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1、 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应的位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卷一并交回。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑

2、。ABluetooth is a leader in wireless technology. It is built into cars, iphones, computers and more. It allows you to share information between two devices. But with a focus on function, Bluetooth devices are always changing thanks to some creative designers. Here are a few cool things you may see on

3、 the market soon.Bluetooth Clothing Clothing designer Asher Levine has designed a line of clothing that contains Bluetooth microchips. These chips connect to your iphone. If you lose an item of clothing, there is an app to help. Push a button and your clothing will “ring” if its nearby. If its too f

4、ar away, you can use Google Maps to locate.The RippleLadies, are you tired of wireless headsets that make you look like a character from Star Trek (星际迷航)? Ilya Fridman was thinking of you when he designed the ripple, a Bluetooth headset that looks like an earring. When you open the device, you can s

5、ee a microphone in it. When closed, the ripple stays on so you can listen to music.Spray Bluetooth Speaker (扬声器) Clothing label Ecko UNLTD is making its new technology product with a Bluetooth speaker that looks like a can of spray paint (喷漆). The Spray Bluetooth speaker also contains a microphone,

6、which you can pair with your smart phone for hands-free calling. The speakers have up to 10 hours of battery life. You can turn the top of it to choose songs or control volume.Smart WatchesThe EZIO has created a line of Bluetooth watches that connect to your smart phone. The EZIO Bluetooth 4.0 Smart

7、 Watch vibrates (震动) when you get a call, text or email. It also lets you know any time your phone is more than 5 to 10 feet away from you. Although this isnt the first smart watch on the market, its sure to be a favourite. Why? Its designed to look like a high-fashion watch, not a piece of technolo

8、gy.These new technology products show that fashion is getting smarter, and technology is looking better!1. What can we learn about Bluetooth from the passage?A. It develops at a slow speed in wireless technology. B. It enables the users to read information.C. Its devices vary from time to time. D. I

9、ts products value fashion more than function.2. What will help you make a call when your hands are busy?A. Bluetooth clothes B. Bluetooth speakers C. Bluetooth earrings D. The Ripple 3. In writing the passage, the author intends to _.A. tell us how to use new Bluetooth devicesB. show the importance

10、of modern technologyC. persuade us to buy some new Bluetooth devicesD. introduce some fashionable Bluetooth devices BI was probably one of the few kids in America whose parents didnt want them to go to college. My family was very blue collar. My parents were never able to achieve more than getting a

11、 factory job, and trying to make ends meet. While growing up, I would always say I wanted to go to an Ivy League university and my dad would say there was absolutely nothing wrong with our state university. Dad suggested thats what I ought to aim for. By the time senior year approached, I sent out o

12、nly two applications for college, one to the state university a little more than two hours away from my hometown, and one to a university in another state. I was quickly accepted into both, but my dad seemed to be against the idea of my going away for university. He wanted me to attend the one in ou

13、r county and save money by continuing to live at home.For whatever reason, I had been given more ambition than my parents before me, or my two younger brothers, both of whom chose the factory scene rather than education. So every day after school, my dad and I had fights about where I would go to un

14、iversity. His logic was very sound, especially considering where I stand now, three years after graduation with debt up to my eyeballs. He threatened to give me no financial help at all, and I said that was fine, and I would be able to get enough loans.The fights about where I was going to get the m

15、oney continued until the day I packed everything up into our car. It was then, at breakfast before we made our journey down, that my dad said he was proud of me. He hadnt thought I would actually leave. As my parents dropped me off at my dorm room, my mom started crying, and even my dad kissed me on

16、 the forehead, which was the first time I could remember getting hugged and kissed by them in years.At this point, my relationship with my parents changed. Theyve done well to leave me to my own life, and to just be happy when I call home. No matter what happens now, I know standing my ground on whe

17、re to go for university has been the best decision of my life, as I have gained both education and a life experience.4. Why was going to a faraway college less advisable to the father?A. The poor family could not afford the education and boarding fees.B. Going to college was not a popular idea in th

18、ose days.C. The hometown university was as good as the state university in teaching.D. He was less ambitious than his son.5. Which word can best replace the underlined word “sound” in paragraph 2?A. wrong B. complex C. confusing D. reasonable6. The relationship between the author and his parents cha

19、nged for the better when _.A. he decided to go to an Ivy League universityB. he was accepted into both of the universitiesC. he began the journey to his universityD. he first called home from his university7. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Sticking to Your Dream Univ

20、ersity B. Making the Best Decision of My LifeC. Improving Relationship between Parents and SonD. Changing Fathers Attitude to College EducationC Just a few months ago, Leo Grands life was terrible. Homeless since losing his job in 2011, he spent his days begging and nights sleeping on the streets of

21、 Manhattans West side. Then last summer, a young man made him a strange offer that changed his life.24-year-old software engineer Patrick McConlogue, who had been seeing the 38-year-old homeless man for three years on his way to work every morning, asked Leo whether he would like $100 to spend on an

22、ything he wished or learn how to code (编码).Leo picked the latter. True to his word, Patrick returned the following day with a few books on the subject, a cheap but durable laptop computer and charging accessories, and most importantly, daily lessons every morning before McConlogue was due at his off

23、ice. Regardless, Leo took the opportunity to learn, Patrick followed through on his promise, and a friendship was born.Leo turned out to be a fast learner. After a few months of strict learning how to code, the two men released Trees For Cars, a ride share app that Leo coded all by himself. The mobi

24、le app allows people to help the environment and save money by carpooling (拼车).It works as follows: Anyone wanting a ride can enter in the address of his or her destination. The app will suggest drivers that drive to that or a nearby location. The person wishing to get a ride can pick one and send a

25、n invitation. If the other person accepts, they will be connected. As a way to encourage users, the app tracks how much CO2 is saved by the passengers who get rides with others.Trees For Cars saw about 15,000 downloads across both Apple and Android stores, bringing in about $14,000. Various cuts to

26、the stores/platforms themselves add up to about 30%, and the rest go to Leo. While this is an amazing achievement, neither of them is satisfied with what they have done. Leo has already begun working on the second version of the app and also plans to apply for a job as a programmer.As for Patrick, h

27、e is trying to expand the tutoring program and already has 150 programmers willing to teach people to code for an hour a day for two months. All he needs to do now is work out how to organize the effort.8. What did Leo choose to do when given help?A. To get $100 to spend. B. To learn how to code.C.

28、To read a few books on the subject.D. To buy a cheap but durable laptop computer. 9. The app Trees For Cars was designed in order to _. A. make a big fortune to help needy people B. give directions about how to go to a location C. encourage riders to share cars with others D. calculate the amount of

29、 CO2 around the users10. How much money has Leo earned for Trees For Car?A. About $15,000 B. About $14,000 C. About $4,000 D. About $10,00011. Which of the following words can best describe Patrick McConlogue?A. Thoughtful B. Helpful C. Productive D. Creative D“Selfie” (自拍) has been named the word o

30、f the year 2013 by Oxford Dictionaries.The word has evolved from a social media word into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph. Research suggested its frequency in the English language increased by 17,000% in 2013.The word of the year award celebrates the inventiveness of English speaker

31、s when confronted with social, political or technological change. In 2004, the word of the year was “chav” (傻帽), in 2008 it was “credit crunch” (信贷危机) and in 2012 it was “omnishambles” (一团糟 ).To qualify, a word need not have been invented within the past 12 months, but it does need to have become no

32、table at that time.Selfie is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website”. Its increase in use is calculated by Oxford Dictionaries using a research programme that collects around 150 millio

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