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1、4. The medicine must _ (keep) away from children. 5. Im a little weak in physics. But my uncle is too busy _ (help) me. 6. It _ (be) two months since we met last time. 7. There _ (be) a class meeting after class this afternoon, isnt there?8. You dont need _ (copy) the new words now. 9. Dont move unl

2、ess you _ (tell) to. 10. I happened _ (meet) Marys friend in the street yesterday. III. 按要求变化下列各句(5分)1. She walked so slowly that she missed the last bus. (改为并列句) She walked _ slowly _ catch up with the last bus. 2. I forgot everything. So did Tom. (改为同义句) _ Jim _ I couldnt _ everything. 3. Have you

3、 visited the Great Wall? Cold you tell me? Could you tell me _ you _ visited the Great Wall?4. Work hard, or youll fall behind others. (改为同义句) _ you _ work hard, you will fall behind others. 5. The math problem is too difficult for him to work out. (改为复合句) The math problem is _ difficult _ he cant w

4、ork out.IV. 选用正确的疑问词完称问句(5分)how many, how much, how long, how soon, how often 1. -_ do you usually have an art lesson? -Twice a week.2. -_ will Tree Planting Day be? -In a week.3. -_ CDs have you got? -There are so many, I cant remember the number. 4. I cant say _ I want to go back to my hometown. 5

5、. -_ has Miss Jones been in Beijing? -For two and a half years.V. 汉译英(10分)1. 目前他处于困境中,他不得不减少了开支。 He is in trouble now, and he has to _ spending. 2. 我不想当众说出这件事。 I dont want to speak about it _.3. 结果,我不得不骑摩托车去学校。 _, I had to ride a motorbike to school.4. 只要你下决心学英语,你就一定会学好。 You will learn English well

6、_you make up your mind. 5. 请认真地检查试卷,确保里面没有错误。 Please look over your paper carefully and _ theres no mistakes in it. 6. 他宁可骑自行车,也不乘拥挤的公共汽车。 He prefers to ride a bicycle _ take a crowded bus.7. 他们不仅闯入他的办公室偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。 They _ broke into his office and stole his books, _ tore up his manuscripts. 8

7、. 你为什么不扔掉这些废品呢? Why dont you _ these waste things?9. 请注意你的发音。 Please _ your pronunciation. 10. 在那个老人的帮助下,我找到了那个村庄。 _ _ _ _ the old man, I found that village. 11. 当他听到这个可笑的故事后,忍不住笑了起来。 He couldnt _ _ when he heard the funny story.12. 他让我等了半个小时。 He kept me _ for half an hour. VI. 单项选择(15分)1. We _ our

8、supper. We _ it at home at 6:30. A. have had; have had B. have had; had C. had; have had D. had; had 2. Whats _ cities in Australia? A. the number of B. a number of C. number D. the population of 3. Dont touch anything in the lab _ your teacher tells you to. A. if B. though C. unless D. even though

9、4. He _ to school by car, but now he _ to school on foot. A. used to going; get used to go B. used to go; gets used to going C. used to go; gets used to go D. get used to going; used to go 5. They _ the hard work. A. succeed to finish B. succeed to finishing C. succeeded in finishing D. successful i

10、n finishing 6. Mrs. King has _ China for over three years. A. gone to B. been to C. come to D. been in 7. By the way, where is Li Lei? -He _ the bookstore. A. has been B. has been to C. has gone D. has gone to 8. Have you ever _ my stamps? -Yes, I _ them on your desk yesterday. A. saw; saw B. saw; s

11、een C. seen; saw D. seen; was seeing 9. You have made great progress in English. -_. A. So I do B. So do I C. So I have D. So have I 10. I didnt know what _ to her last night. A. was happened B. happening C. happened D. was happen 11. Japan is a _ country while China is a_ country. A. developing; de

12、veloped B. developing; developing C. developed; developing D. developed; developed 12. I didnt hear clearly _ because it was very noisy. A. what did you say B. what you said C. what you say D. what do you say 13.In our city, about _ of people are workers. A. three fifth B. third fifth C. third fifth

13、s D. three fifths 14. In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of them _ growing larger and larger. A. are; is B. is; are C. have; are D. has; is 15. Mr. Black said, “I have walked a long way this week.” Mr. Black said that _ a long way _. A. I had walked; last week

