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1、消失,不再存在:The storm should pass away before dark.3. (时间)过去:pass away from ones mind忘记4. 死,逝世:pass by1. 路过;经过:I passed by your house last night at about ten oclcok.2. (时间)逝去;过去:Three years had passed by before she finally found a suitable job.3. 忽略;遗漏;不注意:I cannot pass the matter by without making a pr

2、otest.我不能对此事听之任之。4. 经过(某人)身旁而不理他:He simply passed by and did not notice his girl friend was there too.他只顾往前走,没有注意到他女朋友也在那里。5. 不理;躲开;回避:He passed me by as though he had never in his life seen me before.6. 对没影响,不起作用:The romantic act has passed her by.7. (生活)没有给(某人)愉快与享受:He feels that life is passing h

3、im by,i.e.,that he is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life.他觉得生活与他形同陌路,也就是说,他从未从生活中得到好处、机会与乐趣。8. 以为名:He passed by the name of John many years.多年来他一直使用约翰这个名字。pass into1. 进入(地方、状态):2. 考入,考进(学校):Its not easy to pass into this key university.3. 慢慢地变成(另一种东西或历史的一部分):Day p

4、assed into night.pass off1. 停止,终止;逐渐消失:The storm should pass off before dark.2. 进行到最后;结束;完成:The meeting passed off very well.3. 转移他处;故意不去注意;漠然视之;认为无关紧要:He passed off the accusation with a laugh.他对指责一笑了之。4. 把冒充为;使称是;作为(真东西)出售:He passed his secretary off as his wife.他将秘书冒充为他的妻子。5. 回避;掩饰;不加理会:Seeing th

5、at the story had given offence to some people,he attempted to pass it off with a joke.看到他讲的故事已经冒犯了一些人,他想讲一个笑话来避开它。6. 克服;应付过去:It was not to be passed off so easily as that.7. 以假货冒充真品骗人接受:He tried to pass off a false Dagas on the auctioneer.他试着把假的德加的画卖给拍卖人。8. 使人不去注意,忽视:I managed to pass off his insult

6、.我终于没去理会他的侮辱。pass sth on to把passon to把传去pass sth on to sb递给某人某pass out1. (免费)散发;分发:The exhibitors at the trade fair passed out free samples to stimulate interest.2. 离去;出去;(式样等)过时;消失:These words have passed out of current use.这些词已经不再通用了。3. 失去知觉;昏迷;晕倒:She passed out when she heard the bad news.4. 醉得不省

7、人事;酩酊大醉:After three drinks, the man passed out.5. 死去;逝世:6. 不能看见、听见;不再存在;不再出版:The book has passed out of print.此书已经绝版。7. 美国英语毕业(尤指在军校毕业及毕业后获得军职):How many of the young men passed out this year?这些年轻人中今年有多少毕业了?8. (打桥牌时)四家都不叫牌pass the buck1. 口语推诿(或推卸)责任(给某人);归罪(于某人);愚弄人家2. 【牌戏】把轮到发牌的筹码转给另一人3. 美国俚语把责任推给别b

8、ringbring along1. 使发展,帮助(某人)发展,促使的成长发展;教育;培养亦作 bring on:Were trying to bring along several promising young football player.我们正设法培养出几个有前途的年轻足球运动员。2. 培植,促使迅速生长(或开花),帮助(农作物、花、蔬菜等)更快生长(或开花):The fine spell weve been having will bring the crops along very nicely.这一段时间的好天气会使作物生长旺盛。3. 把带来,把领来:Please bring y

9、our wife along next time.请你下次带你夫人一块儿来。bring around(或round) 说服,;使转向;用好话哄骗以使心情变好,哄劝得高兴起来:He brought her around to my point of view.他说服她同意我的观点。把带来(或引来),(从不远的地方)带(某人或某物)来:He brought around a new employee this afternoon. 口语使恢复知觉(或健康),使复苏,使复原:With the help of cold water he was soon brought round.用泼冷水的办法很快

10、就使他苏醒过来。把转(或引)到,把(谈话或讨论)引向自己爱好的题目(to):She keeps trying to bring the conversation round to the family life.【航海学】使(船)掉过头来,使(船)转向:Since the wind changed, they had to bring the ship round.bring back1. 把带回来,拿回来;使(某人)回来;归还: Bring back some tea for me.2. 使被忆起,使被想起,使回忆起,使记起:His singing brings back memories

