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2、tonalCorporatiea 1、 康奈视的二维读码器 MD200 使用 Ethenet/IP 时进行的设置软件连线设置 MD200 的 IP 地址读码器 MD200 的 Ethernet/IP 的使能设置在线后使用 Network Configurator 软件上载功能 可以读到 CJ1W-EIP21 IP:,DM200 IP :、建立 CPU 的 IP 地址和网络的路由表手动配置如下:点击确定电脑的 IP 设置如下:进过以上设置就可以通过电脑连接CX-P 软件了启动 CX-Intergrator 设置 EIP 的网络号通信设置定义以太网

3、为本地网络1以上 EIP的网络号设置完成。关闭 CX-Intetgrator 软件,D QB: HSyP X %拄豈UntItICd IlCtVork COnflCUratOr苗:O EtherMet/IPJtion IieLP貳釦幻妳 IZ H r Netvrk COniUratOr -% EIherYet/IP MardVare二 Q VandOr Conex CorPOratiOnIi JJJ OWOn Corporation二 DeVICeTyPe 乙 ConmlniClions Ad&pterIM2 SoYiy RAAdttrSeleCt COnneCt HetVOrk POrtMx

4、sy COdeDatDescription先闻形) X 口Q =. 4# C 1 Lil s RUrS 3 ug CWPT4t: OnO BthrMtIP.l192i81.9CJlWEP211921G81.10D 如G DM2 .在数据连接表中虽然找不到DM200 的 IP,但是可以通过手动方法建立数据交换的标签Uw *2 Device Li 倉192 1610 Datalan D200 SerieS ReaderEditConneCtiOnCONueio35o -7Ck% InsrCiC.0R 0、256 O O ) Re 穴i 二 2 Dc2.c LigTw300u VAlfInp f09

5、 TEZQ一 92168 1O(too:!nr192168 19 CJl N!OrK :4r;-blPrOdUCQyAriAblOCOrmeC.on TyPeDp: FrPIod0co OPP MO 80=(O5 looooo E )DQViCQPrOdUaeVtriableCOEUneVri able COnnoCZon TyPQPoir 0 p2.2OnnOCQiOh OriZiEOr DQViCcNodOAddr 話 1R 168 19CofmoX- CJ-EIP21TE z, DQViC*KOdOAddr。黑 192 168 1 10 Coapoxu DDCeWAn so SQrIQZ

6、192. 168 1.10 DataIan DK200 SerieS Reader E(Iit COnneCtiOnCOnneCtion NaJne5=4OloO-2_ 4ByteInPUtel1 4ByteVMuIti-cast COnneCtiOn=DM200自带的InPUt from TargetCOnSUme VariabIePrOdUCe VariabIeCOnneCtiOn TyPeDeVi CeOUtPiIt to TaLrget DeViCeSjDOOl20 - 8ByteOUtPUte21 8Byte、POint to POXnt CoImeCteL.PrOdUCe Vari

7、abIe :COnSUme Variable :ConneCtiOn TyPe :Crnment : CJlW-EIP21COmment : DataMan DM200 SerieSRegiSt CIOSeI 确定IEdit DeViCe ParaBeterS COnneCtiOnS Tag SetSVnrePSter DeViCe LiSt# PrOdUCt NQI 确定 I I 取消 则可以进行数据交换了。注意离线将 DM200 中的 0002 Input Size 变为 40 个字节了,不然接受的数据太少就读不到二维码这样从测得数据375A3551891J8J22 就是测得 2 维码的数

8、据以下是 EIP 和 DM200 通信的数据的说明。A description Ofthe StatUS tag group follows ThiS is the data received by the COntrolLogix from the DataMan reader.Narre VOIUe * StyIe Data TyPe-IVyDM200:1 CCDataMan.-MyDM200:1.Status CODataMan.MyD M200: IS tatu$.T HggerReadyDeCimalBOOL IS IatUST riggerAck1.S talus. Acquiri

9、ng I S talus. M issedACq1.S talus. D ecoding IS IatUSD ecodeCompletedMyDM200:1.S tatus. ReSUkSB UfferO VerfUn I S talus. R esultsA vailable1.S tatus. G eneralF ault1.S talus. T rainCodeAck IS tatus. T rainM atchS tringck1.S talus. TrainF OCUSACkDeCimaI IS tatus.T rainB FightnessAck IS IatUS. U ntrai

