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1、可以。好的至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?Chicken.服务生:鸡肉 And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please顾客:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。Boiled potatoes, OK?煮土豆。好的。Thanks very much.顾客:谢谢!OK.服务生:例句:What kind of drinks would you prefer? Beer, juice or other soft drinks?请问喜欢喝点什么饮品?我们有啤酒、汽水或果汁。How many persons, please? 请问几位?Do you ha

2、ve a reservation? 请问有预定吗?Where do you prefer to sit? 请问喜欢哪个位置?I am afraid the tables are all engaged at the moment, Sir/Madam, would you mind to wait for a while? 实在对不起,现在餐厅已经客满,如果您愿意等会儿的话,我们非常欢迎。Could you take a seat in the lobby bar for a while and I will inform you when a table is free? 谢谢,您就在大堂吧

3、那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上请您入座。I am very sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir/Madam. 很对不起,先生/太太,让您久等了 Do you smoke, Sir/Madam? 您喜欢吸烟区还是无烟区?Would you mind sharing a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗?Would you mind sharing a table with that gentleman/Lady? 对不起,您跟那位先生/小姐合用一张台好吗?Would you like to have a drink while waiting for

4、your friend? 您等您朋友之前是否喝杯饮品呢?May I take your order now?请问我现在可以帮您点单吗?What kind of food would you like to have? 请问您喜欢吃点什么? How would you like your steak done, Sir/Madam, medium, medium well or well done? 请问您点的牛扒喜欢几成熟呢?,半熟、七成、或全熟 What kind of dressing would you prefer with your steak?We have black paper

5、 sauce, red wine sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce, Would you like to have your steak with rice, French fries, baked potatoes or spaghetti? 您的牛扒喜欢配什么汁呢?配饭还是配意粉,薯条,焗薯,炒薯。我们有黑椒汁,红酒汁,蘑菇汁,洋葱汁. May I repeat your order now? 我可以重复一下您的点单吗?您点的是。Anything else? Sir/Madam还需要我为您做什么吗?还有其他需要吗?1 Good morning/after

6、noon/evening, sir/madam, what can I do for you? 早上好/中午好/晚上好,有什么可以帮到您吗?Just a moment, please. 请稍等。I want to have dinner in my room. 我想在房间用餐。Your breakfast will be delivered in 20minutes. 您的早餐在20分钟之内送到。Please dial “1” for collecting the used dishes.如需收餐,请打电话1到送餐部。May I collect the used dishes? 可以收餐吗?E

7、xcuse me, sir/madam? Would you like one more beer, 要不要加多一只啤酒呢?Can I take this away? Sir/madam? 我可以帮您把这个收走吗 What kind of beer would you like to have? 您想要哪种啤酒呢?Would you like to have one check or separate checks? 你们要开一张帐单,还是单独开单付帐?May I settle your bill now? 请问现在可以为您结帐吗?How would you like to pay for y

8、our bill? By cash or by credit card? 您打算如何付款呢?签单,付现,还是信用卡。May I have the receipt? 可以给我开发票吗?This is your change and receipt. 这是您的找钱和发票 Guest:Can you put it on my room bill? 客人:可以入房帐吗? Yes, certainly, Sir/Madam. Please put your name and sign here. May I have your room key please? 服务员:当然可以,请在这里签名,并写上房号

9、,我可以看看您的房卡吗?Excuse me, Sir/Madam, your room deposit balance become insufficient now, could you pay cash or settle by credit card now? 先生/女士,您在前台交的押金余额不足,麻烦您付现或者是刷卡可以吗?Excuse me, sir/madam; could you please sign the bill again? As your signature is different from the registration record. 不好意思,您的签名模式跟

