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1、3. compulsory adj. 强制的, 必须做的4. concentrate v. 聚精会神5. concept n. 概念6. crazy adj. 着迷的, 疯狂的7. curious adj. 好奇的;奇异的8. curriculum n. 课程9. decide v. 决定;下决心decision n. 决定;决心10. determination n. 决心Group 31. diploma n. 毕业文凭;学位证书2. discourage vt. (使)气馁3. discuss vt. 讨论, 议论discussion n. 讨论, 辩论4. eager adj. 渴望的

2、, 热切的5. educate vt. 教育, 培养educator n. 教育家education n. 教育, 培养6. effect n. 效果;作用7. encourage vt. 鼓励encouragement n. 鼓励8. favourite adj. 喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)9. graduate v. 毕业graduation n. 毕业, 毕业典礼10. interrupt v. 打扰, 打断Group 41. interval n. 间歇;间隔2. major adj. 较大的;主要的vi. 主修majority n. 大多数3. memory n. 回忆, 记

3、忆4. observe v. 观察, 监视, 观测5. obtain vt. 获得;得到6. practical adj. 实际的, 实用的practice n. 练习7. praise n. &vt. 赞扬, 表扬8. pressure n. 压迫, 压力, 压强9. preview vt. 预习;预演;预览10. pride n. 自豪, 骄傲Group 51. primary adj. 初等的;初级的2. progress n. 进步, 上进;vi. 进展, 进行3. proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的4. question vt. 询问;n. 问题questionnaire n. 调

4、查表, 问卷5. regret n. &vt. 懊悔, 遗憾;痛惜6. request n. 请求, 要求的事物 vt. 请求;要求7. require vt. 需求;requirement n. 需要;要求;必要的条件8. revision n. 温习, 复习9. scholarship n. 奖学金10. vacation n. 假期, 休假快记20个高频短语1. at the beginning/end of在开始/结束的时候3. be impressed by/with 对有印象4. be fond of 喜爱, 喜欢5. compulsory education 义务教育6. get

5、 full marks 得满分7. give a lecture 做讲座8. go to college 上大学9. have a talent/gift for 有的天赋10. inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事1. look back(on) 回忆, 回顾2. make preparations for 为做准备3. make up ones mind(to do sth. ) 下定决心(做某事)4. make a mistake 犯错误5. make progress in 在方面取得进步6. make use of 利用7. realize ones dream 实现某

6、人的梦想8. show interest in 对表现出兴趣9. take an examination 参加考试10. take part in 参加牢记20个写作佳句1. As long as you keep practising, youll surely make steady progress in your study. 只要你坚持练习, 你就一定会在学习上稳步前进。2. Finding that I fell behind the other students in my class, my English teacher didnt hesitate to help me o

7、ut of the trouble. 英语老师发现我在班里落后了, 就毫不犹豫地帮助我解决这个困难。3. Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to a nicer place. 我大多数的同学想去公园, 而我有一个去更好的地方的想法。4. As the president of the Student Union, I want to talk with you about the donation of books on behalf of my school. 作为学生会的主席,

8、 我想代表我的学校和你们谈谈关于捐赠书籍的问题。5. What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam, feeling extremely upset and disappointed. 令我印象最深的是, 我在一次英语考试中失败了, 感到非常沮丧和失望。6. After school we enjoy all kinds of activities, such as having sports, doing experiments or surfing the Internet. 放学后, 我们进行各种各样的活动, 如进

9、行体育活动、做实验或上网。7. The main reason for my choice is that being brought up in a culture emphasizing collectivism, I tend to sacrifice my own interest for the group benefit. 我如此选择的主要原因是在一个强调集体主义的文化中长大, 我倾向为了集体利益牺牲个人利益。8. Every one of you is expected to be part of the event which encourages creative minds

10、 and gives full play to your DIY skills. 期望你们每个人都成为这个活动的一部分。这个活动鼓励创造性思维, 并且可以让你充分展示自己动手操作的技能。9. When it comes to the selection of the columns for the school English newspaper, opinions vary from one to another. 当谈到选择学校英语报栏目的时候, 大家意见不统一。10. I spent a whole year reviewing all the subjects carefully un

11、til I thought I was fully prepared. 我花了一整年的时间认真复习所有的课程, 直到我认为我做好了充分的准备。11. As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates. 作为一名学生, 我可以告诉您, 没有任何事情比在我的同学面前受到老师的表扬更好。12. As far as Im concerned, only through studying hard can I expect to p

12、ass the examination. 就我而言, 只有通过努力学习才能通过考试。13. It is for these reasons that I firmly believe that this rule will promote the learning atmosphere and our teamwork spirit. 正是由于这些原因, 我坚信这条规则将有利于营造我们的学习氛围并培养我们的团队精神。14. As a result, it was his encouragement that led to my success. 结果, 正是他的鼓励促成了我的成功。15. Fi

13、rstly, as a student, the most important thing is to study, so it is necessary for all of you to build an effective method in your study. 首先, 作为一名学生, 最重要的事情是学习, 因此你们所有人都有必要在学习中建立一种有效的方法。16. We are/feel honoured to have you here in the middle of our English Week Activities. 您能来参加我们的英语周活动, 我们深感荣幸。17. F

14、aced with so many new things to learn, I was overcome by fear and was at a loss what to do. 面对这么多要学的新东西, 我被恐惧压倒了, 不知所措。18. On the one hand, I have strong belief that I will do well in the exam;on the other hand, I feel a bit nervous, though its not difficult. 一方面, 我非常自信能在考试中做好;另一方面, 我有点紧张, 尽管考试并不难。1

