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1、课堂导学与互动 任务一:Lead-in Different kinds of outdoor activities:任务二:Listen and answerDaniel and Amy are talking about outdoor activities. Listen to their conversation and find out :1. What are their favourite outdoor activities?2. Why do they like the two activities?任务三:Work in groups and talk about what

2、activities to do this weekend. E.g. A: What outdoor activity would you like to try? B: I would like to go jogging. Why? Because I want to keep healthy and fit. What about you?I would like to What do you like about camping? I think任务四:Language points:任务五:Eddie and Hobo are also doing an outdoor activ

3、ity. Listen and answer:1. What are they doing?2. Does Eddie like it? What about Hobo?Step4:总结提升 PraticeStep5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思Unit 6 Outdoor fun -Reading 1 第二课时1. Master the new words and phrases.2. Learn something about the stor

4、y by using different kinds of reading skills.3. Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.Learn about the simple past tense.Learn something about the story by using different kinds of reading skills.Pay attention to the order of narrating a story.1. Do you read this book or watch the movie?2.

5、Show some pictures one by one. Talk about the story.What did Alice do one sunny day?2. Who did Alice run after?3. What could Alice see on the other side when the small door opened?4. Did Alice go through the small door?Complete Part B1,B2 on Page 71 and B3 on Page 72.Watch a video and Retell the sto

6、ry between Alice and the rabbit.Complete Part B4 on Page 72. Fill in the passage about the story.总结提升归纳重点短语和句型Unit 6 Outdoor fun -Reading 2第三课时复习课文Talk about the story between Alice and a rabbitWork with your group members and try to answer these questions:1. What did Alice see?2. What surprised Ali

7、ce?3. Where did Alice find herself?4. Was it a key for any of the doors?5. Why Alice did not go through the door?Interview Have students prepare some questions in groups first, then each group can suggest one to be the interviewer and interview other studentsLanguage points practice总结提升_Unit 6 Outdo

8、or fun -Grammar 第四课时2. Learn to use the simple past tense.Learn to use the simple past tense correctly.3. 情感目标:Learn to use the simple past tense to describe what happened to us in the past. Learn to use the simple past tense.任务一: Lead-in Show the students a picture and ask the students to work out

9、the rule of the simple past tense.动词过去式的构成Practice 见课件1. We always (go) to Shanghai when I was a child.2. They (not go) to school last Wednesday, they (have) a match.3. Mike (drive) to Nanjing three days ago, he (not, take) a train there.4. She seldom (arrive) home late after work, but she (come) ba

10、ck at 10p.m. yesterday.Finish Page 74 Part A,B.Unit 6 Outdoor fun - Integrated skills第五课时学习单词: wood, period, century, excited, mobile phone dynasty , Italian,province, 学习词组:make a bird out of wood, use bamboo to make kites, century, become famous for, from then on 学习句子:Its dangerous to swim in the l

11、ake. Now everything is ready. Shall we go?能通过听力材料获取有关风筝的信息。能运用获取的信息完成听、说、读、写任务。能用正确的语言谈论户外活动。Multi-media projector, PowerPoint, Exercise paper Lead- in Answer two Questions and have a free talk. Let students give some their own ideas.Presentation and Practice 1. Show the picture on Page 75, Part A1.

12、 Let students say the shapes of the kites. Then show more shapes of kites. 2. Guide the students to watch a picture . Let them know more about kites. Listen and write the students names under their kitesThe students are going to fly kites this weekend. Mr Wu is asking about their kites.3. Read the p

13、hotos in Part A2 and answer some questions. 4. Listen to the tape and Match the correct event. 5. Let students discuss in groups and say something about the history of kites. 6. Groups work: Finish the information and find the language points.Speak-up1. Let students have a discussion on outdoor acti

14、vity in each group. 2. Listen to the tape and answer the question: What will Amy and Shirley do today?3. Read the dialogue and do True or False questions. 4. Act it out. Consolidation 1. Find some Useful expressions. 2. Read Shirleys letter to his mother and complete it. Oral practiceGuide the stude

15、nts to talk about things they can do and cant do. (PPT)Unit 6 Outdoor fun - Study skills第六课时1知识目标:1. 熟悉英语字典中信息的编排顺序。2能正确使用词典查找单词。能正确使用词典查找单词。3情感目标:积极了解惊奇事件。Listen to a song(26 个英文字母歌)。How to use a dictionary The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order from A to Z.If two words start with the

16、same letter, we look at the second letter of the word we want to look up. If the first two letters of two words are the same, we look at the third letter, and so on.Put the following words in alphabetical order. Finish Part A on Page 77.Can you find these words in the dictionary?Finish Part A on Pag

17、e 77. Practice using a dictionary by giving them more words. 课后拓展见导学案 Unit 6 Outdoor fun - Task 第七课时Can describe a thing clearly Can continue to write a story based on the one they have known can write a story.Can continue to write a story based on the one they have knownWords and expressionsListen

18、to the text and answer questions1.What did Alice see on the table?2.Did Alice drink the juice on the table?Put the sentences into the correct order.Read the text again and answer questionsWrite an article about what will happen next.1.Will Alice eat the cake?2.What will happen after that?3.Where wil

19、l she go next?4.What will she see?5.Will she meet the white rabbit again?任务六:Talk about your dreams and little fairy tales(童话故事)you know with your group members.总结提升Language points_Unit 6 Outdoor fun -Self-assessment第八课时学会并掌握本单元教授的语法和词汇。巩固一般过去时。允许学生根据自身水平检测学习进度。Review about the vocabulary, reading,

20、grammar, integrated skills and task. hurry up快点,赶快2.too much太多much too 太3.outdoor activities户外活动4.go riding骑马 some shopping购物6.look up向上看,查询 a coat穿着一件外套8.get away逃离,离开补充get短语9.stand up站起10.go through穿过,通过11.put up搭建,张贴,挂起,举起12.Western people西方人13.makeout of由制成14.from then on从那时起15.have a pi

21、cnic去野餐16.after a while不久过一会plain to sb. about/of/sth./sb.向某人抱怨某事/某人18.on,in,at区别19.by的用法20.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事形容词/副词+主语+谓语!What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+主语+其他!What+形容词+可数名词复数或不可数名字+主语+其他!22. on ones own by oneself alone与lonely区别23.try to do 努力做某事try doing 尝试做某事24.through ,cross,across 区别 25.take spend pay cost用法26.practise / like/stop/finish/enjoy doing 练习做某事27.become famous for/as因为/作为而著名28.excited、exciting;surprised、surprising +be+形容词+to do sth某人做某事是怎样的30.start with从开始31.what to do 32.数词+more+名词再 33forget to do 忘记去做forget doing忘记做过34.enough+名词或名词+enough形容词+enough e

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