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1、_审核人:审批人:编制单位:编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如导游词大全、合同范本、心得体会、致辞讲话、演讲稿大全、个人报告、工作资料、条据书信、办公文秘、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can

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3、xperience, speeches, speech drafts, personal reports, work information, letter of evidence, office secretary, other sample essays, etc. To learn about the format and writing of different sample essays, please pay attention!莆田属亚热带海洋性季风气候,盛产鳗鱼、对虾、梭子蟹等海产品,龙眼、荔枝、枇杷、文旦柚“四大名果”驰名中外,景点有广化寺、三清殿等,曾被列入第一批国家新型城

4、镇化综合试点地区。接下来是本店铺为大家整理的关于莆田导游词英语,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!3莆田导游词英语1Welcome to Jiulong Valley, Putian. Im your guide. My surname is X. you cancall me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduceyou.Jiulong Valley is located in Juxi, Changtai Town, Chengxiang District,Putian City, Fujian Province

5、, covering an area of 152649hm2. It is adjacent toJiuli lake, a provincial scenic spot, and owns Jiuli lakeFloating waterfall in the lower five Liao, commonly known as the next ninecarp. Only 32 kilometers away from Putian City, the highway around the scenicDongzhen Reservoir often leads to Yangbian

6、 village, the first village in Putian.Along the way, the flowers and fruits are fragrant and the scenery is beautiful.It is known as Putians back garden.The forest coverage rate of Jiulong Valley is more than 95%, and the forestlandscape resources are rich. Within the territory of ups and downs, tre

7、es,shade block out the sun, ancient rattan crisscross. There are 532 species ofplants belonging to 160 families in the park, including Taxus chinensis var.mairei, Fokienia hodginsii, golden dog hide, Keteleeria glyptostroboides, etc.,which are the first-class national protected plants, the second-cl

8、ass nationalprotected plants, and the local protected tree species of Fujian provincialgovernment. Tree shape is also various and interesting, such as water ballet,snail tree, Tathagata palm and so on. There are many kinds of animals in thepark, including 116 species of birds in 34 families, 15 orde

9、rs, 34 species ofmammals, 23 species of amphibians and 43 species of reptiles. The park alsodomesticates nine national first-class protected animals - sika deer.The water landscape of Jiulong Valley is changeable, quiet, colorful andclean. Wupiao waterfall, spray beads fall jade, majestic. Each lake

10、 hasdifferent colors, either blue or green, which is a wonder. The scenery of lakesand mountains makes reflection interesting. Along the stream, the wall stands atthe beginning of a thousand years, the peaks and rocks are beautiful, and thestone scenes such as Xiake rover, jade rabbit flying to the

11、moon and tortoisepilgrimage show the uncanny craftsmanship of nature. The weather in the forestpark is magical and charming. In the early morning, white clouds are like gauze,and the smoke is misty. In rainy season, the rainbow looms over thewaterfall.All kinds of beautiful legends endow Jiulong val

12、ley with beautiful culturalconnotation. Guishan temple and Xu Xiake, the ancient Millennium Temple, haveinjected profound cultural heritage into Jiulong valley. Xu Xiake once left thepraise of three layers of kuanglu, one long spade of Yandang and one long spadeof Yandang, each good at winning, but

13、this mountain has pepper.!Jiulonggu, Jiulonggu Forest Park, is located in Juxi, Changtai Town,Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province. It is adjacent to Jiuli lake,a provincial scenic spot. It has the middle and lower reaches of Jiuli Lakejiupiao waterfall, commonly known as xiajiuli. 32 k

14、ilometers away from PutianCity, the highway around the scenic Dongzhen Reservoir often leads to Yangbianvillage, the first village in Putian. Along the way, the flowers and fruits arefragrant and the scenery is beautiful. It is known as Putian.Jiulonggu Forest Park was approved as a provincial fores

15、t park in November 2004,and was rated as a National Forest Park in 2006.Jiulong Valley is located in Junan village, Changtai Town, ChengxiangDistrict, Putian City, Fujian Province. It is a national forest park. JiulongValley has a subtropical marine monsoon climate. The Dakeng River in the scenicare

16、a is the downstream of Jiuli lake, also known as . The scenic spotis 32 kilometers away from Putian City and passes through Dongzhen Reservoirring road. The scenic area is characterized by undulating peaks, lush trees,shaded sky and interlaced ancient vines, magnificent waterfalls, beads and jade,dr

17、ifting along the stream, beautiful peaks and rocks, and quiet springs. Withthe combination of clear mountains and clear water, the scenery of lakes andmountains is beautiful. The scenic spot has about 15 and 30 meters of equipmentand free climbing mountain extreme sports and nearly 2 meters. A5-kilo

18、meter-long drift along the stream.莆田导游词英语2莆田导游词英语3Welcome to Putian South Shaolin Temple! Im your guide. My name is X. youcan call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introducethe history of Putian South Shaolin Temple.Wushu is the national treasure of our country. Putian is the hometown ofWushu. Since Wu Zetian of Tang Dynasty opened the first martial artsexamination, Putian has

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