14、B. he had walked; that week C. I walked; last week D. he has walked; last week VII.补全对话(5分)A: (1)_, Tony? I havent seen you for a long time. B: Oh, Ive been to Dalian. Its one of the best cities in China. (2)_? Of course. The best thing there was swimming. Its really cool. (3)_? Its a beautiful city

15、! Ive never seen such a beautiful beach in my life. (4)_? Fro only a week. I wish I could stay there and enjoy sunshine forever. Really? You know, Im a member of Green China. I want to know something about the environment there. (5)_? No. nobody littered things. People always keep rubbish in a bag u

16、ntil they can put it in a dustbin. Well, thats great. Ill go there if there is a chance for me. VIII. 完形填空(15分)Mr. Miller had a shop in a big town. He _1_ladies(女士) clothes, and he always had two or three shop girls to _2_him. They were always _3_ because they were paid lower wage(工资,周薪)than older w

17、omen, but_4_of them worked for him for very_5_, because they were young, and they did not meet many boys in _6_shop. Last month a girl came to work for him. Her_7_was Helen, and she was very good. After a few days, Mr. Miller_8_a young man come into the shop. He went_9_ to Helen, spoke to her for a

18、few _10_ and then went out of the shop. Mr. Miller was very _11_ and when the young man _12_, he went to Helen and said, That young man didnt _13_ anything. What did he want to _14_? Helen answered, He just wanted to _15_ me. 1. A. kept B. sold C. made D. washed 2. A. work B. teach C. help D. follow

19、 3. A. young B. strong C. clever D. interesting 4. A. many B. most C. some D. none 5. A. long B. much C. soon D. often 6. A. childrens B. mens C. clothes D. womens 7. A. friend B. name C. sister D. present 8. A. knew B. guessed C. saw D. chose 9. A. away B. straight C. back D. by 10. A. words B. tim

20、es C. things D. minutes 11. A. kind B. pleased C. surprised D. interested 12. A. arrived B. left C. smiled D. went 13. A. buy B. try C. say D. touch 14. A. do B. take C. spend D. save 15. A. look at B. leave C. see D. beat IX. 阅读理解。(10分) ANews 1) Shanghai-Chinas biggest city received 279,700 oversea

21、s visitors in the first quarter of the year, a 10.6 percent over last year. 2) At 00:00 on May 8th, 1996 (Beijing time), Beijings telephone number will be changed from seven digits to eight digits. How to change: Add 6 in front of the old seven digits telephone numbers. 3) Eight persons were killed

22、and 15 badly hurt at a traffic accident in Rongxian of Sichuan on April 16th. Sichuan Daily reported last week. The bus carrying 23 people was running from Rongxian to Shuanggu on the morning of April 16th, when the bus failed to pass a sharp turn and fell into a field located 41 meters below the ro

23、ad. 1. The traffic accident happened_. A. long before B. as we expected C. in Shanghai D. when those people were on their way to Shuanggu 2. Li Leis aunt lives in Beijing. Her telephone number was 6972478 before 1996. Now her telephone number must be_. A. 69724786 B. 29179966 C. 66972478 D. 69672478

24、 3. _, 279,700 people visited Shanghai. A. Last week B. From April to May C. In the first four months of the year D. During the first three months of the year 4. At the traffic accident,_. A. eight people were dead B. twenty-three people were dead C. thirty-one people were badly hurt D. eight person

25、s were badly hurt 5. The bus fell into a field. Its_ from the road to the field. A. 16 meters long B. 41 meters wide C. 16 meters high D. 41 meters deep BFast food chains (连锁), American-style, are now on the increase all over the world. Most of these places work on a similar principle. There is a lo

26、ng counter (柜台), above which hangs a list (often with pictures) of the items they sell, and behind which several people (often students working for the lowest wage) are working. Buyers form queues in front of each assistant. You receive what you order and take it on a tray to a table. If you cant see any knives and forks, this means you are supposed to eat with your hands. If you cant see any straws (吸管), thats because they are hiding in the straw machine that you have to push the bottom to get a straw. When youve finished, you yourself throw away everything except the tray. Many fast

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