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1、by collecting and selling used thing. Their children cannot go to school 3. _because they have not enough money to send their children to there. 4. _Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now? 5. _The answer lies on the population explosion. A president 6. _of a developing country on

2、ce said; “It is us who are to blame for 7. _the poverty because we used to produce child without limit.” 8. _ Although this few words sound simple enough, they have 9. _clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion. 10_3I often read English aloud and try to learn something of 1._im

3、portant in heart. It helps me remember what I have 2. _learned and form a good habit thinking in English. 3. _I listen a lot and communicate with others in English. 4. _In this way, Ive improved both my listening ability or 5. _my spoken English. I keep diary in English every 6. _day and my writing

4、English is becoming better and 7. _better. Beside, I try my best to master the necessary 8. _grammar knowledge. By this means, I can express me 9. _correctly. That s why I have been learning English. 10. _4The main purpose of newspapers are to provide 1. _news. If you examine newspapers closely, you

5、 find that 2. _there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, 3. _sports, books, etc. The news cover everything that happens 4. _to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are 5. _news items which are very interested. 6. _A news report is usually very short, except for when it 7.

6、 _was very important, but it has a lot of information. It 8. _is also writing in short paragraphs. The first paragraph 9. _is in the fact a summary of the news items. It gives all 10. _the necessary information, what, when, where, how, and why. The other paragraphs givefull details of the subject.5A

7、fter I finished the school this year, I began to 1. _look for work. Several months later, I yet hadnt 2. _found the job that I was interested in. Last Sunday 3. _morning I received a phone call from a man calling him 4. _Mr. Green. He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do 5. _very better in your s

8、tudies. I may have a job for you.” 6. _I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped 7. _that I will go through the job-hunting talk and he 8. _would take me on as a lab assistant. And to my surprise, 9. _that he said turned out disappointing. He only needed a model. 10. _6Li Ming , who has

9、been working as postman for 1 two years , always wears a suit of green uniforms . 2 He worked with care as well as with effort . He 3 serves for the people heart and soul . Every day he 4 gets up early to deliver newspapers or magazines . 5 He is so careful and he has never been wrong . 6 One day he

10、 had to send a dead letter and it happened 7 to be raining hardly outside . But he set out immediately , 8 He had asked nearly everybody in the district after 9 he tried to hand the letter to the right person . 10 7Last night I was lonely at home because my husband took 1 Ann , my daughter , for New

11、 York to see his parents. At 8:00 2 I decided to look at a TV programme . I turned the TV set and 3 started to look at a TV play . I am usually not interested in 4 TV plays but I was complete delighted with this one . I was 5 enjoying it very well when something was happened to the 6 picture . I tri

12、ed hard to adjust (调) the set because I want to 7 see who turned off to be the murderer , but the set was out of 8 order and the picture was so bad that I finally had to give in , 9 turn off the set and go to bed at nine , much early than usual . 10 8Dear Andy, I am glad to learn from that you are c

13、oming to China and 1. _will stay at my home .My parents and I are very pleasing to 2. _have you with us .Now let me tell you that we have 3. _arranged(安排)for you .I knew the school will organize a lot of 4. _thing for you to do in the morning ,but in the afternoon, 5. _Ill show her around and take y

14、ou to some places of 6. _interest. Well most stay at home in the evening watching 7. _TV, playing games ,and meeting people. Im sure we will 8. _have wonderful time and enjoy each others company. 9. _ Im looking forward very much to meet you soon. 10. _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua9Last week life didnt l

15、ook very well for heart transplant patient. 1. Barry Brooks from London. He was told six month ago that he would 2. need the operation if he is to survive. He immediately planned to make 3. the across Atlantic journey to the hospital in Chicago to have the 4. operation on. While he was in transit(中转

16、)at JFK airport in New York, 5. he received the news that his new heart had accidentally transported 6. to other hospital. Barry then had to get on a different plane to 7. convey him to the other hospital, there the operation was carried. 8. out in time. Barry is now gradually recovering from the tr

17、ansplant. 9. but he told us,“I feel like being a new man-this new heart has” 10. changed my life.”10We will never forget the day that my classmates and 1. I paid a visit at a chemical factory last month. 2. It was the large one with nearly 20,000 people 3. work in it. There were so many colorful flo

18、wers 4. and trees in our factory that 5. it like a beautiful garden. We also visited some workshops,6. talked to some of the workers and have learned a lot. 7. On the way we felt tired, but we all thought 8. we had never had a much happy day. We hoped that 9. we could get more chances to learn more

19、social experiences. 10. 11Last night when Jim was going over his lesson, his grandma 1. came into her room and chatted with him for a while. Then 2. she got up from the sofa and wanted go to her bedroom. 3. And suddenly she fell down to the ground. Jim was very 4. frightened. Knew her heart trouble

20、must have come again, 5. he quickly phoned nearest hospital for help. Before the 6. doctors came, he helped his grandma lay on her back and 7. comfort her, which made her feel better. Soon help came 8. in and his grandma was sent to hospital at once. One doctor 9. said Jim had done the right thing a

21、nd actually saved her life. 10. 12You can find all kinds information in just 1 a few minute on the Internet . It is like going to a 2 huge library without have to walk around to find 3 your books . Recently even though , many people 4 have been discussing the dangers of the Internet . 5 They have be

22、en reports in America about people 6 trying to steal person information for bad purposes . 7 Finding information on the Net is easily . But not all 8 information are good to society . For example , you 9 can find such information like how to kill people . 10 13 Last summer I learned to ride bicycle.

23、 At first, I was 1 unable to control its direction. Sometimes I fall to 2 the right or to the left. I was worried and told my father 3 impatiently how I could ride straight, so he didnt 4 answer me directly. Instead, he took me to side of the 5 street. “Can you find any bike track real straight?” 6

24、asked my father. I watched more carefully and shook my 7 head. “No,” he said, “in fact, neither of the tracks is 8 always straight. But just by correct the direction 9 every now and then can you go forward. ” 10 14A survey basing on 1 ,000 students found that half of the pupils and 5% 1. of the midd

25、le school students sleeps less than nine hours every night. 2. And too many homework given by school teachers and parents is 3. the main reason .Other reason lies in students bad habits. Some 4. students, for example, are absent-minded while doing his homework . 5. and some waste their after-class t

26、ime. The third reason is that some 6. students have to get up early on week-days to get school far away 7. from home. Experts are calling at schools and parents to cut down on 8. the amount of homework. And students should make a good use of their time. 9. And it would be well if they could choose t

27、o study in a nearby school 10. 15I often read English aloud and try to learn something of 1. important in heart. It helps me remember what I have 2. learned and form a good habit thinking in English. 3. I listen a lot and communicate with others in English. 4. In this way, Ive improved both my listening ability or 5. my spoken English. I keep diary in English every 6. day and my writing Eng

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