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小学英语《Its big and light2》优质课教学设计教案Word文档格式.docx

1、3、情感态度目标:在感知新词汇、新句型的过程中,使学生乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。4、学习策略目标:通过学习,引导学生注意观察生活或媒体中使用的简单英语。5、文化意识目标:在学习和日常交际中,能进一步注意到中外文化异同。二、教学重点和难点教学重点:掌握并运用单词 light/umbrella/easy/take ; 掌握并运用句型 This black bagis nice.Its big.Look at this blue one.Its big andlight.教学难点:在实际生活中运用句型“Its + adjective.”来描述事物特征,表达自己对事物的看法并能够进行购物选择。三、教

2、学资源PPT 课件、CD-ROM、练习题卡、单词卡片四、教学方法任务教学法、直观教学法、小组合作法、情景教学法等。五、教学过程Step1: pre- readingwarming-up:I do the action you guess. ( fly a kite/ride abike)设计意图:通过看动作猜词组的游戏,调动学生的学习积极性,营造英语学习的氛围,使学生尽快进入学习状态。lead in:Do you like flying a kite? Do you like riding a bike? Lets enjoy a chant abut kite and bike.and th

3、en answer:Can you fly a kite?But I think its hard to fly a kite very high.(强调:light: 灯轻的;hard: 努力的-困难的) Can you ride a bike?Is it hard? Its not hard. Its easy to ride a bike.学 习 easy(eat,busyeasy). b.Listen and repeat. Then chant.c. The kite is big and light. How about the elephant/bird.?在两个简单问题的引导下

4、,学生观看活动一的视频,旧词有新意,强调本文中 light,hard 的意思,同时,通过以旧引新的方法学习新单词easy.然后,引导学生描述动物等,让学生在句子 Its.中复习学过的形容词。Step2: In reading1. High speech readinga.look and listen. Then answer.What about this bag? Its Linglings bag.whats wrong with Linglings bag?This class, lingling need our help.Try your best to help her. Ok?

5、观看视频,借助问题Whats wrong with Linglings bag?引导学生说出破了.学习broken(chicken-rode-broken) 借助撕碎的纸,破损的桌子等适当操练 Its broken.首先,借助玲玲需要大家的帮助,呼吁学生竭尽全力提供帮助,培养学生乐于助人的精神品质,同时创设情境。然后,在问题的引导下,学生初步整体感知课文。通过以旧引新、自然拼读的方式学习新单词。并借助破损的纸、笔等进行操练。Linglings bag is broken. She cant take it to china. So Ms Smart wants to buy a new one

6、 for her. So they want to go tohere.-the department store.(de-park-ment;beforestore) At the department store,Who can help them? Look!出示售货员.sales assistantb. Watch and answer.At the department store, how many bags do they see? letswatch the video again.利用课文故事情境,通过以旧引新、自然拼读和划分音节的方式,学习 department store

7、, sales assistant.然后,借助问题, 学生再一次进入文本。2. Detailed readingTIadvantagesdisadvantageshe black bag is .ts .Butits .The green one is .And it got two . Lingling can put there.herWhat do these bags look like? Whats their advantages and disadvantages? Read and underline the sentences on your book. And then w

8、e will fill in the form.s blue one is and_.d its got .be for Lingling to carry.Thi_An ItllLanguage points:学习 pocket(supermarket-market-pocket).Pocket is very useful. You can put many things in it. Forexample: umbrella(mum,red-umbrella),There are some umbrellas here.Look!Which umbrella do youlike?出示几

9、把颜色各异的雨伞,在句子 I like.umbrella.中操练 umbrella.学习wheel(where,feel-wheel)通过四种带有不同个数的轮子的交通工具,在句型 Its got.wheels.中操练 wheel通过自读课文,画出句子的方式,学生深入、细致感知课文。在逐步完成表格的过程中,学生深入理解课文。借助以旧引新和自然拼 读的方式学习新单词,并对所学单词进行操练。借助颜色各异的雨伞的 图片以及带有不同个数轮子的车的图片, 进一步操练 umbrella,wheel.listen and repeat.Pay attention to your pronunciation a

10、nd intonation. Try toread it with emotion.Listen and read quietly.跟随录音轻声齐读。Read and retell.自读课文,然后复述。跟读环节,对学生进行学法的指导,提醒学生注意语音语调;听音齐读环节,进一步培养学生正确的语音语调;根据提示复述课文环节,进一步巩固所学内容。Step4:After readingListen and matchLingling has got a new bag. The four children want to buy a bag too. Which one will they take?

11、 Lets listen and match.通过听音连线活动,帮助四个小朋友选择合适的包。此活动的设计既巩固了所学的知识,又训练了学生听的能力。2.Look and say.Lingling will come back to China. So she wants to buy a present for her friend Daming. What will she buy? Lets go the the department store and help her.3.write and say.There are so many things at the department s

12、tore. Which one will Daming like? Lets write a letter to Daming and ask his idea.:设计意图通过帮助玲玲给Daming 挑选礼物这一活动的设计,小组内讨论,将本节课学的知识进行拓展、延伸。通过代替玲玲给大明写信,征求大明的意见这一活动的设计,培养了学生的写和说的能力。Step5: SummaryLook at the blackboard. This class we learned M5U1. Wehelped Lingling to choose bags. There are three bags, .(复述

13、板 书 )So Lingling took the blue one.This class we helped Lingling a lot.and after class lets help much more people todo much more things. 带领学生归纳知识体系,并进行德育升华:让爱永相随,尽己所能,帮助更多需要帮助的人。Step6: Homework1. Listen, read and retell the text fluently.2. Mothers day is coming. Choose a present for your mother.作业形式多样化。听说练习和实践活动相结合,既巩固基础知识,又使英语学习得以延伸。Step7: Blackboard design.easy brokenM5U1 Its big and light. wheel Its big. But its heavy. PocketThis green one is light. But its small. umbrella

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