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1、Unit6Whenwasitinvented知识点整理Unit 6 When was it invented?语法一般过去时的被动语态1.一般过去时的标志词last week上周 last month上个月 last year去年 last night 昨天晚上three years ago三年前 three months ago三个月前 three weeks ago三周前in the morning在早上 yesterday昨天 the day before yesterday前天just now刚才 the other day前几天 on those days在那些日子里2.一般过去时分

2、为主动语态和被动语态:3.一般过去时主动语态的构成:一般过去时主动语态可以分成两类:一类是带be的,另一类是带实义动词的。带be的各种句式的构成(1)肯定句的构成是:主语+ was/were +其他 (2)否定句的构成是:主语+was/were + not +其他 (3)一般疑问句的构成是:Was/Were+主语+其他? 肯定回答是:Yes,主语+was/were 否定回答是:No,主语+was/were +not (4)特殊疑问句的构成是:疑问词+ was/were+主语+其他? 带实义动词的各种句式的构成(1)肯定句的构成是:主语+ 动词过去式+其他 My father made the

3、desk yesterday.(2)否定句的构成是:主语+ didnt +动词原形+其他 My father didnt make the desk yesterday. (3)一般疑问句的构成是:Did +主语+动词原形+其他? Did you father make the desk yesterday? Yes,he ,he didnt.肯定回答是:Yes,主语+did. 否定回答是:No,主语+didnt (4)特殊疑问句的构成是:疑问词+ did +主语+动词原形+其他??My father made the desk yesterday. When did your father

4、make the desk?5.一般过去时被动语态的构成:主语+was/were+动词过去分词+by短语+其他The house was built in 1967. (1)否定句的构成是: 主语+was/were+not+动词过去分词+by短语+其他The house was not built in 1967.(2)一般疑问句的构成是: Was/Were+主语+动词过去分词+by短语+其他 Was the house built in 1967? Yes,it ,it wasnt.肯定回答是:Yes,主语+was/were 否定回答是:No,主语+was/were +not(3)特殊疑问句

5、的构成是:疑问词+was/were+主语+动词过去分词+by短语+其他 The house was built in 1967. When was the house built?(1)My brother broke a bowl last night.(改为被动语态)A bowl by my brother last night.(2)Every year the organization collects money to help the old people.(改为被动语态)Every year money by the organization to help the old pe

6、ople.(3)We call math the language of science. Math the language of science.(4)Did Tom work out this problem? (改为被动语态) this problem by Tom?(5)One of the classrooms was often cleaned.(改为否定句) One of the classrooms often .(6)Did you win the basketball game?Bad luck,our team in the final one. won beaten(

7、7) This kind of bike in Suzhou in 2011.A. was made B. made making D. makes(8)_ tea plants grown in Hangzhou?A. DoB. DidC. WasD. Were(9)The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he to the hospital.A. takes taken taken(10)The bridge_ by the local people in 2000 built buildSection A动词,意为“发明” invento

8、r名词,意为“发明家” invention 可数名词,意为“发明” Edison invented the electric light. Edison was a great inventor. The telephone is a useful invention.Edison was a great .He over 1,000 during his life.;invented;inventions ;invented;invention;invented;inventions ;invents;inventions2.区分invent 和discover(1)invent指客观上不存

9、在的东西后来被人发明 (2)discover意为“发现,找到”,指发现或找到某种自然界本来已存在,但以前未被人发现或认识的事物。Edison invented the electric light.Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October, 1492.(1)We all know who the telephone. (2)Gilbert(吉尔伯特) electricity and Edison the electric light bulb.;invented ;discovered ;invented ;discovered介词,

10、意为“有;带有;具有”,表示某物带有或具有某种特征。a coat with four pockets. a house with a garden.一个带有花园的房子。Would you like some coffee,please? Yes,and please get some prefer coffee sugar. 4.提建议的表达方法及应答(1)What/How about doing sth?意为“做某事怎么样?”What about going fishing with me this afternoon?(2)Why dont you do sth?或Why not do s

11、th?意为“你为什么不做某事呢?”Why dont you buy your mother some flowers?=Why not buy your mother some flowers?(3)Lets do sth意为“让我们做某事吧!”Lets go to school by bike.(4)Shall we do?意为“我们去做好吗?”Shall we go to the park on Sunday?(5)Youd better do sth./Youd better not do sth.意为“你最好做某事/你最好不要做某事。”Its cold d better put on

12、your coat.(6)You should do sth.意为“你应该做某事” You shouldnt do sth.意为“你不应该做某事”You should go to bed early.(1)肯定回答Good idea.好主意 That sounds great.听起来好极了 (2)否定回答Sorry,I; Im afraid I cant (1)I feel a bit hungry now.Why not for dinner with us?A. go B. Did you go go D. do you go(2)Its a fine day we go swimming

13、? But we need to be home before six oclock.A. Have a nice time! B. Not at all. are right. D. Good idea!(3)Why dont you buy your mother a scarf for her birthday?(改为同义句)Why your mother a scarf for her birthday?(4)Shall we have a picnic at the weekend? (改为同义句) having a picnic at the weekend?(5)Well go

14、to Qing Yuan Mountain join us?Thats a good idea.A. not B. dont t D. didnt5. Would you like sth?用于委婉的提出建议,或征求对方意见。肯定答语:Yes, please. 否定答语:No, thanks. Would you like some tea? Yes, please. /No, thanks. you like to do sth?用于委婉的提出建议,或征求对方意见。肯定答语:Yes, Id like/love to 否定答语:Id like/love to,but +不能去做某事的理由。或S

