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1、Youre going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.你又拯救了危机 胡迪You saved the day again, Woody.你是我最喜欢的副警长re my favorite deputy.片名:玩具总动员 我是你好朋友# Youve got a friend in me #你什么也别愁来 我们来抓牛Come on, lets wrangle up the cattle.道路坎坷困难多# When the road looks rough ahead #要十万八千里才到家门口# And youre mil

2、es and miles from your nice, warm bed #-牛仔 把他们围起来 你只要想起我在你左右-Round em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said # Boy, you哦对 我是你好朋友-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you嗨 牛仔Hey, cowboy!有些人比我能干比我强# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #身体健壮走起路雄赳赳-# Big and stronger too #来吧 胡迪-Come on, W

3、oody. -# Maybe #也许没有人 能像我这样爱护你# But none of them will ever love you the way I do #对你是毫无保留-# Its me and you, boy #多少的岁月中-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!我们的友谊更加深厚-Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die #你会看到-Whoo! -# Youre gonna see #我们的命运紧相连s our destiny # -好耶-# Youve got a friend in me # -All righ

4、t! -得分-# Yeah, youve got a friend in me # -Score! -酷-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!-你喜欢吗 -妈咪 真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-喜欢就好 小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!好棒 好棒. 希望能摆得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at th

5、at! Thats so.一二三四 -One, two. Four. 好 这样就可以了 Yeah, I think thats gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got.可以留到搬家吗-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!当然可以留下来了 好耶-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!-去抱茉莉 你的朋友马上就要来了 -Your friends are gonna be here any minute. -好 派对要开始了 -Okay. Its pa

6、rty time, Woody.-好耶 “编剧:乔斯维登 安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee.haw!你好 小姐Howdy, little lady.有人在水源区下了毒Somebodys poisoned the water hole.来 茉莉 你好重哦-Come on, Molly. Oh, youre getting heavy.再见了 胡迪 导演:约翰拉赛特-See you later, Woody.我的天哪 今天要开生日派对Pull my string! The birthday partys today?好了 各位 已经安全了Okay, everybody, coast is clear!我

7、盒子上写得很清楚 适合三岁以上-Ages 3 and up. Its on my box.怎么叫我当 口水公主的临时保姆呢Ages 3 and up. Im not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.嘿 火腿 -Hey, Hamm.-你看 我是毕加索 -我听不懂-Look, Im Picasso! -I dont get it.没有文化的肥猪 看什么看啊 你这个大扁脸You uncultured swine! Whatre you lookin at, ya hockey puck?-队长 看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官 没有-Hey, Sarg

8、e, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!好了 谢了 稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.我在这儿 胡迪 这次我要红的Right here, Woody. Im red this time.-不行 弹簧狗. -No. S-Slink. -好吧 那红的让给你好了 -Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-等一下 弹簧狗 我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?嘘.Shh, shh, shh!去

9、叫大家集合来开干部会议了 知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!各位 干部会议了 长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.嘿Hey.还有画板 拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again.画板 你拔枪练得不错嘛 西部最快的神枪手Etch, youve been working on that draw. F

10、astest knobs in the west.大伙儿要开干部会议了 快点 快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, lets go.我的那个呢Now, where is that. Oh.谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-抱抱龙 你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-Howre you doin, Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.这一次 我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.我一直

11、想可怕一点 但是我老是没有灵感m going for fearsome here, but I just dont feel it.我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think Im just coming off as annoying.嗨 宝贝Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.胡迪 我想要谢谢你救了我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.不客气Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin.我今天晚上另外找个人替我看羊 你看怎么样啊What do you say I get someone else to watch

12、the sheep tonight?这个嘛 好啊Oh, yeah!别忘了 要找我的话 我就在附近Remember, Im just a couple of blocks away.快点 快点 小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.胡迪 好了Hey, Woody, come on.-啊咳-Ahem!-谢了 麦克风-Oh, thanks, Mike.-好了 太近了 退.-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.-大声叫出来 -好了 谢谢-For crying out loud. -Tha

13、nk you.试音 试音 清楚吗-Hello? Check. That better? Great.好 大家都听到了吗 架子上面的 听得见吗?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me?今天我们第一项议题Okay. First item today:对了 每个人都找到 搬家的伙伴了没有Uh. oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?-什么? -搬家的伙伴? 他不是说真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You cant be serious.我不知道我们要搬家了I di

14、dnt know we were supposed to have one already.-要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?你们以为 我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.我们只剩下一个礼拜的时间 就要搬家了Weve only got one week left before the move.我不希望任何玩具被丢下来 两个人一组I dont want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.如果还没有 去找一个来 If you dont have one, get one!好了 接