11、of my father.3. (使)恢复:The country has brought back hanging as a punishment.该国已恢复了绞刑。4. 使康复,使复原;使恢复原来状态 (to): to bring someone back to life使某人复活5. 呕吐出,吐出(食物等),把(吃下的东西)吐出来: The invalid brought back all he had eaten.病人把吃下的东西都吐出来了。bring down1. 拿下;带下;搬下,运下;扶到下面:Hell need help to bring the computer down.2

12、. 打落,击落;撂倒;使落下,使跌下,使倒下(尤指射落) (on):The pilot brought the plane down gently.驾驶员使飞机徐徐降落。3. 打伤;打死;打倒: The hunter aimed, fired, and brought down the deer.4. 击败,使失败,使倒台:This scandal may well bring the president down at the next election.这件丑闻也许会使总统在下次选举中失败。5. (使)减少,降低(温度、物价等);使(某人)降低价格:The dealers finally

13、brought the price down to a reasonable figure.6. 使变得卑微,迫使(某人)降低到(某一状况或水平) (to):Mary will bring Helen down to her own level.玛丽会把海伦降低到她自己的那种地位。7. (使怒气、处罚等)落于(on)8. 口语使沮丧,使垂头丧气,使愁苦,使消沉,使泄气,使情绪低落:The bad news of my wifes accident really brought me down.9. 口语使(自夸、傲气等)受挫: Helen brought Simon down very cle

14、verly with her remarks.10. 招致: His treacherous actions brought down ruin on himself.他的背叛行径使他身败名裂。bring forth.1. 生(孩子);开(花);结(果);产生: She brought forth two sons only.2. 宣布,公布,提出,显示: to bring forth a proposal for reducing coststo bring it forth to someones consideration提出此事供某人考虑3. 引起:The good news brou

15、ght forth a cheer.bring into1. 带进;拿进;领进: Will you bring that book into my office?to be brought into court被送交法庭裁决2. (和各种名词连用)使进入某种状态;使卷入,加进来:to bring into being a peace which will be lasting建立持久和平bring off1. 使成功,成功地做(某事),做成,使(企业)获得成功;完成,获得;使实现:He brought off his speech with ease.2. (尤指从出事的船只)救出:The l

16、ifeboat brought off the crew and passengers of the stricken ship.3. 孵出4. 俚语使经历性亢进5. 运走;带走: to bring the vase off把花瓶拿走6. 使改变主意;劝止: to be brought off from the opinion7. 使逃走;释放: to bring oneself off走开bring out1. 带出来,取出,拿出,端出;搬出: to bring out a gun2. 使清楚,使变得明显,显示出来;使显出;使出现;使(意义等)明白地表示出来,阐明;发挥: to bring

17、out the meaning of a passage阐明一段文字的意义3. 说出: He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word.他震惊得连一句话也说不出来。4. 上演,推出(剧目、作品等);出版(书籍、杂志等);公布,发表;生产;出售:They are bringing out a new edition of the dictionary.5. 带(女子)初次参加社交活动,正式介绍(女子)初进社交界:to bring out a debutante正式介绍初进社交界的女子初入社交界6. 主英国英语使罢工,发动罢工: Th

18、e union will bring the workers out for more pay.7. 使克服腼腆的窘态,使去掉(或不再)羞怯(或沉默):Mary was very shy before she met Jack; he brought her out a lot.玛丽在见到杰克之前很害臊,他使她变得不那么羞羞答答了。8. 使(花)开放: The warm weather has brought out the roses nicely in the park.暖和的天气使公园里的玫瑰花盛开。9. 激起,唤起,引起(某种品质);使发挥出来:The accident brought

19、 out the best in her.这次事故使她最优良的品质得以发挥。10. 拣出11. 暴露,查出: to bring out facts from darkness into light使真相大白12. 使出皮疹(in)13. 把(家属)搬出(到新居);使迁居国外: Ill bring the family out next week.bring to1. 使(昏厥的人)恢复知觉,使复苏,使苏醒亦作bring round:When Jack nearly drowned, they brought him to by artificial respiration.2. 【航海学】使(

