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1、viral marketing 传染式营销best face forward 展现最佳面貌speak with One voice 统一传播口径the edge 优势top to bottom 自上而下Billboard 广告路牌Blow in card 报刊广告插页Bulldog edition 报纸的早发版Car card ka:ka:d 车厢广告Counter advertising 异议式、对抗式广告Display advertisement 陈列式广告Electric spectacular 霓虹灯广告Free-standing insert 非装订广告插页House organ 企

2、业专刊(杂志)Insert 广告插页Island display(超市内)堆头式陈列mail-order advertising 邮购广告network 电(视)台网out-of-home advertising 家外媒体painted bulletin 手绘广告牌panel 广告牌pass-along reader 传阅读者poster panel 用印刷画 面拼贴的广告牌shelf screamers 货架插件广告物supplementary media 辅助媒体(非大众传媒)vehicle 广告载体count out 清点,算出make it through the day 过一整天pa

3、ssoff to 把给出poster panel 用印刷四画面拼贴的广告牌supplementary media 辅助媒体count to 清点,算出ad planning 广告策划admen 广告人appeal 诉求consumer behavior 消费者行为copy platform 文案大纲creative stratgy 创意策略DAGMAR 广告效果评估体系Day part 时段Decay constant 衰退常数hierarchy-of-effect theory 效果层级理论infomercial 电视直销节日market profile 市场状况market segment

4、ation 市场细分persuasion process 劝服过程primary demand advertising 品类诉求广告product-related segmentation 产品消费量细分seasonality 季节性selective demand advising 选样性诉求(品牌)广告soft sell 软销,感受型广告strategic planning 战略策划teaser campaign 悬念式(调味)广告攻势rule-of thumb 经验法则brand manager 品牌经理corporate advising 企业广告family brand 多品类品牌g

5、eneric brand 非名牌(产品)green advertising 绿色策略式广告image advertising 形象广告line 产品系列name-brand 名牌national brand 全国性品牌parity 同等private brand 零售商自有品牌product different 产品差异product management品牌管理product positioning 产品定位reference group 参照组tagline (广告)行动口号top -the -line 顶级的trade character 吉祥物utility 好处,用途really d

6、o something with 确实能用它做些文章zccumulation 受众数(特定周期内)audience duplication 重复受众brand development index 品牌成长指数category development index(CDI) 销量成长指数coverage 覆盖率,覆盖范围cumulative coverage 累计(总)覆盖率exposure 告显露次数frequency 广告频次gross audience 受众总量gross impression 总印象gross rating points 总收视点loyalty index 忠诚度mags

7、杂志(简写)media concentration theory 媒体集合理论media dominance theory 媒介优势理论media plan 媒体计划net unduplicated audience 受众participation 参与program delivery rate 节目到达率reach 到达turnover 受众流失overall 全部的rerunning numbers 复核-的数据archetype 标准受众,原型availability 空余时段back- to-back 广告连播chain break 节目提示标板circulation 发行量conti

8、nuity 持续型排期continuous advertising 持续型广告fresh 新颖的fringe time 非黄金时段holding power 节目(频道)凝聚力holdover audience 既有观众inherited audience 既有观众open end 节日提示语广告时段piggyback 同一客户广告连播prime time 黄金时报pulsing 栏栅式(或间隔式)排期roadblock 拦路广告run-of-schedule(ROS) 非指定时段staggered schedule 交错排期wave scheduling 波浪式排期wear out 广告磨损

9、ln lieu Of 代替buried position 被淹没的广告位column inch 栏英寸(报纸广告单位)double truck 双页,告(跨页)facing 一个广告牌(户外媒体单位)franchised position 专用广告位置insertion 平面媒体广告次数insertion order 广告版位定购island position 独立广告版位lifestyle segmentation 生活形态细分local advertising 地方性广告make good 补偿广告media buy 媒体购买media buying service 媒体购买代理narro

10、w casting 小范围播放(窄播)preferred position 首选广告版位readership 读者人数representative 媒体销售代表run-of-press 随意安置的广告版位split run 分版刊登spreadspred 杂志跨页card rate 广告市价combination 套装广告价controlled circulation 定向发行量cost per point(CPP) 每收视点成本cost per thousand(CPM) 每千人成本earn rate 媒体折扣价flat rate 统一价格grid card 电波广告刊例guaranteed

11、 circulation 承诺发行量horizontal publication 横向出版物广告术语创作用语 广告讯息advertising message 艺术art 艺术方向art direction 艺术家artist 美术总监art director 大创意big idea 头脑风暴法brainstorming 传播媒介communications media 概念化conceptualization 文案人员copywriter 创意纲要creative brief 创意总监creative director 创意过程creative process 创意金字塔creative py

12、ramid 创意creative 创造creativity 感性诉求emotional appeals 控险家explorer 事实型思维fact-based thinking 信息性informational 法官judge 指定mandatories 讯息战略message strategy 非文字nonverbal 产品概念product concept 理性诉求rational appeals 目标受众target audience 技巧technical 转换性transformational 价值型思维value-based thinking 文字的verbal 形象化visual

13、ization 战士warrior 样片animatic 动画技法animation techniques 声频audio 艾耶1号式Ayer No.1 利益式标题benefit headlines 正文body copy 粗体boldface 照相制版camera-ready art 表演纲要casting brief 结尾close 命令式标题command headlines 末稿comprehensive layout/comp 演示demonstration 设计design 技巧式正文device copy 对白/独白式正文dialog/monolog copy 旁白donut 标

