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1、no one (单人不连用)8. be able to = can 能够9. ring up = call up = phone = call 给打电话(call sb. at号码:给打电话号码是)10. care for = take care of = look after 照顾某人11.lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 ; alone = by oneself 单独,独自12. at first 首先;in the end最后13. sothat如此以至于;tooto 太以至于不能;enoughto去做某事足够14. four main roles 四个主角15. make peace wi

2、th 和和解16. a ticket to the sound of music 一张音乐之声的电影票17. what a shame真可惜 guess what 猜怎么了18. there was none left一 张都不剩。重点单词:Invite disappointed poor unpopular silly mad cruel landlord moving lively lovely please frightened gesture culture foreigner grateful facial paintingUnit 5 topic 2重点词汇、语法、句子:1. 询问

3、发生什么事了的句子:Anything wrong? Whats the matter with you?s wrong with you?What happened to you? What seems to be the problem(? 怎么啦?)2. seem 的三种句型: it seems +句子; it seems to do sth ; it seems +形容词3. do well in = be good at在方面做得好、擅长于 do badly in 在方面做得不好be good for ; be bad for 对有益、害4. be strict with对严格要求;t

4、ell jokes讲笑话;sendto.把寄给5. take it easy 另着急 ;whats more,而且6. pass the exam通过考试;fail the exam 考试不及格7. fall into 掉进 ; fall off 从 上摔下来 ; fall down 摔倒、倒塌8. give a suggestion提建议 (a piece of advice 一条建议)9. with the help of 在的帮助下 ; deal with 对付、处理 ;eve n though 即使;clap on es han ds拍手10. be used to+名词 (习惯于、常

5、常);used to+动原 (过去常常)11.和 样;not soas不如怎么样(中间用形容词或副词原形)12. no longer ; = not any longer 再也不 重点单词:shy feeling experience nervous stranger accept elder refuseunderstand solve sadness unfairsoft musicUnit 5 topic 31. 后面须接省掉不定式to的动词有:let make have see hear等2. be sorry about 对感到很伤心 ; be afraid of 害怕

6、calm down 镇定下来; take bitter medicine 吃苦药follow the doctors advice 听从医生的建议; give a speech做演讲take turns to轮流做某事; Its my turn to轮到我做某事get along well with 与相处融洽 ; think over 仔细思考be in a good mood有一个好心情; make an important decision作重要的决定bring back a sense of happines找回幸福感; such as例女口get help from sb. = as

7、k sb. for help 向寻求帮助3. just as 正如; smile at life 笑对人生4. sometimes有时候;some times 一些次数;sometime 某时;some time一段时间5. give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊讶; fall asleep 入睡6. stay in good spirits保持好的精神状态;get back to your daily activities 恢复日常活动7. Thats very nice of you.你太好了You will get well soon. 你马上将会好起来的The boss m

8、akes the workers work for 14 hours a day.I cant get together with my family. I feel very lonely and my eyesfill with tears. Its very important for us to be in a good mood.monitor affect (moods, feelings, thoughts, spirits) especially hang confidentTopic noise -noisy decision - decideUnit 6 topic 1 重

9、点词汇、语法、句子:1. Go on (have) a spring field trip 去春游Go on a three-day visit to Mount Tai 去泰山三日游2. find out弄清楚、查明;raise money筹钱;work out算出、想出Come up with 赶上;at noon在中午 ;in the daytime在白天3. make a room reservati on 二 book a roo m 预定房间4. hear from sb. = receive a letter from sb .收至 U某人的来信5. decide to do s

10、th.决定做某事 decide on+名词 决定、选定6.look forward to +名词 /动词 ing 盼望、期望7.order 订购、点菜、命令、菜单、订单8.leave sw. 离开某地 leave for 前往某地9. at the top of在顶端 at the foot of在脚下10. each和every都是每一个,区别是:each可与of连用every不能;each可与 单复数连用而 every只能与单数连用如 each student they each, every studen。11. as soon as 就12. 不定式的四种用法:It is hard t

11、o say.There are other vehicles for us to choose.Your task is to find out the cost to go by bus.13. 四个表示花费的用法区别:It takes 某人+时间 +to do sth.人 spend 时间 (in)doing sth. 或 人 spend +金钱 on sth.人 pay+ 金钱 for 某物 (注: pay for 为付款 )物cost +金钱 或it costs某人+金钱+to do sth.14. see the sun rise看日出 ; places of i nterest 名

