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1、4.How big is Beijing?北京有多大?Beijing has got about twenty million people. 北京大约有两千万人口。5.What a big map of the US!多么大的一张美国地图啊!6.Wheres the West Lake?西湖在哪里?s in the east of China. 它在中国的东部。Module 2 复习卷1.dancing 跳舞,舞蹈2.Chinatown 唐人街,中国城3.sometimes有时4. shop商店 5.then 既然是这样,那么 6.strong 坚固的1.Chinese dancing 中国

2、舞蹈2.send an email发送一封电子邮件3.miss China 想念中国 4. Chinese shops 中国商店5.lots of 许多,大量 6.go to Chinatown 去唐人街 7.the Changjiang River长江 8. the West Lake西湖9.the Huangshan Mountain 黄山1.Do you want to go to Chinatown?你想去唐人街吗?2.Theres a Chinatown in New York. 纽约有一条唐人街。3.There are lots of Chinese shops and resta

3、urants there.那里有许多中国商店和餐馆。4.Can you tell me more about Chinatown?你能告诉我更多关于唐人街的事情吗?5.There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.在中国有许多漂亮的湖泊。6.This is the famous Changjiang River. 这是著名的长江。Module 3 复习卷1.collect收集2. stamp邮票3. hobby业余爱好4. doll玩具娃娃 5. bicycle自行车1.collect stamps收集邮票2.have got有,拥有 kite

4、s放风筝 4.Chinese kites中国风筝5.take pictures拍照 6.ride my bicycle骑我的自行车7.stamps from Canada 来自加拿大的邮票 8.famous people名人1.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 集邮是我的业余爱好。2.Do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗?3.What are those? 那些是什么?These are stamps from Canada. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。4.Have you got any stamps from China?你有来自中国的邮票吗?Y

5、es, I have. 是的,我有。5.They have got famous people on them. 它们上面有一些名人。6.I like riding my bicycle. 我喜欢骑我的自行车。Module 4 复习卷1.Thanksgiving感恩节2.flag旗,国旗 (使) (旗帜)飘扬4.special特殊的,特别的 5.meal餐 6.sound听起来 (美式)橄榄球 8.race比赛,竞赛 9.lantern灯笼 10.hang悬挂,吊1.Thanksgiving Day感恩节2.Flag Day (美国)国旗制定纪念日3. moon

6、cake月饼 4.the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节5.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 6.the Lantern Festival元宵节 7. favourite festival最喜爱的节日 the flag升旗9. sing songs唱歌 10.a big football game一场盛大的足球比赛11.the dragon boat race龙舟赛 12.hang lanterns挂灯笼1.Can you tell me more about American festivals?你能告诉我更多关于美国节日的事情吗?2.Tha

7、nksgiving is my favourite festival. 感恩节是我最喜欢的节日。3.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?感恩节那天你们干什么?We always have a special meal. We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends. 我们经常吃一顿特别的饭。我们为我们的食物、家庭和朋友说谢谢。4.After Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game on TV.感恩节晚餐后,我们在电视上看一场盛大的足球比赛。5.

8、Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival. 我们最喜欢的节日是春节。6.We eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋节我们吃月饼。Module 5 复习卷1.address地址2.French法语3.age年龄4.story故事 5.candy 糖果1. pen friend 笔友2. write to 给某人写信3. speak English说英语 4.write in Chinese用汉语写5. play chess 下棋 football踢足球7. play games玩

9、游戏1.Pleased to meet you!很高兴见到你! 2.Can you speak English?你会说英语吗?3.Ive got two friends from the UK. 我有两个来自英国的朋友。4.Can I write to your friends?我能给你的朋友们写信吗?5.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?你能做我的中国笔友吗?6.We can write in English and Chinese. 我们能用英语和汉语写信。7.I can write emails and stories in English. 我会用英语写

10、电子邮件和故事。8.I like football, reading, swimming and singing songs.我喜欢足球、读书、游泳和唱歌。Module 6 复习卷1.world世界2.often经常 3.difficult困难的 4. knife餐刀;刀子 5.fork餐叉;叉 6.chopsticks(常复)筷子7.Japanese 日本的 Australia在澳大利亚 in 住,居住3.dragon kite龙风筝 the park在公园里 home在家 6.go swimming去游泳 difficult for 对来说是困

