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1、三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees:This examination consists of three sections. They are:Section I: Listening Test (30 points, 30 minutes)Section : Reading Test (50 points, 60 minutes)Section : Writing Test (20 points, 30 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points

2、. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 ,minutes). Listening Test 30 points Instructions: The Listening Test will take approximately 30 minutes.III There are two parts to the test and you will hear each part twice. There will be a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow y

3、ou to think about your answers. You can first write your answers on this test paper. You will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. ALL ANSWERS MUST APPEAR ON TIIE ANSWER SHEET.Patr 1: Questions 1- 10 are based on this part. 10 pointsSummary blank filli

4、ng: From the information you hear in tile conversation, fill in the blank spaces in the text below according to what you hear. Professor Michaleson needed only one (1)_ to realize that China has a big problem with (2) _He was particularly struck by the air pollution in (3)_He believes the problems o

5、f air, land and water pollution need to be solved at various levels. It is not enough to make laws, they also need to be (4) _and people need to be educated about them. Ordinary citizens also need to take (5)_ themselves.Professor Michaelson was shocked by Chinese peoples attitude towards (6)_they d

6、rop it anywhere, even where there are (7)_ bins provided. He says that in his own country, people are embarrassed if they are seen dropping litter in the street and other people will tell them off. Nevertheless, Professor Michaelson is impressed with cetrain aspects of (8)_ in China. He has noticed

7、many ordinary people carrying waste (9) _on their bicycles, or collectiong empty bottles and cans in parks. A system where people can make money out of rubbish not only helps solve the environmental problem but also creates (10) _for people.Part 2. Questions 11- 20.Task 1 Questions 11- 15 Spot Dicti

8、on: Listen to the talk about inequality experienced bypeople of the Fourth World? Fill in the blanks with one word according to what you learnthrough listening. Before the first listening you have half a minute to study the questions.The term-the Fourth World was used by Dyck in 1995 to (11)_ the pa

9、rticular social problems experienced by indigenous peoples in rich countries. By (12) _ we mean the people whose (13) _ were colonized by the ancestors of people belonging to the (14) _or mainstream culture. The concept, the Fourth World has been used in a number of ways. In this talk I Will be draw

10、ing on Dycks work and the work of Haralambos and his colleagues (1996) to explain the (15) _and to show how it can be applied to people in Australia.Task 2 Questions 16-20 Multiple choice: Listen to the interview again and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following statements

11、. Write your answers on your answer sheet.16. Fourth world people A. are colonists B. are culturally dominant in their country C. have little political power D. are environmentally destructive17. The consequences of colonial periods are _ A. a lack of history B. the cultural marginalisation of indig

12、enous peoples C. the eradication of poverty D. the oppression of the descendants of colonists18. In Australia A. there are only three linguistic and tribal groups B. the tribes lost their lands when the British invaded C. the tribal languages have totally disappeared D. the language of the tribes is

13、 called aborigine 19. Heterogeneity means A. being very different from each other B. being born o1 different nationalities C. the result of carelessness D. having a wide range of abilities and skills 20. The Highland clearances were carried out _ A. as an example of Marxist policies B. to make the a

14、borigines go to Australia C. to make the landowners richer D. between 1800 and 1899This is the end of the Listening Test, You will now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer SheetSection 11: Reading Test 50 pointsThere are four parts to the test, each including one reading passage.Th

15、e test will take approximately 60 minutes.There will be NO extra time to transfet answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Part 1: Questions 21-30 are based on the following passage. 10 points Passage 1 Changes in Australian Ed

16、ucationHaralambos and his colleagues (1996) have summarized the major changes in Australian education over the past two hundred years. The major issues driving their analysis are the questions: - of the effects that education has had on society; and - why some social groups tend to enjoy more educat

17、ional success than others.They are not the only social scientists concerned with these issues. However, their book conlains a recent and comprehensive summary of Australian educational research. Here are some of the major points they make.There are five basic components to the Australian educational

18、 system: () primary school (age 5-12 years of age) () compulsory secondary school (12-15) years of age) (or 12-16 years in the State of Tasmania) () post-compulsory secondary school ( 1,5- 17) () technical and further education (17 years and older) () higher education or university (17 years and old

19、er)Before the Second World War nearly half of Australian children did not attend secondary school. In the second half of the twentieth century, education expanded and changed form dramatically. Between 1956 and 1966 the number of universities gerw from 9 to 14, then rose to 19 in 1975. In addition,

20、there has been a significant growth in non-university post-secondary education. In the 1990s the percentage of women with post-secondary school qualifications was 37. The percentage of men was 47 per cent.Haralambos and his colleagues summarize the evidence about the impact of education on the creat

21、ion of a more equal society. They say both material and cultural factors affect the length of stay in education. Family wealth still exerts a powerful influence on access to university education. However, the expansion of education has meant an expansion of educational opportunities for people from

22、social groups earlier denied a higher education.Bob Connell, a major writer on Australian education, has argued that the evidence of socially unequal outcomes continues to mount. It is one of the most firmly established facts about Western-style educational systems in all parts of the world.Question

23、s 21-30: True or False: Mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text.23. Haralambos worked alone on his summary of Australian education.22. He and his colleagues were interested in studying social inequality.23. Most Australian students must stay at

24、 school until they are 15 years of age.24. There is a common compulsory leaving age across all of Australia.25. There are two major forms of education for 17 years and older.26. Post secondary education is compulsory in Australia.27. Fewer than 50 of children attended secondary school before 1939.28

25、. Major changes in education occurred in the latter half of the 20 century.29. By the 1990s, a higher percentage of women than men had post secondary qualifications.30. The expansion of education has meant that there is now no social inequality in access to higher education in Australia.Part 2: Ques

26、tions 31-36 are based on the following passage. 10 points Passage 2My ComputerTen years ago I occasionally used a typewriter for important documents such as my curriculum vitae and job application letters. I couldnt really type so I tapped away at the keyborad with my two index fingers and made lots

27、 of mistakes. One simple letter would often require at least a dozen attempts before I managed to produe the final, neat document. When a course that I was doing demanded typed assignments I begged friends with good typing skills to help me. In other words, to type them for me and when my final proj

28、ect had to be typed up, I actually paid a professional typist to do it! I was a pen and paper persoff. I had never been interested in machines and artificial intelligence and sincerely believed I could live happily without advanced technology in my personal life! The situation has changed, of course

29、. Its been a gradual change but these days I hardly know myself! I even have a computer and a printer. I have never learned to use all ten fingers on the keyboard but I can work quite quickly and produce documents which have an impressive layout and which use different sizes and styles of type face

30、(or font). I know how to underline, how to write words in bold or italic script, how to give parts of a text a border, how to insert illustrations and so on! I feel a great sense of achievement when I finish a document, print it out and see the finished product. Such documents seem professional. 1 s

31、uspect, however, that impressive layout may camouflage inferior content! I hope this is not true in my case.Five years ago, I had no idea what friends were talking about when they mentioned E-mail (even if they used the full term, electronic mail), the internet and modem but my computer now has a modem, and through this d

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