10、前台登记时的签名模式不一样,麻烦您重新签一下可以吗?Sign here, please. 请在这里签名好吗?Sorry Sir, this wine does not sell by glass, we have 99 year Great Wall selling by glass or you may choose the small bottle red wine. 对不起,这种酒不卖零杯,如果想喝一杯红酒,我们有99长城红或者有小支的红酒。I am afraid this dish will take some more time to prepare. 真对不起,这个菜需要一定的时间

11、 I am sorry , Sir/Madam, I will change it for you now. 实在对不起,我马上为您重做。Can I bring your dessert for you now? 现在可以上点心了吗?Would you like to have it now or later? 现在要还是等一会儿 The dessert (fruit) is complimentary. I hope you will enjoy it. 这些甜食(水果)是免费赠送的。Thank you for you coming. Hope to see you next time。谢谢

12、请慢走,欢迎下次光临 西餐厅常用句 请问一共几位?How many people,please? 有预约吗?Do you have a reservation ,please?见到您很高兴!Im very glad to meet you!这边走!This way,please! 请里边坐!Come in and sit down ,please! 您休息一下!Take a rest,please!对不起!Im sorry! 没关系!Itdoesnt matter! 请原谅!Excuse me,please!请问您喜欢哪个位置?Where would you prefer to sit ,pl

13、ease?您喜欢大厅的位置还是包间的位置?Would you prefer a table in the main restaurant or in a private room?实在对不起,现在餐厅已客满,但是如果您愿意等会的话,我们非常欢迎!Im sorry ,the house is full of all now,But if you like to wait for a moment,youre more than welcome. 您需要点什么?What would you like?请尝尝今天的特色菜好么?Would you like to try todays special?

14、您喜欢什么点心?What kind of pastry would you like?对不起,让您久等了!Isorry to have kept you waiting so long !真对不起,这个菜需要一定时间,您能多等一会么?Sorry, it takes some time for this disk ,could you waite a little bit longer?对不起,这个品种刚卖完!Im very sorry ,that disk in not available now. 好,马上就来!Yes,right away! 好,请稍等!Ok,just a minute!您

15、要的菜齐了!All your dishes are here!向左转Turn left,please! 一直往前走!Go ahead straightly! 再见See you again!祝您健康!Wish you good health! 祝您生日快乐!Happy birthday!祝您在中国愉快!Wish youll have a pleasant time in China!您喜欢吃点什么?What would you like to eat?您想哪类菜?What kind of foods do you have?我带您入座,请这边走!Ill show you your table

16、this way please!需要点什么菜?这是菜单,决定了要点什么菜以后,请招呼一声服务员好吗?Here is your menu could you call a waiter when you areeday to order? 现在要还是一会要?Now or latter?先生,让您久等了,请用午餐!Thank you for waiting ,sir,please enjoy your lunch. 我可以撤掉这个盘子么?May I take away this dish?我可以为您结账么?May I make out the bill for you now?午安,先生,欢迎您下

17、次光临!Good afternoon,sir,welcome to the dining-hall next time!餐厅会话(一) A:Excuse me. Can you suggest a good restaurant?请问,你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗?B:Yes. What kind of food would you like to eat?好的,你想吃什么样的东西?Are there any Chinese restaurants around here?这附近有没有中国餐厅?Theres one across the street.对街有一家。Where can I have t

18、he best local food?哪里可吃到最好的本地食物?I suggest you try Green Inn.我建议你去Green Inn试试看。Is it very far from here?离这里很远吗?餐厅会话(二) Do you know if theres a good Chinese restaurant nearby?你知道这附近有好的中国餐厅吗?Are there any Chinese restaurants along the street?这条街上有没有中国餐厅?Is there a less expensive restaurant near here?这附

19、近有没有较便宜的餐厅?Id like to eat some French food.我想吃一些法国菜。d like to book a table for three at seven this evening.我想订三个人的座位,今天晚上7点。For three. And your name please?三位。您贵姓?d like to make reservation, please.我想预订桌位。餐厅会话(三) d like a table for three or four at seven.我想订7点钟的3人或4人桌位。Please reserve a table for thr