15、9. Besides, it is normal for me to feel nervous, because the exam is of great importance to me. 另外, 我感到紧张是正常的, 因为这次考试对我来说非常重要。20. I have seen your advertisement and Id like to know something more about your six-week English course. 我看到了您的广告, 想更多地了解你们为期六周的英语课程。请你为21st Century写一篇报道, 介绍我校为高三学生创立的“心灵城堡(

16、Soul Castle)”专栏(column), 并谈谈自己的感想。内容要点包括:1. 开设目的:缓解压力, 确保健康;2. 专栏优势:专业指导;3. 专栏内容:建议, 心声;4. 你的感想。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Our school has set up a column called “Soul Castle” for Senior 3 students. _【参考范文】Our school has set up a column called “Soul Castle” for Senior 3 students. It is aimed at

17、relieving pressure and ensuring the health of students. The column has the unique advantage that the experts in psychology can give us the expertise and guidance. It covers the thoughts and feelings of students and the professional suggestions. From my point of view, not only does our school attach

18、importance to our study but also it puts our mental health at the top of the list. It also provides a platform to communicate with our teachers and parents. Moreover, we can get help and guidance from professionals to solve our mental problems. With its help, we can take the College Entrance Examina

19、tion with confidence. 话题二健康与饮食1. allergic adj. 过敏的2. ache vi. &n. 疼痛3. appetite n. 食欲, 胃口4. appropriate adj. 合适的, 恰当的5. balance n. 平衡 6. benefit n. &v. 利益, 受益7. bleed vi. 出血, 流血8. cafeteria n. 自助餐厅9. candy n. 糖果 10. canteen n. 餐厅;食堂1. comfortable adj. 舒服的, 安逸的2. cure n. &vt. 治疗;治好3. delicious adj. 美

20、味的, 可口的4. desperate adj. 绝望的, 拼命的5. diet n. 日常饮食;vi. 节食6. disease n. 疾病7. dizzy adj. 头晕目眩的8. energy n. 精力;活力9. harm n. &v. 伤害;损伤harmful adj. 有害的;致伤的harmless adj. 无害的;不致伤的10. health n. 健康, 卫生healthy adj. 健康的, 健壮的1. injure vt. 伤害, 损害2. necessary adj. 必需的, 必要的3. nutrition n. 营养, 滋养4. operate v. 做手术, 运转

21、;实施, 经营, 管理operation n. 手术, 操作5. overweight adj. 太胖的, 超重的6. painful adj. 痛苦的7. patient n. 病人8. physician n. 内科医生9. poison n. 毒药10. prescription n. 处方1. raise vt. 使升高;饲养;筹集2. random adj. 随意, 未经事先考虑的3. range n. &v. 变化, 变动, 排序4. recipe n. 烹饪法, 食谱5. recognize vt. 认出6. recover vi. 痊愈;恢复7. reduce vt. 减少,

22、缩减8. refresh v. (使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复9. relief n. 轻松, 解脱, 缓和, 救济10. reservation n. 预订reserve n. &v. 储备;预订1. serve vt. 招待(顾客等), 服务service n. 服务2. snack n. 小吃3. stomach n. 胃, 胃部stomachache n. 胃疼4. strength n. 强项, 长处;力量5. supply vt. &n. 供给, 供应6. symptom n. 症状7. taste n. 品尝, 味道 vt. 品尝, 品味tasteless adj. 无滋味的t

23、asty adj. 味道好的8. unhealthy adj. 不健康的, 不卫生的9. virus n. 病毒10. vitamin n. 维生素1. acquire a good habit养成好习惯2. be good/bad for 对有益/有害3. be worried about 对担心/焦虑4. be in good health 身体健康5. be rich in 富含6. be high/low in 含高/低7. be on a diet 节食8. build up ones body 增强某人的体质9. break down (身体)垮掉10. cure sb. of.

24、. . 治愈某人1. die from 由于而死2. get overweight 变得肥胖3. have a pain in 某处疼痛4. keep fit 保持健康5. keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食6. lose weight 减肥7. put on weight 增加体重8. recover from 从中恢复9. suffer from 遭受, 患上10. take exercise 进行运动, 锻炼1. Worried about my health, I tried many different kinds of diets. 由于担心我的健康, 我尝试

25、了许多种饮食。2. There were also signs that I was heading down the right path. 有迹象表明我正沿着正确的路前进。3. I am writing to say something about food safety, which has caused great concern among the public. 我写信是想谈谈食品安全问题, 它引起了公众的极大关注。4. Exercise is beneficial to our health. 运动有益健康。5. Healthy foods are more and more p

26、opular among the aged. 健康食品在老年人中越来越流行。6. Healthy foods dont include most snacks as they are high in sugar. 大多数小吃都不是健康食品, 因为它们含糖量太高。7. One of the effective means of reducing our pressure is taking exercise including having PE classes. 一个减少压力的有效手段是锻炼, 包括上体育课。8. Getting rid of bad habits like smoking a

27、nd drinking alcohol is an important way to keep healthy. 摆脱像抽烟、喝酒这样的坏习惯是保持健康的重要方法。9. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself. 事实上, 我们必须承认, 生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。10. Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。11. We believe taking exercise can keep us healthier and more energetic to improve our grades. 我们相信锻炼能使我们更健康, 更有活力来提高我们的成绩。12. Nothing is more precious than you keep fit. 再也没有什么比你保持健康更珍贵的了。13. As long as you stop eating that much every day, you

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