12、胜古迹have a rest休息一会;in the open air在户夕卜discuss book cinema standard condition comfortablecommon cellphone safely localDeparture time/arrival timetopic 21. be on vacation在度假;make a plan制定计戈U ; come along with 禾口 起来2. spread over遍布、蔓延、遍及 ;make sure确信,保证;in the old days在过去3. be surprised atX寸感到惊讶;take o

13、ut拿出;step on踩到4. out of sight看不见;stand for代表着、标志着5. you bet!当然 By the way 顺便问一下;thank goodness谢天谢地6. be busy +doing 忙于做某事 女口: I was busy preparing for my exams.7. on both sides of在的两边 on each side of在的每一边8. while when as都可表示当的时候,注意它们的区别9. 方位:east东 south 南 west 西 north 北southeast南方 southwest西南方 north

14、east东北方 northwest 西北方eastern东方的 in the no rthwest of在的西北方介词的区别 in 表示范围以内的; on 表示接壤的; to 表示相隔开的10. walk through走过 (强调内面通过);go across穿过 (强调表面通过)11. one and a half hours = one hour and a hal一 个半小时12. be full of = fill with 充满了、装满了13. no t un til 直至 U 才 女口: he did nt raise his head un til some one calle

15、d him.14. could nt help doi ng情不自禁的做某事、忍不住的做某事15. get on 上车; get off 下车;get up 起床16. have fun 二 have a good time = enjoy on eself玩 的开心、过得愉快have fun 后面+ doing 开心的做某事17. push his way out 挤出来18. The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs.The crowd of people pushed him in all dire

16、ctions.Perfect camping dialog hiking survey tour passage notice beside realize beat(打败对手、跳动、敲打)raise(筹集、饲养、提升、抬起) topic 31. spit in public 当众吐痰 ; slow down 减速 ; run into 撞到2. be in danger处于危险中;get a fine受到处罚;be famous for因而得名3. have cancer患癌症; make a comeback复出;ride into 挤进,载入4. once again再一次; be br

17、oken是坏的; 21 timed stages21 个时段5. be hurt = get hurt = hurt oneself 受伤6. more than = over 多于、超过7. on the left-hand side of = on the left of 在的左边8. around the world = all over the world 全世界9. from till=from to 从 至U10.obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 / break the traffic rules 违法交通规则11. cause 引起 ; avoid do

18、ing sth. 避免12. death死(名词) dead死的 die死(动词) dying临死的13. stop doing sth.停止做某事/ stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事go on doing sth.继续做同一件事/ go on to do sth继续做另一件事14. betwee nan d / among 在之间15. a sharp turn to the left 向左的急转弯16. warn sb. to do sth.警告某人去做谋事 ;warn sb. About警告某人关于某事warn sb. aga inst doing sth.警告某人不做某事

19、17. Cars often cost three times as much as bicycles. = cars often cost twice more than bicycles.18. I will face it head-on.19. It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record.20. His path to success was nt smooth.21. Today the race covers around 2000 miles.重要单词:passenger crazy pollution opposite r

20、ush light-colored Britaintrouble achievement courage challenge lead certain finalresult Asia central altitude successful倚窗远眺,目 光目光尽处必有一座山,那 影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是 春天的颜色。周 遭 流 岚 升 腾 ,没 露 出 那 真 实 的 面 孔 。面 对 那 流 转 的 薄 雾 ,我 会 幻 想 ,那 里 有 一 个 世 外 桃 源 。在 天阶夜色凉如水的夏夜,我会静静地,静静地,等待一场流星雨的来临许下 一个愿望, 不乞 求去实 现, 至 少, 曾 经, 有那 么一刻 , 我那还未枯 萎的, 青春的, 诗意的心, 在我最美的年华里, 同星空做了一次灵魂的 交流秋日里,阳光并不刺眼,天空是一碧如洗的蓝,点缀着飘逸的流云。偶尔,一片飞舞的 落叶,会飘到我的窗前。斑驳的印迹里,携刻着深秋的颜色。在一个落雪的晨,这纷纷扬扬 的雪,飘落着一如千年前的洁白。窗外,是未被污染的银白色世界。我会去迎接,这 人间的 圣洁。在这流转的岁月里,有着流转的四季,还有一颗流转的心,亘古不变的心。

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