14、题headline 吸引技巧hook 图标icon 插图画家illustrators 企业形象式正文institutional copy 整合广告integrated commercial 内容段落interior paragraphs 斜体italic 歌谣式jingles 肩题kicker 布局图layout 预备段落lead-in paragraph 生活方式式技法lifestyle techniques 标志logotypes 助记手段mnemonic device 音乐式广告musical commercials 音乐标志musical logo 叙述式正文narrative cop

15、y 新闻/信息式标题news/information headlines 出镜头on camera 拼版paste up 摄影师photographers 图片说明式正文picture-caption copy 方框图片式布局picture-window layout 招贴式格式poster-style format 主持人式广告presenter commercial 启发式标题provocative headlines 疑问式标题question headlines 广播人物radio personality 脚本script 印签seal 签名signature cuts 生活片段sli

16、ce of life 口号slogans 故事板storyboard 故事板草图storyboard roughs 直截了当式straight announcement 直接推销式正文straight-sell copy 副标题subhead 标题句taglines 证言testimonial 正文text 主题句theme lines 小样thumbnail 收尾trial close 图形部分visuals 旁白voiceover 模拟校样analog proof 动画animation 合成片answer print 光圈aperture 音控台audio console 底片base

17、art 出血版bleeds 蓝线blueline 照相排版术camera-ready art 字符计算式character-count method 电影摄影师cinematographer 截止期closing date 色基color key 分色color separation 连续调continuous tones 控制室control room 组排copy cast 封面纸cover paper 青、黄、红、黑印刷CYMK printing 数字媒介digital media 数字校样digital proof 数码视频效应装置DVE units 导演director 特排字体di

18、splay type 复制带dubs 拷贝dupes 电子制作electronic production 晒版台纸flats 一套铅字font 四色印刷four-color process 网目凸版halfone plate 网屏halftone screen 互动电视interactive TV 任务夹job jacket 出格kerning 电脑亭kiosk 加空铅leading 硬性软片line film 线画版line plate 实景真人live action 外景地location 制片场lot 指令mandatories 公共场所mass audience venue 母带mas

19、ter tape 合成样片mixed interlock 多媒体演示multimedia presentation 正色投影胶片orthographic film 透明塑料膜overlay 个人场所personal audience venue 平台使用费platform licensing 后期制作阶段postproduction phase 开印前阶段prepress phase 预备阶段preproduction phase 印刷制作经理print production manager 印刷制作过程print production process 非公开场所private audienc

20、e venue 制片人producer 制作阶段production phase 复映复播追加酬金residual fee 反差套印reverse knockout 无衬线字体sans serif 最低合同工资scale 衬线字体serif 一场session 特技special effects 插播广告spots 剥版stripping 叠supers 演播人员talent 自动台词提示器teleprompter 课本纸text paper 正文字体text type 合套trap 字系type families 排印工艺typography 网页Web page 单词计算式word-cou

21、nt method 工作样片work print 书写纸writing paper 广告术语公共关系用语 社论式广告advertorial 倡导广告advocacy advertising 伏击式营销ambush marketing 视听材料audiovisual materials 公告牌bulleting boards 社会参与community involvement 企业广告corporate advertising 企业识别广告corporate identity advertising 危机管理crisis management 娱乐entertainment 展品exhibits

22、 特写feature articles 内部通报house organ 以货代款in kind 机构广告institutional advertising 游说lobbying 前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising 营销公关marketing public relation 新闻简报news/press release 意见抽样opinion sampling 慈善行为philanthropy 招贴posters 传媒炒作press agentry 传媒工具press/media kit 公共事务public affairs 公共关系户public

23、 relations 公共关系广告public relations advertising 宣传publicity 公众publics 招聘广告recruitment advertising 声望经营reputation management 撰写讲演稿speechwriting 赞助sponsorship 赛场营销venue marketing 新闻通报录像video news release 广告术语广播媒介用语 执行证明书affidavit of performance 受众构成audience composition 受众占有率audience share 时间表avails 一刻平均

24、听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating 一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share 交换辛迪加barter syndication 无线电视broadcast TV 有线电视cable TV 单位成本CPP 千人成本CPM 累积听众数cumulative persons 累积收听率cumulative rating 时段组合day-part mix 预定市场区域designated market areas 班车时间drive time 首播辛迪加first-run synd

25、ication 毛评点gross rating points 开机家庭HUT 形象移植imagery transfer 信息式广告informercial 互相连接interconnect 存货inventory 地方时间local time 赔偿条件make-goods 广播电视网networks 网外辛迪加off-network syndication 协办participation basis 占位价格preemption rate 黄金时段prime time 节目式广告PLA 节目收率视program rating 节止编排形式programming formats 视听率调查服务公

26、司rating services 电台指定时间run-of-station 点播广播spot announcement 点播广播spot radio 受众总数total audience 总体受众计划total audience plan 电视家庭TVHH 特高频UHF 甚高频VHF 广告术语互动媒介用语 广告网络ad networks 广告查询ad request 横幅广告banner 阔幅说明书broadsides 手册brochures 商业回邮件business reply mail 按钮button 有线调制解调器cable-modem 目录catalogs 光驱CD-ROM 分类广告Web站classified ad Web site 点击率click rate 点进率click-throughs 编辑名录compiled lists 小甜饼cookies 立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digit

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