11、难的1.What book have you got? 你有什么书?Ive got a book about the world. 我有一本关于世界的书。2.I live in New York, but I am not American. 我住在纽约,但是我不是美国人。3.Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park.大明有一个中国龙风筝,我们经常在公园里放风筝。4.Daming says he will write to you soon. 大明说他不久就会给你写信。5.Have you got

12、a knife and fork or chopsticks? 你有刀叉或者筷子吗?ve got a knife and fork, and chopsticks. 我有刀叉也有筷子。6.Have you got a book about China or a book about the US?你有关于中国的书或者关于美国的书吗?ve got a book about China, but I havent got a book about the US.我有关于中国的书,但是我没有关于美国的书。Module 7 复习卷1.believe 相信2.snake蛇3.together一起,共同4

13、.lucky幸运的 5.bamboo竹子 6.its它的7.body身体 8.flute笛子 9.get变得,变成10.frightened恐惧的,害怕的 the sun 喜欢太阳2.sleep in the winter 冬眠 bamboo喜欢竹子 with和玩耍 e out of从里出来 6.a fantastic present 一份极好的礼物 in a tree住在树上 8.learnfrom 从学到1.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. 熊猫一天中有十二个小时在吃东西。2.Do snakes lik

14、e music?蛇喜欢音乐吗?3.They think the flute is dangerous!它们认为笛子危险!4.Why does the snake come out of the box? 为什么蛇从盒子里爬出来?5.What an interesting DVD!多么有趣的一张光盘啊!6.Elephants like water. 大象喜欢水。7.Bears like to sleep in winter. 熊喜欢在冬天睡觉。8.Dogs like playing with children. 狗喜欢和孩子们一起玩耍。Module 8 复习卷1.stop (使)停止2.clea

15、n打扫;(使)清洁3.camera照相机 4.show把给(某人)看5.never从不1.long ago很久以前 2.Id love to我很乐意3.not really 不全是,事实上没有 fast food 吃快餐 with dolls 和玩具娃娃玩 stories读故事7.clean your room 打扫房间 8.go to the doctor 去看医生 films 看电影 computer games玩电脑游戏11.clean the blackboard 擦黑板 12.visit your grandma 探

16、望你的祖母 13.take photos 照相 14.not very often 不是很经常1.Do you often clean your room? 你经常打扫你的房间吗?2.Do you like reading books now? 你现在喜欢读书吗?3.Do you want to see my photos?你想要看我的照片吗?4.I sometimes eat bananas. 我有时吃香蕉。5.I always ride my bike to school. 我总是骑自行车去学校。6.I never play football. 我从不踢足球。7.Did he show y

17、ou his photos in China? 他给你看他在中国的照片了吗?Module 9 复习卷1.around在四周,到处 2.inside向室内,向里面3.should应该1.the UN building联合国大楼2.all around到处,遍及3.member state成员国 4.go inside 去里面,进入 5.take a photo 拍照 6.want to想要7.all around the world 全世界 8.make a big family组成一个大家庭1.I want to show Daming one of the presents from Chi

18、na.我想给大明展示一份来自中国的礼物。2.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?你想要去参观位于纽约的联合国大厦吗?3.How many member states are there in the UN?联合国有多少个成员国?4.What a big building! 多么高的一幢楼啊!5.There are flags from all around the world.有来自世界各国的国旗。6.Many countries give presents to the UN.许多国家送给联合国礼物。7.Kunming is a

19、beautiful city.昆明是一个美丽的城市。8.There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin.桂林有许多山峰和湖泊。Module 10 复习卷1.line (等候的)长队,队列2.close 关门,关闭3.rule规定,规章 4.quiet安静的5.problem麻烦,困难,问题 6.cross 穿过(马路等);渡过(河)7.librarian 图书馆管理员1.library card借书卡 2.stand in line排队3.go to the library 去图书馆 4.twenty to five四点四十5.the library rules 图书馆规定 6.go straight on 直走

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