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高一英语 Module 6《Films and TV Programmers》教案 外研版必修2.docx

1、高一英语 Module 6Films and TV Programmers教案 外研版必修22019-2020年高一英语 Module 6Films and TV Programmers教案 外研版必修2一题材内容及学习目的本模块话题是“电影和电视节目”,阅读课文为影评。通过本模块的学习,使学生能用新学词汇、句型等基础知识,围绕话题开展厅、硕、读、写活动,能正确看待电影、电视的功能,并通过影视作品增长知识、丰富生活。二教学目标1 语言知识语音感叹句的语音词汇MODULE FILE , VOCABULARY 语法Adverbs of frequency and placeAdverbs and

2、adverbial phrases功能Talking about how often you do things话题从背景、情节、角色、演员和评论等方面讨论电影2 语言技能听能听懂广播、电视中比较简单的英语节目。说能在老师指导下参与角色扮演等活动并能正确使用语音、语调。读能连贯、流畅地朗读课文,并能根据上下文猜测生词的意思。写能够描述简单的人物或事件并表达自己的见解。3 学习策略认知将新学过的和已经学过的有关电影、电视的词汇、短语进行归纳和整理,类比记忆,通过观察例句,分析和总结出频度副词的使用规律,在口语和书面语中正确运用。调控根据本模块阅读部分所提问题,学习整体把握文章的主旨大意,提高阅读

3、效率。资源学会通过观看好的电视节目扩大知识面,获取有效信息,促进科学文化知识的学习。4 文化意识大致了解并比较我国和西方国家在影视方面的主要情况、特点和风格;学会通过影视作品学习语言,了解文化。5 情感态度学会有选择地欣赏电影或电视节目,获取有效信息,促进科学文化知识的学习。三教学重点和难点1 重点:()用新学词汇、句型等基础知识,围绕话题开展听、说、读、写活动。()语法:Adverbs of frequency and placeB:Adverbs and adverbial phrases. (3) 阅读中能推断新学词汇、短语的意义。2 难点:用英语进行电影评论。四教学方法运用任务性教学途

4、径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务。围绕文章内容,设计听、说、读、写活动,尽可能地提供训练学生技能的机会。开展促进自主性学习的课堂活动,强调合作探究与独立思考相结合。五教学安排根据本模块内容特点、目标任务,以及学生学习英语的规律和特点,本模块整合梳理为课时:Period 1: Introduction , Reading and vocabulary Period 2: Cultural Corner , Reading (workbook , P99)Period 3: Grammar 1,2Period 4: Language points Period 5: Writing , TaskPer

5、iod 6:Exercises (test)Period 1 Introduction , Reading and vocabularyI . 教材内容及教学目标1学习与电影有关的英语词汇,如:poster, thriller, edy , sword 等。要求学生初步熟悉这些词汇,为进一步学习本模块的内容奠定基础。2 阅读关于电影Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 的一则影评(film review), 学习相关词汇,如:actress, female, male, character, leap 等;学会归纳文章的主旨大意;围绕文章内容,进行说的活动。II. 教学

6、过程设计Step 1. Introduction1. Read out the words in the box and have the students repeat them after the teacher chorally and individually. Make sure that they know what they all mean.2. Show some posters about Harry Potter to the students and ask them to discuss the following questions.(1) Whats the fi

7、lm called?(2) Who directs it?(3) Who stars in it?(4) When did it e out?Answers:(1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.(2) Chris Columbus(3) Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson ,Rupert Grint(4) xx3. Read through the words in the box while the students listen and follow .Have the students repeat them. Ma

8、ke sure they understand the meanings. Show some posters to the students , and ask them to tell the types( Romantic film , martial arts film , edy , tragedy , thriller , adventure film , horror film.)Step 2. Pre-reading1. Read the words in the box and have the students repeat them after the teacher.

9、Make sure they know what they all mean. Ask them to do the activity individually and then check with a partner. Collect the answers from the whole class.2. Have the students appreciate a moving plot of Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon. Show some pictures about the famous film and introduce the main p

10、lot to the students.Step 3. Reading 1.Read the film review .Have the students decide which is the best summary of the film.Answer: 2 is the best. It is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword and the fight to get it back.2.Fast-reading. Skim the passage and find the answers to eac

11、h question .(1) Who is the director of it ? (Ang Lee)(2) Whats the relationship between Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian ? (They are friends. Xiulians fianc was a good friend of Mubai.)(3) Who plays the part of Yu Jiaolong ? What do you think of her performance?(Zhang Ziyi , a young woman who is not as good

12、as she seems.)3.Further- reading . Read the passage carefully and decide if these statements are true or false.(1) The story takes place in the 18th century.(2) Foreigner do not like seeing Wuxia films.(3) Li Mubai is Yu Xiulians fianc (4) In the films , characters can leap through the air.Step 4. E

13、xercises .Finish the exercises on Page 53 in the textbook.(part 3,4,5). Ask the students to plete the sentences individually and then check with a partner .Then collect the answers from the whole class, asking them to give the teacher plete sentences . Correct them if necessary.Step 5. HomeworkSee a

