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1、3. Where did Amy go on holiday? A. To London. B. To Paris. C. To New York.4. What does Dick often do in his free time? A. He watches TV. B. He reads books. C. He listens to music. 5. Which sport does Bill prefer? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Table tennis.第二节:听较长对话,回答问题听下面一段较长的对话,回答第67两个小题。6. Where

2、 does Bill live? A. In the north of the city. B. In the west of the city. C. In the south of the city. 7. Who lives farthest from school? A. Bill. B. Mary. C. Tom.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第810三个小题。8. Whats the weather like? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.9. Why does John run every day? A. To pass his PE test. B.

3、 To join the school team. C. To train for the marathon.10. How far does John run every day? A. About 10 kilometres. B. About 40 kilometres. C. About 42 kilometres.第三节:听独白,根据内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Information about Li Hong Time Facts11 years agoShe was 12 . Her English was poor, especially her

4、 13 .In the middle schoolAfter class, she read English 14 and watched English movies.Now She is working hard and hopes to 15 one day.11. A. Three B. Four C. Five12. A. shy B. short C. careless 13. A. grammar B. speaking C. listening 14. A. stories B. newspaper C. novels15. A. be an English teacher B

5、. go to university C. work in America 第二部分 读写做部分二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Before I was in Grade Six, I was always the worst student in my class. Then it 16 . Thats all because a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to my school. One day after 17 , she found that I was st

6、aying alone during the lunch break. 18 she came to me and began to talk to me. After that day, she gave me particular(特别的) 19 . I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that someone believed me. Her encouragement(鼓励) 20 me a lot . At the 21 of my first term in Grade Six, I came second

7、in my class. But later we seemed to get less 22 . Every time I came to talk with her, she just put on a cold, stony face. I didnt know 23 . By the time I was in Grade Seven, we hardly(几乎不) ever talked with each other. When I 24 middle school, I was out of touch with her. She 25 answered the phone wh

8、en I called her.Several years later, I went to a good university. One day, I 26 her at a party. I couldnt help asking her, “Why did you stop talking to me?” “You are a 27 boy. I want you to be able to stand on your own two feet and not to 28 others. Now here you are and I feel proud(骄傲的) of 29 , ” S

9、he said. I could not say 30 , but I smiled. Ill always thank her.16. A. dropped B. changed C. got D. moved17. A. work B. practice C. trouble D. class18. A. So B. Or C. Although D. Because19. A. care B. gift C. problem D. exam20. A. beat B. thanked C. hurt D. helped21. A. time B. top C. end D. part22

10、. A. close B. brave C. successful D. hard23. A. what B. when C. how D. why24. A. opened B. missed C. left D. stayed25. A. only B. never C. just D. even26. A. minded B. chose C. missed D. met27. A. strange B. clever C. careless D. humorous28. A. talk about B. play with C. depend on D. look after29. A

11、. me B. you C. her D. him30. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing三、阅读理解(本题有10小题,每小题2分;满分20分) 阅读下面材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Learn English in New Zealand Learn English in New Zealand at Language Schools New Zealand (LSNZ). Our Christchurch and Queenstown schools in the South Island of NZ

12、are the perfect places to learn English. What is your dream?Do you dream of speaking English very well?Do you dream of travel, making friends, a lifestyle using English?LSNZ will help you to achieve(实现) your dream!Language schools Christchurch and Queenstown are in the South Island of New Zealand. L

13、SNZ offers many kinds of English courses(课程), including (包括) General English, Exam Preparation, Study& Ski and more. Our friendly hard-working teachers have helped many students from all over the world achieve their dream of using English in their lives. We invite you to become a member(成员) of the L

14、SNZ family.LSZN English CourseEnroll(注册) now for a LSZN English course- we promise(许诺) your English will improve and offer excellent teachers and small class sizes.General EnglishIELTSStudy & SkiCombo CourseCambridge, Toeic & Pitmans Exam preparation courses are also offered at both schools.31. Acco