15、下来.对了 All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.星期二晚上 我们开的塑胶老化大会Tuesday nights plastic corrosion awareness meeting.我认为呢 非常的成功was, I think, a big success.我们要感谢拼字先生为我们所做的一切And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.-谢谢你 拼字先生 -不客气-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -Youre welcome.好了 对了 还有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One,

16、 uh, minor note here.安弟的生日派对改到今天晚上Andys birthday party has been moved to today.-等一下-Wait a minute here!什么 怎么会改成今天呢 下个礼拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party His birthdays not till next week!是安弟的妈咪 她丢了珠宝发疯了吗Whats goin on down there? Is his mom losin her marbles?很显然安弟的妈咪 希望在搬家之前开一个派对Well, obviously she wa

17、nted to have the party before the move.-我不担心 你们也不需要担心啊 -Im not worried. You shouldnt be worried. -胡迪当然不担心了 -Of course Woody aint worried.安弟从幼稚园开始 就最喜欢他了Hes been Andys favorite since kindergarten.拜托 蛋头先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.如果胡迪说不用担心 那么我绝对不会担心If Woody says its all right, then, well, darn it

18、, its good enough for me.胡迪以前从来没有弄错过Woody has never steered us wrong before.好了 各位 每年圣诞节跟生日 都得来这么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢 很凶的那一种But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?我想我是绝对受不了 被抛弃的打击I just dont think I could take that kind of rejection

19、!听着 没有人可以取代我们Hey, listen, no ones getting replaced.我们讨论的重点是安弟This is Andy were talking about.我们被安弟玩了多少次 并不重要It doesnt matter how much were played with.重要的是 安弟需要我们的时候 我们就在他身边What matters is that were here for Andy when he needs us.那才是我们做玩具的目的 对吧Thats what were made for, right?对不起 我很不想打断会议 但是. 他们来了Par

20、don me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but. theyre here!客人在三点钟方向Birthday guests at three oclock!-保持冷静-Stay calm, everyone!Hey!-会议结束-Uh, meeting adjourned.老天 你们看到那些礼物没有Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?我什么都看不到I cant see a thing.我们绝对会是 下个月车库拍卖的货品了Yes, sir, were next months gar

21、age sale fodder for sure.-有没有恐龙形状的礼物啊 -Any dinosaur-shaped ones? -拜托 礼物都在盒子里 白痴-Oh, for crying out loud. Theyre all in boxes, you idiot.礼物越来越大了Theyre getting bigger.-等一等 那里有个小件的-Wait, theres a nice little one over there. -Hi!-写着:垃圾罐 -我们完了-Spell: trash can. -Were doomed!好 好All right! All right!如果我派部队

22、出去的话 你们能安静下来吗If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?-能 能 我们能 -好 省省电池-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.帅 胡迪 这一招真有效Very good, Woody. Thats using the old noodle.队长 请立刻派侦察队到楼下去 紧急状况Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!-该怎么做你知道的 -是 长官-You know what to do. -Yes,

23、sir!好了 各位 你们都听到了 紧急状况All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!重覆 紧急状况 侦察计划开始执行Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!快Lets move! Move, move, move, move!-是-Yeah!-好了 小朋友们-Okay, come on, kids.所有的人都到客厅来 要拆礼物了Everyone in the living room. Its almost time for the presents.让开 让开All right, ga

24、ngway, gangway.有个这个 我们就可以知道And this is how we find out.那些礼物是什么了what is in those presents.好了 谁的肚子饿了Okay, whos hungry?洋芋片在这里Here come the chips!有原味还有烤肉口味的ve got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!怎么搞的What in the world. Oh!-我还以为他收拾干净了呢-I thought I told him to pick these up.他们不是该到了吗 怎么那么久Shouldnt they be there

25、 by now?s taking them so long?他们可是训练有素 是最棒的Hey, these guys are professionals. Theyre the best.别急嘛 马上就会有消息了Come on! Theyre not lying down on the job.走吧 别管我了 快走吧G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!一个好军人 绝对不会丢下战友的A good soldier never leaves a man behind.-好了 小朋友来.-Okay, everybody, come on.每个人都坐下来Everybody s

26、ettle down. Now, kids. Everybody.好 小朋友 快过来 围成圈圈坐下来You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.-很好 好 你第一个想拆哪一个礼物呢-Good. And. Which present are you gonna open first?-我的 -他们在那儿-Mine! -There they are.鸟妈妈请回答 这里是勇敢一号Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.-鸟妈妈请回答 -有了 有了 安静.-This is

27、it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.好了 安弟现在在拆第一个礼物了s opening the first present now.蛋头太太 蛋头太太.Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!作梦犯法啦Hey, I can dream, cant I?蝴蝶结开了 他正在拆包装纸The bows coming off. Hes ripping the wrapping paper.那是.那. 那是一个便当盒Its a. Its. Its a. a lunch box.-那是一个便当盒 -便当盒?-Weve got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?-便当盒? -用来吃午饭的-Lunch

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