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1、11. That was because I saw everything with the strange, new sight that had come to me.12. I tried vainly to put them together.13. We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air.14. The industrial waste gases are harmful to us and we should by all means remove them.15. It is about 170 million k

2、ilometers from the earth to the sun.16. He was thirty-six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle.17. Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bills birthday occurred while he was in Beijing.18. Friction always manifests itself as a force that opp

3、oses motion.19. Matter comprises all the substances of which the Universe is composed.20. It is, perhaps, no accident that many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile men. Right up until comparatively recent times, it was possible for an intelligent person to acquaint hi

4、mself with almost every branch of knowledge. Thus, men of genius like Leonardo do Vinci or Sir Philip Sidney, engaged in many careers at once as a matter of course. Da Vinci was so busy with his numerous inventions, that he barely found the time to complete his paintings; Sindey, who died in battle

5、when he was only thirty-two years old, was not only a great soldier, but a brilliant scholar and poet as well. Both these men came very near to fulfilling the Renaissance ideal of the “universal man”, the man who was proficient at everything.21. These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings.22.

6、 They killed a bottle of kaoliang between them.23. It would be one setback too many for him.24. When it came to reading they were as good as blind.25. Yes, we still have problems-plenty of them. But its just plain wrong, unjust to our country and unjust to our people, to let those problems stand in

7、the way of the most important truth of all; America is on the mend.26. Though we have got this book reprinted again and again, we find it still unavailable in the bookstores.27. 大厅的灯亮的我睁不开眼睛。28 中国是一个历史悠久、人口众多的国家,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大了的贡献。29 “哼,让大家说吧,周家大少爷看上他家里面的女下人,怕什么,我喜欢她。”30血浓于水。31 人们笑贫不笑娼。32 部分由于日

8、益增长的需求,批发茶价几乎翻了一番。33 我读到他的信时既惊又喜,惊的是他还健在,喜的是他一直没有忘记我。 Translation Exercises 21) Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.2)Our age is witnessing a profound political change.3)No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of people of the old generation

9、back 36 years ago.4) Parents love of children is perfect and minute.5)It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.6)It is incontestable that the advent of the Peoples Republic of China was a principal event in the evolution of international relations following World War II.7)Ne

10、ver have we seen so bright a future before us!8) Only by following the instructions of the Party Central Committee, and mobilizing all positive factors, can Chinese people build a well-off society in an all-round way.9) Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.10) To do this is b

11、eyond my ability.11)Lei Fengs noble deeds are above all praise. 12) The fellow is far from being honest.13)The Peoples Republic of China must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future, who believe in man and his glorious man-made destiny.14)This must be made clear n

12、ow in the Party. The comrades must be taught to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be taught to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.15)All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full.16)The Master said, “At

13、fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I know the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.”17)Mencius s

14、aid, “I like fish and I also like bears paws. If I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, and take the bears paws. So, I like life, and I also like righteousness. If I cannot keep the two together, I will let life go and choose righteousness.”18)Mencius said, “Confucius ascended the e

15、astern hill, and Loo appeared to him small. He ascended the Tae Mountain, and all beneath the heavens appeared to him small.”19) Announcement - Your attention, please. The plane flying in (or about to land) is Flight BOAC (British Overseas Airways Corporation) 328 from London, due at 15:27 hours.20)

16、Eternal glory to esteemed and beloved Comrade Lei Feng!21)Sima Xiangru, a native of Chengdu in Shu county, is alternatively named Changqing.22) It rained cat s and dogs three days on end. 23) A person like him is by no means rare.24) Your words were beyond their comprehension, so they flew into a ra

17、ge.25) 历史证明,在科学发展的进程中,一些杰出人物个人的作用不可忽视。杰出的科学家,既为人类物质文明作出贡献,也以自己高尚的道德情操,为人类的精神文明留下宝贵的财富。爱因斯坦在评介居里夫人时说过,第一流人物对于时代和历史进程的意义,尤其是在道德品质方面,也许比单纯的才智成就方面还要大。中国科学院院士是国家设立的科学技术方面的最高学术称号,具有崇高的荣誉和学术上的权威性。老一辈院士大多是我国现代科学技术的开拓者和新中国科技事业的奠基人。他们不仅通过自身的研究成果,而且通过其在科学界的活动而影响他人,甚至一个学科领域。院士们的品德、学风和献身精神在科学界堪称楷模,受到社会各界的尊重。青年摄影

