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1、9.They say the new film is a(n) _ picture so they wont go to see it.A. internal B.odd C.interesting D.dull10.The judge _ the murderer to twenty years in prison.A.required B.ordered C.indicated D.sentenced答案:1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D1.The _ at the military academy is so rigid that stud

2、ents can hardly bear it.A) conventionB) confinementC) principleD) discipline2.The test results are beyond _; they have been repeated in labs all over the world.A) negotiationB) conflictC) bargainD) dispute3.I was so _ in todays history lesson. I didnt understand a thing.A) amazedB) neglectedC) confu

3、sedD) amused4.It _ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.A) presentsB) entitlesC) creditsD) tips5.Deserts and high mountains have always been a _ to the movement of people from place to place.A) barrierB) fenceC) preventionD) jam6.In order to make thi

4、ngs convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some _ shops in the residential area.A) flowingB) driftingC) mobileD) unstable7.Mr. Smith says: “The media are very good at sensing a mood and then _ it.”A) overtakingB) enlargingC) wideningD) exaggerating8.This is not an economical

5、 way to get more water; _, it is very expensive.A) on the other handB) on the contraryC) in shortD) or else9.It was the first time that such a _ had to be taken at a British nuclear power station.A) presentationB) precautionC) preparationD) prediction10._ that he wasnt happy with the arrangements, I

6、 tried to book a different hotel.A) PerceivingB) PenetratingC) PuzzlingD) Preserving1.答案:D参考译文:军事院校中的纪律是如此的严厉以至于学生们都无法忍受.题目分析:本题结构比较简单,只需注意一个固定搭配so.that.考点解析:本题需填入的名词要根据后面的so rigid that students can hardly bear it推断.让学生们无法接受的.,分析选项的词个词汇,可知应该含有纪律含义的discipline.选项中的convention和 principle都是系级考试中经常出现的词语,而

7、confinement是由动词confine派生出来的.2.答案:测试结果是不容争议的;他们已经被遍布世界各地的实验室重复多次了.本题结构比较简单.本题的解答需注意题目中的两个地方,首先是beyond一词,本题中的beyond有否定词的意思,另外还有分号后的半个分句they have been repeated in labs all over the world.根据这两个地方,再考察四个选项,应该选择含有争议意思的词语dispute.3.答案:C今天的历史可令我非常困惑,我一点东西都不懂.分析本题后可以发现所需填入的动词是表示我对今天历史课的一种感觉,而所填入的动词有赖于后半个分句I di

8、dnt understand a thing.有后半个分句可以很容易选出含有迷惑含有义的confuse.另外,要注意区分形式比较接近的amaze和amuse.4.答案:B当购买镜框和隐形眼镜时,他可以让你享受以至少半价的价格购买两者之一.本题主要是对entitle一词用法的考察.分析题目后可知,填入的动词要满足两个要求,首先可以构成*(动词) sth.另外还要符合题意.考察四个选项后,可知正确答案为B.entitle一词的用法为entitle do sth.意思为给某人做某事的权利,entitle sth.意思为使某人有权享受.5.答案:A沙漠和高山一直是人们

9、各地运动的一个障碍.本题结构比较简单.注意一个词组from place to place,意思为从一个地方到另一个地方,各地,到处.本题主要是对选项四个词汇的辨析.尤其是四个词汇的细微差别.barrier的英文解释为a structure or object that impedes free movement意为妨碍自由移动的结构或物体,fence的英文解释为a barrier that serves to enclose an area意思为用来保护圈起区域的栅栏,prevention主要是指阻碍某事的行动,jam主要是指困境.由此,根据题意,正确答案为barrier.6.答案:为了方便群

10、众,政府正计划在居民区建立一些移动商店.本题结构比较简单.只需注意目的状语In order to make things convenient for the people本题主要是对选项四个词汇意思的辨析,而这四个词的意思差别也比较大,因此只要了解词汇的意思,本题就很容易解答.分析题目后,可知应该选择含有移动的意思的词语mobile.7.答案:史密斯先生说:媒体非常善于察觉情感并且夸大它.本题结构比较简单.注意固定搭配be good at doing sth.本题是我讲过的标志词法的一个应用,分析题目后注意到标志词and then,可知填入的词语结构应和sensing相同,意思应与sensi

11、ng相近.并且还要注意到所填入的动词的主语和宾语,主语the media,宾语mood,即要符合题意.考察四个选项可知应该选择D8.答案:这不是一个获取更多水资源的经济的方式,相反,它非常昂贵.本题主要是两个分句之间逻辑关系的题目,有前半个分句中的not an economical以及后半个分句中的very expensive.可知应该选择含有相反的意思的on the contrary.9.答案:这种预防措施是第一次用在英国核电站.本题的四个选项都是次级考试中经常考到的动词的名词形式,它们都是以pre开头的单词,本题主要考察四个形式比较接近的词语意思的辨析.根据题目的上下文中的British

