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原创高中英语必修1 Module 1 My first day at senior high知识点整理2Word文档格式.docx

1、Yes,of course you can B.use;Certainly,please use it. C.used;No,go ahead. D.use;No,you cant use it.(3)Can you read the sign,sir? No smoking is allowed in the lift!A.Never mind B.Dont mention it C.Sure.I dont smoke D.Pardon me.(4) Will you join us in the game? Thank you,_.A.but why not B.but Id rather

2、 not C.and I wont D.and Ill join(1)D (2)C (3)D (4)动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 表示“也一样” You like football.So do I.neither/nor+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 表示“也不一样”You are not a doctor.Nor is it is/was with sb=it is/was the same with sb用于既有肯定又有否定或既有系动词又有实义动词的情况,意为“也是这样的”John likes fish but he doesnt like meat,so

3、 it is with Mary.His favorite food is bread,but he doesnt like bread with butter.And so it is with his mother./It is the same with his主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词表示对前文提及的情况给予肯定。意为“的确/确实是这样的”主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+so表示该句的主语重复了前文中的动作。意为“某人照办了”The teacher asked me to fetch some chalk,and I did so.(1)I dont

4、know about you,but Im sick and tired of this weather._.I cant stand all this rain.A.I dont care B.Its hard to say C.So am I D.I hope so(2)I reminded you not to forget the appointment. _.A.So you did B.So I do not C.So did you D.So do I(3)I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrib

5、le!A.Nor am I B.Neither would I C.Same with me D.So do I(4)You say he goes to work by bike,_, he does;so you do he does;so do you does he;so do you does he;so you do. (1)C (2)A (3)B (4)B28.有无冠词时意义不同的短语:at table就餐 at the table坐在桌边in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院go to prison 入狱

6、 go to the prison去监狱go to bed 上床睡觉go to the bed去床边They were at table when I got to his house.当我到家时,他们正在吃饭。She sat at the table,looking out of the window.她坐在桌旁,看着窗外。If you break the law,youll go to prison.如果你违反法律,你会坐牢的。He always goes to the prison to see his father who was caught three years ago.他经常去

7、监狱探望三年前被抓进监狱的爸爸。My father was ill last Sunday.He is in_hospital now.A.the B.a D./ D29.现在进行时表将来一般现在时表将来的区别:现在进行时表示将来,其计划性较强,并往往暗示一种意图,现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。 一般现在时表示将来,则其客观性较强,即通常被视为客观事实,多指按时刻表或规定要发生的情况。这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。常表示汽车火车飞机轮船定点到达和出发,学校定期开学等等The train leaves at

8、 six tomorrow morning. The school begins in September;Im going. 我要走了。 When are you starting? 你什么时候动身?比较: Im not going out this evening. 今晚我不准备出去。 What time does the train leave? 火车什么时候开?注意:如果主语是train, concert, programme 等表示事物的名词,动词通常一般现在时表将来,而不用进行时。如: What time does the train leave?(1)Have you seen

9、Jack recently?No.He_for another company working B.had worked C.worked D.was working(2)Thank you for your coffee. But you_it.A.didnt drink B.arent drinking C.dont drink D.hadnt drunk(3)Its said that your journey was not very pleasant.We would have enjoyed ourselves,but the car_a little crowd

10、ed.A.would be B.had been C.was D.would have been(4)The car_the truck so closely,otherwise the traffic accident could have been avoided.A.shouldnt follow B.was following C.has been following D.mustnt follow(5)The boy_hot on the forehead,so he must be sent to hospital at felt feeling C.

11、feels D.has felt(6)The news came as no surprise to me.I_for some time that the factory was going to shut down.A.have known B.had known C.knew D.was knowing(7)The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front冷锋_to arrive.A.will be expected expecting C.expects expected(8)Linda,make su

12、re the tables_before the guests set B.set C.are set D.are setting(9)_hard? Why dont they stop working?A.Isnt it raining B.Hasnt it rained C.Wont it rain D.Wasnt it raining(10)It seldom_here but it_heavily these days.A.snows;snows B.snows;is snowing snowing ;is snowing snowing;s

13、nows(11)The story_how a young man becomes a fine communist.A.describle describing C.described D.describes(12)“The moment_soon,”he thought to himself,waiting nervously.A.came B.has come C.was coming coming(13)Joan,what_in your hand?Look! It is a birthday gift for my grandma.A.had you held B

14、.are you holding you hold D.will you hold(14)Mum,I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I_on Friday.A.get paid paid C.have paid D.had been paid(15)Hurry up! Mark and Carol_us.A.expect B.are expecting C.have expected D.will expect(16)On Monday mornings it usually_me an ho

15、ur to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.A.takes taking C.took D.will take(17)A Midsummer Nights Dream_at the Theatre Royal on 19th June,and then tours throught Scotland.A.opens opened C.will open D.will be opened (open开始,启动)仲夏夜之梦6月19日在皇家剧院首演之后会在整个苏格巡回演出。(18)The tr

