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1、额叶 frontal lobe顶叶 parietal lobe枕叶 occipital lobe颞叶 temporale lobe缘叶 limbic lobe大脑动脉环 Willis artery circle大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral artery大脑中动脉 middle cerebral artery大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral artery基底动脉 basilar artery前交通支(动脉) anterior communicating branch后交通支(动脉) posterior communicating branch颅前窝,凹 ante

2、rior cranial fossa颅中窝,凹 middle cranial fossa颅后窝,凹 posterior cranial fossa2、眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺眼球 optic bulb ,eyeball角膜 cornea前房 anterior chamber虹膜 iris睫状体 ciliary body视网膜 retina脉络膜 choroid巩膜 sclera房水 aqueous humour玻璃体 vitreous玻璃体膜 hyaloid membrae晶状体 lens(眼)直肌 recti muscles视神经 optic nerve眶上动脉 supraorbital

3、artery眼动脉 ophthalmic artery视网膜中央动脉 central retinal artery睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery泪腺动脉 lacrimal gland artery滑车上动脉 supratrochlear artery眼静脉 ophthalmic vein眶上静脉 suprorbital vein滑车上静脉 supratrochlear vein视网膜中央静脉 central retinal vein涡状静脉 vorticose veins眼眶 orbit结膜 conjunctiva唾液腺、涎腺 sa

4、livary gland腮腺 parotid (gland)颌下腺 submaxillary gland舌下腺 sublingual gland甲状腺 thyroid (gland )甲状旁腺 parathyroid (gland )上颌窦 maxillary sinus气管 trachea食管 esophagus乳腺 breast, mammary gland额 front枕 occiput颞 temples颊 cheek胸廓、胸腔 thorax, thorax cavity肋骨 ribs, costae肋软骨costal cartilages胸骨 sternum乳腺组织 breast ti

5、ssue悬韧带suspensory ligament, Coppers ligament乳腺后组织 retromammary tissue横膈 diaphragm颈总动脉 common carotid artery颈外动脉 external carotid artery颈内动脉 internal carotid artery椎动脉 vertebral artery无名动脉 innominate artery颈内静脉 internal jugular vein甲状腺上动脉 superior thyroid artery乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery3、腹部血管、周围血

6、管腹主动脉 abdominal aorta腹腔动脉 celiac artery肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery肝总动脉 common hepatic artery肝动脉 hepatic artery胃左动脉 left gastric artery胃十二指肠动脉 gastroduodenal artery脾动脉 splenic artery肾动脉 renal artery卵巢动脉 ovarian artery髂总动脉 common iliac artery髂内动脉 internal iliac a

7、rtery髂外动脉 external iliac artery锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery乳房内动脉 internal mammary artery颈外静脉 external jugular vein腋静脉 axillary vein奇静脉 azygos vein大隐静脉 great saphenous vein下腔静脉 inferior vena cava门静脉 portal vein肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric vein肝静脉 hepatic vein肾静脉 renal vein腰静脉 lumbar vein精索静脉 spermatic vein肾

8、弓形动脉 renal arcuate arteries股动脉 femoral artery肱动脉 humeral artery桡动脉 radial artery尺动脉ulnar artery面动脉 facial artery颈浅动脉 superficial cervical artery颞浅动脉 superficial temporal artery4、肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶left liver lobe(LL)肝右叶right liver lobe(RL)尾状叶 caudate lobe(CL)方叶 quadrate lobe(QL) 附垂叶Riedels lobe胆囊gallbl

9、adder(GB)胆囊管 cystic duct(CD)肝管 hepatic duct(HD)胆总管common bile duct (CBD)肝门 porta hepatis胆囊窝 gallbladder forssa肝圆韧带 hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament肝镰状韧带 falciform ligament肝静脉韧带 venose ligament胆管、胆道 bile duct(BD)螺旋状瓣 spiral valve肝总管 common hepatic duct肝外胆管 extrahepatic duct乏特壶腹 Vaters ampulla

