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配套K12英语高三一轮复习系列外研学案导学版文档第三部分 写作导练案 第二讲Word文档格式.docx

1、3.不定式作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语等。We may have various ways to deal with such a situation.(2015浙江卷我们或许有各种各样处理这种情况的办法。4.现在分词作表语、定语、补语和状语等。Standing in Shandong Province,Mount Tai has long been a popular tourist attraction,with many Chinese legendary stories attached to it.(2017北京卷泰山矗立在山东境内,长期以来一直是山东省的旅游胜地,有许

2、多与之相关的中国传说。佳句输出补全句子1.Having a trip there will give you a good understanding of Chinese culture.(2017到那里旅行会使你对中国文化有一个很好的了解。2.A week before Earth Day,a big poster was put up on campus,calling upon us students to take action for a greener earth.(2016在“地球日”前的一周,我们学校就贴出大海报,号召我们学生为建立一个更加环保的地球而行动起来。3.Amaze

3、d at how skilful they were,I was determined to be just as good.对他们娴熟的技巧惊讶不已,我决定像他们一样棒。4.Actually,I have been expecting to meet you on Sunday to have a good time.(2016实际上,我一直期望能在周日和你见面,一起度过一段美好的时光。5.Later on,we were invited to share our ideas and experience with all the students of our school.(2016后来

4、,我们被邀请与我们学校的所有学生分享我们的想法和经验。6.With birds singing in the tree and everything so green,I feel very delighted and relaxed.(2016四川卷鸟儿在树上歌唱,满眼绿色,我感到既快乐又放松。完美文章(建议信)利用非谓语动词,结合中文提示补全短文并背诵Dear Shirley,Glad to receive your email.The problem you mentioned is common among middle school students.Dont worry about

5、 it too much.1.Follow the following advice (遵循以下建议) I give you,and you may 2.get/have your problem settled (使你的问题得到解决).First of all,believe in yourself.The first thing you must do is smile at your classmates (对你的同学微笑).A smile speaks louder about your wish make friends (交朋友) than any words.

6、Your smile will show that you are friendly to them.Next 5.try talking with a student (试着和学生交谈) who is as shy as you or who shares the same interest as you.You can discuss your studies with a classmate,or you can also talk about your hobbies.If anyone is in trouble in life or study,you should be read

7、y to help him or her.6.Having regained your confidence (在恢复你的自信后),you can make as many friends as possible.Yours,Li Hua层级四光彩夺目的“定语从句”定语从句的正确使用能够比较明显地反映出考生对于语言具有较高的掌握能力,所以建议考生一定要在写作中至少使用一个恰到好处的定语从句。1.限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,没有逗号与先行词隔开,应正确使用关系代词和关系副词。When summer vacation for us students comes every year,we ca

8、n do all that we cant do during our school time.(2016每年我们学生放暑假时,我们可以做我们在学校期间不能做的所有事情。2.非限制性定语从句对所修饰的成分做进一步说明,有逗号隔开。其中as,which引导的定语从句在高考范文中屡见不鲜。Ive decided to teach you Tang poetry in Room 101 Building 1 at 8 am on Wednesday,which will last two hours.(2017我决定在星期三早上8点于1号楼101室教你唐诗,这将持续两个小时。3.“介词关系代词”引导

9、的定语从句关系代词指人用whom,指物用whichMaterial collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.(2017搜集材料花了我们整整一周的时间,在此期间我们采访了老师并拍摄了学校生活的各个方面。1.I am writing to invite you to pay a visit to a papercutting exhibition,where you can have a clos

10、e look at our traditional Chinese culture.(2017全国卷我写信是想请您参观一个剪纸展览,在这里您可以近距离了解我们的中国传统文化。2.Among the four seasons in a year,summer is my favorite,which makes me free,excited and energetic.(2016一年四个季节中,夏天是我最喜欢的,它让我自由,兴奋和充满活力。3.Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.(2016欢迎任何有兴趣的学生参加。4.

11、How about the last Sunday of June,when the examination is over and we are free?(2016等考试结束后,我们都有时间的话,六月的最后一个周日怎么样?5.Id like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your generous help,without which I wouldnt make such rapid progress.(2016天津卷我想借此机会表达你对我慷慨帮助的感激之情,没有你的帮助,我不会取得如此快的进步。6

12、.There are four seasons in a year,each of which has distinctive features.(2016一年中有四季,每个季节都有显著的特点。完美文章(推荐信)利用定语从句句型,结合中文提示补全短文并背诵Dear Mr.Pick,The website 1.that/which youve recommended to me (你向我推荐的) is very beneficial to my English study.It has abundant reading materials 2.that/which I need most (我最

13、需要的),3.which greatly broadens my horizons (这极大地拓宽了我的视野).Now I have become more interested in English.Besides,Ive made many new friends,and with them I exchange a lot about school life,cultures,science,and so on.Now I can express myself much better than ever.The reason 4.why I have made rapid progres

14、s (我取得进步的原因) in English study is because of your kindness and consideration.I owe all my achievements to you.Im looking forward to more advice from you!层级五丰富多样的“名词性从句”名词性从句是高中阶段重要的语法项目之一,也是写作中常用的高级表达。它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。1.主语从句注意it作形式主语的it isadj./n.that.及what impresses/ most is that.等

