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1、 I love running! In fact, this weekend I will run in my first marathon! Me, too. Really? You are running in a marathon?What do you know about running in a marathon? I know that theres a lot of running and sometimes you can win a medal. And how long have you been training? I started today. Ive been t

2、raining for an hour No , an hour and seven minutes!2.过程与方法目标 采用任务型教学和开放型教学策略。开放性地处理教材,插入学生感兴趣的图片、声音等,丰富学生知识,拓宽他们视野,实现知识的整合。结合学生实际,力求设计出切实可行的任务型活动,以“能做某事”为评价标准,不断培养学生综合语言运用能力。3.情感态度价值 (1)热爱科任教师并努力学好所有科目,将来更好地为人类服务。(2)懂得合作,热爱竞争,拥有拼搏向上的学习生活精神,让生命充满活力希望。四教学重点 1. Physical exercise, mentally and physicall

3、y, optimistic, optimists, pessimistic, pessimists, bent down, some walk with their shoulder back and heads held high 2. descriptions about some habits and mind五. 教学难点1.listening to and grasp the details2.try to perform and speak out the sentences fluently六. 教学准备(一)教师准备1.搜集课件素材,准备制作课件。2.准备听力磁带,录音机。3.

4、学习新课程理念,理清教学思路,设计好教学环节。(二)学生准备1.预习,温故而知新。七教法指导 遵循学生是学习的主人的原则,在为学生创设实际情景的基础上,引导学生自主思考、交流、讨论、归纳、学习,通过“问题情境-自主探究-拓展应用”的模式展开。八学法指导在重点口语训练的同时,加强听说读写各环节的综合训练,主意日常英语学习习惯的养成。九课型新授十课时第3课时十一.教学过程 教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1OrganizationOrganize Ss bygreeting each other学生起立问候老师并坐。组织进入上课状态。出示“Are you ready?”幻灯,并询问学生准备

5、好了吗?学生准备好英语课用品,如笔记本、练习本、双色笔和积分表等。养成良好的英语学习习惯。Step2Lead-in1. 展示课题,并请一位学生将课题写在黑板上。检查书写正误。其余学生将课题写在导学案上。导出本节课的课题。2.出示本节课目标,了解本节课的三维目标及重难点。学生在教师的引导下浏览学习目标。学生从宏观上对本节课有一个初步认识。知道本节课学习的重难点。Step3.自学检测重点词汇突破1.出示各种图片,让学生回答照片中的相关词汇。学生回答。其中用到了教师的生活照片来学习检测科目词汇,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生集中注意力。使学生对自学检测感兴趣。2.引导学生在回答问题后动手写出。巡视检查写

6、完同学的答案。一部分学生在黑板上写,其余在导学案上写。重点词汇学习,重视说与写的技能训练。加强学生英语自主学习能力培养。3.展示所需填写的词汇,引导学生集体朗读3遍,并检查黑板书写正误。学生集体朗读3遍。重点词汇学习,朗读能力训练。Step4.随堂练习()LISTENINGPRACTICE(A) Listen and fillin the blanks with the descriptions.1.听前准备,引导学生重视听力要求及听力技巧。注意答案关键词记录。学生听前审题,准备听力训练。通过听力练习学习掌握描述科目品质的形容词。2.播放第一遍磁带。学生听,并记录答案。听力技能训练。3.播放第


8、体验、价值导向1.出示几句有关健康的经典谚语和同学们共同分享。学生聆听感受体验。情感体验升华,引导学生重视热爱自己的身体,并养成健康生活的良好习惯。Step7.谈谈收获与评价1.教师引导学生总结本节课所学知识。学生谈收获并总结记录笔记。通过总结来巩固本节课所学知识。2.教师引导学生评价本节课自己的表现与其他同学的表现。学生自评互评本节课的表现。学会反思,激发同学们的学习兴趣和提高同学们自我超越的意识。Step8.作业分层布置教师分层布置作业。学生记录适合自己水平层次的作业。作业分层设置,有利于课后不同水平层次同学的知识巩固与提升。作业内容Group A:Copy the new words 3

9、 times and remember them.Group B:Make a dialogue using the target language.Group C: Interview three classmates and complete the chart. And give us a report in the next class.NameHealthy HabitsReason(Why)Li JingjingNo stay up layeGet full sleep 十二板书设计Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsDescription1.

10、Physical exercise2. mentally and physically3. optimistic, optimists4. pessimistic, pessimists5. bent down6. some walk with their shoulder back and heads held high13. 教学反思14. 课程内容Stage1. Introduction As an English proverb tells, we eat what we are, and we do what we are.Do you understand what is the

11、meaning of it?(学生回答)It means if we eat healthy food, do enough exercise or form some other healthy habits, we will do have a healthy body. But if we form some unhealthy habits, we will be in an unhealthy situation. Do you live in a healthy or an unhealthy life style?Ok, now ,lets take a person .For

12、example.lets look at two pic. 1. And guess who is he?2. And then discuss what happened to him during this thin to fat process?(让学生讨论,然后在黑板(画好了对比简图)上填写,自己先写一个例子:not enough exercise)These maybe parts of our students opinions.In mine, I think maybe I have formed myself some unhealthy habits. Followings

13、 are what I am thinking.Stage 2Now lets look at some pictures and learn some new words.Read the sentences and look the pics and guess what is the meaning of it.Now if I want to change such situation, and I want to be healthy, strong and handsome. What should I do? Please listen to the tape and find

14、out what I should do in the following days. And during listening, please fill the details in the blank. for example. 1.4(直接打出来)1.Do you want to get colds?2.Do you want to be fat?3.Do you want to get cardiovascular disease?4.Do you want to get other health problems?5.Do you want to be handsome or bea

15、utiful?6.Do you want to be fast and smart?7.Do you want to want to be rich and fit?So what should we do?Do such things.Stage3Someone maybe hurt himself or herself, after too much exercise.What should we do during exercise?1.Lets watch a video and find out the the video again and learn

16、 their pronunciation and tone. And practice with your partner and act it out.十五导学案1. Physical exercise is good for health problems.2. Staying healthy , both mentally and physically ,is very important for learning and memory.3. Among us students, some are optimistic, So we call them optimists. And so

17、me maybe the opposite-pessimistic, and we call them pessimists.4. Some people walk with their heads bent down and some walk with their shoulder back and heads held high. Listen to the radio, and fill answer in to blank.Radio one.1. About_ billion people around the world do not get enough physical ex

18、ercise. That represents about _of the worlds adult population.2. A new WHO report warns that _exercise greatly increases the risk of _.Radio Two.1. _is International Sleep Day.2. And we should all celebrate the act of_. Studies have shown that a good nights rest helps us stay healthy, both mentally

19、and physically. 3. _is important for the learning and memory process. Radio Three.1. Do you say it is _or_?2. People who are optimistic may live _than those who are pessimistic.Radio Four.What does Ms. Cuddy want you to do when facing your next stressful situation or a difficult challenge?1.Take _to

20、 power pose. 2.Spread your _wide above your _as if you are winning a race.3.Stand like the superhero Wonder Woman with _on hips and _-width apart. Dialogue A marathon is a good fitness goal too. I want to challenge myself in a marathon and maybe win a medal! Hey, theres Ashley. Ashley! Wait for me! Its Anna! Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. Are you okay, Anna? I just ranfrom over there. Running is really, really hard! Do you want to sit down, Anna? No Anna, training a little everyday is a good habit to get into. Not all at once! Thanks for the advice, Ashley.

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