoverer of America. (6), unlike Columbus b

12、efore him, he was the first fifteen-century explorer to realize where he was, or rather, where he definitely wasnt. So, maybe the word “re-discover” is more (7) when it comes to Columbus, if history is to give him any credit at all .Everyone believes such historical “facts” because, like you, they g

13、ot them from what they thought was a (8) source. But how can such things be written down in the first place? One of the reasons must be that history is seldom “cut and dried”. The events are often complicated and (9) . Another reason is that such “facts” always (10) a grain of truth. Columbus was no

14、t the first person to travel to America, but he was the first fifteen-century explorer to go there. His “re-discovery” was, from a historical point of view, extremely (11) for Europe since his voyages opened up large-scale commerce between Europe and America. History has (12) been written by the win

15、ners. If the conquered peoples had written the history of the discovery of the New World, it would most probably have been very different, but not necessarily objective: the point of view of the conquered can be just as (13) as the point of view of the conqueror. But that is not the (14) story. The

16、writing of history depends not only on the “side” the writer is on, but also on the culture and attitudes of the era it is written in. History is always (15) . So, remember: when you read history, take it with a pinch of salt.1. A. go over B. make up C. see to D. think about2. A. complete B. funny C

17、. strange D. true3. A. conquer B. development C. discovery D. foundation4. A. gone on B. set out C. turned out D. taken on5. A. certainly B. historically C. necessarily D. unbelievably6. A. In addition B. After all C. To sum up D. For example7. A. accurate B. common C. harmonious D. familiar8. A. po

18、litical B. secret C. reliable D. thorough9. A. messy B. clear C. proper D. evil10. A. exhibit B. overlook C. abandon D. contain11. A. pointless B. significant C. troublesome D. purposeful12. A. traditionally B. exceptionally C. marvelously D. unconsciously13. A. impersonal B. changeable C. prejudice

19、d D. thoughtful14. A. real B. whole C. famous D. false15. A. inevitable B. important C. unexpected D. subjective体裁说明文词数345限时10分钟There is a website called the “World Database of Happiness”. It combines and analyzes the results of hundreds of surveys from around the world that have been conducted on l

20、ife satisfaction. Most of the findings are (1) , but a few are surprising. The database makes it clear that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general happiness. It is a clich (陈词滥调) to say that money cant buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be (2) by research. Many

21、people still stick to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their problems, yet they are probably (3) . Studies have been (4) on people who acquired sudden wealth, such as lottery winners. In most cases, after the (5) joy had worn off, people were not left with a sense of lasting

22、happiness. In fact, they tended to go back to the way they (6) before they became rich. Previously contented (满意的) people continue to be contented, (7) those who were miserable before sink back into misery. If material wealth does not bring happiness, then what does? Perhaps happiness has something

23、to do with where you live. The authorities at the World Database on Happiness have surveyed (8) of happiness in different countries. (9), people in America, Canada and Singapore are very happy; people living in India and Russia, not surprisingly, are not happy. Other surveys consistently (10) the im

24、portance of relationships. (11) relationships in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment. The website suggests that falling in love and having children are two of the (12) that bring the greatest happiness. Nowadays people look to technology as a(n) (13) source of satisfaction. People

25、 increasingly spend time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet (14) spending time with family. Can technology truly make people happy? It is too difficult to tell, but one thing is certain: If the websites research is accurate, time spent with your family is a better (15) than time spent making

26、money.1. A. different B. predictable C. satisfactory D. unexpected2. A. challenged B. widespread C. overtaken D. supported3. A. generous B. positive C. hesitated D. mistaken4. A. turned out B. done with C. carried out D. put forward5. A. essential B. pleasant C. initial D. enviable6. A. felt B. had

27、C. chose D. lived7. A. as B. so C. and D. while8. A. levels B. standards C. senses D. examples9. A. Strangely B. Hopefully C. Apparently D. Surprisingly10. A. point to B. hold up C. deal with D. depend on11. A. Partner B. Family C. Relative D. Social12. A. situations B. relations C. destinations D.

28、references13. A. convenient B. natural C. everlasting D. adequate14. A. as far as B. rather than C. as well as D. in case of15. A. environment B. circumstance C. investment D. civilization体裁说明文词数409限时14分钟As computer technology has improved, todays online environments have become more complex and rea

29、listic. One website that has (1) over six million Internet users is Second Life. Second Life is a three-dimensional (3-D) online world where people work, shop, sell and trade items, meet others, go to concerts, and much more. Users, who are called “residents,” create their own characters, or “avatar

30、s.” They use their avatars to (2) Second Lifes virtual world .Just like any country, Second Life has its own (3) . Using a credit card, users can buy “Linden Dollars,” the official currency of Second Life. With Linden Dollars, they can (4) land or even an entire island where they can build and decor

31、ate their own house. Land is treated as a valuable commodity in Second Life. Residents can choose to rent or sell their land to other users, and they can earn real money from these (5) When residents want to be (6) , they can use their avatars to interact with others. There are games, shopping malls

32、, clubs, and many kinds of stores available to residents. With so many opportunities for interesting things to do and see, its easy to see why so many users devote so much (7) to the site. Second Life offers users a quick and easy (8) from the real world. Many residents see this as one of the main (9) of using the site. Spending time

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