16、ain_for Beijing at 8:30.We must hurry up.A.will leave B.left C.leaves D.has left (1)A (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)C (6)B (7)D (8)C (9)A (10)B (11)D (12)D (13)B (14)A (15)B (16)A (17)A (18)C30.下列动词常用于一般现在时,而不用于进行时:表示感官的动词:see,hear,smell,sound,taste,feel表示情感的动词:like,love,prefer,hate,want,hope,wish表示存在状态的动词:be,e

17、xist zst存在,stay,remain表示占有与从属的动词:have,belong,consist knsst由组成,在于He likes drawing very much.I prefer riding to school to taking a bus.Your idea sounds good.31.就一般的-ing形式和-ed形式而言,绝不可以说“-ing形式修饰事物,-ed形式修饰人”,一定要从词义上,并结合句子的具体意思进行区分。请看下面的例子:She is an interesting writer,and Im interested in the subjects th

18、at she writes about.她是一位有趣的作家,我对她写的题材很感兴趣。The boy is really disappointing.He is always making trouble in class.这个男孩的确令人失望。他总是在课堂上捣乱。The boy was disappointed with his results.这个男孩对他的成绩感到失望。There was a surprised look on his face when he heard the news.听到这一消息,他脸上露出惊讶的表情(surprised 修饰“look表情”,是指他本人感到惊讶)(

19、1)Mr Smith is a_teacher.Everybody is_to get close to him.A.frightening;frightening B.frightened;frightened C.frightened;frightening D.frightening;(2)She said nothing.And_tears came to her eyes.A.tired B.tiring C.exciting D.excited激动的泪水(3)The _ expression on her face suggested she was _ when she hear

20、d the newsA.amazing; amazed B.amazed; amazing C.amazed; amazed D.amazing; amazing(4)Those relatives were_people.After a few days,I was getting_and homesick.A.boring;boring B.bored;bored C.bored;boring D.boring;bored (1)D (2)D (3)答案C amazing“令人吃惊的”;amazed“感到吃惊的”,但本题中她脸上的表情应是她感到吃惊后产生的表情,而非表情是令人吃惊的,故用a

21、mazed修饰expression。(4)D32.matter的用法:matter vi 要紧,有关系(用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中)Does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman?工程师是男是女又有什么关系呢?It doesnt matter to me what you do.做什么对我并不重要。You can stay here for another week,or you can go back home tomorrow.It doesnt matter to me.你可以在这儿再住一周,或者明天就回家。这对我并不重要。Sorry

22、,I kept you waiting.It doesnt matter.matter n 事件,问题no matter(相当于副词,与疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句):No matter how hard you try,you will never be successful.不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。(1)Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide? Of course,_,sir.A.Make yourself at home B.Enjoy yourself C.It doesnt matter.D.

23、Take your time(2)I cant say which wine is bestits a(n)_of personal taste.A.affair B.event C.matter D.variety我说不出哪种酒最好,因为这是个人口味的问题。(3)Im sorry for not having told you the news earlier. _.A.Enjoy yourself B.Make yourself at home C.It doesnt matter D.Take your time.(4)The thing that_is not whether you

24、fail or not,but whether you try or not.A.matters B.cares C.thinks D.minds.(1)D (2)C (3)C (4) A 33.C 35.C33.fluency flu:nsi nU(尤指外语)流利,流畅 形容词是fluentflu:nt;副词是fluently。Fluency in Japanese and English is required for this job.这个工作要求日语和英语熟练自如。She practised a lot to achieve/develop greater fluency.为了达到更加

25、流畅的水平,她练习了很多。He spoke English well indeed ndi:d的确,but of course not_a native fluent as B.more fluent than fluently as D.much fluently than34.辨析:a bit和 a little(1)都可以修饰形容词、副词的原级和比较级。(2)都可用作名词短语,在句中作主语、宾语。Please give me a bit/a little。请给我一点吧。(3)修饰名词时,a bit后需加of. a little water=a bit

26、of water(4)在否定句中两者意义完全不同。not a bit=not at all 一点也不 not a little=very(much)很,非常(5)a little=a bit=a little bit=kind of修饰形容词或副词 at访问(后接表示地点的名词或代词)I called at your office as I was passing,but you were out.我路过时去了你的办公室,但你出去了。call on/upon要求;号召;拜访(后接表示人的名词或代词)Mr White has just called on Mrs Zhu to gi

27、ve her a message.怀特先生刚来拜访了朱夫人,带给她一个口信。call in邀请,找来The child is seriously ill;he needs to call in a doctor immediately.这孩子病得厉害,他需要立刻请个大夫。call up给打电话Call me up for需要;要求;(去某处)接人或物Success calls for hard work.成功要靠勤奋。call off取消,停止做Ive called off the out要求某人来,召集(尤指处理紧急情况)The Somali

28、robbers frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to_all nations to take immediate action.A.fight for B.apply for on D.wait on索马里海盗在海上频繁的袭击促使联合国号召所有的国家立刻采取行动。36.way后的定语从句可以用in which或that来引导,或省略。(1)What surprised me was not what he said but_he said it.A.the way the way that the way D.the way which(2)The way_he thought of to solve the problem is a clever B.that which that(3)I d

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