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1、too(太;也),zoo(动物园), 2. 在辅音字母f, l, m, n, p,s,t前的字母组合oo也发音素u:roof(屋顶),school(学校),room(房间),soon(不久),loop(圈,环),goose(鹅)boot(靴子),tooth(牙齿)等.有二个特例词要特别注意,它就是:woolu(羊毛);:footu(脚); 3. 字母组合oo在字母d和k前发音素u的音。good(好),book(书),look(看),特例词:foodu:(食物); 4. 在复合词的非重读音节中的字母组合oo发音素u的音。bedroom(卧室),classroom(教室)等; 5. 在字母l和d之

2、间的字母组合oo发音素的音。blood(血),flood(洪水)等.6. 后接r时字母组合oo发音素:door,floorou/owau flower house count down ouknow row throw though young country enough u: group you soupour :course your four auE our hour ours E: journeyui在j l r s后 ju:i fluid suicide tuition u juice fruit suit七、非重读音节中元音字母组合和字群的读音元音字母组合或字群读音例词ai/ay

3、,ei/eyi Sunday foreign monkeyow ou yellow sparrow tomorrow元音字组在非重读音节中读E音。例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee-sion -tion Fn impression nation-sion在元音字母后 Vn vision decision occasion-tion在s后 tEn question suggestion-sten sn listen-stle sl whistle-sure VE pleasure measure-ture tE picture culture八、

4、元音字母组合在复合词非重读音节中的读音复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字母组合仍按重读音节拼读规则拼读。例如: everydayei handbag blackboardC:有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词。其中的非重读部分要按非重读音节的读音规则发音。 sun太阳 + dayei日子 Sunday 星期天 holy神圣 + dayei日子 holiday 假日 break中断 + fast:斋戒 breakfastE 早餐 cup茶杯 + board木板C: cupboardE 碗柜九、辅音字母组合的读音辅音字母组合 读 音 例

5、词b b bike bus bag / bomb tombc (1)后跟元音字母a,o,u时,字母c发k,例如:cat,come,cut,cake picture coat music;后跟e,i,y时,字母c发s,例如:nice,decide,Lucy,face decide cinema。 (2)后跟辅音字母k,r,s,t,以及位于单词最后时,字母c发k,例如:black,crossing,politics,dictate,picnic。 (3)单词中有双写字母c,后跟元音字母e或i时第一个c发k,第二个c发s,例如:successful,accident;后跟其它元音字母或字母组合时,两

6、个c合发一个k,例如:account。(4)后跟字母组合ei,er,ie或与词尾的字母e组合时,c发s,例如:receive,certainly,society;后跟字母组合ia时,c发,例如:especially。ch 一般读作t much chick rich teacherkchemist(化学家),chem-istry(化学),chemical(化学的),Christmas(圣诞节), headache(头痛),school(学校)等6个单词中读k machine-ckk cock pocket black knockd d doctor bread hand day-dge dVbr

7、idge fridgedr- dr children driver drinkf f five four breakfastg在e i/y前 g bag garden go dV orange large Germangh字母组合的读音在中学英语课本中归纳起来主要有“发音”和“不发音”两种情况。 一、gh在下列三种情况下发音 1gh在词首时,读作/g/。ghost/gust/ 2词首为字母1,且后跟字母组合augh时,gh读作/f/。laugh/la:f/,laughter/la:ft/,cough ,enough? 3词尾为字母组合ough时,gh读作/f/。enough /inf/,cou

8、gh/kf/,rough/rf/,tough/tf/ 二、gh在下列五种情况下不发音 1gh 在元音字母i后不发音。bright/brait/,fight/fait/,frighten/fraitn/,high/hai/,light/lait/,might/mait/,night/nait/,right/rait/,sight/sait/,slight/slait/ 2gh在元音字母组合ei和ai后不发音。eight/eit/,eighth/eit/,neighbor/neib/,straight/streit/,weigh/wei/,weight/weit/ 3gh在字母组合ought中不发

9、音。bought/b:t/,brought/br:t/,fought/f:t/,thought/:t/ 4字母组合augh前面不是1时,gh不发音。caught/k:t/,daughter/d:t/,naught/n:t/,naughty/n:ti/,taught/t: 5词尾为ough的词,如以上所述,有的发/f/,但有时也不发音。although/:leu/,plough/plau/,through/ru:/,though/eu/,thorough/r/ 注意:若gh不是字母组合,而是分属于前后两个不同的音节时,不适合以上规则。dininghall/dainih:l/gu- -guegu在

10、非重读音节中 g guess league dialogue gw language anguishh hhot head house hand / hour honestj dV jeep jar joke join Julyk k kind bike skate make weekkn- n knife know knockl l life milk school tallm m monkey come autumn-mn m autumn column solemnn在k g音前 n not shine ten note N uncle thank hungry-ng N morning

