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9、通和公路,以及有限的轻轨和公交线路。当然,所有运输模式对于在家工作的人在一定程度上都有影响。城市交通在整个世界中都是是政府政策的一个主要领域。运输政策也会影响城市形态,尤其是郊区化。在北京,许多经济公寓是专为那些低收入居民建造准备的。在重大问题的决策之前有两个主要的问题。首先,从过去的经验,大量在郊区社区中的永久居民都是中等或更高收入的人。而且很多的业主仍然居住在城市中心,郊区房子只用来去度假。此外,居民不断投诉交通拥堵和相对高的收费公路,特别是在繁忙时间。本研究的模拟结果解释了这些现象并尝试给出了相应的政策含义。原文:Transport systemAbstractTransport sys

10、tems offer substantially different services in city-suburb areas; this usually leads to different assumptions about user behavior in transport mode choice. In this paper a simulation model is proposed to assess the effect of transport service policies on mode choice. The transport modes considered a

11、re public transport, including light rail transit (LRT) and bus, together with the private auto.In the three step traveler behaviour simulation model, the concept of generalised transport costs is used. Various transit incentives are proposed and their impacts on residents travel choice and suburban

12、 residential community form are quantified, using data on a typical city-suburb corridor in Beijing, China.The simulation results show that: the fare reduction and capacity increase of public transport integrated with private car disincentives is necessary to improve system efficiency and suburb com

13、munity attractiveness, particularly for those low income people; without highway pricing, medium income residents will be encouraged to shift to private car while more high income persons might leave the suburb because of road congestion; public transport improvement can attract more short and mediu

14、m distance travelers, but the car users are not sensitive to travel distance.Keywords: generalised cost, public transport, congestion pricing, transport service, BeijingFrom the middle of 1990s, metropolitans in China have been experiencing suburbanization, and the spatial structures of these cities

15、 are shaped, in large measure, by the advances of transportation. Many suburban towns were development only for residential areas because of the population explosion and renovation in central cities. Most of the residents in these new development towns are employed in the central city or near indust

16、rial parks. For example, more than 80% residents of Hui long guan suburban community in Beijing have jobs in central city or developed CBD areas. And almost half of the residents in Wangjing community are employed in CBD in Chaoyang District. These areas present new challenges for transport policy m

17、akers and urban planning designers to plan and operate efficient transportation systems. In many cases the edge towns are connected to the central city or industrial parks by high-speed highways and urban rails. Compared to traditional urban areas, the suburban towns exhibit more stable transport mo

18、de use, more reliance on public transport and private automobile, less use of non-motorized modes (bicycle, walking). Home to work distances have a stronger bearing on peoples transport mode to work than any single factor. Such characteristics can deeply influence the population suburbanization, and

19、 restrict some people from immigrating to the suburb.This paper analyses how the transport service policy, mainly fare and service quality, will impact the overall transport system performance and urban spatial structure, using the North-west area of Beijing as a test case. The paper is organized as

20、 follows. Section II briefly reviews some of the recent literatures on transport mode choice, and compares these studies with the city-suburban corrid or cases, especially the current conditions in China. Section III discusses the concept of generalised transport costs, and establishes the new conce

21、pts including budget barrier, monetized generalised cost and shift cost. Section IV presents the traveler behaviour simulation model of transport mode choice between public transport and driving. Attention is then turned to the Chinese experience of transport service policy and city-suburban travel

22、mode choice in section V, with special reference to the case of North-west area which is a rapidly suburbanized region served by light rail and highway in Beijing. Major findings of the research and the policy implications are concluded and discussed in section .A substantial body of research exists

23、 on transport mode and individual travel mode choice. In general, there are three common approaches to identify this issue. The first part of researches focuses on determining the characteristics of each mode which influence the choice decision. The results change with the adopted empirical case con

24、dition, studied person and travel purpose, etc. For example, travel-to-work behavior in Accra (Ghana) is influenced mainly by perceived service quality of the commercial commuter vehicles as well as employees personal circumstances rather than by access, waiting or in-vehicle times (Abane, 1993). Fo

25、r trips made to visit friends and relatives in Britain, the economic reasons largely explain mode choice, and qualitative reasons for using private transport are often secondary (Cohen and Harris, 1998). Vredin Johansson et el. used a sample of Swedish commuters to prove that both attitudes towards

26、flexibility and comfort influencing the individuals choice of mode (Vredin Johansson, Heldt et al., 2006). Based on an experimental field study and statistical analysis conducted in Frankfurt Main, Germany, four classes of individuals were identifed. One class allocates a low importance to both mone

27、tary and time considerations, the second allocates high importance to money and low importance to time, the third allocates high importance to both, and the fourth allocates a low importance to money and a high importance to time (Davidov, Yang-Hansen etal., 2006). And Limtanakool etel. employed dat

28、a from the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey to confirm the spatial configuration of land use and transport infrastructure has a significant impact on mode choice processes for medium and long distance trips for all purposes: commute, business, and leisure trips Generalised transport costs is

29、a concept frequently used forassessing and explaining travel behaviour. The generalised costs of travel include the travel time, excess time, money cost, parking charge, and the discomfort and lesser connivance. However, this concept is diverse in different literatures for varying research purposes.

30、 For example, the generalised costs of cycling are the following: travel time, physical needs, comfort, traffic safety, risk of bicycle theft, costs of parking bicycles and maintenance costs, personal security. And the concept of monetized generalised cost is usually calculated by converting travel

31、time into monetary cost, and adding the cost of the fare charged In this study, for simulating the commuters travel behaviour, three transport costs related concepts are adopted in order. The first can be defined as budget barrier, including the fare or toll charged together with parking cost which

32、all means cash payment in the trip. The second one is monetized generalized cost including fare, parking and time cost. Users are assumed to minimize individual monetized generalized trip cost and divide themselves among the travel modes that are differentiated in travel time and fare cost. The monetized generalized costs of public transport is computed as a function of the access time to the station, the waiting time which is calculated based on the

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