14、 famous movie ,such as Hero .Write a film review .Period 2 Cultural corner ,Reading (workbook , P99)I. 教学内容及目标1. 通过阅读文章“Steven Spielberg -Film Director” , 了解美国著名导演斯皮尔伯格及其主要电影作品。2通过阅读课后练习中的文章(review about Hero), 培养学生泛读技巧,学习和训练阅读微技能,如:查读、略读、把握段落大意、推断文章主旨等。II. 教学过程设计Step 1 . Cultural corner1.pre-readin

15、g discussion(1). Ask the students to discuss the following two topics.Topic 1. Name as many Chinese film directors as you can and the films they directed.Topic 2. Name as many foreign film directors as you can and the films they directed.(2). Finish the first part of the form. (things that you have

16、known about Steven Spielberg.)Things known to you about himThings new to you about him2.Reading Read the whole text and make notes.Name:_. Sex:_ Age:_Job:_Nationality:_. Masterpieces:_Films he made at the following ages:13:_, 16:_, 24:_ ,28:_, 36:_3. Speaking Give a simple introduction of Steven Spi

17、elberg according to the information above.4.Discuusion: Why is Steven Spielberg so special as a film director ? List your reasons.Additional: Steven SpielbergStep 2. Reading (WB,P99).1. Read the film review about Hero and match the topic sentences with paragraphs.Answers: 1C ,2.A , 3 E ,4D , 5B.2. D

18、o the Exercise 13. Read the passage quickly , find the words in the review , and guess the meanings according to the contrast ,then choose the best answer for each. After the students finish them , have them tell the answers individually. Meanwhile, give them the right answers if necessary.Answers :

19、 1.a 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.a3. Correct these false sentences. All the sentences are wrong .Correct them according to the passage .First, give the students several minutes to discuss the sentences , then ask some students to read out the right sentences . Give them right sentences if they are wrong.4. De

20、cide which paragraphs present the following topics .Give the students 2 minutes to discuss ,then collect the answers.Characters_4_, plot _3_, reviewers opinion _5_,setting _2_ Step 3 . Homework : Write a short passage about a famous director or a film star.Period 3 GrammarI. 教学内容及目标要求学生能够识别出时间状语(表频度

21、)和地点状语,并了解这类状语在句子中的位置;了解通常情况下时间、地点和方式状语在同一个句子中的位置关系。II. 教学过程设计Part 1. Grammar 1Step 1. look at the underlined words in these sentences .Ask them to tell the types of the adverbs. Read through the following sentences with the class.1. The children went out of the public library happily.2. He promised

22、 that he would e here before five oclock.3. They havent yet finished the experiment.4. I make telephone calls to my parents twice a week.5. Luckily all of them passed the driving test .6. The girl did fairly well in the speech contest.7. Why was he late for the meeting ?8. Do you remember the day wh

23、en your brother joined the army?Answers: 1. 方式副词2.地点副词时间副词频度副词句子副词程度副词疑问副词关系副词Step 2. Finish Activity 2,decide which words and phrases tell us how often something happens and which phrases tell us where something happens.Answers :hw often Occasionally,now and then, three times a week , seldom, from

24、time to time, once a week ,rarely , every two dayswhereIn the west , between the houses , at the end (of the road), through the airPart 2: Grammar 2. Adverbs and adverbial phrasesStep 1. Tell the students some rules of adverbs order in the sentences.Give the students some example sentences and have

25、them understand the location of adverbs.1. I hardly ever heard him singing .2. You must always keep this in mind .3. He was born in Beijing in the year 1980.4. He doesnt quite agree with you .5. She does everything carefully.Step 2. Do the exercises in Activity 3.Put the words in the sentences below

26、 in the correct order.Answers :1. I spent a lot of money at the supermarket yesterday.2. The man walked quickly down the street .3. You played well yesterday.4. The students have worked hard today.5. Think carefully before you talk to her.6. The boys were talking loudly in the corridor yesterday.7.

27、They drove to the airport early in the morning.Step3. Homework : Additional exercises referring to Grammar in the module.Period 4 Language pointsPart 1. key words from the vocabulary.1. poster, n. related words: post, n, v.e.g: (1). Please send this gift by post. (2). This cad was posted in London a

28、 week ago.2. direct, v, adj.related words: direction , director, directly.3. marry, ve.g: (1). He married his classmate 21 years ago.(2). Alice was /got married to John last year.(3). They have been married for 40 years.(4). The landlord married his daughter to a rich businessman.4. character. n.e.g

29、: (1)a determined character. (2)He has a strong character. (3) The story has only a few characters. (4) Write in big characters.5. express.e.g: (1) v. She expressed her thanks to us. (2). adj. an express highway, express train.give express ordersrelated word: expression6. occasionally, adv. I occasi

30、onally go to the movies with him.related word: occasion , n, e.g: (1). on the occasion of her marriage.(2). I met the official on several occasions.7. argue, v.e.g: I argued about the plan with him.I argued him out of smoking.Part 2. Key phrases1. e out.e.g: (1). The stars came out as soon as it was dark.(2). How did the printing e out?(3). The truth finally came out.pare: e about , e back, e to, e up.2. to ones surprise = to the surprise of sb.To our surprise, he visited us suddenly.Related words: in surprise, take .by s

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