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1、 4.Its fun. 有趣。5.Its time for PE. 该上体育课了。6.A:What subjects do you like? 你喜欢什么科目?B:I like Art and Music.我喜欢美术和音乐。7.A:What lessons do we have this morning?我们上午有什么课?We have English、Chinese、and Maths.我们有英语、语文和数学。22.Come and make a cake.过来做一个蛋糕。10.They like Music. We all like English.他们喜欢音乐。我们都喜欢英语。Unit

2、21. after school 放学后2. What day is it today? 今天星期几?3.What a pity!真遗憾!4. All right. 好的。5. what day星期几 6. on Saturday 在星期六7. what lessons 什么课8.have Chinese and Maths 有语文和数学课9. get up at five 五点起床10. after school放学后11. go and play table tennis去打乒乓球12. a football match 一场足球比赛13. have a swimming lesson 有

3、一节游泳课14. dont have any lessons 没有课15. every day 每天 16. at six 在六点17. e and play table tennis 来打乒乓18. Lets go and play table tennis. 咱们去打乒乓吧。19. What day is it today?Its Wednesday. 星期三。20. She has a swimming lesson . 她有一节游泳课。21. What about Saturday? 星期六怎么样?22. We dont have lessons on Saturday. 星期六我们没

4、有课。23. When do you get up every day? 你每天什么时候起床?I get up at five. 我五点起床!24. He has three lessons. 他有三节课。Unit 3三会单词1. have lunch吃午饭 2. play football踢足球3. have dinner吃晚饭 4. go to bed睡觉5. at night在夜里 6. go to school上学7. at seven forty在七点四十分8. have four lessons有四节课9. at twelve在十二点 10. go home回家11. do my

5、homework做家作12. at five thirty 在五点三十分13. watch TV看电视14. in the morning在上午15. in the afternoon在下午16. in the evening在晚上17. my day我的一天18. get up at seven在七点起床19. over there在那里20. playy football at four forty在四点四十踢足球21. see a big cake看见一个大蛋糕22. at six fifteen 在六点十五分23. go to bed睡觉24. at nine every day每天九

6、点25. at night在夜里 26. have breakfast吃早饭27. what time何时,在什么时候句型1. I usually go to school at seven forty. 我通常在七点四十分上学。2. I have four lessons in the morning. 早上我有四节课。3. I play football at four and go home at four forty. 我在四点踢足球,在四点四十分回家。4. I do my homework at five thirty. 在五点三十分我做家庭作业。5. I go to bed at

7、nine every day. 我每天九点睡觉。6 When do you get up in the morning? 你早上什么时候起床?7. What time is it now? 现在几点了?Its seven oclock. 七点。8. What can you see over there?你在那里能看到什么?I can see a cake. 我能看到一个蛋糕。8. What a big cake! 多么大的蛋糕!9. We meet Miss Li at three. 我们在三点见到李老师。Unit 41. in the park 在公园里2.draw some pictur

8、es 画一些画3. some flowers一些花 4. draw them画他们5. the boat on the river 在河上的这只船6. on the lake在湖面上7. see a tree 看见一棵树 8.these flowers这些花 9. well done干得好10. in this big box在这个大盒子里11.a boat on the lake在湖面上的船12.draw it画它 13. make a cake制作一个蛋糕14. have a look 看一看 football 踢足球 16. play basketball 打篮球17. o

9、ver there在那边 18. its easy 它是容易的 19.go to bed before ten在十点之前睡觉20 try again再试试21. Its great fun.这是很有趣的事。22. loot at this picture 看这张图片23. a monkey in the tree 树上的猴子24. make a salad 做一个沙拉25.a tree over there 那边的一棵树26.Its difficult. 它是困难的。 about things 谈论东西28 ten to ten 九点五十分1. Lets draw some pi

10、ctures here.让我们在这儿画画。2. Drawing in the park. 在公园画画。3. What can you see over there? 在那边你能看见什么?4. I can see a tree and some flowers. 我能看见一棵树和一些花。5. Can you draw them? 你能画它们吗?6. This is the tree and these are the flowers. 这是一棵树,这些是花。7. Can you see the boat on the river?你能看见河面上的那艘船吗?8. But I can try. 但是

11、我可以试试。9. Is this a boat? 这是一只船吗?10. What can you do ,Mary? 玛丽,你会干什么?11. I can draw and make a cake.我会画画和做蛋糕。12.Whats in this big box?在这只大盒子里有什么?13. What can you see in it?在它里面你能看见什么?14. I can see a boat on the lake. 我能看见湖面上有只船。15. What can you see in the tree?树上你能看见什么?Unit spring 在春天 summ

12、er 在夏天3. in autumn 在秋天 winter 在冬天5.four seasons 四个季节 kites 放风筝7.go swimming去游泳 8.go climbing去爬山9. go skating 去溜冰 10.go fishing 去钓鱼11.go running 去跑步 12.go boating 去划船13.make snowmen 堆雪人 spring 喜欢春天l5.a fine day 一个晴朗的天16.a cold day 一个寒冷的日子17.a hot summer 一个炎热的夏天 ice creams 吃冰淇淋

13、19. have picnics / have a picnic野餐20.a beautiful season 一个美丽的季节21.the four seasons in Yancheng 盐城的四季22.every spring 每年春天23. very cold 非常冷 24.your bag 你的包25.your jacket 你的夹克衫26.whose coat 谁的外套27.all like the kite 都喜欢这个风筝28.a sunny day 一个阳光灿烂的日子29. after class 课后 30. after school 放学后Unit 61. my dress

14、我的连衣裙 2. go to the party 去派对3. whose sweater 谁的毛衣4. my hand 我的手5. a new coat 一件新外套 6. his shirt 他的衬衫7. whose dress 谁的连衣裙 8. too short 太短9. try this 试试这个10. your trousers 你的裤子11. too long 太长 12. try these 试试这些13. Su Yangs gloves苏阳的手套 14. so big 这么大15. my fathers 我爸爸的 16. my cousins 我表姐的17. so beautiful 这么漂亮 18. can move 会移动19. eat fish 吃鱼20. listen to some English 听些英语21. whose cake 谁的蛋糕 the lake 在湖边23.before eating fish 在吃鱼前

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