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1、 I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life! I want to be successful! I want to be international! I dont want to let my parents down! I dont ever want to let my country down! Most important, I dont want to let myself down! I want to speak perfect English! I want to understand all kinds

2、 of accents! I want to write beautiful articles! I want to read thousands of books! I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.I want to be the master of the worlds two most important languages: Chinese and English. I must act at once! I must open my mouth to practice! I must surprise th

3、em with my excellent English!I must realize my dream! I must succeed! 我的誓言 我不能忍受我的破烂英语! 我不能忍受我十年来虚度的光阴! 我不能忍受被别人看扁! 我不能忍受被别人嘲笑! 我要改善我的处境! 我要改变我的生活! 我要成为成功人士! 我要成为国际人才! 我不想让我的父母失望! 我也不想让我的祖国失望!更重要的是,我不想让我自己失望!我要说一口纯正的英语!我要听懂各种各样的口音!我要写一手漂亮的文章! 我要阅读成千上万的书籍! 我要在中英文之间自由转换。我要成为世界上最重要的两种语言汉语和英语的大师。 我必须立即行

4、动! 我必须张嘴练习! 我必须用我出色的英语令众人惊叹! 我必须实现我的梦想! 我必须成功!第二部 第一节冲锋陷阵的继续 -收获一百个句型一百个句型可以演绎成千上万个句子1. Allow me to 请允许我Allow me to introduce our manager, Stone Lee.(请允许我介绍一下我们的经理,李石头先生。)2. Any idea 你知道吗?Any idea what time it is ?(你知道现在几点了?)3. Are you fond of 你喜欢吗?Are you fond of children?(你喜欢孩子吗?)Are you fond of C

5、hinese food?(你喜欢吃中国菜吗?)4. as if 好象When I told them my plan, they looked at me as if I was crazy.(当我告诉他们我的计划之后,他们把我当疯子一样的看着我。)Dont talk to me as if I am stupid!(不要把我当笨蛋一样和我说话。)5. as long as 只要You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully.(只要你保证小心驾驶,我就让你开我的车。)【疯狂实战】A: As long as were out we shou

6、ld stop and visit my mother.(只要我们出门,我们就应该去看望我母亲。)B: OK, as long as we dont have to stay long!(好吧,只要我们不必呆得太久。)6. as soon as 一 就Ill come as soon as I finish.(我一做完就来。) 7. ask for 向某人要He asked me for money.(他向我要钱。)8. be able to 能够I havent been able to sleep very well recently.(最近我总是睡不好。)9. be against 反对

7、Are you against me?(你反对我吗?)10. be away from 离开Actually, I really hate being away from my family so much.(事实上,我真讨厌经常离开我的家人。)11. be going well. 很顺利。Everything is going well.(一切都很顺利。)12. believe in 信仰I dont believe in ghosts.(我不相信有鬼。)13. By the time 到时候By the time we got to the movie theater the film h

8、ad already started.(当我们到了电影院的时候,电影都开始了。)14. Can I remind you to 我想提醒你Can I remind you to call me at 7 tomorrow morning? (我想提醒你一下,明早七点叫醒我。)15. cant afford to 无法承受We couldnt afford to keep our car, so we sold it.(我们养不起我们那辆车,只好卖掉了。)16. cant agreemore 完全同意I couldnt agree with you more.(我完全同意你的意见)。17. Do

9、 you approve of? 你赞成/同意吗?Do you approve of the new manager?(你认同这个新上任的经理吗?)18. Do you have? 你有吗?Do you have anything to say?(你有什么话要说?)19. Do you know how to? 你会吗?Do you know how to cook?(你会做饭吗?)20. Do you recall? 你记得吗?Do you recall the name of the book?(你记得书的名字吗?)21. enoughto 足够做I havent got enough m

10、oney to go on vacation.(我没有足够的钱去度假。)I dont have enough time to waste talking to you!(我没有太多时间可以浪费来和你说话。)22. get something done. 叫别人做某事。When are you going to get the roof repaired?(你准备什么时候叫人来修屋顶?)23. have difficulty in 在方面有困难。People often have great difficulty in reading my writing.(通常人们都很难看清我写的字。)24.

11、 have neverbefore. 从来没有He has never driven a car before.(他从来没有开过车。) NoPage25. haventfor a long time. 好久没有We havent seen each other for a long time.(我们好久没见了。)26. haventso far. 目前为止还没有We havent had any problem so far.(目前为止我们还没有遇到任何问题。)27. How often? 什么时候 一次?How often do you go to the movies?(你多久去看一次电影

12、?)How often do you go out to eat?(你多久在外面吃一次饭?)How often do you visit your parents?(你多久去看望你父母一次?)How often do you call your wife?(你多久给你妻子打一次电话?)How often do you read the newspaper?(你多久看一次报纸?)28. How was? 怎么样?How was your trip to America?(你的美国之旅怎么样?)29. Im always doing 我总是Im always losing things.(我总是丢

13、东西。)Im always forgetting peoples names.(我总是忘记别人的名字。)30. Im calling to 我打电话来Im calling to confirm your booking.(我打电话来确认你的订票。)Im calling to ask about the advertisement I read in todays paper.(我打电话来询问我今天在报纸上看到的广告。)Im calling to request a catalogue.(我打电话来索取目录册。)Im calling to file a complaint.(我打电话来投诉。)3