15、主语从句。It is reported that there will be a Chinese papercutting show this Sunday in the art gallery,which is expected to last about eight hours from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.(2017据报道,本星期日美术馆将举行一场中国剪纸展,预计从上午8点到下午4点,大约要持续八个小时。2.表语从句that在表语从句中不作成分,但不能省略。常用句型:The reason that.的原因是That/This/It is why/becau

16、se.这就是为什么/因为Tang Poetry is what we are going to learn the next class,scheduled on July 20 in the school library.(2017唐诗是我们将要学习的下一节课的内容,定于7月20日在学校图书馆进行。3.宾语从句注意语序和时态。Hope (that) my advice will be of some help to you and that youll have a good time in China.(2017希望我的建议能对你有帮助,也希望你在中国过得快乐。4.同位语从句前后互相解释,

17、地位平等。写作中常用句式:Sb holds the belief/view that.某人坚定地认为No one can deny the fact that.谁也不可否认的事实是No one can deny the fact that environment is getting polluted more and more seriously.谁也不可否认的事实是,环境污染越来越严重了。1.It is evident that this experience will become a pleasant memory.(2016显然,这次经历将成为一个愉快的回忆。2.What we ap

18、preciated most was that you had a strong teamwork spirit,which allowed us to complete our tasks very efficiently.(2016我们最为欣赏的是你们有强烈的团队精神,使我们高效地完成了任务。3.The truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong,so you dont have to worry so much.(2016安徽卷事实上每个人都有似乎诸事不顺

19、的一段时期,因此你没有必要太担心。4.One day,she heard the news that the sports meeting would be held.(湖南卷满分作文)一天,她听到了将要举行运动会的消息。5.The residents think highly of what we have done.(2016居民们高度评价了我们的做法。6.I am wondering if you have made a definite plan for the coming summer holiday.(2016我想知道你是否为即将到来的暑假制订了明确的计划。完美文章(邀请信)利用

20、所学名词性从句的相关知识,结合中文提示补全短文并背诵Boys and girls,Im the chairman of Student Union,Li Hua,and I have big news for you 1.that we,Student Union,set up an English club (我们学生会成立了一个英语俱乐部).Obviously,besides study,there are also other things beneficial to us.One of the benefits is 2.that the club can make our campu

21、s life colorful and rewarding (俱乐部可以使我们的校园生活丰富多彩,充满收获).There goes the plan.3.It is arranged (据安排) that we will see English films in the auditorium on Tuesday evening.Apart from that,there is going to be an English debate or discussion on Saturday evening;yet,the specific topics havent been settled.I

22、f you have wonderful ideas and suggestions,please let us know.Ill highly appreciate it 4.if you are actively involved in the club (如果你积极参与俱乐部活动).You will never regret joining us.So,just do it.Student Union层级六画龙点睛的“状语从句”作文中利用各种形式的状语从句,能使文章句式复杂多样,对要点的表述更加具体、生动、准确和全面,并能突出重点,起到“点睛”作用,让阅卷老师眼前一亮。1.时间状语从句引

23、导词:常用when,as,while,as soon as,before,after,since,till,until;特殊the minute,the moment,the second,every time,the day,the instant,immediately,directly,no sooner.than,hardly.when,scarcely.when等。It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program,which has benefited all of us.(2016

24、你们来我们学校参加交流活动已经两周了,这项活动让我们所有人都受益。2.地点状语从句常用where;特殊wherever,anywhere,everywhere。If you are travelling where the customs are totally different from your own,you may feel a cultural shock.如果你在一个风俗与你当地完全不同的地方旅游,你可能会感到文化冲击。3.目的状语从句常用so that,in order that;特殊in case,for fear that。We can set out early so t

25、hat well have more time to read and select books.(2016我们可以提前出发,这样我们会有更多的时间来阅读和选择书籍。4.原因状语从句常用because,since,as,for;特殊seeing that,now that,in that,considering that,given that等。Since the deadline is next Sunday,would you please send them back to me before next Saturday?因为截止日期是下周日,您能否在下周六前把它们发给我?5.结果状语从

26、句常用so.that;such.that。You are so kind and considerate that we hope to be friends with you no matter where you are.(2016你们如此善良、体贴,我们希望成为你们的朋友,无论你们在哪。6.条件状语从句常用if,unless,in case;特殊as/so long as,only if,providing/provided that,supposing that,on condition that等。You can write anything relevant so long as

27、its interesting and informative.(2015只要它有趣并令人增长见识,你可以写与之有关的任何东西。7.让步状语从句常用though,although,even if/though,while,特殊疑问词ever;特殊as,whether.or (not).不管不论。I have decided to take the job offer,whether it is good or bad.不管好坏,我已经决定接受这份工作邀请。1.We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience

28、 with all the students of our school.(2016我们做得那么好以至于被邀请与全校同学分享观点和经验。 2.Whenever/No matter when you want to achieve something in life,there will be problems of this or that kind.(2015福建卷每当你想在生活中获取什么时,总会有这样或那样的问题。3.When the craftsman came into the classroom,we gave him a warm welcome and two boys helped him with the tool box.(2015当工匠走进教室时,我们热烈地欢迎了他并且两位男孩帮他拿着工具箱。4.However/No matter how far away we are,we feel close to each other.(重庆卷写作)无论我们距离有多远,我们都感觉近在咫尺。5.In order that he can have a chance to receive university education,his parents work hard day and night.为了使他能有机会接受大学教育,他的父母日夜辛苦地工作。6.The d

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