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1、 No onenot even the governmentcan afford to buy or control all the land that endangered species live on. Good point. In fact, thats what makes the Endangered Species Act difficult to fully enforce. Theres an ongoing conflict between some landowners and the government. Take the case of the gray wolf,

2、 for instance. At one time, the wolves were common all over North America, but by the 1930s they were nearly all killed. Then in 1973, the wolves came under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, along with huge areas of landin Wyoming and Idaho, for example. This angered ranchers. They think

3、 they should have the right to shoot wolves that threaten their sheep and cows. So, landowners may understand the need for the protection of endangered species, but its understandable that they might also feel that the Endangered Species Act violates their rights. Yes? Is the law working? I mean, wh

4、at is the status of endangered species today in the United States? Unfortunately, the situation of threatened and endangered animals is worse now than in 1973, even with the Endangered Species Act in place. Reports on topics such as habitat loss, deforestation, and overfishing show that the situatio

5、n for many species is far worse now than it was in 1973. Let me be more specific. Right now over 1,300 species in the United States are listed as endangered or threatened. And, its important to keep in mind that not many species are ever taken off the list. Since 1973, in fact, only around 39 specie

6、s have been removed from the Endangered Species list. But that number doesnt indicate the complete story. Whats significant about that number is that only 14 species were removed because they had actually recovered. Nine species became extinct, and the others were removed from the list after scienti

7、sts found evidence that listing the species had been a mistake in the first place. Meanwhile, another 300 species may soon be added to the list, including a plant, the Las Vegas buckwheat, and an insect, the Miami blue butterfly. So, you see, even with the Endangered Species Act in place, were not m

8、aking as much progress as we would like. Any more questions? OK, lets move on to the next exhibit. This way, please.导游:好吧,各位,这是我们的下一个展览。你看到小鸟的身体在那瓶吗?这是一个昏暗的海滨麻雀。这是一个老男人死于6月16日,1987年。有点伤心,因为他是世界上最后一个昏暗的海滨雀。他们现在已经灭绝。是的,你有问题吗?男:你知道他们为何绝种了吗?根本上,他们失去了他们的栖息地。看到的,忧郁的海滨麻雀只住在一个地方在佛罗里达州梅里特岛。岛上有很多蚊子和湿地。梅里特岛上的人




12、的进展。更多的问题吗?好的,让我们继续下一个展览。这边请。Endangered Species Act (ESA)1973Protects animals and their habitatsEx.: steelhead trout in Washington stateOngoing conflict between landowners And government gray wolf in Wyoming and Idaho ESA protects land; ranchers feel law violates their rightsEndangered Species Today

13、Situation today is worse than in 19731. 1300 species listed as endangered or threatened2. Since 1973 only 39 species removed from list3. BUT only 14 removed because they recovered; 9 became extinct, others listed by mistake4. 300more species may soon be added to listConclusionEven w/ ESA in place, n

14、ot making much progress濒危物种法案-1973(ESA)保护动物及其栖息地例:虹鳟鳟鱼在华盛顿州正在进行的土地所有者和政府之间的冲突灰狼在怀俄明州,爱达荷州ESA保护土地;农场主感到法律违反了他们的权利今天的濒危物种今天的情况比1973年更糟1。1300年列为濒危或受威胁的物种2。自1973年以来只有39个物种从列表删除3所示。但只有14去除,因为它们恢复;9绝种了,别人误上市4所示。300多物种可能很快就会被添加到列表中结论甚至w / ESA,没有取得太大进展1.What is the main topic of the talk?b. The difficulties

15、 of protecting both animals and their habitats.2.What does the Endangered Species Act protect?a. Endangered animals and their habitats.3. What has happened since the passage of the Endangered Species Act?c. The number of species that are endangered has not changed much.讨论的主要话题是什么?b。保护动物及其栖息地的困难。?保护什

16、么?濒危动物及其栖息地。之后发生了什么?濒危物种法案?的通过?c。物种濒危的数量并没有改变多少。Listening 2Professor: OK, settle down, everyone. As you know, today were going to hear our first student debate. Todays topic is on the pros and cons of legalized hunting. First, Yumi will present arguments in support of hunting. Raoul will respond to

17、her points and present his arguments against hunting. Speakers, are you ready?Raoul: Yes.Yumi: Ready. Yumi, please begin. Thank you. Well, the main argument I want to make today is that hunting contributes to wildlife conservation in a few important ways. First, uh, contrary to what you might think,

18、 hunting actually helps many species survive by controlling their populations. So, for example, without hunting, deer populations would be too large, and many animals would starve because there wouldnt be enough food to sustain them. Thats a good argument, but I think youre ignoring an important poi

19、nt. Another reason deer populations could grow too large is because we have killed off wolves and mountain lions, um, and other animals that used to hunt deer. So, instead of allowing humans to hunt, we should allow populations of meat-eating animals to recover. OK, but dont forget that wolves and m

20、ountain lions dont just eat deer and elk. They also eat sheep and cows, and thats, thats a problem for ranchers. So, this is not a simple issue. Anyway, let me continue with my next point. The second way that hunting supports wildlife conservation is through the sale of stamps. Many hunters have to

21、buy stamps before they can legally hunt birds for instance, ducks and geese. Oh, and when I say stamps, I dont mean the type of stamps you use to mail a letter. The stamps Im talking about are a kind of license to hunt. In the United States, the governments Duck Stamp program raises more than 25 mil

22、lion dollars annually. And a lot of that money is used for protecting and maintaining bird habitats. Since 1934thats when the first stamps were soldthese funds have been used to buy 2.1 million hectares of land for wildlife conservation. So, as you can see, hunters actually help wildlife conservation efforts. Thank you, Yumi. Now lets hear from Rao

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