14、1. Im good at 我擅长Im good at English.(我擅长英语。)Im good at cooking.(我擅长做菜。)Im good at judging other people.(我擅长判断别人。)Im good at remembering names.(我擅长记住别人的名字。)32. Im here to 我是来这里Im here to let you know the truth.(我是来这里告诉你真相的。)33. Im interested in 我对感兴趣。Im interested in the Internet.(我对互联网很感兴趣。)Im inter

15、ested in everything.(我对所有的事都感兴趣。)34. Im looking for 我在找Im looking for Stone. Do you know where he is?(我在找石头, 你知道他在哪儿吗?)35. Im making every effort to 我尽力Im making every effort to impress my new boss.(我正在尽一切努力给我的新老板留下深刻的印象。)36. Im opposed to 我反对Actually, Im strongly opposed to the plan.(事实上,我强烈反对这项计划。

16、)37. Im sorry to 感到难过Im sorry to hear that your father is ill.(听说你父亲病了,我感到很难过。)38. Im thinking of 我在考虑Im thinking of buying a car.(我在考虑买辆车。)Im thinking of moving to Australia.(我在考虑移民去澳大利亚。)Im thinking of getting married.(我在考虑结婚。)Im thinking of changing my job.(我在考虑跳槽。【李阳老师的提醒】“Im thinking of” 是表达自己的

17、计划、想法的最佳句型。39. Im trying to 我正在试图I am trying to find a job but its not easy.(我正在试图找份工作,但是并不容易。)40. I apologize for 我对表示歉意。I apologize for what I said about you.(我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意。)41. I cant believe 我不敢相信I cant believe what Im hearing.(我简直不敢相信我的耳朵。)42. I cant understand 我搞不懂I cant understand why hes s

18、o selfish.(我搞不懂他怎么会这么自私。)43. I come from 我来自I come from Beijing, China.(我来自中国北京。)44. I dont think 我认为不I dont think thats a good idea.(我认为那不是个好主意。)I dont think we should wait for him.(我认为我们不应该等他。)45. Id ratherthan 我宁可而不Id rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.(今晚我宁可呆在家里,也不愿去看电影。)46. I hav

19、e a passion for 我对很痴迷。I have a passion for soccer.(我对足球特别感兴趣。)I have a passion for sweet food!(我特别喜欢甜食。)47. I have no experience in 我没有的经验。I have no experience in dating girls.(我没有和女孩子约会的经验。)48. I have nothing to do with 与我无关。I have nothing to do with the matter.(这件事与我无关。)I have nothing to do with m

20、y old classmates anymore.(我和我的老同学都不再有联系了。)49. I insist 我坚持I insist that you let me pay for the meal.(我坚持由我来买单。50. I must have been 我肯定是The phone rang but I didnt hear it. I must have been asleep.(电话响了,但是我没听到。我肯定是睡着了。)I must have been crazy to fall in love with you!(我肯定是疯狂地爱上你了。)I am happiest when I

21、am with students.The students in China have captured my heart.I feel very lucky to have the chance to teach English to such enthusiastic learners.每当我和学生在一起时,那是我最开心的时刻。中国的学生已经深深地震撼了我的心。我很幸运有这样一个机会给这么多热情的学习者教授英语。American Chief Editor:Kim51. I preferto 我更喜欢而不I prefer driving to travelling by train.(我更喜

22、欢自己开车而不愿坐火车旅行。)I prefer the weather in Guangzhou to the weather in Beijing.(和北京的天气比起来,我更喜欢广州的天气。)52. I promise 我发誓I promise that I wont tell anybody what you said.(我发誓我决不会将你对我说的话告诉任何人。)53. I refuse to 我拒绝I refuse to answer such a silly question.(我拒绝回答这么愚蠢的问题。)54. I regret doing 我后悔I now regret sayin

23、g what I said.(现在我为自己说过的话感到后悔。)55. I regret to我很抱歉I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job.(我很抱歉地通知你,我们无法向你提供这份工作。)56. I suggest 我建议Its a nice day. I suggest that we go out for a walk.(今天天气真好,我建议大家出去散步。)I suggest you study more and fool around less.(我建议你多学习少到处游荡。)I suggest you

24、apply for your visa as early as possible.(我建议你尽早去申请签证。)I suggest that you take better care of your health.(我建议你多加注意你的健康。)57. I used to 我过去常常I used to watch TV a lot.(我过去常看电视。)I used to smoke, but I quit two years ago.(我过去常吸烟,但是两年前戒掉了。)I used to worry all the time.(我以前总是担心这担心那的。)I used to make a lot

25、less money than I do now.(我以前比我现在挣的钱少多了。)I used to think learning English was a waste of time.(我以前认为学英语是浪费时间。)58. Ive already 我已经Ive already been there.(我已经去过那里了。)Ive already told you three times!(我已经告诉过你三次了!)59. Ive got 我有Ive got a new car.(我有辆新车。)60. Ive just 我刚刚Ive just had lunch.(我刚刚吃过午饭。)61. Iv

26、e no idea 我不知道Ive no idea what he is like.(我不知道他这个人什么样。)62. I was told 我听说I was told the meeting is cancelled.(我听说会议取消了。)63. I wish 我祝愿/希望I wish you good luck.(祝你好运。)64. If I did, I would 如果我,我一定会If I knew his number, I would phone him.(如果我知道他的电话号码,我一定会打电话给他。)If I had enough money, I would buy a car.(如果我有钱的话,我一定会去买部车。)65. in case 以免/以防Ill draw a map for you in case you cant

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