15、rding to the text, Christchurch and Queenstown schools .A. are in the North Island B. are members of LSNZC. are the perfect places to visit D. teach only students in New Zealand32. The text tells us that LSNZ .A. offers over four courses B. gives large-class teachingC. has lots of exams D. has many

16、foreign teachers33. People who want to _ may be interested in this text.A. look for jobs B. build language schoolsC. improve their English D. learn about New Zealand B As more and more Chinese people are enjoying the convenience(方便) brought from shared bikes like Mobike, another shared business may

17、become the next big hitshared chargers(共享充电宝). The chargers have already appeared at 37 sites in Xian. People in Xian can find them in places like restaurants and shopping malls. How to enjoy the special service(服务)?Thats easy. Users can scan a QR(扫描二维码) on a machine to rent (租)one of the chargers.

18、Of course, before using, users need to pay a deposit(押金) of 100 yuan. But if a users Alipay-based Zhima Credit(芝麻信贷) scores are over 600, he or she doesnt have to pay a deposit. The chargers are free to use for the first hour, and will cost 1 yuan an hour after that. You can spend at most 10 yuan a

19、day. So dont worry about the cost! Many businessmen in China show great interest in the project(项目). Now some companies are developing the shared charger business. In the near future, users can enjoy the service throughout Chinas cities.34. Jim used a shared charger for 3 hours, and he should pay _

20、for it at last. A.1 yuan B. 2 yuan C.3 yuanD.10 yuan35. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us_. where people can rent shared chargersB.why people can rent shared chargers people can rent shared chargers D. when people can rent shared chargers36. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A

21、. People need to scan a QR code to buy a shared charger.There are 73 sites for shared chargers in Xian now. C. Everyone has to pay 100 yuan first for a shared charger.D. People may enjoy shared chargers in a restaurant in Xian. CAmerica is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close

22、 and real, yet disappear (消失)soon. They dont feel hurt. If the same two people meet again, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand. Friendship between us develop more slowly but may become lifelong feelings, extending(延伸) deeply into bo

23、th families.There is another difficult point for us to understand. Although Americans treat friends warmly in their personal everyday lives, they dont show their politeness (礼貌)to them if it needs a lot of time. But in China, we are usually generous(大方的) with our time. We, as hosts, will appear at a

24、n airport even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off from our work to act as guides to our friends. It is opposite(相反) in America: Americans cannot manage the time to do a lot with a visitor outside their everyday plans. They will probably expect(期待) the visitors to get t

25、hemselves from the airport to the hotels. And they expect the visitors will call them from there. Once(一旦) the visitors arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real.For Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to restaurants, except for

26、 business. Americans are ready to receive foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. So accept their hospitality(好客) at home and enjoy your visit in America.37. The underlined phrase “pick up ” in Paragraph 1 means _. A. 停止 B. 放弃 C. 不关注 D. 继续38. Which of the following is t

27、he American hospitality? _.A. Treating friends at home. B. Taking days off to be with friends.C. Meeting friends at the airport at midnight. D. Sharing everything they have.39. Which is TRUE according to the passage? _.A. Americans are always generous with their time.B. Americans dont feel hurt if t

28、heir friendships disappear soon.C. Chinese friendships develop more slowly but will never disappear.D. Chinese friendships are more sincere(真诚的) than American friendships.40. This passage is most probably written for_.A. American student. B. Chinese students. C. Chinese visitors to American. D. Amer

29、ican visitors to China.四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) A. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。My pen friend, Li Hao, comes from Taiwan-one of the biggest 41 (岛屿) in China. His parents are scientists and they work in a 42 (研究) centre. They are working hard to help all the animals in 43 (危险). He is also

30、44 (感兴趣的) in helping the animals live in peace. Last weekend, he wrote a letter to me. He told me that most of his classmates wanted to help. So they decided to 45 (筹钱) money in their school. They 46 (提出,提议) to put on a play 47 (叫做)Teahouse, which tells the changes in Chinese 48 (社会) in the first half of the 49 (第二十) cen

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