10、nAck1.S tat us. E XeCUteD mccAck1.S tatus.S etMatchS UingACk卜 MyDM200:1.Status.TrigqerIDINT卜 MyDM 200: LStatUS ReSUitIDLStatUS.ResuItCode卜 MyD M200: I S talus. ReSUltE XtendedLStatUS.ResuItLength1. R esultD ata ASCIlSINT484TriggerReady: Indicates When the DataMan reader Can accept a new trigger. Thi

11、S tag is TrUe When the COntrol tag UTnggerEnable” has been Set and the SenSOr is not CUrrently acquiring an image.TriggerAck: Indicates When the DataMan reader has been triggered (i.e the COntrOl tag Trigger has been Set to True). ThiS tag Will Stay Set Urtil the Trigger tag is Cleared.Acquiring: In

12、dicates When the DataMan reader is CUrrently acquiring an image; either by Setting the Trigger bit Or by an external trigger.MiSSedAcq: Indicates When the DataMan reader misses an acquisitiOn trigger; CIeared When the next SUCCeSSfUl acquisitiOn OCCUrSDeCOding: Indicates When the DataMan reader is d

13、ecoding an acquired image.DecodeCompIeted: Tag ValUe is toggled (10 or 01) On the COmPIetiOn Ofa Ck ReSUltSBUfferOVerrun: Indicates When the DataMan reader has discarded a Set decode results because the results queue is full. Cleared When the next Set Of res SUCCeSSfUIly queued.ReSUltSAVailable: Ind

14、icates When a Set Of decode results are available (i.e. the R ReSUltCode, ReSUltLength and ReSUItSData tags COntain Valid data).GeneraIFauIt: In dicates When a fault has OCCUrrecl (i.e. SOft eve nt USetMatChStri n 4ExecuteDMCCw error has occurred).TrainCOdeAck: In dicates that the SOft eve nt “Train

15、Code” has COmPleted. TrainMatchStringAck: IndiCateS that the SOft event uTrainMatchString has COmPl Train FocusAck: In dicates that the SOft eve nt Train FOCUSn has COmPIeted. TrainBrightnessAck: Indicates that the SOft evenLTrainBrightness has COmPIet( UnTrainAck: Indicates that the SOft event UUnT

16、rairf has COmPIeted. ExecuteDmccAck: IndiCateS that the SOft event uExecuteDMCC has completed. SetMatchStringAck: IndiCateS that the SOft event ASetMatChStringn has COmPlete TriggerID: VaIUe Of the next trigger to be issued. USed to match triggers issued W COrreSPOnding result data received later.Re

17、SUltID: The ValUe Of TriggerlD Whe n the trigger that gen erated these results WS issued USed to match TriggerID1S With result data.ReSUltCode: InCliCateS SUCCeSS/failure Of this Set Cf resultsBit O ,1=read 0=no readBit 1 , 1=validated O=not VaIidated (Or VaIidatiOn not in USe)Bit 2 ,1 =Verified O=n

18、ot Verified (Or VerifiCatiOn not in USe)Bit 3 ,1=acquisitiOn trigger OVerrUnBit 4 ,1=acquisitiOn buffer OVerflOW (not the Same as result buffer overflow). BitS 5-15 IreSerVed (future USe)ResuItExtended: CUrrentIy UnUSed.ResuItLengthe NUmber Of bytes Of result data contained in the ReSUltData tag ReS

19、UltData: DeCOde result data.A descriptiOn Of the COntrol tag group follows. ThiS is the data Sent from the COntrolLogix to the DataMan reader.Name I ValueIStyIeData TyPeE- MyDM200:0 CCDataMan,.0.Control .CCDataMan.,. OCOntrOITriggerEnable OCOnUOITrigger0. COntrOI. ReSUItSB UfferE nable0. COntrOI. Re

20、SUkSACk0. COnUOlTfdinCOde0. COntrOLTrainM alchS Iring0. Control. TrainFOCUS0. COntroI. T rainB rightness0. COnUOI. U rrtrain0. COnUOIE XeCUteD M CC0. COnuOls etM atchS (ring+ MyD M200:0. COnUOL U SerD ata ption0. COnUOI. U SefD ataLength+ MyDM200:0.USerData . ASCllTriggerEnable: Setting this tag enables EtherNeUIP triggering. CIearing this field disables the EtherNeVIP triggering.Trigger: Setting this tag triggers an acqui

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