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1、G 段 隐形听力障碍儿童在学习环境中的受关注度愈加不够。H 段 新西兰政府应对儿童听力障碍的新举措。I 段 其他国家的类似效仿措施重点词汇A段impairment n.障碍;损害;损伤impact n.影响consequence n.结果;后果;影响auditory adj.听觉的deficit n.瑕疵;不足;赤字;亏损detrimental adj.有害的;不利的individual n.个体decade n.十年B段preliminary adj.初步的,初级的;预备的acoustics n.(空间的)传声效果mechanical adj.机械的air-conditioning n.空调

2、comprehend v.理解,领悟collaborative adj.合作的, 协作的heighten v.(使)加深,加剧exacerbate v.使恶化,使加剧concern n.令人担忧的亊;忧虑practice n.通常做法;惯例;练习ventilation n.空气流通,通风contribute to 导致;促成;有助于trend n.趋势interaction n.互动possession n.拥有;占有;财产potential n.可能性;潜在性;潜力C段maximum adj.最大的;最高的environment n.环境reverberation n.回声;回响genera

3、te v.造成;引起;产生evaluate v.评估D段disability n.残疾ASD 自闭症vulnerable adj.易受伤的ADD/ADHD 精神不集中E段autism n.孤独症,自闭症genetic adj.基因的;遗传的life-long adj.早生的;终生的sensory stimuli 感官刺激intrusive adj.打扰的;侵扰的adversely adv.不利地,有害地neurological adj.神经学的,神经系统的discrepancy n.差异;不一致distressing adj.使人痛苦的;令人苦恼的F段indicative adj.指示的;象征

4、的;暗示的disinhibition n.抑制解除distraction n.分散注意力的事;使人分心的事sustaining adj.持续的;支持的persistence n.坚持,坚持不懈screen out 筛选出G段isolate v.使隔离;使孤立;单独考虑;区别看待strategy n.策略construction n.建筑物;建设thorough adj.彻底的undiagnosed adj.未确诊的penetrate v.进入;穿过;穿透;渗入optimum adj.最优的,最佳的;最适宜的investigation n.调查;审查H段embark on 着手:开始做barri

5、er n.障碍consultation n.咨询objective n.目标I段formulate v.形成;构想imperative adj.必要的standard n.标准promulgate v.公布;颁布;宣扬精解Questions 1-6题型:段落信息配对题MATCHING解析:该题型是雅思阅读中的五星级难题,即乱序,出题思路点也很繁杂;所以尽管它通常为文章之后的第一个题型,但是在解答阅读套题时,建议考生最后再解决它。1.定位词/关键词a national policy initiative原文定位H段第句The New Zealand Government has develope

6、d a New Zealand Disability Strategy and has embarked on a wide-ranging consultation process.题解根据H段第一句以及后文对该策略的具体介绍,可知题干中的a national policy initiative是同义替换原文中的 a New Zealand Disability Strategy。答案H2.a global team effortC段第三句The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering(I-INCE . has establi

7、shed an international working party . to evaluate noise and reverberation control for school rooms.该句提到了an international working party,题干中的global是international的同义转换。C3.classroom noiseB段第句A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupil

8、s.题干中的classroom noise是原文原词,可以快速定位并解答。B4.worldwide regulationsI段最后句It is imperative that the needs of these children are taken into account in the setting of appropriate international standards to be promulgated in future.题干中的 worldwide regulations 同义替换该句中的 international standards。I5.a list of medica

9、l conditionsD段第一句的后半句话those with a disability that affects their processing of speech and verbal communication could be extremely vulnerable以及第二句的The auditory function deficits in question include hearing impairment, autistic spectrum disorders (ASD and attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD.题干中的plac

10、e some children more at risk对应第一句中的extremely vulnerable, a list of medical conditions对应第二句中的hearing impairment, ASD和ADD/ADHD。D6.the estimated proportionA段最后句The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 610% of children in that country are affected by h

11、earing loss.该句中的百分比6-10%即为题干中所提到的the estimated proportion。其余各段都没有提到百分数。AQuestions 7-10简答题SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS该题型是雅思阅读中的传统题型,属于顺序题型,多考查原文细节,难度系数中等。7.period of time, hearing loss, New ZealandA段最后句The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of ch

12、ildren in that country are affected by hearing loss.题干中的New Zealand及hearing loss都为原文原词,可以快速定位。该问题问到了听力损伤在新西兰的研究时间,原文中的over two decades即是答案点。再结合题目要求不超过两个单词,可以确定答案为two decades。two decades8.machinery noise, other type of noise, autismE段第六句Those experiencing these disorders often find sounds such as cro

13、wd noise and the noise generated by machinery painful and distressing.题干中的machinery noise对应该句中的the noise generated by machinery, 原文中and连接两个并列成分,因此另外一种噪音类型是crowd noise。该题需要考生具有快速定位细节的能力。crowd(noise9.what term, not been diagnosedG段倒数第二句It is probable that many undiagnosed children exist in the educati

14、on system with invisible disabilities.题干中的not been diagnosed同义替换该句中的undiagnosed,句中的invisible disabilities是用来描述尚未确诊的孩子的术语。invisible(disabilities/disability10.New Zealand Disability Strategy, equal opportunityH段第三句Objective 3 of the New Zealand Disability Strategy is to . by improving education so tha