20、ee.请预留一个3人桌位。m sorry, Ill be about thirty minutes late.抱歉,我将晚到30分钟左右。Do I have to be formally dressed?我必须穿正式服装吗?Good evening. How many people do you have in your party?晚上好。你们有几位?Three.三位。下午7点:Were a party of three.我们三个人。ve reserved a table.我们已经订了桌位。Do you have a table for three?有没有可供三个人坐的桌位?Are you

21、serving lunch now?你们现在正供应午餐吗?餐厅会话(五) This way,please. This is your table.请这边走,这是你的桌位。Well,can I have that table by the window?We want to enjoy the night view of New York.嗯,我们可以坐靠窗的位子吗?我们想享受一下纽约的夜景。How about this table, sir?这个桌位如何?先生。This is just fine, thank you.好的,谢谢。May I sit down there by the wind

22、ow?我能坐那里靠窗的位子吗?d like seats near the window.我们想坐靠窗的位子。餐厅会话(六) d like to have to table near the street.我们想要一个靠街的桌位。This is your menu. Your waitress will be here soon. Enjoy your dinner.这是你的菜单,服务员马上来,请享用你的晚餐。Thank you.谢谢你。May I take your order?你要点菜了吗?d like to see the menu, please.我想看看菜单。m sorry. I th

23、ought you had one. Here you are.抱歉,我想你已经有一份了,在这里。餐厅会话(七) May I see a wine list?我能看看酒单吗?Have you decided yet?你决定了吗?I dont know anything about American food. What do you recommend?我不了解美国菜,你能推荐什么吗?What would you recommend?你能推荐什么菜吗?Whats todays special?今天的特餐是什么?ll have what you suggest.我要点你所推荐的菜。餐厅会话(八)

24、 s this?这是什么?Simply speaking, its sirloin steak with sauce.简单地说,这是上腰牛排加调味料。Would you explain what this is?请你说明这是什么好吗?Is this good?这味道好吗?What comes with the Captains Plate?Captains Plate是什么菜?s in the combination platter?拼盘内是什么菜?餐厅会话(九) May I change my order?我能变更我所点的菜吗?May I have tea instead of coffee

25、?我可以改要茶不要咖啡吗?What will you have?你要点什么?Just a moment, please. I havent made up my mind yet.请稍等,我还没决定。May I take your order, sir?Yes. Let me see. May I have a bottle of white wine?是的,我看看,我要一瓶白葡萄酒好吗?Two glasses of red, please.两杯红酒。餐厅会话(十) May I have some sherry to begin with?我们先来点雪莉酒好吗?ll start with gr

26、een pea soup.我先来个豌豆汤。d like French onion soup.我要法式的洋葱汤。ll order dessert later.我等会儿要点甜点。ll have ice cream for dessert.我的甜点要冰淇淋。ll have coffee after dinner.晚餐后我喝咖啡。ll have your Breakfast A.我要你们的A式早餐。餐厅会话(十一) No.8, please.8号菜。Steak, please.牛排。How would you like it?要几分熟?Well-done, please.全熟。How do you w

27、ant your steak?你牛排要几分熟?Medium, please.5分熟。餐厅会话(十二) How would you like your eggs?你的蛋要怎么做?I want to have them sunnyside up.我要蛋黄在上面的煎蛋。How do you want your eggs?Scrambled, please.炒蛋。How do you like your whisky?你的威士忌要怎么喝?With water and ice.加水和冰块。餐厅会话(十四) What kind of juice would you like?你要喝什么果汁?ll have a glass of orange juice.我要喝桔子汁。This is not what I asked for.这不是我所点的。m sorry. What did you want to have?抱歉,你点什么?I didnt order this.我没点这个。餐厅会话(十五) I dropped my spoon.我汤匙掉了。Would you bring me another fork, please?请再给我一支叉子好吗?May I have some water, please?请给我加点儿水好吗?Would you like to take it

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