12、nuclear power station,以及所填入动词的位于take,选项中的precaution是最符合题意的.10.答案:察觉到他对安排不太高兴,我尽力去定了另一家酒店.本题结构比较简单.只需注意Perceiving that he wasnt happy with the arrangements为分析短语作原因状语.本题主要考查选项四个形式比较接近的词汇意思的辨析,分析题目后可知,后半个分句I tried to book a different hotel.是前半个分句的结果,而所填入的动词也是后半句中主语I发出的动作.考察选项四个词汇,可知含有察觉意思的Perceiving最合适

13、.1. Would you mind _ quiet for a moment? Im trying _ of form.A) keeping,to fill outB) keeping,filling outC) keep,to fill outD) to keep,to fill out2. Mercury is different from other industrial metals _ it is a liquid.A) because ofB) whereasC) in thatD) though3. He made a hypothesis _ the great storms

14、 on the sun create large amounts of electric energy.A) why B) whichC) when D) that4. He had the _ over other boys of having had very good preschool education.A) alternative B) advantageC) ability D) challenge5. _ went to the birthday party last night.A) Many friends of JohnB) Many Johns friendsC) Ma

15、ny of John friendsD) Many friends of Johns6. Are you tired?No, not _.A) in the leastB) at the leastC) so to speakD) at least7. The notice says that no books in the reading room are allowed _ out of it.A) to takeB) takeC) takingD) to be taken8. _ in the front row and _ a pair of binoculars I saw ever

16、ythingclearly and beautifully.A) Seated,usingB) Seating,usingC) Seated,usedD) Seating,used9. _ they want to the bar to enjoy a drink.A) No sooner had they got to know the news whenB) Hardly they had got to know the news thanC) No sooner had they got to know the news thanD) Scarcely had they got to k

17、now the news than10. At the beginning of a year, everybody _ many plans for the comingdays.A) come up withB) come up toC) come throughD) come round答案与解析:1.A安静一会儿好吗?我正在填表。习惯用法的考查。Would you mind doing something?(你介意做吗?)。 try to do something(努力或设法做。)2.C水银不同于其他的金属,因为它是液体。A)because of因为、由于,后接名词。B)though而

18、、却。C)in that因为,由于,后接从句。D)though尽管。3.D他做了一个假想:太阳系一场巨大风暴能产生出大量电能。本题属同位语从句。that引导的从句做抽象名词hypothesis的同位语。4.B在接受良好的学前教育方面,他比其他的孩子有优势。have the advantage over在方面占优势。A)alternative二者择一;C)ability能力;D)challenge挑战。5.D昨晚约翰的很多朋友去参加了生日晚会。本句考查的是语法中名词的双重所有格:of + 名词s ,此结构常用于表示部分概念或带有一定的感情色彩。6.A“你累吗?”“一点儿也不累。”习惯用法的考查。

19、A)not in the least 一点儿也不;B)at (the) least至少;C)so to speak可以这么说。7.D告示上说阅览室的书不允许被带出去。本题考查动词的用法。动词allow后跟不定式做宾语。本题属于被动语态,故应用be allowed to be done。8.A坐在前排,用望远镜我能清楚地看到所有的事物。本题考查分词的用法。seat一词的用法较为特殊,它的被动形式常表示主动的意义。9.C他们一知道那个消息,就去酒吧喝酒庆祝。本题考查倒装。no sooner.than., hardly/scarcely.when.,都表示“一就”。当no sooner或 hardl

20、y/scarcely置于句首时,主谓要倒装。10.A新年伊始,每个人都为将来制定了很多计划。动词词组的考查。A) come up with(提出、提供)。B)come to合计、苏醒;C)come through通过、穿过;D)come round过来、绕过。1.I cant advise you what to do. You must use your own _.A. opinion B. guesswork C. justice D. judgment2.Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _ in the last six m

21、onths.A. added B. jumped C. amounted D. developed3. The news item about the traffic accident is followed by a detailed report made _.A. on the spot B. on the locationC. on the ground D. on the site4. They did not find _ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.A. worth their while B. it w

22、orthwhileC. it worth D. it worthy5. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept _ all night.A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily6. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought_ yesterday.A. many furnitures B. so much furnitureC. many piece of furniture D. a lot of furniture7.

23、It is reported that fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, _the same company.A. much worse B. less likely C. all else D. let alone8. The government_ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.A. is going

24、 B. had been C. was about D. is coming9. Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotels of_standards.A. equivalent B. likely C. alike D. uniform10. Because there was little heat in the bed room, Evan was cold _.A. much through the night B. most of the nightC. many part

25、s of the night D. the majority part of the night1.Djudgement 判断。guesswork 猜测,justice 正义,公正,ideal 理想。2.Bjump (=rise suddenly in price) 指“(价格)暴涨”。3.A在交通事故的新闻后又有现场的详细报道。此题考查介宾短语的含义。on the spot意为“在场,在现场”,符合本题题意。on the site没有这一搭配;be on location意为“在拍摄外景”;on the ground意为“在地面上”。因此A为正确选项。worthwhile值花时间(或精力)干的:1)The visit to Paris was worthwhile .2)He thinks teaching foreign languages is worthwhile.3)She has a very worthwhile job.4)I think it worthwhile t

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