20、船)停驶;(船)停驶:The ship was brought to by the firing of a gun across her bows.3. 使(花费等)达到,使共计(某数):The suit brought the bill to over $200.4. 以(某种态度等)看待(或处理)某事:To his new job he brought knowledge gained at first hand.他将第一手的知识用于他的新工作。bring together1. 使(冲突双方)和解(或复交);使言归于好:Im sure that Jack and Mary can be b

21、rought together.2. 使团结,使联合,使会聚:Fate brought us together.3. 介绍(男女)相见:We brought the boy and girl friends together for conversation.4. 把拼在一起:to bring the broken edges of the plate together exactly把碎盘边照原样拼拢bring up to1. 使到跟前;驶近;移近:He brought the car up to the door.他们把汽车开到门口。2. 使(总数等)达到:That sum has bro

22、ught the total up to400 exactly.bring with随身携带:lack lklack n.1. 缺乏,短缺,不够2. 没有3. 缺少的东西;需要的东西vt.1. 缺乏,没有: The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.委员会对他的能力缺乏正确的评价。2. 不足,不够,缺少:We must note that some of the imported films lack artistic quality.我们要注意有些进口影片艺术性不够强。3. 废语需要;需求vi.1. 缺乏,缺少,欠缺: Th

23、e child seems to be lacking in intelligence.这孩子似乎缺乏智力。2. 不及,不足;短少;达不到: Capital is lacking to carry on the project.资金不足,无法将这项工程进行下去。lack for缺少;需要多用于否定句:She leads a happy and comfortable life, never lacking for money or friends.她过着幸福而舒适的生活,从未缺过钱或朋友。lack in主要用于be lacking in形式:缺乏(某种特性、特点或品质);欠缺:I find i

24、t quite boring to chat with those who are lacking in humour.我觉得跟缺乏幽默的人聊天很乏味。standstand for1. 表示,意味;代表,象征:The olive branch stands for peace.橄榄枝象征着和平。2. 支持,赞成;主张: We stand for fair play.我们主张公平竞赛。3. 起立向表示尊敬:We all stood for his coming.我们对他的到来,起立表示敬意。4. 英国英语参加的竞选,做的候选人:to stand for Parliament参加议员的竞选,竞选议

25、员5. 口语容忍;忍受 常用于否定句:I cannot stand for talking in my class.在我的课上,我不允许有人上课说话。6. 【航海学】向航行,向方向行驶stand in1. 站立于: to stand in snow over the knees站在没膝深的雪地中2. 坐落于,位于: The sculpture stands in the centre塑像坐落于花坛的中央。3. 闲置于;停留在里:His car stood in the garage for a long time,他的汽车停放在车库里有很长时间了4. (使)花费: Her dress stoo

26、d me in 380.5. 参加,加入:d like to stand in if you introduce me.6. 替代;口语做的替身,临时替代(通常与for连用):He used to stand in for the star.他过去一直在给明星做替身。My manager was very busy,so I stood in for him to talk with them.经理太忙,由我代他和他们进行了商谈。7. 【航海学】向岸边行驶stand on坚持;依靠;位于;拘泥于;持续向同一方向航行stand treat请客,做东 Ill stand treat today.今

27、天我请客。Good inspect stand can you treat myopia?好视立能治近视吗?stand up for1. 坚决要求,争取:Only we ourselves could help us, no man stands up for our rights.只有我们能够拯救我们自己,没有人会为我们的权利去拼命争取的。2. 维护,支持,保卫:Start legal proceedings against him, and the law could stand up for your rights.去上法庭,法律会维护你的权利的。3. 美国俚语 = stand up w

28、ithstand up to1. 勇敢面对;坚决抵抗: to stand up to death勇敢地面对死亡2. 比得上,敌得过: Somebody said that my short novels could stand up to Mark Twains.有人说我的短篇小说可以和马克吐温的媲美。3. 通过(检查、验收、考验等):He has stood up to the test of his honesty.4. 经得起,受得了,耐得住: Could you stand up to pain?你能忍得住痛吗?Setset about1. 开始,着手(工作等): to set about doing something开始动手做某事2. 试着(做某事

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