15、t all children, youth learners and adult learners will have equal opportunities to learn and develop within their already existing local school.题干中的New Zealand Disability Strategy在H段的第一句以及第三句均有提到,第三句中提到了该战略的Objective 3是要给各类学习者平等的机会。Questions 11 and 12多选题MULTIPLE CHOICE该题型是雅思阅读中选择题中的非常考题型,通常可以归为顺序题型方

16、向,多考查原文细节,难度系数中等。11&12.factors, classroom noise, twoB段第二句Modem teaching practices, the organisation of desks in the classroom, poor classroom acoustics, and mechanical means of ventilation such as air-conditioning units all contribute to the number of children unable to comprehend the teachers voice

17、.快速浏览该句子可知A项的current teaching methods同义替换原句中的modern teaching practices, C项中的cooling systems同义替换原文中的air-conditioning units。A,CQuestion 13单选题MULTIPLE CHOICE该题型是雅思阅读中选择题中的常考题型,属于典型的顺序题型,多考查原文细节,难度系数中等。13.overall purposeI段第四句和第五句Only limited attention appears to have been given to those students experie

18、ncing the other disabilities involving auditory function deficit. It is imperative that the needs of these children are taken into account in the setting of appropriate international standards to be promulgated in future.题干overall purpose问到作者写这篇文章的目的,而科学研究话题一般都是在文章尾段才会谈论研究的结论,所以我们应当更多地关注文章的结尾段。第四句和第

19、五句中,作者呼吁人们多关注患有听力障碍的学生。六、剑桥雅思9阅读难句解析1. While the detrimental effects of noise in classroom situations are not limited to children experiencing disability, those with a disability that affects their processing of speech and verbal communication could be extremely vulnerable.while引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,即使”;句中

20、的are not limited to意为“不局限于” ;experiencing disability是动名词短语作后置定语,修饰children; with a disability是介词短语作后置定语,修饰代词those;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词disability。参考翻译:虽然教室噪音的不利影响不仅仅局限于残障儿童,但那些患有语音处理和口头沟通障碍的儿童会极其易受影响。2. Children experiencing an auditory function deficit can often find speech and communication very diffic

21、ult to isolate and process when set against high levels of background noise.Children can find speech and communication difficult to isolate and process 是句子的主干,其中用到了“find +宾语+宾补”的复合结构,意为“觉得某事”;experiencing .是动名词短语作后置定语,修饰children;when set against是“连词+分词”的结构,句中省略了they are。在面对高强度的背景噪音时,患有听觉功能损伤的孩子往往很难分

22、离和处理语言及沟通。Passage 2一、剑桥雅思阅读真题答案Question 1417:F、D、G、EQuestion 1821:D、A、B、CF、F、T、NG、T二、Passage2整体分析说明文科普文章金星凌日引言 金星凌日的基本定义的提出A段 2004年对于金星凌日的观测B段 金星凌日概念和视差角术语的最早提出及天文单位计量的概念C段 金星凌日概念的进一步确认及金星凌日的视差角概念D段 一个法国天文学家观测金星凌日的悲催之旅E段 金星凌日中的黑滴现象及光晕现象及它们对于观测所产生的影响F段 通过视差角推算出地球到太阳的实际距离考题精解Questions 14-17所以尽管它通常为文章后

23、的第一个题型,但是在解答阅读套题时,建议考生最后再解决它。14.雅思阅读定位词the parallax principleF段第五句The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars.题干中的parallax首次出现在原文中的B段,在B段中作者介绍了“视差角”的概念。但是“视差原理”(parallax principle)的提出及其在其他领域的运用出现在F段的第五句。 event, prevented a transit observationD段第五句中的but the ship

24、s pitching and rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations以及D段最后一句Ironically after travelling nearly 50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.D段主要描述了英法天文学家观察金星凌日的探险之旅,并详细介绍了法国天文学家Guillaume Le Gentil的坎坷观测路。题干中的 prevented对应原文中的rule

25、d out以及clouded out,因此答案为D段。16.potential future discoveriesG段第二句But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos-detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.题干中的potential future同义替换该句中的have paved the way for .。该句预测,凌日现象能帮助找到那些围绕其

26、他恒星轨道公转的和地球大小相似的行星。G17.worldwide physical states,astronomical instrumentsE段第一句While the early transit timings were as precise as instruments would allow, the measurements were dogged by the black drop effect.E段主要讲述金星凌日中的黑滴现象对于观测所产生的影响,开头第一句即表明早期的观测手段无法克服黑滴现象所造成的困扰。EQuestions 18-21配对题MATCHING该题型是雅思阅读配对题型中的传统题型,属于乱序题型方向,多考查原文细节, 难度系数中等。考生要注意:该题型选项集合中的专有名词在原文中一定是原词,而这些原词所在的上下文就是答案的重要出处。18.calculated the distance of the Sun from the Earth, accuracyF段第二句和第三句Johann Franz Encke . finally determined a value for the AU based on all these parallax measurements: 153,340,000 km

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