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1、难1. Develop students reading ability.教学方法1. Task based method2. Skimming and scanning3. Individual, pair or group work教学用具Multimedia & blackboard过程Step 1 Leading inHave a free talk with students, ask them the following questions:1. Do you know any great women in the history?(Madame Curie, Elizabeth,

2、 Song Qingling.)2. And why do you think they are great women?( their achievements or contributions, their qualities.)Step 2 Warming Up1. Show some pictures of women for students to guess who they are, and then talk about them.2. Let students skim the brief introduction of the six women.3. Let studen

3、ts read the following and examine the six women using the rules about what makes a great person. NameAmbitionProblemsSacrificesJoan of Arc To drive the English out of FranceWomen were not allowed to fight like a man.She lost her life.Elizabeth FryTo help improve prison conditions.She was criticized

4、for neglecting her family and enjoying fame. Less time was spent with her husband and family.Song QinglingTo work for civil rights, democracy and peace.Her relatives had political opinions completely different from her. After her husband died, she lived alone.Lin QiaozhiTo help women and children wi

5、th their illness and healthWomen had great difficulties getting into medical college and getting further training.She never got married or had a family of her own.Jane DoodallTo work with animals in the wildShe lived a hard life in the wild.She gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.Jody W

6、illiamsTo prevent the making and use of landmines.It isnt easy to work with groups in different countries and persuade the government to stop the making and use of landmines.She has lost her own personal time because of the job.4. Have students discuss in pairs what they have in common and what make

7、s them great and give them reasons.Step 3 ConclusionWhat qualities do you think great people have?(clever, brave, determined, confident, unselfish, hard-working.)Step 4 Homework1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.Read the reading passage and try to tell or write something abou

8、t Jane Goodall.板书设计achievement welfare connection human beingcampaign organization本科课题Reading第2课时1. Use the adjectives to describe a great person.2. Learn the new words and expressions: behave, behaviour, shade, move off, worthwhile, nest, bond, observe, observation, children, outspoken, respect, ar

9、gue, argument, entertainment, lead.a life, crowd, crowd in,inspire, inspiration.3. Understand the text fully.能力2. Learn to use some reading skills such as predicting, skipping, scanning.情感1. Enable students to learn from great women, and develop their moral qualities.Improve students ability of skim

10、ming.1. Make students understand the reading better.2. Talk about women of achievement fluently.2. Individual, pair or group work1. Review the achievement of Jane Goodall.2. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to university? Do you think she was right? Give your

11、reason.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Show some pictures of chimps, let students discuss the way of conversation with the chimps.(gestures, sound, tone, eye contact.)2. Look at the title and pictures of the passage and predict the content. Ask two or three students to answer.Step 3 While-reading1. Skim the pa

12、ssage and answer the following questions.a) What is the main purpose of these people coming to the forest?(watching a family of chimps wake up)b) What does Jane Goodall find that people didnt discover before about the chimps?(chimps hunt and eat meat; the way of communication in chimps)c) How does t

13、he author describe the relationship between the chimps.(we realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family)d) About the chimps, what does Jane Goodall call on people to do?(wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertiseme

14、nt, and set up special places where they can live safely)2. Read the passage again and write down the main ideas of the four paragraphs.Paragraph 1: Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group are going to visit them in the forest.Paragraph 2: Nobody before Jane understood chimp behavior.Paragr

15、aph 3: For forty years, Jane has been outspoken about making the rest of the world that understand and respect the life of these animals.Paragraph 4: She has achieved everything she wanted to do.Step 4 Post-reading1. In pairs discuss the following questions. Make notes of students ideas and report t

16、o the class.2. What did Jane have to give up when she went to live in the forest?3. Finish the fist exercise in comprehending part.Step 5 HomeworkThink about the following questions and discuss with your classmates.1. Do you think it is important to study chimps in the wild rather in zoo? Give reaso

17、ns.3. Do you think you will go if you are asked to study animals in the wild? Why or why not?P1:P2:P3:P4:反思第3课时1. Get students learn the new words, expressions and sentences in the reading part.2. Let students know the passage better.2. Enable students to understand and use the new expressions.Stimu

18、late students interest in learning English.1. Let students grasp usage of some important new words and expressions in the reading part: behave, behavior, shade, move off, worthwhile, observe, respect, argue, lead a .life, crowd, crowd in.2. Get students to master the following pattern:a) Following J

19、anes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest.b) Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.1. Let students learn the usage of “rise” and “raise”, “mean doing” and “mean to do”.2. Get students to understand some long and difficult sentence

20、s.方法Method of lectureCheck homework, ask two or three groups answer their opinions on the following questions:2. Do you think you will go if you are asked to study animals in the wild?Step 2 Detailed-readingLet students read after the tape paragraph by paragraph.1. 1. Janes activities:1watch a famil

21、y of chimps wake up2follow the family to wander off into the forest3find chimps either feed or clean each other to show love4see chimps play in the tree and sleep together in the nest2. New words and expressions in paragraph 1.1) rise & raiserise和raise都有升起的意思,但rise一般多指日月的升起,或者价格的上涨,数量的增加,;而raise有举起、

22、抚养等意思。除了意思上的差别,rise是不及物动词,没有被动语态,raise是及物动词,有被动语态。Eg: The sun was rising when we climbed to the top of the mountain. The price of meat rises fast. Please raise your hands. They have been raised by the old couple.2) Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the

23、forest.沿着简研究黑猩猩的方法,我们一行人准备去森林里拜访它们。3) behave vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现behaviour n.(=behavior) 行为;举止;习性 she behaves well.You should pay attention to your behaviour.4) Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.我们当天的首项任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。5) mean doing 意味着.mean to do 打算做. His expressi

24、on means failing.The child means to finish his homework along.6) in the shade of the trees 在树荫下7) move off 离开;启程;出发 She has moved off.8) worthwhile 值得的;值得做的 It is worthwhile to keep the distinction in mind.9) We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human famil

25、y.我们明白了猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人类家庭一样紧密。Paragraph 21. Janes discovers:1Chimps hunt and eat meat2Chimps hunt a monkey and eat it3How chimps communicate with each other4Their body language helped her work out their social system2. New words and expressions in paragraph 2.1) observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守observation n. 观察;观

26、测2) Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment.从小简就想在动物生活的环境中研究他们。3) Only after her mother came to help her for the fist few months was she allowed to begin her project.她的母亲前几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。4) communicate with 与.交流5) work out 研究出;计算出1. Janes work:1Help animals to be understood and respected.2Argue for leaving wildlife in the wild.3Set up special place wher

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