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1、英语高考全国各地完形填空试题及解析2021年一般高等学校 招生全国统一考试(安徽卷)In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The 36 is that countries around the world have growing mountains of 37 because peopleare throwing out more rubbish than ever before.How did we 38 a throwaway society? First of

2、 all, it is now easier to 39 an object than to spend time and money to repair it. 40 modern manufacturing (制造业) and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and 41 . Another cause is our42 of disposable (一次性的) products.As 43 people,we are a

3、lways looking for 44 to save time and make our lives easier. Companies 45 thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few.Our appetite for new products also 46 to the problem. We are 47 buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that 48

4、is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we 49 useful possessions to make room for new ones.All around the world, we can see the 50 of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To 51 the amount of rubbish and to protect the 52

5、, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. 53 , this is not enough to solve (解决) our problem.Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions 54 throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes about 55. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending

6、 habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.36. A. key B. reason C. project D. problem37. A. gifts B. rubbish C. debt D. products38. A. face B. become C. observe D. change39. A. hide B. control C. replace D. withdraw40. A. Thanks to B. As to C. Except

7、 for D. Regardless of41. A. safe B. funny C. cheap D. powerful42. A. love B. lack C. prevention D. division43. A. sensitive B. kind C. brave D. busy44. A. ways B. places C. jobs D. friends45. A. donate B. receive C. produce D. preserve46. A. adapts B. returns C. responds D. contributes47. A. tired o

8、f B. addicted to C. worried about D. ashamed for48. A. newer B. stronger C. higher D. larger49. A. pick up B. pay for C. hold onto D. throw away50. A. advantages B. purposes C. functions D. consequences51. A. show B. record C. decrease D. measure52. A. technology B. environment C. consumers D. brand

9、s53. A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Meanwhile54. A. by B. in favour of C. after D. instead of55. A. spending B. collecting C. repairing D. advertising【答案】36. D 37. B 38. B 39. C 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. D51. C 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. C【解析】试题分析:文章要紧讲的是堆积如

10、山的垃圾给环境带来的阻碍。随着社会的进展,人们偏向于扔掉用旧了的东西,以新物品取而代之。而且,包装盒等一次性产品给人们带来方便的同时,也给环境带来专门大的压力。36. D 考查名词辨析。A答案;B缘故;C项目;D问题。依照第二行“the world.”可知,显现的问题是垃圾堆积如山,应选D。37. B 考查名词辨析。A礼物;B垃圾;C债务;D产品。句意:因为人们此刻扔掉很多垃圾,因此,垃圾堆积成了山,应选B。38. B 考查动词辨析。句意:A面对;B变得;C观看,庆贺;D改变。依照“first of all.”可知,那个地址讲的是乱扔垃圾的缘故,应选B。39. C 考查动词辨析。A躲藏;B操纵

11、;C代替;D撤退,收回。句意:与花时刻和钱修理相较,此刻更易改换物品,应选C。40. A 考查短语辨析。A多亏;B至于;C除;D不管。句意:多亏了今世制造业和技术,公司能够更快地生产产品,本钱也降低很多,应选A。51. C 考查动词辨析。A显示,展现;B记录;C减少;D测量。句意:愈来愈多的政府要求人们循环利用物品,如此做是为了减少垃圾,应选C。52. B 名词辨析。A技术;B环境;C消费者;D品牌。要求人们循环利用也是为了爱惜环境,应选B。53. A 考查副词辨析。A但是;B要不然;C因此;D同时。句意:但是,只是要求人们循环利用是远远不够的,应选A。54. D 考查介词辨析。A通过;B支持

12、;C在.以后;D代替,而不是。句意:咱们需要修理咱们的财物,而不是扔掉它们,应选D。55. C 考查动词辨析。A花费,度过;B搜集;C修理;D宣传。句意:咱们也需要从头考虑对修理的态度,依照下句“repairing.”可知答案,应选C。考点:社会类短文阅读2021年一般高等学校 招生全国统一考试(福建卷)One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder. However, life can be 36 when you are not busy finding fault with it.Several yea

13、rs ago I 37 a letter from seventeen-year-old Kerry, who described herself as a world-class fault-finder, almost always 38 by things. People were always doing things that annoyed her, and 39 was ever good enough. She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really

14、40 person.Unfortunately, it took a horrible accident to change her 41 Her best friend was seriously hurt in a car crash. What made it almost 42 to deal with was that the day before the 43 , Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her 44 of boyfriends, the way she was li

15、ving, the way she related to her mother, and various other things she felt she needed to 45 It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became 46 her habit of finding fault. Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to 47 everything so harshly ( 刻薄) . She was able to transfer

16、her new wisdom to other parts of her 48 as well.Perhaps most of us arent as extreme at fault-finding, 49 when were honest, we can be sharply 50 of the world. Im not suggesting you 51 problems, or that you pretend things are 52 than they are, but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they ar

17、e 53 most of the time, and especially when its not a really big 54 .Train yourself to bite your tongue , and with a little 55, youll get really good at letting things go. And when you do, youll get back your enthusiasm and love for life.36. A. lonely B. great C. quiet D. uneasy37. A. received B. ans

18、wered C. expected D. rejected38. A. threatened B. interrupted C. bothered I). spoiled39. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing40. A. caring B. boring C. interesting D. surprising41. A. attitude B. plan C. measure D. explanation42. A. urgent B. unnecessary C. certain D. impossible43. A. o

19、ccasion B. event C. accident D. adventure44. A. memory B. notice C. evidence D. choice45. A. hear B. contribute C. express D. admit46. A. aware of B. afraid of C. curious about D. confused about47. A. discuss B. realize C. judge D. settle48. A. family B. life C. career D. education49. A. so B. or C.