11、 young wrongp p paper plane pig ship penph f elephant photo telephoneq k Iraqqu- kw quality quiter r red rubber rulers在词首或清辅音前元音字母间或浊辅音前 s sit sleep deskz music husbandsc- sk scarlet s muscle sciencesh she fish shirt washt t ten letter meet 在通常情况下在弱读字母ia ie io前 patient nationtch t watchth有清与浊两种读音: 1

12、 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。请看: 第一类:在以下 4种 词类 th 读 清音,即国际音标的 : a. Noun 名词:thing, theatre, thumb大拇指, thunder雷,thermos热水瓶, Thursday, theory, theme, throat喉咙, thread线 b. Verb 动词:think, thank, throw, thrive, thicken, 数词:three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand 形容词:thin, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough彻底

13、的 第二类:在以下 两种 词类 th 读 浊音: a. Pronoun 代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these,that, those, there b. Functional terms 功能词:the, than, then, though, thus,therefore 2 当位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清音,如:bath, breath, both, cloth, tooth, health, wealth, arithmetic 等。只有在少数单词中,如:with, smooth 中读浊音。 3 当位于两个元音之间时,其读音多数是

14、浊音。如:other, mother, brother, another, father, weather, feather, leather, further, breathe。 但是,也有读清音的,如在单词 method, nothing, anything, sympathy, sympathetic, mathematics, healthy, wealthy, Luther, Marathon(马拉松)等。tr- tr tree train country truckv v very voice love leavew w week win wake sweet wait / Ans

15、wer twowh- wh-在字母o前 w what when white why h who whose wholex 在重读元音前 ks box text exercise gz example exist exactwr- r writey- j yes yard yellow youngz z puzzle zero zoo26个字母发音规律a /ei/ name cake table / apple cat map am/: / want dance/o/ what watchb /b/ book big bag boxc /k/ cat cake cup clock car/s/

16、face nice pencil booksd /d/ desk doll dog dad/ he she meet me/e/ elephant egg bed penf /f/ fine friend fly foot fang / gun glass glad glove/d / age orangeh /h/ hat he house handi /ai / fine bike five ice/i/ is sit miss pig picturej / d / jeep jam jacket jark /k/ kite cake black thankl /l/ leg left r

17、uler flag lamp/l/ apple bowl tell oldm/m/ am map my mouth milkn /n/ no know new hando /u / old home nose coke/o/ dog not clock box/ / son month mother lovep /p/ map jeep pig pen appleq /kw / quite quilt quickr /r/ red radio brother rackets /s/ sit miss this smile books/z/ nose those rose rulerst /t/

18、 it sit not that table littleu /ju: / use usually excuse/ / bus us sun duck/ u / put pull pushv /v / five vase very sevenw /w/ we window watch wantx /ks / box six foxy /ai / my fly why bye / j / yes yellow / i / happy baby veryz / z / zoo zero元音组合ai /ei/ wait paintay /ei/ may play day sayair / / air

19、 hair chairal /o: / tall small ballar /: / farther farm car armea /i:/ meat please tea read /e/ head bread ready / i / theaterear / i / ear hear near / / bear / : / earthee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeepeir / / theirer / / worker teacher / herere /i / here / / where thereew /ju: / new few /u: / flew gr

20、ewight /ai / right high brightir /: / bird girl shirt thirtyoa /u / boat coatong /o / long songoo /u/ book foot good /u:/ moon balloonor / : / short fork port /: / word world workoor /o: / door floorore /o:/ more store soreou / au / out house mouthour /o: / four your /au / ourow/ u / bowl window /au

21、 / now cow floweroy /oi/ boy toyur / : / turn辅音组合th / thank mouth / / this that withtr /tr/ tree train truckdr /dr/ dress driver sh / shirt wash shortch /t/ child chair catch / k / school Christmas / d/ sandwichtw /tw/ two twin twentywh /w/ white wheel what /h/ who whose whomts /ts/ jackets kitesds

22、/dz/ birds friendsx: 这个字母跟f,l,m,n,s,z一样同属限音/e/一族,什么叫限音/e/呢,就是这些字母的读音都含有/e/,限音的意思就是这些字母在组成单词的时候,发音要去掉/e/,比如x这个字母的发音是/eks/,那么在它组合单词的时候,发间就变成了/ks/。同样的,其它几个限音/e/一族也遵循着这个规律。(当然有时会有浊化音的产生,比如说s的读音为/es/,在单词中有时会读成/s/,有时则会浊化为/z/)。m: 这个字母多发两个音,由于音标是一样的,所以在这里没法对两个读音作区分,那么在这里只需记住一个单词就可以清楚的了解在什么情况下m这个字母发何种音,这个单词就是mum,很简单,m在元音前和在元音后所发的音是不一样的。y: 这个字母号称半元音。它在组合单词的时候一共有三种发音,分别是/j/,/ai/,/i/。当y在词首的时候,它发/j/,如yes,yard,yet等。当y存在于词中和词尾的时候又分为两种情况:1、当单词中没有元音的时候,y发/ai/,如my,、在单词中已经含有元音的时候,y发音为/i/,如family,sorry.

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