15、orry, +不能去做某事的理由。 Would you like to go swimming with us? Yes, Id love to/Sorry,I have too much homework to do.注意: 带would like和Could you please的句子, 用于委婉的提出建议,或征求对方意见。所以变成疑问句时some不变成any,something不变成anything.(1)Would you like a cup of tea? _. A. Id like milk B. Yes, I would C. Youre welcome D. Yes, ple

16、ase (2)Shed like some rice. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _ _ rice?(3)Would you like some bread? -_. A. No, I wouldnt B. Thats all right C. Yes, please D. Yes, I would (4)Would you like camping with me? Id like Im busy my homework. go;to do B. to go;doing C. going;to do D. going;doing(5)Would you like to come to m

17、y birthday party?_. A. Yes, I would B. Yes, Id love to C. No, I wouldnt D. No, I wouldnt to7.表示“不客气”的用语有:Youre welcome. Thats all right/OK. Ita a at all.8.表示“没关系”的用语有: It doesnt matter. Thats all right/OK. Not at all.9.两个“如此以致于”: sothat和suchthat (1)such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数=so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数(2)such+形容词+

18、可数名词复数(3)such+形容词+不可数名词 (4)so+形容词/副词(5)so+many/much/little/few+名词(so many+可数名词复数,意为“如此多的”,so much+不可数名词,意为“如此多的”,so liltte+不可数名词,意为“如此少的”,so few+可数名词复数,意为“如此少的”。)(1)This coat doesnt fit him well, as he has _ a huge body and the coat is _ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so(2)This

19、meeting is important that you mustnt miss it. A. very B. such C. so D. too(3)there was _little food left then that we had to turn to a local farm for help a a=everyday意为“日常的,每日的”。 Whats your daily work? 11. by accident=by chance意为“偶然,意外”I met her by accident in a crowded bus.。(1)She found her lost c

20、ar_. mistake accident mistake accident(2)I know him by accident. C./ is believed that意为“人们认为/相信”其中 it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。It is believed that she will come back.It is said that 据说 It is reported that据报道13. fall into意为“落入,陷入”One day a farmers donkey fell into a well. The little boy the nearby hurrie

21、d to pull him out of it. to into off over14. remain的用法: (1)是系动词时意为“保持,仍是”,后接形容词.类似的动词还有keepThe door remained closed.(2)是实义动词时意为“逗留、被遗留”,相当于stayI remained three days in that country.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.The town was badly destroyed in the

22、 war,but the library . 15.区分sometimes,sometime,some time和some times(1)sometimes频度副词,意为“有时;偶尔” My father lets me drive his car sometimes.(2)sometime时间副词,意为“某时”,通常和“日期”或“时间”连用,表示过去或将来某个不确定的时间或日期. Lets go to see a new movie sometime next week.(3)some times意为“几次” I have read this book some times.(4)some

23、 time意为“一段时间” Please give me some time to think about it.(1) he goes to school by bus. B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some times (2)I will be away for .Please look after my pet dog. times time 16.五个感官系动词。taste尝起来 ,smell 闻起来, look看起来, sound听起来,feel摸起来 后跟形容词作表语。(1)The cookies good. Could I have some mor

24、e?A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound(2)What is the matter with you? You so sad. to have like like17.(1)notice sb doing sth意为“注意到某人正在做某事”I noticed a man stealing something in the room.(2)notice sb do sth.意为“注意到某人做了某事”I noticed him repair his car yesterday.(1)The young girl called 110 when she noticed

25、 a man into a house. break (2)I often noticed the boy school alone very late. leave 是动词,意为“生产”,product是名词,意为“产品”The TV set (电视机)that we bought in Shanghai. produce produced19. one of+the +形容词最高级+名词复数意为“之一”China is one of the biggest countries in the world.Xian is one of capital in China.;city B. the

26、 older;city C. oldest;cities D. the oldest;cities20. five hundred students 五百个学生 hundreds of students数以百计的学生There are people in the s so crowded. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds ofuntil意为“直到才”,主句的动词一般是非延续性动词,它所表示的动作直到until所表示的时间才发生。 She cant leave until Friday. You cant leave until

27、your work is finished. 拓展:until在肯定句中的用法:wait until一直等到 until用于肯定句,作“直到为止”讲时,主句的谓语动词一般是延续性动词,表示主句的动作一直延续到until所表示的时间为止。 He waits until the children are asleep. I shall stay here until twelve oclock. than意为“少于”, more than=over意为“多于” He sleeps less than seven hours every night. There are more than(=ove

28、r)four hundred students in our school.23.(1)happen意为“发生”不用于被动语态,一般用于偶然或突发性事件;sth happen to sb “某人发生了什么”Unluckily,a terrible thing happened to him.(2)take place一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事情的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。Maybe something unexpected happened.Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten y

29、ears.(1)There are many people downstairs. What do you think ?A. to happen B. happening C. is happened happened(2)What to Carla last night? What did she cry for?A. was happened B. happened happening D. had happened(3)The accident him at three this afternoon.A. happened to B. took place to happening t

30、o D. was taken place to24. century意为“世纪”The building is some centuries old.“世纪年代”的表达方法:the 1860s 指19世纪60年代,读作the eighteen sixtiesthe 1990s指20世纪90年代,读作the nineteen ninetiesin 1990 在1990年 in the 1990s在二十世纪九十年代into意为“把翻译成” They translated his books into several languages. of a sudden意为“突然”。 All of a sudden,the lights went out.Section B1. by mistake 意为“无意中,错误地” I took the umbrella by mistake.make mistakes(in)=make a mistake(in)意为“在(某方面)犯错误”(1)This kind of bicycle was invented . the way mistake for mistook(2)Tom was so careless that he often the exam. mistake of m

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