20、 but D. for50. A. proud B. sure C. hopeful D. critical51. A. face B. create C. solve D. ignore52. A. rarer B. better C. stranger D. worse53. A. at least B. at last C. by far D. so far54. A. task B. deal C. result D. duty55. A. practice B. speech C. rest D pity【答案】36.B 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.B 41.A 42.D 4

21、3.C 44.D 45.C 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.C 50.D51.D 52.B 53.A 54.B 55.A 37A考查动词辨析A.received同意;B.answered回答;C.expected期望;D.rejected排斥。几年以前,我收到一个来自17岁女孩kerry的信。应选A38C考查动词辨析A.threatened要挟;B.interrupted打搅;C.bothered麻烦;D.spoiled娇惯。那个叫做Kerry的女孩说自己是一个世界级的找错者,她老是被各类情形困扰着。应选C39D考查不定代词辨析A.anything任何事;B.everything每一件事;

22、C.something某事;D.nothing没有事。人们老是做着那些惹她愤怒的情形,没有一件事是好的,应选D40B考查形容词辨析A.caring关切的;B.boring糟糕的;C.interesting有趣的;D.surprising令人惊奇的。 她具有高度的自我批评精神,她也会对自己的朋友挑毛病。她成了一个超级糟糕的人。应选B41A考查名词辨析A.attitude态度;B.plan打算;C.measure方法;D.explanation说明。不幸的,一场恐怖的事故发生改变了她的态度。应选A42D考查形容词辨析A.urgent 经济的;B.unnecessary没必要要的;C.certain


24、了她选择男友的目光、她生活的方式、她与母亲联络时候的方式,还有各类其他她以为她需要表达的应选D45C考查动词辨析A.hear听;B.contribute奉献;C.express表达;D.admit承认、许可。发生事故的前一天,Kerry造访了她的朋友,在这期间全程批评了她选择男友的目光、她生活的方式、她与母亲联络时候的方式,还有各类其他她以为她需要表达的。应选C46A考查短语辨析A.aware of注意; B.afraid of担忧;C.curious about对好奇;D.confused about对迷惑。直到他的朋友受了重伤,Kerry才注意到她挑毛病的适应。应选A 50D考查形容词辨析

25、A.proud自豪的;B.sure确信的;C.hopeful有希望的;D.critical批判的。可能咱们中的大多数都可不能极端的的寻觅错误,可是当咱们老实的面对的时候,咱们能够尖锐的批判那个世界。应选D51D考查动词辨析A.face面对;B.create制造;C.solve解决;D.ignore忽略。我并非是在建议你无视问题。应选D52B考查形容词比较级辨析A.rarer更稀罕的;B.better更好的;C.stranger更奇怪的;D.worse更坏的。我也不是在建议你假装事物比它们自身更好。应选B53A考查短语辨析 least至少; last最后; far到此刻为

26、止; far迄今为止。至少在大多数时刻里,你学着容忍事物的原态。应选A54B考查名词辨析A.task任务;B.deal处置、交易;C.result打算;D.duty责任。尤其是当这不是一个专门大的情形。应选B55A考查名词辨析A.practice实践;B.speech演讲;C.rest休息;D.pity遗憾。训练你自己忍着不说那些刻薄的话,小小的实践一下,你会变得很擅长放手。应选A考点:记叙文阅读。2021年一般高等学校 招生全国统一考试(广东卷)How long can human beings live? Most scientists who study old age thin

27、k that the human body is _1_ to live no longer than 120 years. However, 110 years is probably the longest that anyone could hope to live if he or she is _2_ healthy and lucky. Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! Yet, our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce _3_. They wear

28、 out, and as a result, we get old and _4_ die.Even though we cant live forever, we are living a _5_ life than ever before. In 1900, the average American life span (寿命) was only 47 years, but today it is 75 years!When does old age begin then? Sixty-five may be out-of-date as the _6_ line between midd

29、le age and old age. After all, many older people dont begin to experience physical and mental _7_ until after age 75.People are living longer because more people _8_ childhood. Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature, many children died of common childhood _9_. Now that the chances of dyin

30、g _10_ are much lower, the chances of living long are much higher due to better diets and health care.On the whole, our population is getting older. The _11_ in our population will have lasting effects on our social development and our way of life. Some people fear such changes will be for the worse

31、, while some see _12_, not disaster, many men and women in their “golden years” are healthy, still active, and young in _13_ if not in age.As the society grows old, we need the _14_ of our older citizens. With long lives ahead of them, they need to _15_ active and devoted.1. A. designed B. selected C. improved D. discovered2. A. completely B. generally C. apparently D. extremely3. A. rapidly B. harmlessly C. endlessly D. separately4. A. eventually B. hopelessly C. automatically D. desperately5. A. busier B. longer C. richer D. happier6. A. finishing B. guiding C. waiting D. dividing7

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