18、家侯艺兵,历经3 年寻踪采访了1980 年以前当选的291 位院士,为他们留影写真;同时,征集院士亲笔题写的他们所喜欢的一句或一段人生格言,汇编成这本大型肖像、手迹画册献给读者,做了一件很有意义的工作。Translation Exercises 31. There are two classes of people: the selfish and the selfless; these are respected, while those are looked down upon.2Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin days (over 2,000 years

19、ago) advanced the doctrine “loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to a country”.3. Men and nations working apart created these problems: men and nations working together must solve them.4. He was astounded but highly pleased that the man who presided over the destinies of the

20、 mighty British Empire should come pleading to him.5. He put forward some new ideas to challenge the interest of all concerned.6. A shy, retiring man known to his Columbia University students as a dull lecturer, he had the brilliance of mind that made him the teacher of his time, respected by presid

21、ents and philosophers alike.7. This was the last place the colonialists would leave, for in it lay riches and natural resources.8. There is a definite link between smoking and heart disease and lung cancer. But this doesnt make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company.9. I dont t each b

22、ecause teaching is easy for me.10. One can scarcely pay too high a price for liberty.11. They plan to publish a work on the effects on international law of the establishment of a new international economic order.12. Revolution in the Marxist sense means a moral as well as a material change.13. No on

23、e will deny that what we have been able to do in the past five years is especially striking in view of the crisis which we inherited from the previous government.14. For new machines or techniques are not merely a product, but s source, of fresh creative idea.15. Just as all truck drivers and constr

24、uction workers are no longer necessarily man, all secretaries and receptionists are no longer automatically women.16. This book is at once interesting and instructive.17. The greatness o a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.18. A home

25、 without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.19. Kissinger took them on for their ability, not their politics - a fact that disturbed Haldeman, who always felt ill at ease in the presence of intellectuals, and, in addition, was suspicious of anyone who was not totally committe

26、d to Nixon.20It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention.21. 顾名思义,这是一束再放的花朵。它曾经绽开在大中学生的教材里,摇曳在中文教师的讲义上,灿烂在无数学子的诵读中。春光如水,十年过去,也许五年或十五年,甚而至于更多一些年头,昔日少年已是今天的白领阶层,抑或社会各个阶层各种角色的扮演者,对于曾经在课堂上读过的文章,至今余香在口,每能忆起,那同学少年,那花样季节,那响彻幽雅校园的琅琅之声,无一不令人心醉。于是有一天,我们这一套书的编者便作如是想,假使将那十年前读过的名篇重编一书,新加评注,让旧的读者以

27、新的心境再读一篇,连同已逝的韶华一并温习,不亦乐乎?朝花惜拾序22. 相传四五千年以前,黄河流域发生了一次特大的水灾,洪水冲毁了房屋和村庄,淹没了田地,淹死了许多人。活着的人只好搬到山上去住,或者离开家乡,逃到很远很远的地方去。Translation Exercises 41.Men in the very beginning of their lifeAre naturally good.Their natures are similarAnd their habits become widely different.2.To feed without teachingIs the fath

28、ers fault.To teach without severityIs the teachers laziness.3.The Master said, Is it not a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals? Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar? Is it not gentlemanly not to take offence when others fail to appreciate your abilities?4. He

29、 encouraged the reemergence of Arab pride, but within the context of realism and responsibility.5. Kissinger, during his news conference, followed a clear two-track policy: soft-talking the Russians out of a confrontation, after having alerted American military forces to get ready for one. That was classic Kissinger.6. For Kissinger, who spent a great deal of time over the next weeks and months smoothing the ruffled feathers of both allies and adversaries, the Presidents announcement had a very special meaning. He had already become something of a celebrity, e

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