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1、你父亲每天早晨几点钟起床?Why didnt your teacher come to school yesterday ?昨天你们的老师为什么没来学校呢?提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种,这种疑问句叫选择疑问句。结构是:“一般疑问句or一般疑问句”,但常把后一部分里面和前一部分相同的成分省略。说明or前面部分用升调,后面部分用降调。e.g. Is her brother an artist or a doctor ?她的兄弟是一个艺术家还是个医生?Would you like tea or coffee ?你愿意喝茶还是喝咖啡?Shall we go to the cinema o

2、n Saturday or on Sunday ?我们是周六还是周日去电影院?反意疑问句表示提问者有一定的主见,但没把握,希望对方来证实。注意反意疑问句的结构是:肯定的陈述句否定的疑问句(缩略形式)或:否定的陈述句肯定的疑问句(缩略形式)两部分的人称和时态要一致。特别要注意否定的疑问句中的助动词必须缩写,主语(最后一个词)必须是代词而不能是名词。e.g. Your sister has ever been to Shanghai , hasnt she ?你姐姐曾经去过上海是吗?The boys didnt find anything , did they ?男孩子们什么也没找到/发现,是不是

3、?在回答反意疑问句时,要根据事实而定,事实是肯定的要回答Yes , ,事实是否定的要回答No, . e.g. He isnt going to the meeting , is he ?他不去参加会,是吗?Yes , he is . 不,他要去。No , he isnt. 是的/对,他不去。It didnt snow last week , did it ?上周没有下雪,对吗?Yes , it did. / No , it didnt. 不,下雪了。是的,没下雪。3. 掌握祈使句的肯定式和否定式。祈使句没有主语。指让对方做某事,动词要用原形。表示请求,命令、建议等。e.g. Go back t

4、o your seat , please. 请回到你的座位上去。Dont make so much noise. 不要吵吵闹闹。Lets go to school together ! 咱们一起上学去吧!(lets是含有第一人称主语的祈使句)Let him help the child. 让他帮助那个孩子。(let him是含有第三人称主语的祈使句)否定形式是Lets (us , me)+not +动词原形e.g. Lets not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也不要说了。4. 表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情时用感叹句,理解由What和How引导的感叹句的语序和感

5、叹句的使用方法。How和What与所修饰的词放在句首,其它部分用陈述句语序。在口语中谓语常省略。(1)how作状语,修饰形容词,副词或动词结构:How+形容词/副词主语谓语How nice the flowers are ! 花多漂亮啊!How hard he works ! 他工作的多努力啊!(2)what作宾语,修饰名词(名词前可有其他定语),单词可数名词前要加不定冠词a(an). What a (an)+形容词名词主语谓语e.g. What a clever girl (she is )!她是一个多么聪明的女孩啊!What delicious food ! 多么好吃的食物啊!句子的类型可

6、分为简单句、并列句和复合句。简单句:The Simple Sentence由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。e.g. I get up at six thirty in the morning. My mother and I often go shopping. 并列句:The Compound Sentence 由并列词and , so , but , or等)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。要掌握并列句的构成及用法。e.g. I help him and he helps me. 我帮他,他帮我。This is our first lesson ,

7、 so I dont know all your names. 这是我们的第一节课,所以我不认识你们。She likes bread and milk , but she doesnt like eggs at all. 她喜欢吃面包和牛奶,但她一点儿也不喜欢吃鸡蛋。复合句:The Complex Sentence 由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子。e.g. If you are ill , you must see the doctor. 如果你病了,一定要去看医生。(状语从句)I hope hes better tomorrow. 我希望他明天身体更好一些。(宾语从句)熟练掌握宾

8、语从句的语序及关联词that , if / whether , what , who , which , whose , when , what time , where , how 等的用法,以及宾语从句的时态。在复合句中作主句的宾语,叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述句语序。e.g. I asked him if he was a student. 宾语从句的时态呼应是:主句的时态是一般现在时,从句可以是任何一个时态。如果主句的时态是一般过去时,从句必须是过去时态的一种形式。当表示事实、真理、自然现象时必须用一般现在时。e.g. The teacher told us that the

9、earth goes around the sun. 老师告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。请注意防止出现以下错误:A. They said that theyll leave if Peter stays. 时态错误,应改为:They said that they would leave if Peter stayed. B. He asked why were you late for school. 语序错误,应改为:He asked why you were late for school . C. Her brother asked me whose book this was ?标点错误,问

10、号应该改为句号。熟练掌握由when , before , after , as soon a s , until , because , than , if , so that等词引导的时间、原因,比较,条件、结果状语从句。在复合句中修饰主句中的动词,形容词或副词等的从句叫作状语从句。时间状语从句:When she reached home , she had a short rest. 当她到家时,她休息了一会儿。Judy had finished writing the book before she went to Queensland. 朱娣在去昆士兰之前已经写完了那本书。I went

11、 to bed after I finished my article. 我写完文章之后才上床。As soon as the bell rang the students, stopped talking to each other. 铃声一响,学生们就停止了谈话。We wont leave until the headteacher comes back. 班主任回来我们才会离开。原因状语从句:The children went to the farm , because the farmers needed some help. 孩子们去农场是因为农民们需要帮忙。比较状语从句:Jim is