10、胰腺 pancreas胰管 pancreatic duct , Wirsungs duct副胰管 Santorini duct胰头 head of pancreas胰颈 neck of pancreas胰体 body of pancreas胰尾 tail of pancreas钩突 uncinate process脾 spleen脾门 splenic hilum肾周脂肪 perinephrit fat集合系统 collective system肾 kedney肾盂 renal calyes锥体 pyramids肾柱 renal colums肾上腺 adrenal gland输尿管 ureter

11、s, ureteral , uretero膀胱 urinary bladder , bladder尿道 urethra睾丸 testis附睾 epididymis鞘膜 tunica vagialis, vagina tunic白膜 tunica albuginea , albuginea输精管 ductus deferens, deferent duct精囊 vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle射精管 ejaculatory ducts阴囊 scrotum, scrotal sac精索 spermatic cord腹股沟 inguen前列腺 prostate5

12、、妇产科子宫 uterus输卵管 uterine tube, oviduct卵巢 ovary, ovaries子宫颈 cervix子宫腔 uterine canal子宫内膜 endometriosis子宫直肠陷凹 rectouterine fossa子宫内口 internal ostium of the uterus子宫口 orifice of the uterus阴道 vagina胚胎 embryo卵黄囊 yolk sac羊膜 amnion羊膜腔 amniotic cavity蜕膜 decidua绒毛 villus绒毛膜 chorion胎盘 placenta胎儿 fetus胎心 fetal

13、heart胎动fetal movement, feta motion胎儿脊柱 fetal spine胎儿胃泡 fetal stomach bubble胎儿胸部fetal thorax胎儿肾 fetal kidney胎儿肢体 fetal limb脐带 umbilical cord卵泡,滤泡 follicle附件 adnexa羊水 amniotic fluid宫内节育器 intrauterine device妊娠囊 gestational sac顶臀长度 crown-rump length双顶径 biparietal diameter胎头指数 cephalic index枕额径 occipito-

14、frontal diameter头围 head circumference胸围 thoracic circumference腹围 abdominal circumference小脑径 cerebellum diameter头(径)指数 cephalic index双眼间距 ocular distance腹部横径 transverse trunk diameter腹部前后径 anteroposterior trunk diameter椎骨长度(胸6腰3)length of vertebrae脊柱 spine, vertebral colum股骨长度 femur length肱骨长度 humeru

15、s length胎儿体重 fetal weight脐动脉 umbilical artery脐静脉 umbilical vein孕周 gestational week孕龄 gestational age医学影像各种检查方法、部位的中英文对照来源:发布时间:2010-7-3 阅读人数:5007我要评论更多0Tags:医学影像影像学头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强 Orb

16、its Enhanced Scan内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan内耳增强 Inner Ear Enhanced Scan乳突平扫 Mastoid Routine Scan乳突增强 Mastoid Enhanced Scan蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routine Scan蝶鞍增强 Sella Enhanced Scan鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routine Scan鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan鼻咽平扫 Nas

17、opharynx Routine Scan鼻咽增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan腮腺平扫 Parotid Routine Scan腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Scan喉平扫 Larynx Routine Scan喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan甲状腺平扫 Hypothyroid Routine Scan甲状腺增强 Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan颈部增强 Neck Enhanced Scan肺栓塞扫描 Lung Embolism Scan胸腺平扫 Thymus Routine S

18、can胸腺增强 Thymus Enhanced Scan胸骨平扫 Sternum Routine Scan胸骨增强 Sternum Enhanced Scan胸部平扫 Chest Routine Scan胸部薄层扫描 High Resolution Chest Scan胸部增强 Chest Enhanced Scan胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan轴扫胸部穿刺 Axial Chest Punture Scan上腹部平扫 Upper-Abdomen Routine Scan中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan上腹部增强 Upper-Abdomen Rout

19、ine Enhanced Scan中腹部增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan腹部穿刺 Abdomen Puncture Scan轴扫腹部穿刺 Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan颈椎平扫 C-spine Routine Scan胸椎平扫 T-spine Routine Scan腰椎平扫 L-spine Routine Scan盆腔平扫 Pelvis Routine Scan盆腔增强 Pelvis Enhanced Scan骶髂关节平扫 SI Joint Scan肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joint Scan上肢软组织平扫 Upper Extremitie

20、s Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织增强 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Routine Scan腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Routine Scan手部平扫 Hand Routine Scan髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Routine Scan膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织增强 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan

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