12、 older than Lucy is. 吉姆比露西大。条件状语从句:If it rains tomorrow , we wont hold a sports meeting on the sportsground . 如果明天下雨,我们就不在运动场上开运动会了。结果状语从句:The box is so heavy that I cant lift it. 这个箱子太沉以致于我无法抬起来。目的状语从句:The headmaster spoke loudly so that all the students could hear what he said. 校长高声讲话为的是全体学生能够听到他所

13、讲的话。让步状语从句:Although he is young , he knows a lot of things. 虽然他年龄小,但却认识许多事情。状语从句的时态要与主句时态相互呼应。但要注意以as soon as , when , until等引导的时间状语从句表示将来的动作时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。e.g. He will write to me as soon as he gets to America. 他一到美国就给我写信。When I see him , I will tell him this good news. 当我见到他时,我将告诉他这个好消息。t leave u

14、ntil we finish our homework . 直到完成作业我们才会离开。以if引导的条件状语从句假设的是将来的动作,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。e.g. He will come to see me if he has time. 如果条件状语从句放在宾语从句中,时态则依照宾语从句的要求而变。e.g. My mother said she would buy me a book if I studied hard. 我母亲说如果我努力学习,她要给我买一本书。以because引导的原因状语从句不可能和so一起连用。e.g. He didnt come to school y

15、esterday because he was ill. 他昨天没来学校,因为他生病了。注意防止出现以下错误:A. Im sure hell ring you up if he will come back. 从句时态错误,will come应该改为comes. B. Because he was tired , so he went to bed very early. 中文习惯用“因为所以”,但在英语中because不能和so同时使用,应该去掉其中的一个。【模拟试题】I. 根据句意及首字母补全单词。1. Im sorry _ I havent f _ my housework , so I

16、 cant go shopping with you now. 2. At last the new house is b _ . We can live in it. 3. The s _ in the classroom are working hard. 4. Where is my book ? I cant f _ it. 5. My grandma is ninety y _ old. 6. Her h _ is reading in the garden. 7. Swimming is a very popular w _ sport. 8. How many days have

17、 you s _ in Sydney ?9. His dream of being a soldier came t _. 10. Taking c _ of our environment is very important. II. 单项选择:1. Jim cant work out the problem . I cant work it out _. A. yet B. also C. either D. too2. I want to know which picture _ best. A. do you like B. did you like C. you are like D

18、. you like 3. When Edison was very young , he liked to find out how _. A. did things work B. do things workC. things work D. things worked4. Did you ask Kate when _ the book ?A. will she return B. she will returnC. would she return D. she would return5. He asked me , What _ you usually _ on Sundays

19、? A. dodo B. do C. diddo D. did6. He asked me what _ I usually _ . 7. Do you know where _ two years ago ?A. Mike studies B. Mike studiedC. does Mike study D. did Mike study8. Does anyone know what time _ tomorrow ?A. he comes B. he came C. he will come D. he would come9. After she finished _ the new

20、spaper , he went to bed. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads10. We have walked for a long time . Lets stop _ a rest . A. have B. having C. to have D. had11. He has learned English for long , but I have never heard him _ it yet. A. say B. speak C. to speak D. to say12. Can you hear someone _ upsta

21、irs now ?A. talk B. talking C. talked D. to talk13. Can I take the magazine out of the reading-room ?No , I _ you cant. A. think B. m afraid C. hope D.know 14. I think you are a good student . _. A. No , Im not B. Its very kind of you to say so C. No , I dont think so . D. Thats all right15. Im afra

22、id I cant help you. _!A. Excuse me B. Never mind C. Yes , you are here . D. CertainlyIII. 从方框中选出下列对话中所需问答语,并将字母填入横线上。Rose : What are you writing , Dad ?Father : 1 Im going to the supermarket . Is there anything special you want me to get ? 2 Dad ? Just a can of beans. Well , we need a jar of jam . 3

23、 Sure . What kind , Rose ? Coke or Pepsi. 4 All right . What else ? And we need some bread , Dad , 5 . Sure , And Im going to get some fruit. Good idea , Dad. A. Can you get some whole wheat bread ?B. A letter to my friend. C. Whats on the list so far . D. A shopping list. E. It doesnt matter. F. Th

24、ank you very much . G. Can you get a bottle of soda ?IV. 根据中文提示用所给英文词语造句。1. 妈妈常告诉我离开房间时别忘记锁门。mother , often , tell , me , forget , lock the door , I , leave the room. 2. 对孩子们来说在动物园里观看各种各样的动物是很有趣的。very interesting , children , watch , all kinds of animals , in the zoo. 3. 今天天热,明天怎么样?hot , today , tom

25、orrow4. 如果他不先完成作业,他妈妈不会让他踢足球的。his mother , him , play football , he , not , finish , his homework , first 5. 长安街大约十公里长,六十米宽。Changan Street , about , ten kilometres , sixty metres 6. 星期天他常帮助那位老年妇女干家务。he , often , help , the old woman , the housework , on SundaysV. 阅读理解:When you buy a T-shirt , or a f

26、ur coat in a store , it often carries a label (标签)telling who made it or from what store it was bought . Indeed , some labels show the dress is famous and it is very expensive , so buyers secretly wish they might be carried for ever . On the other hand , buyers who deal with the cheapest products wo

27、uld be pleased to do away with labels entirely. However , theres a another label more important than the one showing from which store the dress was bought . When a person buys a fur coat , or a jacket , from a store , a label telling what the product is made of should be carried to it. This label is required by law . Besides telling what the produce on show is made of , the label should be in clear . English and be where one can find it easily . The information on the label must be the truth.

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